All Killa No Filla

All Killa No Filla

By Kiri Pritchard - McLean

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.


All Killa No Filla - Episode 115 - Christmas Special Part 1 - Alcatraz Prison

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Merry Christmas! It's time for the annual tradition of a festive multi-parter for you to binge while unwrapping presents, cooking a turkey, or sitting alone in the bathroom eating bisuits to avoid the family. This episode, Rachel and Kiri are taking a look at maybe the most famous prison in the world - Alcatraz! How did this rock covered in bird crap become home to America's preeminent correctional facility? Find out in between tangents on capybaras, P Diddy, and A Nightmare Before Christmas Live.
25/12/241h 3m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 115 - Christmas Special Part 2 - Alcatraz Prison

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  It's part two of the Alcatraz Christmas special, and in this episode, Rachel and Kiri look at some of the prison's famous inmates. There's also several juicy tales of failed escape attempts and one unbelievable successful escape.  Finally, an uplifting tale for your Christmas day.
25/12/241h 4m

All Killa No Filla - Bonus Episode - Special Announcement!

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  In this bonus episode, Rachel and Kiri have a very special announcement...something we've been keeping very down under wraps...
06/12/2432m 14s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 114 - Louisa May Merrifield

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  This month we take a look at Louisa May Merrifield, the Blackpool jam poisoner who was one of the last women to be hanged in Britain. With the topics of jam and Blackpool, there's plenty for Rachel and Kiri to discuss including childhood trips, artisan markets and hotel staff in Halloween costumes.
18/11/241h 3m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 113 - Halloween Special Part 3 - Nicholas Rossi

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Halloween is here again, and it's time for another change from our usual serial killer fare. This is Part 3 of a three-part special on the formerly most wanted - Nicholas Rossi. This final episode looks at Rossi's reinvention as an Irish-British academic called Arthur Knight and his subsequent arrest. There's also more chat about trains, premonitions, and misogynists with bad teeth.
31/10/241h 26m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 113 - Halloween Special Part 2 - Nicholas Rossi

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Halloween is here again, and it's time for another change from our usual serial killer fare. This is Part 2 of a three-part special on the formerly most wanted - Nicholas Rossi. In this episode, Rachel and Kiri look at the crimes committed by Nicholas. There's also a long diversion on unexpected sightings on trains - Gary Neville? Steve McManaman? Inappropriate badges? Yes please.
31/10/241h 4m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 113 - Halloween Special Part 1 - Nicholas Rossi

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Halloween is here again, and it's time for another change from our usual serial killer fare. This is Part 1 of a three-part special on the formerly most wanted - Nicholas Rossi. In this episode, Rachel and Kiri look into Nicholas' difficult upbringing, while taking some detours on ghost tours, smelly showers, and Rachel's latest drink invention...
31/10/2451m 43s

All Killa No Filla - Bonus Episode - Peter Stumpp

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  It's time for another historical romp, heading back to the 16th century for serial killer and posssible werewolf Peter Stumpp! Peter was missing a hand, which reminds Rachel of a recent near-miss at a pedicure. Does her foot survive? Have a listen to find out...
14/10/241h 3m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 112 - John Sweeney

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  This episode we delve into the story of John Sweeney, also known as the Canal Killer, the Scalp Hunter, Scouse Joe, and other nicknames he chose for himself. John was convicted of at least two murders and was known for his elaborate drawings of violent fantasies. There's also chat: about whether the theatre is cringe; how to get into a National Trust site for free; and most importantly, did Rachel get some Oasis reunion tickets?!
16/09/241h 10m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 111 - Caroline Grills

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Rachel and Kiri are still on tour, backstage at the Manchester Opera House for an Australian romp  - Caroline Grills, who poisoned people with tea and cake laced with rat poison. Come for the murder, stay for the ghosts! For the second time this year, something inexplicable happens during the this pod haunted? Can we somehow monetize it?
12/08/2442m 2s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 110 - Q&A Special

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Rachel and Kiri are in the midst of the All Killa No Filla tour, so it's time for another Q&A special! Live backstage at the Manchester Opera House, the two are fielding the best and most probing questions you have to offer.  Ever wanted to know what their serial killer names would be? Or what they'd do as Prime Minister for a day? Then get your ears around this ep. 
15/07/2449m 50s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 109 - Axlar Björn

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  It's time for another historical romp! Join us on a trip to the 16th Century to learn about Björn Pétursson, better known as Axlar Björn - Iceland's only serial killer. Beside his numerous deaths, there's also time to discuss children's TV shows, third spaces, and how comedy is filled with the secretly privileged. Naming no names...
17/06/2452m 40s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 108 - Dana Sue Gray

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  This month, we're looking into the life and deaths of Dana Sue Gray. She had a penchant for shopping and - much to Rachel's dismay - murdering older ladies. There's also a deep dives into windsurfing, lost socks, and an unsuccessful trip to a Hampstead Heath psychic. Are you a believer?

All Killa No Filla - Episode 107 - Bruce George Peter Lee

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 107 is about one of Britain's worst yet least known serial killers: Bruce George Peter Lee. Born as Peter Dinsdale in Manchester 1960, Lee was a serial arsonist responsible for approximately 26 deaths. There's also diversions on personal trainers, hot tubs, and Rachel's undying love for the lasagne-loving, Monday-hating, ginger feline Garfield. This episode is not sponsored by HelloFresh or Gousto...yet.
15/04/241h 31m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 106 - Dena Thompson

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. In this episode, Rachel tells Kiri the unbelievable story of Dena Thompson - gymnast, Florida fanatic, curry connoisseur and definite serial killer (we reckon).  The pair also discuss life in nursery, lonely hearts columns, and whether Manchester's gone shit. Has it?
11/03/241h 25m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 105 - Part 3 - The Unabomber

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. It's the final part of our Unabomber special, and it's Rachel's least favourite topic - men and their opinions. This episode explores Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, what it says and how it was released. There was also chat about Scrooge and therapy, but it was lost to a powercut. So Kiri and Rachel are exhausted (they have to start over) and relieved (it was probably career-ending). Enjoy!
19/02/2442m 31s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 105 - Part 2 - The Unabomber

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Part 2 of our Unabomber special looks at the main event - the bombs. From 1978 to 1995, Ted Kaczynski sent 16 bombs that killed three people and injured 23 others. There's also chat about reminiscent smells, knock-off trainers, and a long-awaited update on Rachel's ghostly caller.
05/02/241h 4m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 105 - Part 1 - The Unabomber

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  This episode begins a deep dive into the life of Theodore John Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber. Living alone in the woods with violent misogynistic streak, you might say he's the original incel.  There's also plenty of chat about pantos and chickens, but the real story is Rachel hears a ghost! Like for real. Keep an eye out for parts 2 and 3 - not so much for the bombings, but for further revelations about Kiri's haunted house...
22/01/241h 2m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 104 - Lizzie Borden

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  It's a Christmas special, so of course we're discussing Lizzie Borden. Who hasn't daydreamed about hatchets during those festive family board games? There's also a deep dive into the realities of gynaecology, and futher discussions about staying in hotels. But we're not touching 'phones in rooms' again...who knew that would be our most controversial topic this year?!
25/12/231h 14m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 103 - Lyda Southard

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 103 is all about Lyda Southard, a serial killer from Missouri with a penchant for collecting husbands and life insurance payouts. There's also a deep dive into Rachel's birthday celebrations, whether farting is a sackable offense, and the very real possibility that we're the next coming of Jesus Christ. Don't laugh! Wait, do laugh. That's the point.
20/11/231h 2m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 102 - Part 2 - John Reginald Halliday Christie

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  We're back on John Reginald Halliday Christie, whose name was almost as big as his massive forehead. In this episode, Rachel and Kiri discuss his tragic dealings with Beryl and Timothy Evans, and how useless the police were - missing a bone literally propping up the garden fence. There's also time to chat about graveyard tourism, school lies, and fallopian pipe cleaning. All on brand, to be honest.
30/10/2352m 49s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 102 - Part 1 - John Reginald Halliday Christie

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 102 is all about the man so bad they named him four times - John Reginald Halliday Christie. From his home in Rillington Place, Christie was responsible for at least eight murders. There's also chat about being flashed by a muppet, shagging in a prison cell, and the Heath Ledger/Jake Gyllenhaal classic film: Breakdance Martin.
16/10/231h 5m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 101 - Part 2 - Q&A

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  This is Part 2 of our Q&A special, in which Kiri and Rachel plan their Christmas single, a PPV fight, and a Patreon kissing special. Oh, and a deep dive into the fashion sense of Uncanny's Danny Robins. Standard, really.
18/09/2348m 56s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 101 - Part 1 - Q&A

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 101 is a Q&A, and it's a special one - our first filmed podcast (only on YouTube)! Now you can watch every detail in Kiri's horrifed expression as she hears about Rachel's grandad's ear. Or just listen to the audio of the podcast like a normal person. There's also chat about 'An Audience with...', time slips and the bouncer of heaven himself, St. Peter. 
04/09/2339m 16s


Little message for you Legends.     
29/07/231m 28s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 100 - Part 5 - Jimmy Saville

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Except in this episode, they aren't talking about a serial killer. They're talking about one of the worst true crime cases in British History. Episode 100 is a special one, the centenary, so Rachel and Kiri are looking at Jimmy Savile.  Part 5, THE FINAL PART, takes a look at the death of Savile's Mother, his own death and operation Yewtree. There's a lot to pack in but they still find time to chat about libraries, measuring pizzas and reputational checks.   
27/06/231h 14m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 100 - Part 4 - Jimmy Saville

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Except in this episode, they aren't talking about a serial killer. They're talking about one of the worst true crime cases in British History. Episode 100 is a special one, the centenary, so Rachel and Kiri are looking at Jimmy Savile.  Part 4 takes a look at Savile's links to the BBC.  When Rachel and Kiri aren't talking about Savile's abuse they find time to chat about Bobby Ball, betablockers and splitting petrol. Oh, and if anyone can make a medal for Rachel, she'd really like it. 
11/06/231h 19m


Sorry, not more Jimmy Saville chat, just a VERY exciting announcement.  All Killa No Filla Live is as much a Halloween tradition as ducking apples and warning kids not to trick or treat the weird neighbours. This year is extra special as it’s our 10th birthday! Ten years of talking murder and going off topic. Madness! Join us on October 31st at Hackney Empire to celebrate. General Onsale (19 May 10AM)
18/05/232m 5s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 100 - Part 3 - Jimmy Saville

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Except in this episode, they aren't talking about a serial killer. They're talking about one of the worst true crime cases in British History. Episode 100 is a special one, the centenary, so Rachel and Kiri are looking at Jimmy Savile.  Part 3 takes a look at Savile's links to Duncroft School and Leeds General Infirmary.  When Rachel and Kiri aren't talking about Savile's reign of terror they find time to chat about 4D films and Butlins. 
17/05/231h 18m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 100 - Part 2 - Jimmy Saville

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Except in this episode, they aren't talking about a serial killer. They're talking about one of the worst trime crime cases in british History. Episode 100 is a special one, the centenary, so Rachel and Kiri are looking at Jimmy Saville.  This episode takes a look at Saville's  links to celebrity and his role's in Stoke Mandeville and Broadmoor.  When Rachel and Kiri aren't talking about Saville's reign or terror they do find time to chat about eccentrics and Eurovision.
04/05/231h 15m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 100 - Part 1 - Jimmy Saville

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Except in this episode, they aren't talking about a serial killer. They're talking about one of the worst trime crime cases in british History. Episode 100 is a special one, the centenary, so Rachel and Kiri are looking at Jimmy Saville. He makes a compelling case for actual monsters being real and is a great example of what happens if people don't invest in a robust hair conditioner (dry ends, not child molestation). This is a horrible episode that looks at his rise to celebrity and his unusual background.  When Rachel and Kiri aren't talking about Saville's child abuse, necrophilia and outfits, they find time to chat about Roald Dahl, "taking a lover" and Paul Daniels.
28/04/231h 19m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 99 - Part 2 - Thomas Neill Cream

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 99 takes a look at a ridiculously named serial killer, Dr Thomas Neil Cream, also known as The Lambeth Poisoner. He's a doctor who starts life in Scotland, becomes rich in Canada and becomes a serial murderer in London, plenty of stamps on that passport. Kiri and Rachel also wade straight into botox, the choice to be childfree and Mystic Meg.
21/03/231h 10m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 99 -Part 1- Thomas Neill Cream

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 99 takes a look at a ridiculously named serial killer, Dr Thomas Neil Cream, also known as The Lambeth Poisoner. He's a doctor who starts life in Scotland, becomes rich in Canada and becomes a serial murderer in London, plenty of stamps on that passport. Kiri and Rachel also find time to talk about 90 day fiance, randy nuns and Kiri plugs a show that has already passed. 
21/03/2344m 32s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 98 - Kieran Patrick Kelly

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 98 takes a look at Ireland's only serial killer, Kieran Patrick Kelly. Sometimes known as the "secret serial killer" Kelly's exact number of victims isn't known. But we do know he shadow-boxed throughout his confession, what a tosser.  Kiri and Rachel also find time to talk about hotels, Saints and how to respond to a xenophobic whatsapp forward from your builder. 
01/02/2356m 11s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 97 - Charles Manson - Part 6

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 97 has a few parts and takes a look at Charles Manson and The Manson Family. Part 6 is the final installement, thank God. There's still a bit more trial - sorry Rachel but we also find out what happens to the different members of the family in later years. There's still time to talk about chinos, Prince Harry and scented candles. 
11/01/2357m 25s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 97 - Charles Manson - Part 5

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 97 has a few parts and takes a look at Charles Manson and The Manson Family. Part 5 becomes quite a meta episode as it looks at the long, confusing and protracted trial. Attorneys go missing, heads are shaved and at one point Lennon and McCartney are implicated - it's wild. Don't worry Rachel and Kiri still find time to talk about sneezes, place names, going for a run on your own. 
11/01/231h 10m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 97 - Charles Manson - Part 4

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 97 has a few parts and takes a look at Charles Manson and The Manson Family. Part 4 is by far the most brutal episode as Rachel and Kiri go through the murders committed by the family. This episode is extra special too as it comes from "The Chinese Room". Just a heads up, Kiri does yelp at the end out of genuine fear so mentally prepare for that. 
01/01/231h 3m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 97 -Charles Manson - Part 3

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 97 has a few parts and takes a look at Charles Manson and The Manson Family. Part 3 looks at The members of the Manson Family, truly a terrible episode of Family Fortunes. Recorded on Christmas Eve Rachel is feeling festive and Kiri gets hardline on hippies.
28/12/221h 6m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 97 - Charles Manson - Part 2

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 97 has a few parts and takes a look at Charles Manson and The Manson Family. Part 2 looks at Charles's life pre-Manson family - the lad loves a prison. We also take a bizarre foray into his musical career, there's lots to discuss but Rachel and Kiri still find time to talk drunk monkeys, drunk ducks and a chicken-gobbling parrot. 
23/12/2254m 6s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 97 - Charles Manson - Part 1

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 97 has a few parts and takes a look at Charles Manson and The Manson Family. Part 1 will look at Charles Manson's childhood and surprise surprise, it's not plain sailing.  We take a look at his childhood which involves small detours into weddings, paying invoices and Black Lace's Discography. Standard. 
19/12/2246m 43s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 96 - BONUS EPISODE - Anomalies Live

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, ghosts! In this episode the pair will talk all things ghostly and ghoulish and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 96 is a one-off special of their secret Anomalies show in Liverpool at The Royal Court Theatre. The girls are joined by Kristopher Hughes, a Druid, Drag Queen and self-confessed "corpse botherer". We hear ghostly tales from the audience and we promise you that you'll never look at paint splats in the same way again.   
09/12/221h 3m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 95 - Pedro Rodrigues Filho

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 95 takes a look at Pedro Rodrigues Filho a horrorshow who is known as the real life Dexter and these days, is a youtuber. Bonkers stuff.  We take a look at his childhood and his murders and spoiler alert, they're pretty much the same thing. Despite the ridiculous body count Rachel and Kiri still find time to talk about Fortnum and Mason, spy Mums and killing a man with a newspaper. 
29/11/2258m 40s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 94 - The Thames Torso Murders

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 94 takes a look at an unsolved mystery that occurred at the same time as Jack the Ripper, it's the Thames Torso murders. You'll never look at a butcher's block the same way again. There's lots of chat about dismemberment but Rachel and Kiri also find time to talk about dosshouses, tattoos and Mums on tele. 
31/10/221h 5m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 93 - Amelia Dyer

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 93 looks at Amelia Dyer, one of the UK’s most famous “Baby Farmers’. This case inspired a change in the law and inspired Rachel and Kiri to chat about age gaps, dog’s in public spaces and jealous lovers. 
24/10/221h 11m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 92 - Gordon Stewart Northcott

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Well, episode 92 ended up being a bumper edition as we look at Gordon Stewart Northcott, who was known by friends and family as Stewart and to us as an utter bastard. This case is awful and bizarre containing stinking chicken farms, a changeling and Rachel’s desire to become a monk.  Rachel also gets a shock as Kiri tells her about a horrific side case - strap in for that because this whole episode might be one of the grizzliest we've discussed. 
15/09/221h 18m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 91 - Malcolm Webster

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 91 takes a look at Malcolm Webster, a horror show of a man. Multiple marriages, life insurance policies and police failings - it's a who's who of male serial murder. The girl's also chat about periods (Rachel hates that bit), the Jesus Army (Rachel likes that bit) and Kiri tells a story about her Dad being deeply inappropriate. 
13/08/221h 1m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 90 - Sofia Zhukova

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 90 takes a look at Sofia Zhukova, The Babushka Butcher.  This is one of those episodes where everything feels cold and probably best not to listen while you're eating.  There's not lots about Sofia's childhood or family but don't worry the girls cover plenty of other subjects including unruly audiences, breaking the news of a royal death and a dead chicken.
22/06/2244m 41s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 89 - Part 2 - The Monster of Florence

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 89  part 2 takes a look at an unsolved case, The Monster of Florence. This is a fascinating case that follows the murders of several couples in Florence. Strap in these are two tired hosts. You'd think that would mean they'd keep it snappy but apparently not because they still find to talk about classism in comedy, sex with younger men and right at the last minute, dreams about Ken Barlow. Should have cut that bit. 
11/05/2256m 45s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 89 - Part 1 - The Monster of Florence

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 89  part 1 takes a look at an unsolved case, The Monster of Florence. This is a fascinating case that follows the murders of several couples in Florence. There's plenty of other stuff for the girls to chat about too including Haribo, false confessions and being late for work. 
11/05/2252m 50s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 88 - Part 2 - John Wayne Glover

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 88 takes a look at the third most notorious John Wayne, John Wayne Glover. Part 2 looks at Glover's crimes, horrible man he was. There's lots of crimes to talk about but Rachel and Kiri still find time to talk about pies, pictures with parcels and joking about dead mums. 
15/04/2255m 10s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 88 - Part 1 - John Wayne Glover

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 88 takes a look at the third most notorious John Wayne, John Wayne Glover. Part 1 looks at his upbringing and life up to the murders and there's plenty to talk about because he's a late starter. The girls find time to chat about booze shops, Australian immigration and getting your genitals out in a pub. 
15/04/2254m 5s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 87 - Q&A Special

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it - but not this episode!  This episode we answer your questions and you know what, there's loads of them. Enjoy an episode of pure Filla. 
24/02/221h 31m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 86- Part 2 - Guy Georges

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 85 Part 2 takes a look at French serial killer Guy Georges. There's plenty of filla in this episode including chat about spines, farts and bumholes. 

All Killa No Filla - Episode 86- Part 1 - Guy Georges

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 85 Part 1 takes a look at French serial killer Guy Georges. There's a revelation about Rachel and her allergies that we hope you're sitting down for.
10/02/2235m 26s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 85 - New Year Special with a Kristoffer Hughes

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 85 is a very special one. The girls sit down with the only person more overdressed and foulmouthed than them, the incredible Maggi Noggi. Maggi is a Welsh Language drag queen by night and by day, Maggi's creator, Kristoffer Hughes is an Anatomical Pathology Technician and a Druid. The girls sit down and over two and a half bottles of prosecco chat to Kris/Maggi about death, life and the pandemic - there's even chat about a serial killer. 
02/01/221h 16m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 84 - Part 4 - The Krays

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 84 is a Christmas Special and the pair have decided to spend it with another iconic double act, The Krays.  Part 4 , the final part, looks at Ronnie and Reggie's downfall and covers the two crimes that lead to their incarceration. Rachel and Kiri also talk about the brother's time in prison. Do they chat about other stuff? Yeah, obviously. Enjoy chat about pranks, not swearing in front of women and celebrity boxing. Merry Christmas everyone, we hope Siôn Corn was kind to you. 
25/12/2159m 37s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 84 - Part 3 - The Krays

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 84 is a Christmas Special and the pair have decided to spend it with another iconic double act, The Krays.  Part 3 looks at Reggie's relationship with Francis Shea. It's a tragic story and Diana Doors is back. The girls have plenty to chat about that's not just The Krays including virtual reality headsets, holidaying with a dying relationship and Highgate Cemetery. 
25/12/2142m 53s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 84 - Part 2 - The Krays

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 84 is a Christmas Special and the pair have decided to spend it with another iconic double act, The Krays.  Part 2 looks at Ronnie and Reggie's foray into club owners and respectable businessmen. Beware anyone who withholds a parcel from Rachel. 
24/12/2137m 17s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 84 - Part 1 - The Krays

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 84 is a Christmas Special and the pair have decided to spend it with another iconic double act, The Krays.  Part 1 looks at the boy's childhood growing up in the Eastend. The girl's talk about boxing names, fish markets and Pearly Kings.
24/12/2146m 24s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 83 - Karl Denke

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 83 is about Karl Denke, the Forgotten Cannibal. Don't eat and listen to this... There's not loads of info on him so the girls have a chat about some other things, pickled eggs, Jeremy Clarkson, talking willies. The usual. 
17/12/2147m 4s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 82 - Part 4 - The Sunset Strip Killers

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 82 is about Carol Bundy and Doug Clark, the Sunset Strip Killers. This is part four and as you can tell, Rachel and Kiri are glad to be rid of them.   Rachel tells a story about a wild night in Northampton and Kiri thinks she'd turn to murder. 
29/10/2155m 9s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 82- Part 3 - The Sunset Strip Killers

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 82 is about Carol Bundy and Doug Clark, the Sunset Strip Killers. This is part three and the girls are sad to say, it isn't even the last one. What a mess. This episode covers the majority of their crimes and the net closing in on them.  There's so much to talk about, principally are you team Rachel or team Kiri when it comes to the Travelodge incident?
15/10/2148m 36s

Title All Killa No Filla - Episode 82- Part 2 - The Sunset Strip Killers

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 82 is about Carol Bundy and Doug Clark, the Sunset Strip Killers. Rachel and Kiri have found some more info on this messed up pair so you've got another episode before we even get into the murders!  There's not a single murder in this podcast but there's chat about how to behave in a Cathedral, tissues and eating in hotels to keep you interested. 
06/10/2159m 45s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 82- Part 1 - The Sunset Strip Killers

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 82 is about Carol Bundy and Doug Clark, the Sunset Strip Killers. Rachel and Kiri take a deep dive into their upbringings right up to the point they meet each other and the murders begin.  That's a lot to talk about but don't worry there's still time to chat about stubborn water bottles, Rick and Morty and why no one will marry them.  
29/09/2157m 49s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 81 - Part 3 - The Hillside Stranglers

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 81 part 3 takes another look at a horrible pair of maniacs, the Hillside Stranglers; Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. This section covers their exceptionally long trial. Rachel is thrilled.  The girls also find time to talk about becoming lesbians, making friends on holiday and Rachel starts the episode by committing a hate crime with some pants. 
30/08/2129m 42s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 81 - Part 2 - The Hillside Stranglers

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 81 part 2 takes another look at a horrible pair of maniacs, the Hillside Stranglers; Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. This section covers their murderous spree so it's not an easy listen, not just because Kiri is yet again talking about her septic tank. Rachel gets riled up about libraries, people who don't wear pajamas and signing for parcels. Oh, and if you listen right to the end there's a little bonus treat if you're into bizarre sneezes. 

All Killa No Filla - Episode 81 - Part 1 - The Hillside Stranglers

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 81 takes a look at a horrible pair of maniacs, the Hillside Stranglers; Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. Turns out there's other things to chat about too like eating pubes, cash in hand jobs and Rachel wants to know why you're all getting Oasis wrong. 
09/08/2147m 5s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 80 - Peter Manuel

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 80 takes a look at a prolific Scottish serial killer, The Beast of Birkinshaw, Peter Manuel.  Obviously the girls find time to chat about other things likes Kylie Minogue's Welsh bum, why Donna is the worst reindeer and garlic sausage. 
26/06/211h 2m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 79 - Gilles de Rais

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 79 looks at someone dubbed the world's first serial killer, Gilles de Rais. A French nobleman and War hero who was also a massive wrong un, or was he? It's a gruesome one but Rachel and Kiri find time to talk about dying at gigs, preppers and Bart Simpson's butt. 
14/05/211h 1m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 78 - Mary Ann Cotton

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 78 looks at one of the UK's first female serial killers, Mary Ann Cotton. This serial poisoner had a grim old life but she made a lot of people's lives even worse. Of course, Rachel and Kiri get distracted by naked attraction with skeletons, kids in pubs and Victorian sex. 
28/04/2155m 30s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 77 - Rodney Alcala - Part 3

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 77 Part 3 is another look at The Dating Game Killer, Rodney Alcala. This episode focuses on his many, many trials. Get your bingo cards out because he represents himself AND even does different voices for himself in the dock and as a defendant, lad's got range. Rachel is also persistently heckled by her own flat in what turns out to be a moving three act play about living in London with a finale of Rachel at her most pissed off. 
22/03/2139m 37s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 77 - Rodney Alcala - Part 2

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 77 Part 2 is another look at The Dating Game Killer, Rodney Alcala. This episode focuses on the majority of his murders and the girls still find time to talk about Etsy, The Word and insomnia.
05/03/2150m 31s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 77 - Rodney Alcala - Part 1

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 77 is loosely linked to Valentine's day because this episode takes a look at The Dating Game Killer, Rodney Alcala. He's a horrible one so strap in for some rough details as the girls talk about his background and first crimes. They also find time to talk about shyness, a dog called Polanski and Cilla Black. 
14/02/2142m 16s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 76 - Guilia Tofana

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 76 is a listener request and it's a good one. Guilia Tofana is a poisoner who knocked around Italy in the seventeenth century and if reports are to be believed, she aided in the murder of 600 men.  Rachel and Kiri manage to wander off topic quite a bit in this episode including septic tank chat, selling the Avon and which pope is which. 
25/01/2149m 44s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 75 - Adolph Laundenberg

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 75 is the last one of 2020 and a Christmas special, we look at Adolph Theodore Laundenberg, also known as The Santa Strangler. Festive. It's a very interesting case with old jizz and two confessions but there's still plenty of time to chat about Stephen Fry, a stag that needs shooting and being a sparkly potato.     
24/12/2049m 44s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 74 - Dean Corll - Part 3

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 74 is finally ending, thank God because Dean Corll, Elmer Wayne Henley and David Brooks are a bunch of horrors. This episode covers Dean's murder, the boy's confessions, trials, and more chat about police incompetence. It's a big episode but Rachel and Kiri still find time to talk about Billy bear meat (again), finding out your Mum isn't always right and lads with odd relationships with their Mums...
30/11/201h 15m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 74 - Dean Corll - Part 2

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 74 is the second of what now looks to be three parts looking at Dean Corll, The Candyman killer. Heads up, this is very murder heavy as Rachel and Kiri talk about several of his victims. There's a few distractions along the way though including Mick Jagger's dick, Noddy Holder and B&M Bargains. 
22/11/2054m 3s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 74 - Dean Corll - Part 1

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 74 is the first of two parts looking at Dean Corll, The Candyman killer. He's been in the Army, his mum was "overprotective", he's heading for a full house of serial killer bingo. Naturally, Rachel and Kiri get distracted and talk about all sorts including trips to the moon, Polari and paedophile ghosts.  

All Killa No Filla - Episode 73 - Keith Hunter Jesperson- Part 2

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 73 part two takes another look at Keith Hunter Jesperson, this one has a very very distressing murder in it, so heads up. I mean they're all distressing but this one is very visceral. Don't worry, there's plenty of other bullshit chat to even it out, including ghost tours, small mouths and redheads. 
11/10/2058m 2s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 73 - Keith Hunter Jesperson - Part 1

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 73 is Keith Hunter Jesperson also know as the Happy Face Killer. He's a big lad at 6ft 6 and he loves a smiley face and as it goes, murder. In part one we talk about his childhood and first victim. He gets away with it thanks to the world's most dysfunctional couple. Rachel and Kiri also talk about other stuff like the morning after pill and electric shocks.
27/09/201h 7m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 72 - Israel Keyes

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 72 is Israel Keyes, a recent on that's a right horror and his murder kits are still hidden around the US, creepy af. Raised in a white supremacist cult with a spell in the army it's nearly a full house on the ol' serial killer bingo. Naturally, the girls get distracted and talk about gap year pants, dog's noses, and a hunt for a rabbit.
22/08/2055m 39s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 71 - Herb Baumeister

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 71 is a listener suggestion and it's a corker. Herb Baumeister lived in a Tudor mansion and had a garden full of bodies but is technically innocent. Obviously the girls chat about other stuff like John Leslie and thinking a National Trust property is a brothel. 
26/07/201h 12m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 70 - Baba Anujka

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 70 looks at Baba Anujka who got sent to prison at 90 after a good old stint poisoning people. Obviously the pair get distracted so expect them to talk about sand during sex, smelly matresses and Rachel nearly being abducted. 
08/07/2049m 51s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 69 - Peter Sutcliffe - Part 6

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 69 is not just numerically hilarious, it's also a deep dive on a previously covered episode, Peter Sutcliffe. It's finally here, the end. This episode is nearly as long as the actual investigation. Part 6 covers the capture, trial, and imprisonment of Peter Sutcliffe but mainly they argue about tomatoes. 

All Killa No Filla - Episode 69 - Peter Sutcliffe - Part 5

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 69 is not just numerically hilarious, it's also a deep dive on a previously covered episode, Peter Sutcliffe. When will it end? The very first six-part episode of the podcast looks at the Yorkshire Ripper's final victims and we find out why Rachel is such a reckless bin Mother. 
22/05/2052m 55s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 69 - Peter Sutcliffe - Part 4

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 69 is not just numerically hilarious, it's also a deep dive on a previously covered episode, Peter Sutcliffe. There's not many cases where a hoax caller warrants an episode of their own but there's not many cases where the police fall for it so completely. The girls take a detailed look at Wearside Jack or as he was later found to be John Humble. Rachel also demands that a man isn't allowed his leg back. 
07/05/201h 9m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 69 - Peter Sutcliffe - Part 3

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 69 is not just numerically hilarious, it's also a deep dive on a previously covered episode, Peter Sutcliffe. There's so much to cover, this might be the first ever five parter! This episode gets really gruesome so if you're of a sensitive disposition - why are you listening anyway? Anyway, it's a tough one and that's without the chat about Wombats, Ex Bosses and Rachel accusing someone of murder.
23/04/201h 15m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 69 - Peter Sutcliffe - Part 2

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 69 is not just numerically hilarious, it's also a deep dive on a previously covered episode, Peter Sutcliffe. There's so much to cover, this might be the first ever four parter. This episode covers his time active as the Yorkshire Ripper before the Wearside Jack tapes. The girl's get slightly distracted with lookalikes, snag tights and Kiri get's scared by a sandwich. 
11/04/201h 35m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 69 - Peter Sutcliffe - Part 1

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 69 is not just numerically hilarious, it's also a deep dive on a previously covered episode, Peter Sutcliffe. The Yorkshire Ripper as he became known was, you've guessed it, a horror. The girls discuss his embarrassing choice of truck sign, his childhood and his gravedigging pranks. Naturally they get sidetracked but you've got to let them off, they're locked in separate houses so these podcasts are about the only conversations they're getting to have.
25/03/201h 10m

All Killa No Filla - Bonus Episode - Healthcare Special

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, sweaty arses. The world is shutting down but there's bigger things to worry about, namely, chef's arse. Stay safe out there, Legends.  
21/03/2024m 7s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 68-Mary Elizabeth Wilson

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 68 is a listener suggestion. She's called the Merry Widow of Windy Nook as she bumped off her husbands whilst cracking jokes. As usual, Rachel and Kiri go off topic and discuss bath tubs in cars and the size of the Queen's tits. Rachel is also furious at a mountain. Of course.
15/03/2038m 32s

All Killa No Filla- Episode 67 - Fritz Honka

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will discuss all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 67 is looking at Fritz Honka, great name, bad dude. A few other things come up, like Brian Blessed, Beanie Babies, Botox, taxi driver's arseholes and we hear a joke that Rachel can't make work. Oh and Kiri has some relationship advice for you, so, the usual.
05/02/201h 8m


Legends, we're doing a huge show at the Edinburgh Fringe and it's not on sale on The Pleasance website. Never been to a live show before? No worries, we've thrown in a little recording from a Christmas show so you know what you're signing up for. 
29/01/203m 8s

All Killa No Filla- Episode 66 - Part 3 - Joseph DeAngelo

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will discuss all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 66, part three is the final section of talk about the horror show that is Joseph DeAngelo, the Golden State Killer. Obviously Rachel and Kiri can't say for sure that he's guilty, the trial is yet to happen, but he's deffo guilty so this feels fine. Part 3 covers his arrest, and the investigation. The girls also talk about guns, bad customer service and we have a new mission for listeners when it comes to "that hat".
13/01/2046m 51s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 66-Part 2-Joseph DeAngelo

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will discuss all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 66 (although they'll repeatedly call it 65) is about the horror show that is Joseph DeAngelo, the Golden State Killer. Obviously Rachel and Kiri can't say for sure that he's guilty, the trial is yet to happen, but he's deffo guilty so this feels fine. Part 2 is very heavy going so consider this a warning, the lad was a fucking monster. We look at his (alleged) crimes as the East Area Rapist and the Golden State killer.
01/01/201h 2m

All Killa no Filla - Episode 66 - Part 1 - Joseph Deangelo

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will discuss all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 66 (although they'll repeatedly call it 65) is about the horror show that is Joseph DeAngelo, the Golden State Killer. Obviously Rachel and Kiri can't say for sure that he's guilty, the trial is yet to happen, but he's deffo guilty so this feels fine. Part 1 covers his "career" as the Visalia Ransacker and his upbringing. The pair wander off topic of course, and highlights include Rachel having strong views on new listeners and Kiri demanding no one has sex to the podcast.
25/12/191h 9m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 65-Michael Lupo

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will discuss all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 65 is about self appointed "Wolfman" Michael Lupo. He's actually a spree killer but he was a listener request so here we are. He was a handsome chap with a thriving business and busy social life but his crimes were utterly brutal. As expected the pair go off topic and discuss everything from Mudlarking to gravy granules. Business as usual. 
11/12/1954m 3s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 64-Jack Unterweger

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 64 celebrates the podcasts fifth birthday and looks at Jack Unterweger. He's an absolute rotter of a man who combined being a celebrity with some truly hideous crimes. There's lots of digression in this episode with everything from testicles to stray cats cropping up. This was recorded at 7am so take this as your yawn warning. 
30/10/191h 24m

All Killa No Feminism-Bonus Episode

All Killa No Filla and the Guilty Feminist crossover in this special live episode recorded at King's Place in London. Rachel Fairburn, Kiri Pritchard-McLean and Deborah Frances-White discuss their shared passions, serial killers and feminism. It may be a crossover but there's plenty of digression with talk of sex parties and dream control. You even get to hear Rachel and Kiri do their actual jobs as they do some stand up. Exciting!
25/09/1956m 0s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 63-Part Two-Albert DeSalvo

 Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  This is the second part of a bumper Episode 63. The pair discuss the confessions and incarceration of Albert DeSalvo. Was he responsible for all the Boston Strangler crimes? We may never know.  As usual there's chat for everyone as Kiri discusses how she channels anger, Rachel revives the chat about her awful bras and there's a mention of Ken Bruce. What a show of many subjects! You are very welcome.
10/09/1952m 16s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 63-Part One-Albert DeSalvo

 Join Comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 63 is a two part special on a rotten little man called Albert DeSalvo AKA The Boston Strangler. He was also known as Measuring Man and The Green Man due to his many crimes.  As usual, Kiri and Rachel digress and discuss everything and anything. They get back to the point though. Eventually.  
10/09/191h 7m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 62 - Patrick Mackay

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 62 is here and the girls are chatting about one of Britain's Longest serving prisoners, Patrick Mackay. Have a look on google images, he's a scary looking one. Naturally they get distracted and we find out what bird Rachel would go out with, Rachel has beef with some DMs and we ask you if we should redo a case. 

All Killa No Filla-Episode 61-Delphine LaLaurie

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 61 takes us back in the day to New Orleans. Delphine LaLaurie is a wealthy woman with a load of ex-husbands. The dream. She's also, according to locals, cruel and evil with a taste for torture. Absolute nightmare. As usual Rachel and Kiri digress and there's chat about everything from being bollocked as a kid and celeb crushes. Standard.
03/07/1948m 37s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 60-Bonus Q&A Edition

Well, you Legends requested it and boy do Rachel and Kiri like talking about themselves so it had to happen, it's a bonus Q&A episode. The pair are joined by Friend of the Show, Will Duggan who makes a cracking quiz master. You sent in some great questions and are just as nosy as your hosts. You'll hear about the perfect hen party, chosen execution methods and ideal take away orders. As usual there's far too much oversharing. In fact way too much as you'll now be able to track one of your hosts menstrual cycles. Standard. 
28/05/191h 12m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 59-Trevor Hardy

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 59 covers Trevor Hardy, The Beast of Manchester. These were horrific murders that were somewhat overshadowed by The Yorkshire Ripper who was active at a similar time. As usual Rachel and Kiri discuss the crimes and everything else. There's two particularly horrific tales this time; did Kiri find a body at her parents house? And just how bad are Rachel's underwear choices? You'll need a strong stomach for all of this episode.
08/05/191h 2m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 58-Gordon Cummins

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 58 is a listener suggestion. It's Gordon Cummins who was also known as The Blackout Ripper. It's technically a spree but we all need a break from the norm sometimes. He didn't take his time either as he committed all his brutal murders within a matter of days. As usual Rachel and Kiri go off topic and discuss everything from childhood stone eating to drug smuggling. Rachel has a rant about her seafood allergy and Kiri has a pop at airport security. Business as usual. 
07/04/1949m 14s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 57-Joachim Kroll

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 57 takes us to Germany to learn about the utter shit show that was Joachim Kroll. He committed horrific murders and engaged in cannibalism but somehow managed to go undetected for years. As usual, Rachel and Kiri digress and there's chat about real dolls, TV shows you should watch and elaborate nicknames. Kiri's cat also makes a move on Rachel. He seems keen too. Will there be a second date? 
12/03/191h 4m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 56-Nannie Doss

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. This edition concerns Nannie Doss, a seemingly kindly looking lady with a penchant for husbands who she met through dating ads and poison. No wonder she earned the nicknames The Lonely Hearts Killer and The Self Made Widow. Her lack of remorse also earned her the moniker The Giggling Granny. Cute? Not really. She was horrible. As usual Rachel and Kiri digress and chat about everything from school discos to agricultural practices. Hotel etiquette arises again...has Kiri had a change of heart?
14/02/191h 1m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 55-Carey Stayner

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 55 looks at the utter rotter that is Carey Stayner. The Stayner family had their fair share of rotten luck and Carey took it to another level. Rachel and Kiri discuss his crimes and as usual everything else from cathedrals to hippies. Kiri tells a cracking story about an ex and Rachel says too much as per about what she's been up to lately. There's also a heated debate about hotel check out. It's a big one.
24/01/191h 8m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 54-John George Haigh

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard Mc-Lean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers, Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. This episode has a song that won't catch on and a whole load of dreadful crimes. Haigh could have been a brilliant man but chose to be a rotter. Rachel and Kiri discuss Haigh but pizza, Brexit and dick make them digress. Suck it.
01/01/191h 21m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 53-Burke and Hare

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will discuss all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 53 takes us to Edinburgh, Scotland to explore Burke and Hare. Their crimes sound like a folktale but rest assured the grimness is all absolutely true. As usual Rachel and Kiri digress from the main topic and this time you'll hear all about sexy dancing, Rachel's opinion on the greatest rock star of all time and Kiri introduces us to Nathan from Tripadvisor. He's worse than the murders.
30/11/181h 10m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 52-Ed Gein-4th Birthday Bonus Episode

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 52 is a bonus episode to celebrate All Killa No Filla's 4th birthday. They've gone with a request and he's not technically a serial killer but if you can't break the rules on your birthday then when can you? The subject is Ed Gein, a man who inspired a ton of horror films due to his dreadful crimes. He's a crafter as well. Gross. There's chat about bad sex and Vince Vaughn too. Unconnected, obviously. Kiri's laugh features heavily and good we say! It's been the subject of some chat of late but it's here to stay. Vive la Laugh!
30/10/1856m 37s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 51-Peter Tobin

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 51 concerns Peter Tobin who is a real rotter. An abusive partner and serial killer who is also suspected of being responsible for the unsolved Bible John murders. Rachel and Kiri discuss his horrific crimes but also find time to digress into chat about, among other things, randy dogs and sandpits. Rachel also reveals she's banned from Twitter and loses her temper at an imaginary listener. Business as usual.

All Killa No Filla-Episode 50-Bible John

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 50 takes us to Glasgow and the dreadful unsolved crimes of Bible John. All we know is he was a fan of the old religion and moaning at women trying to enjoy their evening in the Barrowland nightclub. Rachel and Kiri go off topic. No? Yeah, really! They discuss everything from business ideas to animal milk. Something for everyone.
16/09/1854m 49s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 49-Paul John Knowles

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 49 is recorded as Rachel and Kiri are in Edinburgh for the world famous fringe festival and focuses on Paul John Knowles who was also known as The Casanova Killer. A real wrong-un who didn't have a particular type of victim and probably owned a pleather jacket. It's a brutal one but there's plenty of digressions from the horror as Rachel reveals a bizarre fetish, Kiri explains her hatred of camping and they both reveal just how awful shared dressing rooms are at the Edinburgh Fringe.
16/08/181h 1m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 48-Michael and Suzan Bear Carson

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it.  Episode 48 looks at, Michael and Suzan Bear Carson, a rotten couple known as The San Francisco Witch Killers. They spend most of their time high on drugs, hitch-hiking and inventing their own religion. It sounds like a gap year but the crimes they commit are absolutely horrific so strap in. As usual Rachel and Kiri go off topic and discuss everything from Uber rides to psychics. You'll also hear Kiri's disgust at Rachel's depressing breakfast. It's totally warranted.
12/07/181h 2m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 47-Part 2-Gary Ridgway

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. It's the second part of the double Green River Killer episodes and you'll hear all about just how much of a rotter Gary Ridgway was. As usual though the pair digress and chat about everything from their dislike of thong underwear to pulling sickies at work. Kiri also tries to give an update on the teenage pigeon drama and Rachel tells us about her dad and his social media escapades. Don't expect closure on the pigeon though. Kiri isn't ready to talk.
21/06/1856m 24s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 47-Part 1-Gary Ridgway

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 47 is part one of their chat about Gary Ridgway, The Green River Killer. A horrible man who is officially America's most prolific serial killer. Rachel and Kiri discuss his childhood and pre-murder life and as per, anything else that pops up including Elvis, injured pigeons and gifts from beyond the grave.
30/05/1853m 44s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 46-Juana Barazza

*Please note the sound quality in the last few minutes is poor due to a tech fault. A new episode will be released asap* Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 46 Rachel and Kiri head to Mexico to look at the utter wrong-un that is Juana Barraza. She's the single mum and wrestler that earned the name The Old Lady Killer by killing a reported 48 female victims. As usual the pair discuss the crimes and anything else that crops up-Poorly rams, 90's popstars and the correct way to say 'scone'. They also have some exciting news for you all. Did someone say America?  
19/05/1858m 28s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 45-Donald "Pee Wee" Gaskins

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 45 concerns Donald Gaskins or "Pee Wee" to his pals. You'll be surprised he had any friends when you hear what an utter shit he was. As usual Rachel and Kiri digress from the horror they should be discussing and chat about everything from Kiri's dad's brilliant hat to Rachel's sisters unusual hobby. Kiri also endures a musical interlude from Rachel. Yep. She's done another song and it's almost as bad as Pee Wee's crimes.
13/04/181h 11m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 44 -Andrew Cunanan

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 44 looks at Andrew Cunanan a Louis the XV quoting, red leather jumpsuit wearing serial killer. He's an interesting one this fella, went on a spree that ends in him shooting Gianni Versace. Not interesting enough for the girls to stay on topic mind. We learn that Rachel embarrassed herself in front of Liam Gallagher, Kiri's Mum sacrificed a womble in front of her and Rachel tells us about glue ear.
19/03/181h 22m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 43-Joanna Dennehy

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 43 introduces you to the miserably named Peterborough Ditch Murders. Horrible crimes committed by the rotten Joanna Dennehy with the help of her 7 foot 3 sidekick. Really. Kiri has a cough this episode and you'll really hear it. Rachel has met Noel Gallagher and tells you the entire story, obvs. There's names beeped out and a burp in the first 40 seconds. Honestly, there's serial killers out there with better manners.
13/02/181h 4m

All Killa No Filla-Episode 42-Part 2-Robert Pickton

Join Comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. It's part two of Episode 42 and we returning to Piggy Palace to discuss the dreadful prick that is Robert Pickton. There's also celeb gossip with names beeped out, a special canine guest star and Kiri has met Rachel's sister. Is she right about her? Rachel doubts it.  
12/01/181h 6m

All Killa No Filla - Episode 42 - Part 1 - Robert Pickton

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 42 we've got part 1 of an absolute horror, Robert Pickton,or Pork Chop Rob as he's known. Rachel and Kiri are both hungover, someone wanks off a spaniel and we find out what Pompeii cat shit is. 
02/01/1845m 34s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 41 - Graham Young

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 41 we needed a break from the horrors so we went with Graham Young, the quaintly nicknames Teacup Poisoner. This lad loves a bit of Thalium. We also find out why Kiri pissed in a saucepan, how Rachel can give up smoking and we need some help from you for the next episode. 
28/11/1748m 8s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 40 - Richard Ramirez - Part 2

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. This episode looks at Richard Ramirez, The Nightstalker. Heads up, he's a horrorshow, this episode is particularly gruesome and that's coming from us. We also learn about tonsil stones, Rachel probably has a wasting disease and as per, she turns on you lot in the dying minutes of the podcast. 
12/11/1745m 28s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 40 - Richard Ramirez - Part 1

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. This episode looks at Richard Ramirez, The Nightstalker. Heads up, he's a horrorshow, this episode is particularly gruesome and that's coming from us. As usual Rachel and Kiri wander off topic and we learn an awful lot about Rachel's habits... We accidentally turned this into two parter as well. Soz.
29/10/1756m 51s

All Killa No Filla-Episode 39-Aileen Wuornos-Part Three

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passin, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Here's part three of the Aileen Wuornos special. Rachel's not happy because the trials are always boring but there's plenty to go on here as some bizarre things happen. There's chat about 90's TV hit Gladiators, Kiri's love of the phone and Rachel's hangover vanishes in a second. How did we do it? Ran out of recording memory pal.
04/10/1754m 11s

All Killa No Filla-Episode Thirty Nine-Aileen Wuornos-Part Two

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Here's part two of our three part special on Aileen Wuornos. You'll hear all about the murders, victims and Aileen's capture in this episode. There's also chat about drugs, single shopping trips and Kiri sets a world record for yawning. Rachel has also learned what "Ass to Mouth" is. It's more dreadful than the murders.  
20/09/1754m 10s

All Killa No Filla-Episode Thirty Nine-Aileen Wuornos-Part One

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode thirty nine is part one of a three part special and it concerns The Florida Highway Killer, Aileen Wuornos. It's a grim one, so strap in. Don't worry though, it's not all relentless misery, hear about Rachel's quest to stop smoking, Kiri's coitus related hip problems and find out why the sound may have more of an echo than usual...actually maybe it is all relentless misery.
10/09/1755m 47s

All Killa No Filla - Episode Thirty Eight - David Berkowitz

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode thirty eight was recorded live in Manchester and concerns Andy Kaufman lookalike and dreadful bastard David Berkowitz. Find out all about the Son of Sam and also hear about Rachel's strange fetishes, Joe Coffee and why Kiri isn't long for this world since she's clearly dating an actual serial killer.
19/08/171h 22m

All Killa No Filla - Episode Thirty Seven - Peter Moore

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode thirty seven was another one chosen by the listeners. It's Peter Moore AKA The Man in Black. Hear all about his awful crimes and how he gave himself his nickname. Yeah, he's one of those guys. There's also talk of penis recognition, family photos and Kiri almost makes Rachel vomit by accidentally using THAT word. Orgy Nibbles make an appearance too. Who's that? Well, you decide.
15/07/171h 11m

All Killa No Filla - Episode Thirty Six - Beverley Allitt

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial Killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty Six was chosen by you guys in a twitter poll so we're chatting about Beverley Allitt. She's a killer nurse with a shocking mullet and as well as chatting about her horrific crimes the pair find time to talk about Toys'R'Us, hospital schools and Coronation Street. Also, Kiri has a bone to pick with you lot...
18/06/171h 8m

All Killa No Filla - Episode Thirty Five - David and Catherine Birnie

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial Killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode thirty five concerns a horrible pair, not Rachel and Kiri, but David and Catherine Birnie. There's also chat about Kiri's badass mum and her missing earlobe, erotic fiction and Rachel falls briefly out of love with The Greatest City on Earth. 
15/05/1758m 55s

All Killa no Filla Live - Episode Thirty Four - Richard Trenton Chase

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty Four is a live episode recorded at the Wharf Chambers in Leeds. Kiri and Rachel are chatting about the Vampire of Sacramento, Richard Trenton Chase. Paul McCartney also gets a mention, Kiri struggles with a hangover and we find out where you shouldn't put a test tube.
11/04/1752m 19s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Thirty Three - Marcel Petiot

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty Three and it's Dr Satan himself, Marcel Petiot. He fired a gun in school, loved a narcotic and killed a load of people. We also find out about Kiri's Mum being a fugitive.
11/03/171h 23m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Thirty Two - Danny Rolling

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty Two and we're looking at Danny Rolling, horrible fella. Rachel and Kiri get pretty distracted on this episode and chat about dead eels, living in the woods and grown ups having best mates.
13/02/171h 37m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Thirty One - Moses Sithole

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty one and they're talking about the ABC Killer, Moses Sithole. Naturally Rachel and Kiri go off piste and this episode includes a dubious accent, plenty of knicker chat and Rachel makes it clear how she feels about bums.
14/01/171h 10m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Thirty - Part Three - Fred and Rose West

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty part three and now we've got to know this horrible pair, it's time we talked about their crimes, there's plenty to talk about too. Not to mention the other bits Rachel and Kiri get distracted with; alternatives to perfume, dirty underwear and Rachel loses her rag in the final minute of the podcast.
25/12/161h 29m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Thirty - Part Two - Fred and Rose West

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty part two and we're meeting the other half of this horrible pair,"Dozy Rosie" herself, Rosemary West. Kiri and Rachel also get massively distracted talking about their top five.

All Killa no Filla - Episode Thirty - Part 1 - Fred and Rose West

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirty and it's a big one, Fred and Rose, the Gloucester House of Horrors. This is part 1 and we're getting to know Fred West. Just don't get too close because he doesn't brush his teeth and eats onions like apples.
11/12/161h 3m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Nine - Belle Gunness

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty Nine is Belle Gunness. She really racked up the numbers (murders and lovers). But, what happened to her or more importantly, her head. Also, Kiri has to beep out the name of a sexual partner and we find out she has a "reputation".
14/11/161h 11m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Eight - Robert Hansen

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty Eight is Robert Hansen, The Butcher Baker. He could fly planes, bake bread but he couldn't stop killing women. Find out his horrid school nickname and enjoy the weird screaming sound in the background courtesy of the London soundscape.
15/10/1654m 44s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Seven - Andrei Chikatilo

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty seven takes a look at the Butcher of Rostov, Andrei Chikatilo. He's a full house if you're playing serial killer bingo and the Japanese wanted to buy his brain. Enjoy!
27/09/161h 13m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Six - Yang Xinhai

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty six is the Monster Killer, Yang Xinhai. It's a short one because we learn that the Chinese government likes to keep things quiet. Don't worry though, Kiri and Rachel have plenty to say about blazers, mumps and malteasers.
24/08/1636m 4s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Five - Carl Panzram

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty five is Carl Panzram, boy did he love to sodomise people. We learn that Rachel's scared of leaving the EU but not scared enough to sail a boat and Kiri tells us about another weird guy from her school.
13/07/1654m 57s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Four - Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty four is a killer couple. It's the Ken and Barbie killers, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo. Buffets and Mooncups also make an appearance.
09/06/161h 6m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Three - Dennis Nilsen

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty three is a big one. It's the Kindly Killer himself, Dennis Nilsen. We find out why he isn't the British Jeffrey Dahmer and Rachel mentions plane crashes, again.
10/05/161h 3m

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty Two - Ronald Dominique

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty two is Ronald Dominque a glee club attending, moped riding Southern serial killer. Rachel gets right wing and Kiri tells us all about "The Panics".
07/04/1645m 2s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty One - Pedro Alonso Lopez

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty one and we look at Pedro Alonso Lopez, or as he's known, the Monster of the Andes. He's a monster bullshitter is what he is. Dodgy childhood, bumbling police force, we've got all the classics in this episode. We even chat about plane crashes for a bit.
13/03/1640m 17s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twenty - Tillie Klimek

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twenty and we look at Tillie Klimek, a woman too ugly to be innocent. Rachel also chats about spam for ages and leather trousers also make an appearance.
10/02/1636m 53s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Nineteen - The Bloody Benders

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Nineteen and it's America's first serial killers (emphasis on the plural). This podcast features a story about Kiri disposing of a "body", butter knives and a hot air balloon.
09/01/1651m 36s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Eighteen - The Zodiac Killer

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Eighteen and we're looking for the Zodiac Killer - whoever he is. Rachel and Kiri aren't sure as it turns out it's quite a confusing tale. So confusing we call it Episode seventeen.
10/12/1551m 57s

All Killa no Filla Live - Episode Seventeen - H. H. Homes with Michael J. Dolan

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode seventeen looks at "America's first serial killer", H.H.Holmes, or Herman Mudgett as he's more accurately known. A "favourite" of Kiri's he had cracking facial hair and a "Murder Castle",what's not to love? The brilliant Michael J. Dolan is the guest.
08/11/1547m 24s

All Killa no Filla Live - Episode Sixteen - Peter Sutcliffe with Ed Gamble

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Sixteen is a live show that we've decided to release. Each episode we asked a comedian to pick a killer and come on and chat about them, Ed Gamble picked Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper. It's a pretty star studded episode with mentions of Jimmy Saville, Les Battersby and even Frank Bruno. Plus, a member of the audience has a very real connection to the Ripper.

All Killa no Filla - Episode Fifteen -Edmund Kemper

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Fifteen looks at Ed Kemper, The Co-Ed Killer. He's a big lad with a high IQ and from what Rachel and Kiri hear, he writes back to you. Let's hope he doesn't listen to podcasts for their sake. Also, there's an off the cuff joke in there that probably should have been cut but it's in there now. Enjoy!
08/09/1549m 42s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Fourteen - Nikolai Dzhumagaliev

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Fourteen looks at Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, Metal Fang. He's got a badass nickname and a habit of eating women. Short one this as it turns out that the then Soviet Countries like to keep this kind of thing quiet...
31/07/1525m 29s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Thirteen - Colin Ireland

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Thirteen looks at Colin Ireland, the Gay Slayer. We've got teddy bears 69ing, a leather bar and an interesting serving suggestion for snooker balls. Enjoy!
25/06/1543m 36s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Twelve - Ivan Milat

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Twelve looks at Ivan Milat, the Backpack Murderer. The hero of the piece? A man called Paul Onions. It's worth listening just for that.
18/05/1532m 52s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Eleven - Ottis Toole & Henry Lee Lucus

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Ten looks at the Soup Kitchen lovers Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucus. Confessions, serial killer bingo and broom handles, this podcast has it all.
27/04/1538m 6s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Ten - Jeffrey Dahmer

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Ten looks at the Milwaukee Monster, Jeffrey Dahmer. Find out what "Doing a Dahmer" entails, how Jeff spent his prom and hear just how ropey Rachel's Roland Rat impression is.
03/04/1552m 37s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Nine - Harold Shipman

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Nine looks at Harold Shipman, or Dr Death as he was known. The most prolific British serial killer of all time, a beloved GP and a drug addict. Standard.
09/03/1537m 35s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Eight - Ted Bundy

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Eight looks at Ted Bundy. Master of escapes and ladies man Bundy has cemented his reputation as one of the most famous killers in modern times, find out why.
20/02/1556m 41s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Seven - Charles Ng and Leonard Lake

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Seven looks at Charles Ng and Leonard Lake. Find out why Ng is the most expensive criminal in history and just what is "Project Miranda".
02/02/1551m 2s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Six - Peter Kurten

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Six looks at The Dusseldorf Vampire, Peter Kurten. This podcast the pair talk about sheep's vaginas, Billy bear meat and monogrammed handkerchiefs, something for everyone, the people's podcast, if you will.
19/01/1537m 35s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Five - Ian Brady and Myra Hindley

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode Five looks at The Moors Murders, committed by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. Rachel and Kiri present their most in depth podcast to date. There's lesbian affairs, rescue homes for evil pets and bootlegged Hitler speeches in this episode.
04/01/1549m 56s

All Killa no Filla - Episode Four - Elizabeth Bathory

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode four looks at Elizabeth Bathory, also known as The Countess of Blood. Rachel and Kiri look at her upbringing, crimes and trial and examine the true enemies that walk amongst us, people who keep bread in the fridge.
21/12/1435m 18s

All Killa no Filla - Episode 3 - John Wayne Gacy

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 3 looks at the clown faced killer himself John Wayne Gacy, KFC gets a few mentions too.
04/12/1438m 51s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 2 - BTK

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode two looks at Denis Rader, also known as BTK, or as Rachel and Kiri prefer to call him, "The Alan Partridge of the Serial Killers".
14/11/1441m 17s

All Killa No Filla - Episode 1- Jack the Ripper

Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard - McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. The inagural episode sees them look at the man who "gave birth to the twentieth century", Jack the Ripper. Also, Prince William gets a mention.
31/10/1432m 4s
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