The Drunken UX Podcast

The Drunken UX Podcast

By Michael Fienen and Aaron Hill

Aaron Hill and Michael Fienen discuss web development, user experience, accessibility, and more - all while having a (hopefully) nice drink and trying to help listeners build a better web for the future.


#121: Accommodating Neurodivergent Hires in Tech

This week, Aaron sits down for a solo talk with the audience about his challenges being neuredivergent in the field of web development, and how that affects his work, along with what you can do...
21/11/2250m 55s

#120: Getting Started with Google Tag Manager

Michael’s solo this week, and taking the opportunity to dive into a subject he’s very passionate about: The value of Google Tag Manager. GTM is a tool that can simplify a lot of things in...
01/08/2257m 12s

#119: Tips For Effective Footer UX

Too often, footers get the short end of the UX design stick. It’s the afterthought, the thing at the bottom of the page, the place where useless items go to die. But it doesn’t have...
18/07/2259m 58s

#118: Skills For Your First Front End Job

In the field of web development, there’s so much to know, it can be daunting for those trying to break into their career at a company. In this episode, Michael and Aaron explore which skills...
04/07/2253m 12s

#117: R.I.P. IE, WordPress 6 Features, and CSS Tips

Need some bite sized conversations today? Let Michael and Aaron help with some discussion on the end of Internet Explorer, looking at WordPress 6 features, and some great CSS tips! It’s a great blend of...
20/06/221h 12m

#116: Coding Pop Quiz Part 3 (Back to JS)

In this episode, Michael and Aaron finish up taking their tests by comparing notes on some additional JavaScript challenges. Are two heads better than one? What sneaky tricks will derail them? Jump in and answer...
06/06/2259m 46s

#115: Coding Pop Quiz Part 2 (Ruby)

Turnabout is only fair play when it comes to testing our knowledge. Last week, Aaron was faced with some difficult JavaScript questions. This week, Michael takes on the hot seat with a whole batch of...
23/05/2259m 22s

#114: Coding Pop Quiz Part 1 (JavaScript)

Finals have arrived here at Drunken UX, and it’s time to take the test. Aaron is in the hot seat as we look at questions related to tricky JavaScript behavior. It’s a great way to...
09/05/2259m 40s

Build Process #9: Ben Reynolds

Aaron talks with friend and former coworker Ben Reynolds, a fellow Ruby on Rails dev and Rust enthusiast. They talk about Ben’s background in music, working for a call center, and his atypical journey into...
02/05/2238m 10s

#113: Using Shannon-Weaver in Web Strategy

With Aaron out of town, Michael takes the microphone solo to dive into why the Shannon-Weaver Model makes a great foundation to launch your design strategy. By putting people at the center of your process,...
25/04/2258m 17s

#112: Web Locks, “Programming” in HTML, and Wes Bos’s JavaScript Reference

Aaron and Michael sit down for a web round up of topics. First,Safari 15.4 solifies the Web Locks API as a standard you can now use cross-browser, we debate whether or not HTML is “programming,”...
11/04/2259m 27s

#111: What Did the DOJ Just Say About Accessibility

The US Department of Justice just released guidelines to take a firmer, clearer stance on your responsibility to comply with ADA requirements when it comes to accessibility requirements in web development. But… what does that...
28/03/2259m 57s

#110: Raising the Curtain on JavaScript Performance

Despite the growing abundance of bandwidth and computing power available from desktops to cell phones, putting attention on the performance of the code you write is still a worthwhile skill to cultivate that will help...
14/03/2259m 47s

Build Process #8: Lydia Winters

Build Process returns for 2022 with an interview with front end developer Lydia Winters from Limelight Marketing. Lydia is a relatively new developer with a passion for design who’s working on her master’s degree in...
07/03/2233m 9s

#109: Get Accessibility Moving with prefers-reduced-motion

Movement on web pages can cause users an assortment of issues for a wide array of reasons. Slowly, we’re adding controls to operating systems and browser so that users can define their preferences for issues...
28/02/2259m 17s

#108: Using DevTools Like a Boss

As a web developer, no tool may ever prove to be quite as useful as DevTools is. It’s complex, powerful, and reveals a wealth of information about pages you’re working on. The problem is, learning...
14/02/2259m 45s

#107: Building Michael’s First Ruby Application

In this special episode, Aaron takes the driver seat to teach Michael a new skill: creating an application using Ruby on Rails. They start from scratch, and walk through the basic steps and scaffolding to...

#106: Understanding Everything About the Box Model

The Box Model is a fundamental component of everything we do in building a layout for a website. Yet, you may not know all the idiosyncrasies or particulars that underpin how it affects rendering of...

#105: The Beginner’s Guide to CSS BEM

Successfully implementing a design for a large site in CSS can be a challenge in the best of circumstances. It can be downright hard if you need to spread the work across multiple developers of...
03/01/2259m 59s

#104: Season 4 Naughty or Nice List Finale

After 25 more episodes, we’ve arrived at the end of season 4! Michael and Aaron are doing their best Santa impersonation this week and are breaking out their lists of who’s been naughty, and who’s...
20/12/2159m 59s

#103: Reviewing The State of UX in 2022

UX Collective recently published their report looking ahead to The State of UX in 2022. We’ve pulled up their notes and go over their predictions and observations, tossing in some of our own to sweeten...
06/12/2159m 1s

#102: What is GraphQL All About? w/ special guest Justin Bahl

APIs can be confusing. Conventions like RESTful services have been a staple of the industry, but they suffer from a lack of tools that can better solve modern development challenges. Jason Bahl joins us this...
22/11/2159m 51s

#101: Design Advice for Developers

If you’re a developer that’s ever been pressed to complete a project on your own, or with a small team, you’ll know the anxiety that comes with making design decisions for a project that doesn’t...
08/11/2159m 57s

#100: Past, Present, and Future of 100 Episodes

It’s Milestone Monday! After nearly four years, we’re celebrating one hundred episodes! With that, we felt like it was time to update you on projects, and make some announcements, like our Patreon! We also look...
25/10/2159m 55s

#99: How Kind Design Will Shape the Web

The time has come for us to unleash upon the world the concept of Kind Design. Over the last four seasons, we’ve reinforced a consistent message of crafting considerate solutions for your users, solutions that...
11/10/2159m 41s

#98: How Atlas Content Modeler Carries WordPress on its Back w/ special guest Kellen Mace

Building a site using a headless WordPress approach is a strategy with growing appeal in all kinds of organizations. While we have the tools available to do it, the approach right now can feel daunting,...
27/09/2159m 13s

#97: Demystifying Web Vitals and PageSpeed w/ special guest Erik Runyon

Web Vitals are increasingly important to how your website ranks in search results, and you can learn a lot about how users perceive your site by studying them. Gone are the days where simply having...
13/09/2159m 57s

#96: Content Strategy Advice for Devs and Designers w/ special guest Sarah Maxell Crosby

It doesn’t matter if all your work takes place in code or Figma, what you produce depends on content, and content depends on you. There are lots of small ways success is influenced over time...
30/08/2159m 57s

#95: Advice for Your First WordPress Theme w/ Michelle Schulp

A lot goes into creating a robust WordPress theme. So much, that it can be daunting when you decide to tackle your theme project. But, while theme development can be an expansive topic to learn,...
16/08/2159m 54s

#94: Tech Debt, Sliders, and Funky Browser Features

Today we have fun with three bite-sized topics to get you through your day. First, we look at how we define different types of technical debt. Then we look into Michael’s second least favorite topic...
02/08/2159m 58s

#93: Accessibility Overlays and Calculating CSS Specificity

We’re tackling two topics this week to spice things up a little bit. We open by looking at the controversy that was stirred up after AccessiBe responded to comments on Twitter about the challenges their...
19/07/2159m 48s

#92: What Should We Do About Link Rot?

People are good at creating content. Like, really good. We create… a lot of it. What we’re less good at is maintaining that content over time. One symptom of that problem is the slow decay...
05/07/2159m 56s

#91: Running Tests Using w/ Jessica Sachs

Slow down to speed up. It’s an important mantra that, at times, might feel daunting to put into practice. But learning how to use tools to test your web development can lead to better, more...
21/06/2159m 49s

#90: What’s Behind Inclusive Design from UX@UW

Recently, Michael and Aaron were invited to speak to students taking part in the UX@UW user experience hackathon. The presentation, on how usability and accessibility create the foundation for inclusive design, was recorded and is...
07/06/2159m 46s

#89: Building Static Sites Using Eleventy w/ Stephanie Eckles

Looking for an easy entry point to create your first static site? Eleventy might be the right tool for that project. With a low barrier to entry and a lot of support out of the...
24/05/2159m 45s

#88: Understanding the Value of UX Research w/ Varun Murugesan

Do you make data driven decisions? Most web developers build websites with a combination of instinct, and relying on conventions established by other researchers. But truly proprietary, 1st party research on your sites and tools...
10/05/2159m 40s

#87: Musings on CMS Diversity, Intrinsic Typography, and CSS Accessibility

We made the questionable move to give Michael the reigns solo this week, but luckily, he came up with a selection of topics to go over that’ll ensure a little something for everyone. He dives...
26/04/2154m 25s

#86: We’re Stuck On Sticky Headers

Most UI choices you can make have differing amounts of good and bad considerations to weigh. Does the advantage tradeoff outweigh the disadvantages? The technique of sticking header navigation to the top of the browser...
12/04/2159m 59s

#85: Better Development Through Effective Code Reviews

This week we’re chatting about the importance of a far too often overlooked step in the development process: code review. It’s easy to write off the review process, especially if you don’t work in a...
29/03/2159m 55s

#84: Answering WebDev Questions from Reddit

It’s Q&A Day in the Drunken UX studio, and this week we’re taking a trip over to r/WebDev to see what people are needing help with. We picked a few of our favorite questions to...
15/03/2159m 58s

#83: Get Your JavaScript Ready for ES2021

We’re just about four months away from the release of ES2021, the latest annual update to the ECMAScript standard, and it will bring with it quite a few quality of life improvements for JavaScript. This...
01/03/2159m 55s

#82: Strategies for Avoiding and Coping with Burnout

Even the best of us find moments where our work no longer brings us joy or excites us. It’s when that work starts to feel like an anchor around our neck that we need to...
15/02/2159m 52s

#81: Getting Your <head> On Straight

If there’s one part of a website that suffers from the consequences of cargo cult coding more than others, it may well be the <head> of a site template. Over time, we simply get used...
01/02/2159m 57s

#80: Reviewing Results of the 2020 Design Tools Survey

With so many tools vying for your attention and money, it can be tough to know what the best options are when you’re prototyping a new UI or collecting test data from users. Taylor Palmer...
18/01/2159m 57s

#79: Why Babel Belongs In Your Build /w Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene

Let’s start out 2021 with a bang, and dive into how Babel fits into your build process and tool chain. To help us out in the discussion, we’re joined by software engineer Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene to...
04/01/2159m 22s

#78: Season 3 Finale

Season 3 is ready to be in our rearview mirror, and with it, a pretty weird 2020. To play out the season 3 finale, we take some time to reflect on remote working, successes we’ve...
21/12/2059m 56s

#77: Accessibility Among Us, CSS Math, and prefers-reduced-data

Stocking stuffer topics are the order of the week as we approach Christmas! We’ve got three different subjects to dive into ahead of the season finale as we look at issues of color accessibility in...
07/12/2059m 55s

#76: UX F**k, Marry, Kill w/ special guest Tim Broadwater

Author Tim Broadwater stops in this week to go over his book, UX: FMK, with us. In it, Tim share helpful anecdotes on issues related to the user experience field to help new UXers in...
23/11/2059m 14s

#75: Back to Basics and Flaws in Fundamentals

When learning web development, it’s easy to fall into habits that “work,” but aren’t optimal. We frequently learn by example, but the context those examples come in can impact if the nuance of the solutions...
09/11/2058m 47s

#74: Roundtable Review of Web Work in 2020

This week we’re joined by HighEdWeb veterans Paul Gilzow, Nikki Massaro Kauffman, and Matt Ryan to take a look back at 2020. In this special roundtable episode, we see where they found success, what challenges...
26/10/2059m 54s

#73: Playing Politics with User Experience

We’re less than a month out from the next big election here in the US, so what better time than now to take a look at our candidates’ websites and review some of the things...
12/10/2059m 55s

#72: The DUX Guide to Hacktoberfest

The end of September means we’re only days away from the annual Hacktoberfest event at GitHub, where people are encouraged to find open source projects to contribute commits to. What you may not know, is...

#71: How VanillaJS and the Lean Web Can Improve Sites w/ Chris Ferdinandi

One risk front end developers run in their day to day work is getting buried by the growing piles of frameworks and tools surrounding us and begging for attention. As JavaScript has grown as a...
14/09/2058m 42s

#70: Is the F-Pattern Still Relevant to Design?

Users have consumed content since long before webpages existed. We have habits of scanning through content that are ingrained in our psyche, because we’ve learned to trust them when information hunting. The F-Pattern is one...
31/08/2059m 57s

#69: Exercising Your Coding Muscles On w/ Jeremy Walker

How many times have we heard that your brain is a muscle, and you must exercise it just like your arms and legs? In the world of coding, whether you’re trying to pick up new...
17/08/2059m 48s

#68: Poor Page Performance Got You Down?

The Mantra of Milliseconds Matter has been repeated to us over the years ad nauseam. Even if we feel the saying is somewhat trite, the principle isn’t. As faster computers, better browsers, and increasing connection...
03/08/2059m 46s

#67: How We Would Improve

DUX takes on the all-too-intimidating task of looking at Amazon in this episode, targeting features and experience on the site that we would make changes to so that the process of shopping and buying could...
20/07/2059m 48s

#66: The Fastest Fonts, UX and PageRank, and Twitter Audio Accessibility

A last minute curve ball from Michael this week takes us down the road of a three-topic episode again. We get started by reviewing an article from Harry Roberts that gets into how to get...
06/07/2059m 52s

#65: What Are Static Site Generators All About w/ Jared White

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Such is true as we dive deeper into dynamic frameworks like React or Angular, while simultaneously returning to tried and true methods of delivering performant...
22/06/2059m 40s

#64: DUX Reviews Library Websites

Libraries have long made up the cornerstone of community learning, education, and other support services. As their scope and utility grows, so too must the capabilities of their website. Far too often, however, cities don’t...
08/06/201h 11m

#63: How Webflow is Tackling Accessibility Strategy w/ EJ Mason and Ruben Nic

This past Thursday was Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the perfect time for us to sit down with Webflow developers EJ Mason and Rubin Nic to talk about the work they are doing to prioritize accessibility...
25/05/2059m 51s

#62: Remote Working Tactics for Success

Are you one of the millions of Americans currently adapting to a new remote-working regimen? Are you finding it more challenging that expected, or struggling to stay productive? That’s okay! Working remotely creates new challenges...
11/05/2059m 59s

#61: Creating Efficient Emergency Websites

Emergencies are unavoidable – they wouldn’t be emergencies otherwise. But when crisis strikes, it always helps to be prepared with a strategy. Websites are no different, and there are a few simple tactics you can...
27/04/2059m 56s

#60: Digging Into UX Career Paths w/ Patrick Branigan

The world of user experience isn’t new, but it’s definitely evolving and expanding the horizons of web development along with it. Being a professional in the field of UX can come with any one of...
13/04/201h 3m

Remembering Christopher Schmitt

Sharing some quick thoughts on our friend, educator, and mentor, Christopher Schmitt. Transcript The following is a machine-generated transcript of this episode. It will contain errors until it has been reviewed and edited, and we...
11/04/204m 32s

#59: The Ins and Outs of the Web Storage API

Hopefully everyone is staying safe and healthy out there! If you’re trapped in your house, or not, we have a couple great topics for you. First off we look at how COVID-19 is impacting some...
30/03/2059m 38s

#58: What’s In Our Toolboxes?

Over the past two seasons, we’ve talked a lot about tools that can make your work faster and more efficient. Some of these tools we’re familiar with, others we’ve talked with other experts about. This...
16/03/2059m 40s

#57: Custom Post Types using Pods Framework w/ Scott Clark

A new website built in WordPress today isn’t complete until you’ve had to use at least one custom post type. Sometimes we code them by hand, or use a generator, but plugins like Pods aim...
02/03/2059m 57s

#56: Introduction to UX Research w/ Annie Lin

We’ve been thinking a lot about research lately, and how important it is to underpinning the decisions we make about our design and development and how it impacts users. To help us get our feet...
17/02/2059m 53s

#55: Why Chatbots Don’t Solve UX and IA Problems

Usually when we talk about passion for the web, we talk about things we support. This week, Michael dives in to his passion about chatbots. Not for them though – against. Companies the world over...
03/02/2051m 53s

#54: 7 HTML Elements You Should Be Using

How well versed are you with obscure HTML tags? More importantly, obscure tags that can be very useful, used today, and provide great semantic value to your pages? We’ve picked our seven favorites to introduce...
20/01/2059m 59s

#53: Accessible CSS Techniques w/ Christopher Schmitt

In this very special season premiere, noted CSS and accessibility expert Christoper Schmitt sits down with Michael to dig into the important introductory concepts involved in writing CSS with an eyes towards creating accessible, inclusive...
06/01/201h 10m

#52: Updating Our Top 3 Episodes

We made it! It’s the season two finale of The Drunken UX Podcast, and we couldn’t be more excited! To cap off the season, we take a look back and count down our top three...

#51: We’ve Made Mistakes

The penultimate episode for season 2 is here, and Aaron and Michael couldn’t be more excited to share their mistakes with you! Over the years, they have collected their share of oopsies when working on...
09/12/1959m 55s

#50: UI/UX Design Tools w/ Frank Romeu

In the home stretch for season 2, and we present our penultimate interview for the year as we sit down with Frank Romeu, a product designer at Hubspot, to take a look at the importance...
25/11/1959m 59s

#49: UX Impressions of the Facebook Redesign

Aaron returns for this week’s episode, where we take a look at Facebook’s FB5 redesign. While the new look and feel brings a much needed refresh to an aging layout, it’s not without its issues....
11/11/1959m 57s

#48: Do Less Better

With Michael flying solo for this episode, we take the opportunity to reflect on a piece of advice that we’ve emphasized in several past episodes, but never taken much time to explain why. This week,...
28/10/1942m 18s

#47: Talking Accessibility, Portfolios, and CSS Hacks

Michael’s on his way to HighEdWeb in Milwaukee, but before that, he and Aaron tackle three quick topics in this week’s episode. First up is an update on Domino’s attempt to push an web accessibility...
14/10/191h 12m

#46: Better Building Because of Bootcamps

Education has been a constant emphasis for us here on The Drunken UX Podcast. It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to the industry, or a seasoned vet trying to pivot into a new skill,...
30/09/191h 17m

#45: The DUX Guide to Images, Formats, and Optimization

If you’ve ever been confused about which image format is the right tool for a given job, hopefully we can help clear the air. Not only will you learn the difference between a JPG and...
16/09/191h 29m

#44: Automattic Just Saved Tumblr, Now What?

Big news broke recently in a surprise announcement that Automattic had bought Tumblr from Verizon at the fire sale price of $3 million. This looks like it can be nothing but good for Tumblr, but...
02/09/191h 29m

#43: Demystifying Site Hosting Solutions w/ Jeff Matson

If you’ve ever been confused by the number of different options available when considering how to host your next web project, we can definitely sympathize. Can you get by on shared hosting? Is a VPS...
19/08/191h 36m

#42: Surviving the Dreaded Website Redesign

Ever been involved in a website redesign? Aaron and Michael have. Quite a few, as it turns out. In today’s episode, they dig into their bag of experience to share warning signs for redesigns done...
05/08/191h 29m

#41: Shining Light on Dark Patterns w/ Ron Bronson

This week we’re thrilled to bring the talent and experience of Ron Bronson to you as we have a discussion about the different types of dark patterns and hostile design (along with why we’re on...
22/07/191h 29m

#40: Outlooks from the State of CSS Survey

With the arrival of July comes a chance to look back at an opportunity we mentioned a few months ago – The State of CSS Survey. Project mastermind Sacha Greif released the findings of the...
08/07/191h 29m

#39: WordPress Development with WPEngine’s DevKit

Chris Wiegman returns to The Drunken UX Podcast this week to share information about WPEngine‘s newest innovation – the WordPress DevKit. DevKit aims to take the best ideas of local development tools like Docker, Local...
24/06/191h 19m

#38: Staying Out of Technical Debt

Even the best code begins to look dated and inefficient given enough time. Techniques change, libraries evolve, and new capabilities replace old hacks. Technical debt is a consequence of programming that cannot be escaped, but...
10/06/191h 29m

#37: The Gutenberg Accessibility Audit Is In!

Less than one month ago, WPCampus put the capstone on six months of work aimed at providing the development community with an audit of accessibility issues present in the Gutenberg editor of WordPress. The director...
27/05/191h 29m

#36: Happy Birthday GDPR – One Year Later

It’s been one year since GDPR became the law of the land for standard-bearers in the privacy industry. For all the saber-rattling and scrambled planning, it might feel like it’s been a surprising non-event in...
13/05/191h 26m

#35: Chimps, Taxes, and Design Systems

While we’re on the subject of design systems, it seems worth taking a stop by the United States Digital Service and their release of the Web Design System 2.0 this month. The USWDS has provided...
29/04/191h 24m

#34: Accessibility, Web Components,and Responsible Development

Last week’s episode opened the door to the wild world of web components. This week, Aaron returns to dig a bit deeper into the idea of using them as a way of crafting parts of...
15/04/191h 29m

#33: HAX the Planet!

Aaron might be on the road, but we have a great guest to sit in his place this week as we talk with HAX Editor developer Bryan Ollendyke. Bryan shares his experiences building a standards-based...
01/04/191h 29m

#32: The 10 UX Commandments

In this episode, Michael and Aaron take a look at an article written by Phil Delalande with his take on The Ten Commandments of UX. Phil’s article outline a series of suggestions meant to help...
18/03/191h 21m

#31: You Got CSS In My JS

In this episode, we’re joined by GatsbyJS software engineer Dustin Schau to introduce our listeners to the concept of CSS-in-JS. Using this technique with React applications, you’re able to compartmentalize your styles to your individual...
04/03/191h 21m

#30: Captain Marvel Loves CSS that Respects Your Privacy

In this week’s episode, you get a three-for-one deal as we take a look at the retro-styled Captain Marvel microsite, then share some information on the State of CSS survey that’s currently underway, and finally...
18/02/191h 27m

#29: Stop Making Crappy Forms

Following up on Episode 28, we continue the discussion of usability and UX and how you can apply it to things you’re working on. In today’s episode, we’re tackling the subject of form usability and...
04/02/191h 26m

#28: Don’t Make Me Drink

In several past past episodes, Aaron and Michael have made references to Steve’s Krug’s seminal book on usability Don’t Make Me Think. This week’s episode takes a look at that book, and reviews several of...
21/01/191h 27m

#27: Should You Learn jQuery?

Welcome to Season 2 of The Drunken UX Podcast! We’re thrilled to have you back, and we kick the season off by having a discussion about the value in learning jQuery today, and what the...
07/01/191h 24m

#26: Season 1 Finale, Part 2

52 weeks in the making, we arrive at our final show for the season. If you haven’t yet, be sure to catch Part 1 of this two part finale. Today, we dive into the subject...
24/12/181h 20m

Build Process #7: DevSquared

Our final Build Process for the season takes us to the local, two-man development firm DevSquared. As a Pittsburg, KS based web and mobile application development agency, they work with clients to help foster innovative...
19/12/1827m 8s

RTO: Security Headers, Color Variables, Accessible Form Styling…

Hey folks, this is our next to last RTO of the year! Sorry it’s a little late this week, but as always, we think it’ll be worth the wait. This week, we start off with...

#25: Season 1 Finale, Part 1

We’re here! We made it! Today marks part 1 in our special, two-part season finale to round out the first full year of producing The Drunken UX Podcast, and man does it feel good to...
10/12/181h 27m

RTO: The Gutenberg Launch Special

It’s here! The day is upon us! G-Day! That great day of Gutenbergedness has finally come, and, well, at least it’s here. Right? Right? Regardless of where you stand on Gutenberg, the band-aid has at...
05/12/188m 58s

RTO:’s Horrible, 30 Second CSS, Microcopy…

This week’s RTO kicks off with some advice for approaching your work to ensure you do the best you can. From there, a look at Amazon from an outside user and the usability problems that...
28/11/1811m 59s

#24: Producing Open Source for Good

This week we bring back previous Build Process guest Sean Marcia to join Aaron in a chat with Michael about the Ruby for Good project and their project DiaperBase. Together, we take a dive into...
26/11/181h 24m

RTO: Micro-Experiences, Redesign SEO, Address Fields…

Thanksgiving is on the way, so be sure to queue us up for your travels! This week, RTO is ready for you with a quick selection of helpful choices just in time for the holidays....
21/11/1811m 58s

Build Process #6: Shelley Keith

Shelley’s career has taken her from a passion for technology to passionately advocating for the people who use technology. Spending many years working in higher education digital communications and marketing has made her hyper-aware of...
14/11/1833m 6s

#23: Blocks, Objects, and CDNs – A Storage and Delivery Primer

If concepts like object storage and CDNs give you a headache, let Michael and Aaron help you understand what it all means and why you might want to use them when developing your next website....
12/11/181h 33m

RTO: Agile vs. UxD, Bland Design, Form Performance…

It’s time for your favorite web development article roundup in podcast episode form of the week! Because we know there are so many of those, naturally. Anyway, start things off with a look at things...
07/11/1813m 26s

RTO: Microinteractions, Front-End Identity, Dynamic Design Systems…

Happy Halloween everyone! Our last RTO for October is ready for you with more thoughts on the value of designers learning how to write some front end code, a great piece on how microinteractions affect...
31/10/1812m 30s

#22: Let’s Drink to Our

This October marks the 5-year anniversary of the launch of – the insurance marketplace search platform that was conceived as part of the needs to support requirements of the Affordable Care Act. That launch,...
29/10/181h 29m

RTO: Evolution of Web Design, Gutenberg Accessibility RFP, Debugging WordPress…

Fresh back from HighEdWeb 2018 in Sacramento, and while it might be late this week, we know you need your RTO in your life. So, we’ve put together some good ones for you. We kick...
26/10/1812m 20s

Build Process #5: Kailey Pearson

Join us for this month’s BP as we interview design student and freelancer Kailey Pearson. She’s also the person responsible for our fancy little show logo too! Kailey is a freelance graphic designer who enjoys...
17/10/1825m 33s

#21: Car Dealing Out Some Punishment

In this week’s episode, Aaron and Michael sit down with a handful of car dealer websites, and review the problems and possible resolutions they see. Car dealerships rely heavily on site providers that offer repetitive,...
15/10/181h 30m

RTO: WordPress Gutenberg Accessibility Special

Big news on the block over the last week, as Gutenberg accessibility issues and politics are taking the front stage in the weeks leading up to the WordPress 5.0 RC and eventual launch in November....
10/10/1816m 22s

RTO: Grid vs Flexbox, 7 TED Talks, HTML Email…

We hope everyone enjoyed episode 20 of The DUX Podcast this week! If you haven’t listened yet, be sure to go back and check it out. As for today, our article roundup hits on advice...
03/10/1811m 49s

#20: Today’s Secret Ingredient for a Small Web Shop is… Bravery

First, we apologize for Michael’s audio being a little blippity this week. That’s the technical term. As it turns out, you don’t want to run f.lux in Windows 10 while recording, just so you know....
01/10/181h 36m

RTO: Select Boxes, Sticky Headers, Mobile Dark Patterns…

A Thursday edition of RTO this week bring a quartet of articles for you to enjoy. We get started looking into how design principles can improve your ability to pitch projects, then move on to...
27/09/1811m 30s

RTO: Smashing Book 6, GitHub Drops jQuery, and the Demise of RSS…

A beautiful new Smashing Book is released, an argument for why Gutenberg will be good for WordPress and page builder plugins, GitHub drops jQuery, making a case to come to terms with the hamburger icon,...
19/09/1810m 32s

#19: Inbox, EU Copyright, and AMP Walk Into a Bar

Three, three, three topics in one! This week we tackle a trio of topics to change up the pace. First we share some thoughts about Google’s announcement that it’s closing Inbox, and then we talk...
17/09/181h 21m

Build Process #4: Rachel Cherry

In this month’s episode of Build Process, we’re joined by Rachel Cherry. She is a freelance software engineer with a background in higher education and other enterprise-level organizations, like Disney. She is the Founder and...
12/09/1832m 32s

RTO: 404 Pages, Cypress Testing, Firefox and Tracking…

It’s that time of the week! We’ve got a pair of stories that focus on work Mozilla is doing covering research and user tracking. Both are worth a read in your spare time. If it’s...
05/09/1810m 15s

#18: Your Ally in Universal Design

Many of you are off for Labor Day, so we wanted to be sure you had something to do today for fun. What better than a new episode of The Drunken UX Podcast? This week...
03/09/181h 32m

RTO: Mobile Carousels, WordPress’s Crossroads, Slow Design…

Man, today’s articles will give you some great material, and some even better debate opportunities. We get started thinking about what defines success, and how we talk to others about it. Then, NNG has put...
29/08/1812m 36s

RTO: Using .filter(), Aspect Ratios, Scroll Bouncing…

This week starts with a couple different JavaScript related posts. Our first one looks at how JS dependence is bad for the canned theme market. The second offers an ES5 tutorial on using the .filter()...
22/08/1810m 18s

#17: The Weather Outside is Frightful

This week Aaron and Michael jump into three popular weather websites and poke them with a sharp stick while making observations about how frustrating they can be (see also: ads, too many ads), and what...
20/08/181h 23m

RTO: CSS Grid Cheatsheet, Measuring Design Success, WordPress Malware Removal…

This week’s RTO brings you a great visual cheatsheet for getting started with CSS Grid. This thing is a really great reference if you’re need a hand once in a while remembering how to make...
16/08/1811m 9s

Build Process #3: Mike Richwalsky

August means that it’s time for our third installment of Build Process, and this month we take a few moments to sit down with Mike Richwalsky of Gas Mark 8 to talk about his first...
13/08/1836m 42s

RTO: Fluid Interfaces, Gutenberg Preview Reactions, Amazon’s Dark UX…

This week’s news roundup kicks off with a look at building fluid interface components, and the design theory behind them. Next is a piece on how JavaScript is negatively impacting page load times. Following that...
08/08/1810m 42s

#16: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Content Strategy

On this week’s episode of DUX, we are joined by the ever lovable and often quotable Jeff Stevens from UF Health for a discussion on how to get yourself rolling with content strategy. We talk about...
06/08/181h 32m

RTO: Disabling Gutenberg, Good Link UX, Hospital User Research…

Selected just for you this week, a hearty crop of the best from around the web development news circles. Two stories on WordPress – one with advice on how to avoid the upcoming Gutenberg editor,...
01/08/1811m 15s

RTO: Is Coding Obsolete, Design Mentorship, Tackling a Redesign…

Here’s a special Thursday edition of RTO this week. Sorry for the delay, but we’ve put together a good list of articles for you to check out. Two of our choices are two-parters – one...
26/07/1810m 56s

#15: How to Manage Lots of WordPress Sites at Once

If you’re the kind of person that’s getting tired of going in and updating themes and plugins by hand across a lot of sites, today’s episode of the DUX Podcast is right up your alley....
23/07/181h 11m

RTO: CSS Grid Mistakes, Atomic Design Course, Headless CMS Tech…

This week includes a run by Jen Simmons’ YouTube channel Layout Land, a review of content security policy problems in a research paper at Google AI, a look at a tool that lets you create...
18/07/1810m 40s

Build Process #2: Sean Marcia

Today we’re interviewing Sean Marcia, a developer at USCIS and the founder of Ruby for Good, an annual conference for Ruby on Rails developers to volunteer their skills for non-profits. We were able to catch him...

RTO: Link Bars, Keyboard Accessibility, Browser Prototyping…

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July and took some time to relax. We also hope you caught episode 14 of DUX where we talked with Greg Podunovich about design philosophy. This week’s...
11/07/189m 36s

#14: I Got My Design Philosophy and I Trust it Like the Ground

This week Greg Podunovich of New York design firm Expand the Room joins Michael and Aaron to chat about the topic of design philosophy, and how it can help you make a case in support...
09/07/181h 34m

RTO: 500PX Drops Creative Commons, Flexible Text, Art of Listening…

It might be the 4th of July, but we aren’t letting that stop us from making sure you get your weekly dose of Real-Time Overview. Michael’s returned from Boston and back at the helm for...
04/07/1810m 55s

RTO: OpenAI Game Players, Writing Better CSS, Leveling Up Coding…

This week, Aaron takes on the RTO reigns while Michael attends An Event Apart. Don’t worry, you’re totally in good hands. We promise. Aaron’s lined up a few topics to cover with you, all of...
27/06/189m 58s

#13: A Disconnected Functional CSS of My Wretchedness

Does the phrase “functional CSS” mean nothing to you? Do you assume that any CSS that makes something look a certain way must be “functional?” Have you heard about things like CSS BEM or Tachyons,...
25/06/181h 7m

RTO: Color Tools, Design Thinking, UI/UX Design Pocket Guide…

Wednesday is here, and so too is our weekly roundup. Links are below, as you might expect, and our tour takes us from color tools, to an image reveal example and beyond. We’ve included a...
20/06/1811m 14s

Build Process #1: Paul Gilzow

We’re really excited to be bringing you the first episode of our new segment, Build Process. This segment will be focusing on casual interviews with other web professionals to talk about their experiences in the...
18/06/1826m 17s

RTO: Bidirectional Scrolling, CDN Performance, Technical Debt…

Our apologies for being a day late this week. I hate missing a schedule, but I’m pretty happy that since launching Real-Time Overview, we haven’t missed a single week. So that’s pretty awesome. The roundup...
14/06/1811m 27s

#12: Keep Your Applications and So Called Web Security

Okay, so fair warning, this week the guys kick things off talking about a horse of a different color. This isn’t web related, but Michael insisted that we talk about it. It might be a...
11/06/181h 35m

RTO: Microsoft Buys GitHub, WordPress Debugging, UX Design Portfolios…

Wow. So that happened. SmugMug acquiring Flickr was one thing. Microsoft buying GitHub? I mean, we all knew there was more than a passing interest in the idea, but I never would have called the...
06/06/1810m 43s

RTO: What’s the Flow, AJAX Performance, Post-GDPR Thoughts…

We’re running behind this week, and we apologize profusely, but we had a good reason. We’re fresh back from the Web Accessibility Summit in Columbia, MO, and man was it a good day of discussions...
02/06/189m 52s

#11: You Gotta Fight for Your Copyright (to Party)

We hope everyone is enjoying Memorial Day and is celebrating in a contextually appropriate manner. We’ve still got an episode for you today though, and we touch on a couple topics. Starting off, we review...
28/05/181h 10m

RTO: JavaScript is Good, Front-End Tooling Survey, Typography Trends…

Did you know JavaScript is actually a good programming language? How about that over half of front end developers have under 10 years experience? What about what WordPress 1.0’s dashboard looked like? We can help...
23/05/189m 46s

RTO: The 25-Step Program, Adobe XD for Free, IxD Books to Read…

This week unintentionally ended up being a bit UX heavy for the news roundup, not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s all great stuff worth checking out just the same. Whether that’s Boma Josiah’s...
16/05/189m 23s

#10: Little Red StrategyCar

This week Aaron and Michael are joined by Alaina Wiens from the StrategyCar Podcast to talk about the wild world of web strategy. Before diving into that topic, we review Michael’s recent experience interacting with...
14/05/181h 28m

RTO: The Noscript Web, Social Sharing Buttons, Reddit Redesign Reactions…

Is your site addicted to JavaScript? Does it degrade gracefully? Do you ensure you have base functionality working before enhancing progressively? Chris Ashton’s article is a nice reminder about how important it is to try...
09/05/1810m 4s

RTO: Drunk User Testing, 15 UX Rules, Fixing Amazon…

Given that we’re the Drunken UX Podcast, it seems only fitting to start this week with an article looking at drunk user testing parties for applications. It’s a contentious idea in the community, to say...
02/05/1810m 55s

#9: Love at First Site

Wow, so some big news breaking this past week with SmugMug buying Flickr from Oath. Aaron and Michael start this week’s episode off by looking at some of the history of Flickr, and what the...
30/04/181h 30m

RTO: Passwordless Logins, Inline Validation, Design Perception…

This week we take a trip to the RSA conference in San Francisco to see what Google and Microsoft are proposing as part of the Fast Identification Online Alliance. Will it be the next OpenID?...
25/04/189m 31s

RTO: Accessibility Inspector, Editorial Design, More Dark UX…

To everyone listening to Real-Time Overview for the first time thanks to finding us through Smashing Magazine… Hi! We’re glad you’re here. Every week we run through a few articles we think you should check...
19/04/189m 15s

#8: Sweet Home Automattic, Where We Use Gutenberg

With the release of version 2.6 of the Gutenberg preview plugin, WordPress is edging closer to a new editing experience that will dramatically impact the way people use the platform. Special guest Jeff Chandler of...
16/04/181h 39m

RTO: Facebook Privacy UX, Design Ethics, Email Coding…

Pretty much everyone had their eyes on Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress on Tuesday. In the spirit of that, we start with a story on Facebook, but on how they can improve privacy UX, not on...
11/04/189m 15s

RTO: Immersive Design, Coding for Designers, Dark Patterns…

We’ve weeded through all the April Fools nonsense to find the best meaty bits of web news for you all. For instance, what do you know about immersive design, AR, and VR? We’ve got some...
04/04/1810m 10s

#7: Codin’ 9 to 5

For those of you looking for a short episode this week, sorry. This week we’re talking about learning resources to get started with and how to stay sharp if you’re looking for a career in...
02/04/181h 40m

RTO: Purpose Driven Design, Atom 1.25, Design Genome Project…

This week’s RTO update is a little shorter, but has some great material in it nonetheless. Absolutely do not miss Invision’s Design Genome Project. The work going in to that is producing a lot of...
28/03/188m 55s

RTO: Usable Forms, the Meaning of UX, Developer Survey…

This week we’re bringing you some book recommendations from Luke Hays and Don Norman to cover user experience and UX research needs. Along with that, StackOverflow has a treasure trove of developer research that’s been...
21/03/189m 1s

#6: Can You Take Me Higher (Ed) [Part 2]

Today’s episode features Michael and Aaron taking a deeper dive into the subject of higher ed websites which was started in Episode 5. The best part is, episodes 5 and 6 were recorded together, so...
19/03/181h 6m

RTO: Gutenberg, OpenAI Scholars, Skeuomorphic Design…

Big week coming at you today. Everyone’s talking Gutenberg lately – and I have some of my own questions still. This should help ease your mind about the update a little though. Then we look...
14/03/1810m 7s

RTO: CSS Security, Typography in Design, Google vs. Slack…

A lot of folks have been looking into the CSS keylogging demo that Max Chehab has put out. On the heels of that, Jake Archibald has written up a nice look on why it’s a...
07/03/187m 24s

#5: Can You Take Me Higher (Ed) [Part 1]

Oh my. It’s time for Aaron and I to take a bit of a trip down memory lane. In today’s episode, we’re looking back to our early days and how we got started in the...
05/03/181h 9m

RTO: Google AMP, OOP in JavaScript, GDPR…

Ah yes, Wednesday, that faithful day when we bring you news updates in web development from around the web. Today’s cornucopia is abundant indeed, with acronyms everywhere. We get started with an update to information...
28/02/187m 31s

RTO: The Olympics, Visual Accessibility, CSS Variables…

From this episode moving forward, you can look forward to an RTO release every Wednesday morning. Today’s highlights are rounded out by several topics, including a review of how a designer worked with Yahoo to...
21/02/187m 15s

#4: Scenes From A Crappy Restaurant Website

From site visitor to in-person customer – few industries see customer conversions happen the way restaurants do. In an industry where your findability and content can so directly impact whether or not you’re making money,...
19/02/181h 6m

RTO: Snapchat Update, Facebook’s “VPN”, The Persona Paradox…

Just in time for your weekend, a new episode of RTO! Plenty to talk about, and we grab some of the top headlines from the week. Of course, we have to drop in something about...
16/02/189m 10s

RTO: WordPress 4.9.4, Twitter Profit, MixPanel Passwords…

Our first run at Real-Time Overview, a Drunken UX Podcast segment that will run between normal episodes of the podcast to draw attention to current events, articles, and releases relevant to web developers and designers....
09/02/188m 10s

#3: Streaming Video Killed the Radio Star

So if you listened to the end of Episode 2, this is clearly not the episode on higher education websites. Fear not! It’s still coming, we’ve just made some changes to the production plans for...
05/02/181h 20m

#2: Living in an Ecomm Paradise

In today’s episode, we tackle the large and weighty topic of ecommerce. Well, specifically, we’re going to look into two facets of shopping online: product sorting and checkout processes. We’ll review how and why sorting...

#1: Autoplay This

The Drunken UX Podcast’s inaugural episode, in which we look at the blight that is autoplaying videos. Facebook, your local news sites YouTube – we’ll look at the different use cases, where it’s appropriate, and...
07/01/1847m 5s

#0: The Introductioning

Welcome to Episode 0. This… is the start. In this pre-series episode, I wanted to take a couple minutes to introduce myself and explain just what you can expect to get from this show, what...
16/12/173m 39s
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