Almost Tangible - Audio You Feel

Almost Tangible - Audio You Feel

By Almost Tangible Ltd

Trailers and behind-the-scenes content for all our latest audio dramas and audiobooks. Immersive audio productions that are so real they are almost tangible. Available on all major audio platforms. To find out more visit

Almost Tangible - Audio You Feel.


Macbeth Behind The Scenes

Behind The Scenes Of MacbethThe cast and crew of Macbeth share what it was like recording at Glamis Castle the 'Almost Tangible Way'…come join the laughter as we cast our minds back to a magical week in Scotland!
23/05/1956m 40s

Macbeth Part 1 Sleep No More

Sleep No MoreAmbition: Foretold he will be king, Macbeth commits murderous treason.Part 1 of Almost Tangible’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth.Act I, Sc 1 à Act II, Sc 1 of the original play.Macbeth James RobinsonLady Macbeth Eilidh LoanFirst Witch / Seyton Stephanie MacGaraidhSecond Witch / Porter Sophia McleanThird Witch / Old Person Brigit ForsythBanquo Tom VansonMacduff Josh ManningLady Macduff Tracy WilesDuncan Iain MacraeDonalbain Lewis RaeMalcolm / Murderer 2 Sam GariochLennox Ross F SutherlandRoss Peter F GardinerLittle Boy Macduff Fergus DurstonMacduff Child 1 Isla NelsonMacduff Child 2 Zoey MorganMurderer 1 Greig BaxterFleance Jason PanGentlewoman Charlotte MelénDoctor Carl PrekoppMusician 1 (Fiddle) Alexander IngramMusician 2 (Bodhran) Gordon Andrew——Director Carl PrekoppSound Design David Chilton & Lucinda Mason BrownProduction Manager Eleanor MeinProducer Charlotte Melén
11/11/1835m 21s

Macbeth Trailer - Knock Knock

Trailer for Almost Tangible’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Innovative, immersive audio drama recorded on location at Glamis Castle.
30/10/181m 8s

Macbeth Trailer - Seeds Of Time

Trailer for Almost Tangible’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Innovative, immersive audio drama recorded on location at Glamis Castle.
21/10/182m 25s
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