Beyond the Blade

Beyond the Blade

By The Guardian

In our award-winning series, Beyond the Blade, we have been investigating the impact of knife crime on Britain's young people, and exposing the myths that surround it. In this new series of podcasts, we hear from people in Birmingham, Bristol and London who have personal experiences with knife crime, but who are actively engaged in solutions


Episode 3: Croydon - Beyond the blade podcast

Half of Britain’s teenage stabbing deaths happen in London. But not all the city is equally at risk and in this final episode we travel to Croydon in south London to hear how members of the local community are fighting back
10/09/1832m 53s

Episode 2: Birmingham - Beyond the blade podcast

In our second episode, we travel to Birmingham and hear from a group of parents about the role of fear in driving incidents of violent crime. We also hear about the positive steps being taken to restore the humanity of those young people who commit them
10/09/1829m 14s

Episode 1: Bristol - Beyond the blade podcast

In the first episode of our new series, we hear from support workers in Bristol who talk about how role models, masculinity and intergenerational relationships are all key to tackling violent crime
10/09/1832m 56s

Coming soon: Beyond the blade podcast

In this new series of podcasts, people from Bristol, Birmingham and Croydon in South London allowed us to listen to, and record, conversations they’re having within their communities about knife crime. Expect all three episodes next week...
07/09/182m 17s
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