Here We Go Again with Stacey Solomon

Here We Go Again with Stacey Solomon

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Stacey Solomon has just had a baby...several years after her last baby! What's changed, how are things different, what's acceptable, what new stuff is there to make the process less daunting? In each episode Stacey sparks debate around all subjects surrounding childbirth and what it means to be a new mum in 2019. From friends popping in, to famous faces and even the possible inclusion of the man who got her into this mess (Joe Swash)....the conversation will flow and the topics will be covered in a similar way to Loose Women......but with parenthood at the centre of the show


Stacey and Mrs. Hinch

Stacey invites round her good friend Mrs. Hinch and her hubby Jamie round for a chat. Listen and subscribe now, to Here We Go Again on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts! Twitter/Insta/FB/Web @StaceySolomon @JemmaSolomon Thanks to Google, the sponsors of this podcast, we’ll be talking about internet safety and ways that we can help children become safe and confident explorers of the online world. Find out more about their programme Be Internet Legends here - Or check out the Family Link App here -
09/01/2031m 43s

What was it like to give birth? Stacey, sister Gemma and mother Fiona

Stacey invites her mum and sister Gemma to compare their experiences of labour and birth. Gemma brings advice from her career as a Child Nurse, while mum Fiona compares the birth of her children and the experiences of the first days after her children where born. This episode is a cross section of Solomon family life, featuring baby Rex and Gemma's son Hudson Listen and subscribe now, to Here We Go Again on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts! Twitter/Insta/FB/Web @StaceySolomon @JemmaSolomon Thanks to Google, the sponsors of this podcast, we’ll be talking about internet safety and ways that we can help children become safe and confident explorers of the online world. Find out more about their programme Be Internet Legends here - Or check out the Family Link App here -
26/12/1955m 14s

Stacey and Joe Swash; hear Joe's side of the story.

In previous episodes, Stacey has recounted her struggle with labour, her desperate attempts to breastfeed and the traumatic experience she felt through wanting to keep her newborn son from harm now he was outside the safety of her body. In this episode, Stacey interviews her partner and father to baby Rex, Joe Swash. We hear how Joe felt in the first days of Rex's life, and how he coped with Stacey's fears and protective nature. In this touching episode, you get a real appreciation of what makes Joe and Stacey such a special couple, and the perfect parents to see the difficult first days of Rex's life through to a happy place. Listen and subscribe now, to Here We Go Again on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts! Twitter/Insta/FB/Web @StaceySolomon @realjoeswash Thanks to Google, the sponsors of this podcast, we’ll be talking about internet safety and ways that we can help children become safe and confident explorers of the online world. Find out more about their programme Be Internet Legends here - Or check out the Family Link App here -
19/12/1934m 51s

Stacey Recommends...Confessions of a Modern Parent Podcast

Thank you so much for listening to Here We Go Again. As you like this podcast, Stacey would like to recommend another show that you will absolutely love, Confessions of a Modern Parent. Popular television personality and Loose Women Panelist Nadia Sawalha sits down with her husband, Mark Adderley, to discuss the modern issues that face our teenage kids... and the style in which we parent. Listen and subscribe to Confessions of a Modern Parent on Global Player or wherever you get your podcast and Here We Go Again will be back with you on Thursday.

Trying to breastfeed, but it's not working. With Kerry from La Leche League

Stacey so desperately wanted to breastfeed her new born Rex. She wanted to feel the skin to skin relationship and the wholesome bond of nourishing her baby with her milk. But Stacey discovered that something wasn't quite right. And as time went by, breastfeeding became harder and more painful. Her milk flow became interrupted, her breasts became engorged and felt like they were on fire. Stacey felt terrible when she decided to stop her attempts to feed, and has always blamed herself. But in this episode, with Kerry from La Leche League, who's volunteers help mothers like Stacey with breastfeeding difficulties, we discover that things may not be as they seem. What if there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for what went wrong? Imagine the relief Stacey would feel. You can hear this incredible emotional and fascinating exchange between Stacey and Kerry from La Leche League right now. Listen and subscribe now, to Here We Go Again on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts! And if this episode affects you or someone you know, be sure to contact La Leche League for further information, details below: Twitter/Insta/FB/Web @StaceySolomon @LLLGB Thanks to Google, the sponsors of this podcast, we’ll be talking about internet safety and ways that we can help children become safe and confident explorers of the online world. Find out more about their programme Be Internet Legends here - Or check out the Family Link App here -
12/12/191h 19m

The Days After Birth, with Stacey and Nadia Sawalha

Listen to Stacey recount the days straight after the birth of her baby Rex. She's joined by her good friend Nadia Sawalha, who helped her through the emotional struggle of accepting her baby's life outside the safety of her body. Stacey find's voice notes she sent to Nadia in Spain, just hours after the birth of baby Rex, where she's desperate for help and advice from her friend. This is an incredibly heart-warming listen into the importance of good friends, family support and a testament to how much Stacey and Joe endured in the first few days of rex's life after birth. Listen and subscribe now, to Here We Go Again on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts! Twitter/Insta/FB @StaceySolomon @nadiasawalhaandfamily @nadiasawalha Thanks to Google, the sponsors of this podcast, we’ll be talking about internet safety and ways that we can help children become safe and confident explorers of the online world. Find out more about their programme Be Internet Legends here - Or check out the Family Link App here -
05/12/1935m 57s

Labour And Birth with Joe Swash, her Mum Fiona and Midwife Tamsin

Joe thinks he's found a way to experience the pain of labour. Stacey disagrees. Join Stacey for an honest and open chat with her partner, midwife and mother about her recent labour and birth. You can hear all the details about her anxieties and fears leading up to the birth, her experience of labour and how desperate she became for an epidural, an end to the pain. With expert opinion from her midwife Tamsin, her mother and her partner Joe Swash, we follow Stacey's labour and birth in a blow-by-blow account that looks at everyone's perspective in detail. Even little baby Rex features in this episode! Listen and subscribe now, to Here We Go Again on Global Player, or wherever you get your podcasts! Twitter/Insta/FB @realjoeswash @StaceySolomon Thanks to Google, the sponsors of this podcast, we’ll be talking about internet safety and ways that we can help children become safe and confident explorers of the online world. Find out more about their programme Be Internet Legends here - Or check out the Family Link App here -
28/11/191h 9m

Listen and Subscribe to Here We Go Again with Stacey Solomon Now!

Hear Stacey's honest and uncensored journey through pregnancy, birth and the early years of her baby Rex's life as she is joined by her family, friends and the healthcare professionals that helped her along the way. Stacey gives her reality to motherhood and isn't afraid to dive deep into the gory details, and tearjerking moments. Recorded at home with the Solomons, each episode is a slice of her family life, complete with baby Rex, husband Joe and even her mother ducking in and out with bits of advice. Sometimes, it gets a bit nuts! Listen and subscribe to Here We Go Again on Global Player or wherever you get your podcasts.
13/11/191m 17s