The Moon Under Water

The Moon Under Water

By Audio Always

The weekly show where Landlord Robbie Knox is joined by special guests to create their dream pub. No stone is left unturned as guests choose everything from the pub fittings to what's on draft, from what's on the playlist to what gets barred. All this plus early pub memories, hilarious drinking anecdotes, and great pub conversation.

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The Pub Notice Board - 'Closing Time'

It's closing time here at The Moon Under Water, but just before we lock those double doors there's time for one last look at the Pub Notice Board. And this isn't just any regular Notice Board, for the boys have gathered in one of their favourite haunts, The Shortlands Tavern, to sup pints, read out your correspondence, and reminisce to their heart's content. For the final time Robbie and Dan review their recent pubbing, and both lay a metaphorical wreath on the head of their favourite pub of the year. They also take a look back at some of the great guests that have stepped inside The Moon Under Water, they salute our loyal local correspondents, and we get a breakdown of the drinks chosen across the show. This may be goodbye from everyone at The Moon Under Water, but remember that the whole back catalogue lives on in the mystical (and physical) realm, meaning you can dip back in whenever you so desire. Thank you for joining us in The Moon Under Water over the years, your patronage has always been much appreciated in these parts. Now finish your pint and get out so we can close up, these tables aren't going to clean themselves. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/12/2446m 23s

Robbie Knox and Dan Trelfer - Robbie robbie and The Louis Armstrong

The landlord and the regular; a bond stronger than any known substance, a kinship deeper than any cave, a link that can never be broken. And today it's time for the landlord and the regular to enter the spotlight, for after helping countless guests design their dream pubs, Robbie and Dan are finally in the hot seats.As The Moon Under Water closes its doors, the dream makers become the dream wishers. Robbie and Dan may have hinted at their preferences (and Robbie may have already designed his dream pub in a previous life...), but today we finally find out what would make it into their pubs. And who could be better placed to concoct the dream watering hole than 2 men who have helped design pub after pub, week in week out, with an array of brilliant guests?This is the final pub design of the podcast, but Robbie and Dan will be back for a special goodbye Pub Notice Board on Thursday.In the meantime, keep sending your correspondence to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/12/241h 11m

The Pub Notice Board - 'How to Cook a Tugboat Bell'

It's the second-to-last week of The Moon Under Water, and we're putting the ultimate in penultimate with this week's Pub Notice Board.You can expect all the usuals: a round up of this week's pubbing, top notch emails, correspondent applications, and a query about how to cook tugboat bells. But there's also important Guinness news, a glance into Dan's future post-Moon Under Water, and a correspondent application with a twist...Keep your eyes and ears peeled for a special episode next week, where the tables are turned, and landlord and regular, Robbie and Dan will be designing their very own dream watering holes. Then we're off to the actual pub in next week's final Notice Board.Keep sending in your correspondence for one last week to, and we'll keep reading it. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/12/2421m 33s

Alex Horne - The Soft Glove

The details of the task are as follows: Construct your dream pub. The only limitations are your mind and the format of the show. You have approximately one hour. Your time starts on the theme tune.Taskmaster fans assemble! For the greatest of all the assistants, Little Alex Horne, is shuffling into The Moon Under Water to build his dream pub. Regular Dan finally comes up trumps by reeling in his work colleague to hear of his great ideas.A close associate of the old landlord John, it’s a wonder it’s only now that he makes it into the pub!So kick back and absorb a delightful chat which covers niche Scottish liqueurs, lazy susans and cocktail sausage vending machines. As has been mentioned on the Pub Notice Board, The Moon Under Water will be closing it's doors and be coming to an end. The pub will still exist in the other realm but it shall not be coming to you week by week by the means of podcast feeds. So if there's anything you want to get in then get it in sharpish. Get your notes in for the final Pub Notice Board on, plus if you fancy a visual tapas of all our guests from the show then head to @moonunderpod on the socials. Cheers! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Pub Notice Board - 'Last Orders'

The bell is ringing, the tables are being cleaned, and that can mean only one thing; it's last orders at The Moon Under Water. Landlord Robbie reveals that the pub will be closing in a few weeks time, bringing the podcast to an end.But there's still a lot of fun to be had before closing time, as we look upon the Pub Notice Board once more. An email from Belgian Rob gives Robbie a chance to review his recent trip to Brussels, we visit Coventry's oldest pub, and Robbie and Dan ask the serious questions, including the classic 'what's a stevedore'?The Moon Under Water will be open for 1 more special guest, then the following week Robbie and Dan will be taking the hot seats themselves and designing their own dream pubs.Though we may be closing the doors of this fine watering hole, the Pub Notice Board will be open for a few more weeks, so keep sending in your fantastic correspondence to We want to hear about your favourite Moon Under Water memories, your Christmas drinking plans, and finally, whether crisps are a thing in your country. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/12/2426m 16s

Paul Foot - The Pub and Function Room

Did you get the memo? Because Paul Foot got the memo. “Build your dream fantasy pub of the mind” Robbie said and boy has Foot delivered.The mind is running riot in this comic’s wonderfully inventive boozer. There’s not a lager or a particular glass of red to mention, for we are taking on fantastical journey of Dahl-esque proportions. From poets to bore the clientele to Bloody Mary elements on draft spanning the bar, enjoy this one patrons.Sometimes you just need a bit of chaos and joie de vivre in your local and that’s what you’re getting today.Get some similarly fun thoughts or missives? Well send them in to and catch us on @moonunderpod on your various socials. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/12/241h 8m

The Pub Notice Board - 'Trying a £20 Beer'

You lucky lot, not only do you get one hit of beer expert Jonny Garrett this week, but here's another one! Yes, the brains behind the Craft Beer Channel sits down with the boys for a special edition of the Pub Notice Board, and he's brought some gifts with him this time. After mentioning some mouth watering beers in the building of his dream pub, we thought it was only fair for Jonny to stump up the goods. So he joins Robbie and Dan to sample some rare bird drinks, including a beer that has its roots in the year 1883, and one of Jonny's all-time favourite beers, costing £20 a can. Robbie and Dan also attempt to 'learn the language of beer' and Jonny explains how marketing affects our tastebuds.Keep sending us your correspondence to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/11/2434m 22s

Craft Beer Channel - The Corner's Arms

Expert on the horizon! Every so often the Moon Under Water summons someone who really really knows their stuff, and today is one such occasion, for ambling into the pub today is Jonny Garrett from Craft Beer Channel. Jonny settles in for a delightfully detailed and colourful chat with Landlord Robbie and Regular Dan to *craft* a pub jam packed with lovely beers and warmth. One for the hopologists but also a very rewarding conversation for anyone who might have even had just a sip of the odd Pilsner. It even takes us to the most northerly pub on Earth in a place where polar bears roam the ice sheets. You can catch Jonny on YouTube, his website, and his brand new book The Meaning of Beer is out now!To get in touch with the show is the place to send it, and we're @moonunderpod on your socials. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/11/241h 7m

The Pub Notice Board - 'The Worst Pub in Crawley'

All hail Dan Trelfer! It's a momentous week as Dan finally completes the 52 pub challenge, with plenty of time to spare. How did he do it; a quick solo pre-train pint? A warm beer in the lobby of a bad hotel? All is revealed within. Elsewhere, Robbie visits the world's largest pub in the Netherlands, then stops off in Crawley to visit the worst pub it has to offer. Dan's theory of never having met a bad Alex comes under fire from a listener, and we encounter some strong correspondent work, verging on award-winning investigative journalism. Keep sending us your bits to We want to hear about your pub challenges, your Christmas drinking rituals, and everything in between. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/11/2435m 4s

Romell Henry - Not Its Actual Name

The mighty fine Portuguese / Black Country YouTuber Romell Henry is in to design his dream pub!Known to the masses as one half of the TGFbro YouTube channel, here’s a man who’s not afraid of a ridiculous, and frequently inadvisable, challenge. So constructing and stocking his dream pub should, comparably, be a walk in the park.  Expect an adoration of the West Midlands, and a Dudley pub he describes as his best, worst and favourite. There’s an important PSA regarding beef chilli patties, and is a Long Island Iced Teas criminal or just right?Check out Rommel’s mobile podcast Vocal Pickups on YouTube. He does it out of a van!For anything that *you* might want to add to show then send it in to and the Landlord and his Regular will go through it on our weekly Pub Notice Board.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/11/241h 1m

The Pub Notice Board - 'Have You Met a Bad Alex?'

It's a merry edition of the Pub Notice Board this week, after the boys embark on a pre-show pub trip. Spirts are high, japes are shared, and giggles are giggled. After a round up of their recent pubbing, Robbie and Dan dip into the correspondence to find musings on dive bars, an exciting corespondent application, and they round off by looking at the top 50 pubs in London.Keep sending in your top level correspondence to, and follow the show on the socials @moonunderpod. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/11/2426m 49s

Football Ramble - Skateboard

Podcast OGs The Football Ramble are in The Moon Under Water to put together their dream pub. From one of the longest running and most loved pods around, The Ramble’s Pete Donaldson and Luke Moore know their way around the Premier League but do they know their ales?Ramble listeners will already know of the unique / chaotic / scatty energy that Pete brings. Luke a steady more balancing approach. So expect clashes in their attempt to stock and build the establishment of their dreams. Plus a whole host of stories from the these two lively lads. From pubs with skateboarding quarter pipes to how Pete once lost a job because of the Hobgoblin hobgoblin. Antacids for nibbles anyone? If you’re football fans, The Ramble’s the most honest and lively football pod out there - they really do know their stuff and don’t take the whole thing too seriously. So do go check them out. If you’ve got anything for our weekly Pub Notice Board then it’s to get in touch.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/11/241h 11m

The Pub Notice Board - 'The Wrong Side of Tinsel History'

The landlord has donned his Santa outfit and put a wreath on the door of the Moon Under Water, for the Christmas season is finally here/Robbie has gone too early with his decorations... Whether he's out of the traps too soon is up for debate, but the prospect of Christmas pubbing on the horizon brings a warm feeling to everyone's hearts.There's big crisp news (from a few weeks ago), a listener tells of a mystery bar in Tokyo, and the boys receive a correspondent application from the other side of the globe.Keep sending your pub tidbits to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/11/2423m 55s

Poppy Cooks - The Tater Inn

The Queen joins us to build her dream pub today. La Reine of Roasties, Die Königin of Croquettes, The Potato Queen Poppy O’Toole - aka Poppy Cooks. Poppy is one of the internet’s most recognisable and downright lovely cooks. She lives and breathes the pommes de terre, but she also lives and breathes pubs and a good time.So settle in for the full triple cooked experience of Poppy’s dream establishment. She is possibly the guest where mid-record has become the most dreamy eyed at the prospect of owning her own pub. Watch this space.Her journey evangelises The Purple Rain and TGI Friday’s and critiques (the slippery olive) in equal measure, and we’re sure you’ll thoroughly enjoy. Search 'Poppy Cooks' online and you'll be able to find her wonderful TikTok and Insta accounts.And remember every week we have our Pub Notice Board where Robbie and Dan sort through the full gamut of pub stuff. If you want to contribute to those happenings then is where to go. You can also follow us on @moonunderpod on TikTok and Instagram. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/11/241h 4m

The Pub Notice Board - 'Moonchelin Stars'

Another week, another trip for Robbie. Is he the most travelled man in Britain? Quite possibly so!This time the landlord has been to Hungary and regales us with trips to the various ruin bars, attending the world's biggest sausage festival, and having a surprise drink with a previous Moon Under Water guest.Also on the menu is how best to rate pubs, talk about the most haunted watering holes this fair isle has to offer, and Dan hits a milestone in his 52 pub challenge.Have you embarked on your own pub challenge? Have you visited a haunted pub? How would you describe a dive bar? Let us know on Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
31/10/2430m 40s

Watson D.Hirschfield - The Crooked Wand

Sliding into The Moon Under Water today is one of the internet’s biggest personalities - Watson D.Hirschfield!Having amassed over 6 million followers on TikTok with his energy and musical observations Watson's in to design a dream pub just overflowing with his memories and a knowledge beyond his relatively tender years. This rum lover, Arsenal enjoyer and, shockingly, water hater takes us on a tour via Newcastle and corporate box behaviour in The Crooked Wand. If you want to get in touch with the show with anything for our weekly Pub Notice Boards then send it to  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/10/241h 3m

The Pub Notice Board - '150 Up'

Joe Root, Ellen White, Laura Kenny: British sporting greats whose careers have involved smashing records left, right and centre. Now there's a new name to add to the list: Mr Robert Knox. For this week Robbie surpasses the 150 mark in his pub challenge. And what's more, the achievement was made after a Scotland game in which Scottish defender Grant Hanley had Portugal's Ronaldo in his pocket, i.e. the perfect evening for Robbie.Aside from the celebrations, there's beef started between our current Hull correspondent and a plucky Hull-based contender, and listener Pete suggests a new rating system to recognise the nation's great pubs.We love to leaf through your correspondence whilst supping on a sweet sweet pint, so keep sending it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/10/2425m 14s

Stevie White - The King’s D*ck

The latest member of The Four Skins to walks through the doors of the Moon Under Water. Following in the footsteps of JaackMaate last week it’s one of Robbie’s other close pals and Happy Hour co-hosts Mr Stevie White, in building his dream pub.And Stevie just brings in so much warmth and delightful vibes that we at the pub are sure you’ll absolutely lap this one up.Much to Robbie’s delight Coors Light finally gets the time in the sun that he has long believed it truly deserves and Stevie illuminates us on the perhaps ominously named Toronto Death. If you’ve enjoyed Stevie's episode then check out JaackMaate’s episode from last week!To get in touch with the mystical pub then is the place to send it in, and we’ll feature anything on our weekly second episode The Pub Notice Board.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/10/241h 6m

The Pub Notice Board - 'The Beard Pioneer'

It's a Pub Notice Board with a spring in its step today because Robbie is buzzing. Like a teenager after his A Levels staring at a lovely free summer, he's finished all his work and is buoyed by life's possibilities. He promises that this episode will be 'tremendous' as a result, and we won't be taking any refunds if you disagree.What we will be taking is your emails about the staying power of the pint. A recent study claimed that 2/3 pints are the way forward, but are the landlord and his regular in agreement?Let us know your thoughts at and follow us on the socials @moonunderpod. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/10/2427m 46s

JaackMaate - The William II

We welcome in a good friend of the Landlord into the Moon Under Water today. It’s JaackMaate, Robbie’s other audio wife and namesake of the JaackMaate’s Happy Hour podcast!Jack brings with him many a tale with Robbie, a fellow passion for Norwich and also some extraordinary adventures in the Caribbean with ex Premier League footballers.And also, well done you Luis Boa is the place to send in all your emails if there’s anything Jack’s said that tickles your fancy. And we’ll be back with The Pub Notice Board as usual in a couple of days! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/10/241h 5m

The Pub Notice Board - 'Robbie's One Day Drinking Challenge'

Robbie has been galavanting across Europe in an attempt to drink in as many countries as he can in one day. How many did he do? How far did he get? You'll have to listen (then watch his upcoming YouTube video...) to find out. Elsewhere, there's a lengthy debate about the boundaries of Lincolnshire, reflection on a viral clip with previous Moon Under Water guest and house builder extraordinaire Kevin McCloud, and the revelation that there are hidden tanks under a cricket pitch in the City of London!? Oh, and if any cartographers are listening, we want to hear from you. The Pub Notice Board runs on your correspondence, so keep sending it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/10/2428m 52s

William Hanson - The Cock and Trumpet

Renowned etiquette expert William Hanson is in the building to put together his dream pub. The fine bone China has been dusted, the sleepy drunk in the corner has done up his fly and chatter is at a noticeably restrained level. William has brought a welcome refined edge to the Moon Under Water today.The co-host of the veritably successful Help I Sexted My Boss podcast has some very strident views on what is good and proper, and thankfully is also a right riot.Though not the most natural pub beast William has a very personal, funny and precise establishment he pieces together including a quite revolutionary choice on draught.If you’ve got some thoughts on William’s choices then send it all to you’re a Sexted listener that’s been lured into our orbit you can find Jordan North’s dream pub episode in our feed from 7th March 2022! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/10/241h 8m

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Hugely Disagreeable Correspondence’

Captain! Beef ahoy on the horizon! Well maybe not prime boeuf, but a critical email sets Robbie’s tongue a-wagging on the Notice Board today as questions of the integrity of his pub challenge quest are thrown up. We also hear of some intense Irish pub crawling practices for the upcoming festive season.Plus dive bars are thrown into the mix along with lament for the lack of landlord ship for ex-footballers in the modern age.Drink Tasted: Vocation Double Tonka FrappeIf you’ve got words to say, are one of our correspondents or want to become one, then send your bits to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03/10/2428m 40s

Kevin McCloud - The Sow and Pigs

Grand Designs’ honcho-in-chief is in to build his dream pub. A fixture of our screens for many a decade, when he’s not casting his eye over the architectural triumphs and disasters of overly ambitious couples, Kevin McCloud is in his local.And Kevin is someone who absolutely oozes enthusiasm informed by a life well lived. From his own orchards, to tales of whiskey on expenses tabs of the distant past, his dream pub is informed by a litany of stories and knowledge.Send us anything and everything that peaks your interest to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/09/241h 3m

The Pub Notice Board - 'The 99p Pint'

It's a Pub Notice Board that spans the country, as we make stops in Liverpool, Leeds, Horsham, Hove and more. Some brave listeners put themselves forward to represent their area as local correspondents, and Robbie and Dan's taste buds meet their match once more, this time in the form of a pastry pale ale.The Notice Board wouldn't be anything without your notices, so keep sending them in. Found a new hidden gem pub that you can't stop raving about? We want to hear about it. Witnessed the maddest pub behaviour you've ever seen? We want to hear about it. Saw Robert Plant performing 'Whole Lotta Love' at your local open mic night in East Heckington? We want to hear about it. Email the show at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/09/2423m 46s

Reverend Kate Bottley - The Jesus Arms

Do Reverends and pubs go together? This week's guest answers this question with an emphatic yes, as The Moon Under Water opens its doors to its very first member of the church, Reverend Kate Bottley. Kate talks about the deep links between priest and pub. She reveals how she once cancelled evening church services to host a pub quiz, and spills the communion wine on what priests use for communion wine. There's also talk of consecrating jägerbombs, trying out coffins at trade shows, and monks bringing cases of beer to Kate's door. A reminder that The Moon Under Water will now be serving up guest episodes in one helping; think of it as one stronger pint as opposed to two halves. We love to receive your correspondence, so keep on sending it to And follow us @moonuderpod on the socials. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/09/2456m 54s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Buy Buy Buy, Sell Sell Sell, Drink Drink Drink'

It's a bumper week of pubbing for Robbie as he sails past the 130 pubs in a year mark. Quite impressive for a man who doesn't like late nights. Unsurprisingly, such unfettered pub-going leads to some serious questioning from Dan.And after last week's intriguing drink suggestion, Robbie and Dan try another strange drink sent in by a listener. They also discuss the country's ultimate pub crawl, and read out some heavyweight applications for listener Pub Correspondent roles.Want to send in your musings on a recent pub trip? Send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/09/2429m 10s

Historic Pub Crawls - The Crawler's Rest

Thomas J. Vosper aka Historic Pub Crawls stops by to design his dream pub. And boy is this a man who knows his way around a pub. He's visited hundreds in the past year alone, and has amassed thousands of followers showcasing the best pubs this fine isle has to offer.Want to know the best pub to visit in Nottingham? The creepiest pub to go to in Derby? The oldest pub to have a pint in in York? All is contained in this here episode, plus of course great tips on how to create your own pub crawl.Thomas also waxes lyrical about his favourite London pubbing areas, reveals the interesting history behind snob screens, and even gives advise about where to drink in New York.The Moon Under Water will now be serving up guest episodes in one helping; think of it as one stronger pint as opposed to two halves.If you want to get in touch with your pub recommendations, your thoughts on guests' choices, or your feedback on Dan's quizzes, email the show at and listen out for the weekly Pub Notice Board, in your feeds every Thursday. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/09/2456m 49s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘The World’s First All You Can Eat Crisp Buffet’

A bumper sack of messages this week as listener Olivia suggests an intriguing drink for the boys to try, and Alma our South East London correspondent her minions with carrying out an important review.Elsewhere there’s pubs in parks, metal pubs in Colorado and a tease of the promises of Hull.Send in any interesting suggestions you might have for the lads to drink and we’ll try them on the show! Anything weird or outside the box to tickle their tastebuds? is the place to wing all your missives. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/09/2427m 9s

George Lewis - ‘I Was A Walking Vineyard’

Sketch comic, the lovely George Lewis, has now built his dream pub (see the previous episode for that), so now it’s time for head into even more that will round off the experience of walking into The Stumbling Turkey.There’s some Oasis oneupmanship, talk of strapping wine to oneself and a very observant thing for George to bar from his pub. Plus there’s a quiz that parents will thrive at.George is @georgelewiscom on Instagram, and is touring his stand up show throughout autumn and into the new year. But tickets are sparse!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Or maybe you’ve got some thoughts on something George has had to say. Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/09/2436m 18s

George Lewis - The Stumbling Turkey

Comic and parenting observer George Lewis is in the Moon Under Water this week. Best known for his observant parenting sketches, George leaves the kids at the door to take Landlord Robbie and Regular Dan through his dream pub.And he takes us on a journey through gin in film canisters and neat Pepsi syrup to fashion a wonderfully wistful establishment we’d all love to be a part of.Plus there are some nice positive reflections on how having kids can lead to a healthier appreciation of having a drink.George is @georgelewiscom on Instagram, and is touring his stand up show throughout autumn and into the new year. But tickets are sparse!Check out the second part of the chat for his Dream Pub Companion and so much more!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Reviews, places you’ve been, things you’d like to bar? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/09/2443m 32s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘The Man Who’s Drunk 50,000 Different Beers’

There’s connoisseurs and then there’s connoisseurs. And today we’ve got a man who has smashed past many milestones in on The Pub Notice Board today. For Robbie and Dan are blessed with the presence of a man who has drunk 50,000 *different* beers in the form of the delightful Andy Morton. And not only that but he's had 50,000 different *British* beers.Andy's someone who's written down every pint he’s ever had since the 1980s, and yet there are still other’s ahead of his figure! It’s a fascinating and lovely chat on tickers, Pogo and Dave Unpronounceable.Elsewhere, Robbie’s been having bottom issues and reveals anaesthetic cutbacks in order to facilitate a pub crawl, which the Rat Juice hydra sprouts more heads.If you’d like to get in touch and chat anything that’s popped up on the show then it’s as the place to send your emails. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/09/2428m 51s

WhatWillyCook - ‘I Smoked A Twiglet’

Internet chef and wordsmith WhatWillyCook has built his dream pub, from the foundations to the pumps. Now he fills it with tales and all manner of chat on Drinks In Time, Dream Companions and twiglets.It’s the second consumable bite of the pubbing cherry. And in said cherry is a dive into heroes and a rather harrowing drink which inexplicably Will is choosing to relive. And Dan wheels out a pub quiz which he worries is actually too gettable for once. Top stuff. Will’s @whatwillycook on Insta and @whatwilly on TikTok if you develop your own thesaurus and make a toast / big lunch / some pasta or something. Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Or maybe you’ve got some thoughts on something Will’s had to say. Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/09/2428m 15s

WhatWillyCook - The Busman's Q*eef

What do you get if you combine one squeeze of lemony p*ss, two cracks of pepper noir and a heaping dollop of Shoju, it’s Whatwillycook’s dream pub of course.There’s a lot of people cooking food online, but there’s few having anywhere near as much of a laugh while doing it as Will Hughes. No not the Crystal Palace midfielder, rather better known to you as Whatwillycook on the socials.  He’s got a cracking turn of phrase and combines that with a deep but also everyman gastronomic knowledge. From Sagres to Super Bock, he is absolutely ripe for laying the foundations for his fine establishment.Will’s @whatwillycook on Insta and @whatwilly on TikTok if you want to go nosey at his recipes to grab one for your tea. Check out the second part of the chat for so much more!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Reviews, places you’ve been, things you’d like to bar? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/09/2437m 20s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Lemon Tops’

Much to cover on this week’s PNB from intriguing tops to 'raz juice', and accusations of yet more information. This time from Down Under.The landlord and reliable regular are absolutely inundated with requests for correspondents. A Battery? A Draught of Correspondents? Here to provide pubdates from around the globe, the roving reporter network is quickly building a vast web from a road in Liverpool to the US of A. Could it even push into a multi-level system? Who knows.And if you’ve got anything to contribute, be it to punt out as a reporter or if you’ve got any advice for Munich in to Also we need to hear off these reporters and get our money’s worth, so send in your latest local findings!And for those who bother to read this far down the episode descriptions, here’s a little Easter egg. Next week’s guest is going to be the delightful social media food sensation Whatwillycook, so go check him out. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/08/2423m 39s

Cheap Holiday Expert - ‘The Cheapest Drinking Destinations’

Chelsea Dickenson, aka Cheap Holiday Expert has constructed her dream pub. But now for the information which you at home can actively use. Given that Robbie spends half of his life travelling across Europe's watering holes, he has many questions that need answering.As well as a wistful holiday Drink In Time and big light hatred, Chelsea divulges some crucial travel nuggets that could inform your next trip abroad. Proper useful stuff to get that next flight booked, so pens at the ready.Chelsea is, in Robbie’s own words, “The best person at Instagram”. So go check out her social channels @cheapholidayexp as she’s got mountains of ways to help you spend less on holiday.If you want to hear Chelsea build her dream pub, The Come What May, and haven't already, then head to her other episode for all that goodness.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Got your own beverage travel advice? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/08/2432m 28s

Cheap Holiday Expert - The Come What May

Chelsea Dickenson, more widely known as Cheap Holiday Expert is in building her dream pub. You’ll have no doubt seen Chelsea on social media as the Martin Lewis of weekend and annual leave activities, and she has much to bring to the bar.As someone who has trailed across country after country on a Ryanair budget this is a guest with a cornucopia of foreign beverage insight useful for the man on the street.So what sort of pub can this travel aficionado put together? Well reader, the writer of this blurb remembers Chelsea purchasing a tray of shots and several bottles of champagne with the remnants of the tab at the Moon Under Water parent company Christmas do several years ago, so she sure knows how to have a good time. True story.Do check out her socials @cheapholidayexp because there’s honestly a mountain of useful insight, intriguing questions answered and fun stuff to inform your next trip abroad.Listen to the second part of the chat for so much more!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Reviews, places you’ve been, things you’d like to bar? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/08/2444m 0s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Big News From Batley’

Call AC-12 and bring in Ted Hastings, for there are serious accusations of corruption flying around the 52 Pub Challenge!Our Landlord steps through the South of France portal to join Dan for an absolute boozy shopping trolley full of correspondence.There’s Romanian tales, Dan thinks he’s found the nicest beer in the world, there’s an incredible bucket-based tale and news from Batley sends shockwaves across the correct realm.Have you got something fun for us to read out on the show? Want to be one of our correspondents? Then email it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/08/2433m 41s

Arthur Hill - ‘The Ultimate Pub Bloke’

Musician/YouTuber/Tiktoker Arthur Hill joins Robbie and Dan in the pub he’s just built to dig into some of the bigger questions bobbing around.Namely, has he seen his mum drunk? And, what’s his greatest drink ever in his Drink In Time? And what’s the hot insight into the YouTube scene?There’s some very different pub companion suggestions, human sized animal chat, plus, how big are things? You can catch Arthur’s podcast, Mummy’s Boy, which he does with his lovely mother Lisa, here: to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Or maybe you’ve got some thoughts on something Flo & Lewis had to say. Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/08/2443m 46s

Arthur Hill - The Kick and Snare

We’ve got a guest who does it all today. Music, YouTube, TikTok and a podcast that he does with his mum. A content da Vinci, it’s Arthur Hill!And he’s a real pubsman, eschewing the youthful pull of bars, pub chameleon blending into their various settings. And he’s got a delightful one to build, some wonderful tales and nuggets on the YouTube world.Whether it’s delving into his music playing like the national anthem at last orders, ‘acceptable’ shots, fans at urinals or just how wild those internet stars can get, it’s a delightful chat.You can catch Arthur’s podcast, Mummy’s Boy, which he does with his lovely mother Lisa, here: out the second part of the chat for so much more!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Reviews, places you’ve been, things you’d like to bar? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/08/2448m 20s

The Pub Notice Board - Greg Wells from We Are Beer

Both the Landlord and Regular are swanning about Europe this week, as is their want. But Robbie joins us from The Moon Under Water’s German outpost to chat to We Are Beer director Greg Wells.We Are Beer run some of the UK’s biggest beer festivals and they also recently released their Top 50 UK Beers list, so be sure to have a look at the list for a buffet of British recommendations. Robbie and Greg settle in to cover all sorts. From carbon positive beers and current trends to behind the scenes on the sheer logistics of organising beer festivals with thousands of people and kegs. Plus, what is the impact of serving masses of people almost unlimited beer samples? Do get in touch with any of your correspondence. From famous historical pubspeople to animals in the local, we’ll have a bumper round of emails next week. The place to email is Or feel free to DM us on socials @moonunderpod. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/08/2424m 25s

Dry Cleaning - ‘The Simon Cowell of Pub Quizzes’

Grammy-winning band Dry Cleaning have constructed and stocked their dream pub. But that’s just the start, for we’ve got a lot of rules to dig into, some ingenious pub features to unveil, and a unique grandmother to discuss.Throw in a bready sommelier who must turn their hand to anything, it’s a delightful chat with our prospective landlords Flo and Lewis.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Or maybe you’ve got some thoughts on something Flo & Lewis had to say. Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/08/2433m 46s

Dry Cleaning - Suzie’s Bar @ The Energy Dome

Flo and Lewis from post-punk band Dry Cleaning are in with Robbie and Dan to build their dream pub. We’re looking at two pubfessionals, who’ve put a serious amount of thought into their setup. So much so that Regular Dan’s own facts are sidelined for a guest masterclass in knowledge nuggets. There’s an ingenious food suggestions, talk of pets, Antiques Roadshow and being the complaint guy. Check out the second part of the chat for so much more!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Reviews, places you’ve been, things you’d like to bar? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/08/2448m 59s

The Pub Noticeboard - ‘Pepys & Dickens Doing The Heavy Lifting’

Many a musing in the Moon today for the Landlord and his Regular as Robbie and Dan sift through your thoughts with a tooth comb. And a fine one at that. Nearly as fine as our prospective pub correspondents up and down the land. And the job applications take us off in directions as varied as Great Historical Pub goers and KPIs.If you have your own amusing musing, such as a great rubber of time gone by, to send in to us the place to email is Or feel free to DM us on socials @moonunderpod. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/08/2424m 43s

Stevie Martin - ‘What’s The Milk About?’

Comedian, actor, writer, everythinger, Stevie Martin has built her dream pub brick by brick, pint by pint. It’s a really lovely classic pub called Jack’s Balls. Now it’s time for her to let us know of a whole host of things that’ll also be going down there including the drink she’d most like to relive and her Dream Pub Companion.We skate across your usuals - nuts, wasabi peas etc. - but also into the some more rogue tales such as milky jaunts and the charms of sad karaoke.Stevie is at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe throughout August performing at Monkey Barrel. Go and check her out, she's very funny.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Or maybe you’ve got some thoughts on something Stevie had to say. Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/08/2436m 31s

Stevie Martin - Jack’s Balls

Multi-talented comedian, actor and writer Stevie Martin descends on the Moon Under Water to design her own magical dream pub!And with her pub comes an inside scoop on the working practices of gastropubs of the past, discussion of the delightful land of Durham and what W H Smith even is. Oh and a big testicular sign.Check out the second part of the chat for so much more!Stevie is at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe throughout August performing at Monkey Barrel. Go see her, she's very funny.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/08/2448m 24s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Kazakh Beer Button'

Lots to deal with on today's PNB, taking in the four corners of the world: Newport, Leytonstone, Thetford and Kazakhstan. The latter locale featuring a fascinating insight into the establishments of Karagandy. The quest to find Britain's cheapest pint potentially reaches its peak with an astonishing finding from South Wales and we have more of your correspondent applications.If there's anything that tickles your fancy to tickle our Landlord's fancy then send it in! is where to send it to. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/08/2426m 50s

Josh Thomas - ‘My Horrifying First Kiss’

Now that Aussie comic Josh Thomas has built his dream pub he beds in to inform Robbie and Dan of all the bad things that will take place there. Namely, bland food, a horrific favourite memory and a pub companion who wouldn’t want to talk to him. All sounds like great, cool stuff.This is the 2nd part of our chat with Josh. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.You can catch Josh’s live show ‘Let’s Tidy Up’ at the Edinburgh Fringe throughout August!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/07/2428m 10s

Josh Thomas - Maxxie’s

The Moon Under Water manifests itself in Melbourne as we’ve got energetic comedian and Taskmaster Australia star Josh Thomas building his dream pub!Let’s cut to the chase here. Here’s a pub for The Gays (TM). BUT *we think* others are also welcome. At the end of the day there’s certainly big gay energy floating about what is hands down a completely 100% original pub in all of its choices with artichokes and Mama’s Juice amongst the unexpected items making an appearance.You can catch Josh’s live show ‘Let’s Tidy Up’ at the Edinburgh Fringe throughout August!Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/07/2447m 30s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘2% ABV Lies’

Landlord Robbie and Regular Dan convene to open all your happenings, and there are applicants flooding in to be official pub correspondents across the globe. Elsewhere Dan accidentally goes into the wrong pub and there’s more happenings around Britain’s Cheapest Pint.And where is it that all this delightful conviviality correspondence floods into? Well it’s of course! And DM us on @moonunderpod on Insta. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/07/2426m 35s

Aurie Styla - ‘My Mum Wants Me to Get Drunk’

Step inside comedian Aurie Styla’s newly dreamed up pub, Left of the Lick, and have a drink. Here you’ll find chat about what it takes to be a good voice over artist, reminiscences about Notting Hill Carnival, and revelations about Aurie’s mum wanting him to get drunk.Aurie and Robbie also face off in Dan’s pub quiz, this time testing their knowledge of games that have been turned into films.This is the 2nd part of our chat with Aurie. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like, but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/07/2436m 56s

Aurie Styla - Left of the Lick

The Moon Under Water is upping sticks and moving to South London, as comedian, actor, and voice over artist Aurie Styla designs his dream pub with a distinct ‘New Brixton’ feel. Love is in the air, coffee is in the pipes, and no way will there be any music coming out of a jukebox. Listen to find out why Guinness Punch should really be served with an egg, how a gig tale leads to a sneaky listener suggestion, and why Aurie’s cousin is banned from ever working in his pub. Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/07/2452m 26s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Tightly Tied to a Frenchman'

Robbie and Dan both return from excursions across the English Channel packed with stories of French pub trips (or cocktail bars and some very English sounding pubs).On the noticeboard this week: a detailed exploration of the differences between drinking in Germany and the UK from a expat living in Berlin, tales of mid-gig pints, and another pre-wedding drink stop.Keep sending in your correspondence to, or find us on Instagram @moonunderpod. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/07/2424m 8s

Tom Gilbey - ‘Tell Me All You Know About Wine’

Now that win aficionado Tom Gilbert has finished building his dream pub Robbie now makes it his mission to ask every question you have ever wondered about the enormous subject of ‘wine’. ‘Corked’, ‘orange’, ‘biodynamic’, it’s all covered by a true grape expert.We also find out Tom’s Dream Pub Companion and the drink he’d most like to relive.This is the 2nd part of our chat with Tom. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.Check out Tom on @tomgilbeywine on Insta or TikTok.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/07/2441m 21s

Tom Gilbey - The Rusty Bicycle

We’ve got a bona fide expert building their dream pub in the form of Tom Gilbey - wine extraordinaire.From running marathons tasting a wine every mile to comparing Kylie and Gary Barlow’s rosés, he’s bringing wine expertise to the masses online and his whole life working in wine means he really knows his Vinos from his Verdés.As well as building his pub Tom is also absolutely jam packed nuggets of information useful to anyone who enjoys the odd glass of red or white. It’s an incredibly interesting chat.Check out Tom on @tomgilbeywine on Insta or TikTokWant to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/07/2438m 39s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Pinchos in Bilbao’

Europe’s most well-travelled landlord has been to the Basque Country, so once again he returns with a dispatch from the continent. He’s also been to a transporter bridge, which will be an exciting fact for those from Middlesbrough.There’s also an incredible industrial level short poured pints tale and we receive a suggestion that Peroni’s premium perception is purely down to a rebadging.Whether it’s German pubs or your pitches to be local correspondents if you have anything for the boys then is the place to send it. Or DM us Instagram at @moonunderpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/07/2426m 13s

Reginald D. Hunter - ‘Beans on Toast Means A Lot To You People’

Comedian Reginald D Hunter has finished the work on his dream pub, ‘The Brando’. With him being an American who has lived on these shores longer than in the US, we now settle in to dig into his opinion of the Brits loving beans and the Britishness of the question “what’s your best beverage experience?”This is the 2nd part of our chat with Reginald. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch.And do leave the show a review on your podcast platform of choice. It really helps the pub and will take just a couple of seconds. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/07/2426m 6s

Reginald D. Hunter - The Brando

American comedian Reginald D. Hunter is in this week to build his dream pub! And what a wild tour it is. Well known to many of you for appearances offering a withering Southern drawl on Have I Got News To You, he’s bringing some sensibilities from across the pond to his boozer.Tales of his dad’s moonshine and American commercials populate a watering hole I think we’d all like to settle into for a few.In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub. In the second part we will be settling into their dream pub to discover what could go down there.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch.And do leave the show a review on your podcast platform of choice. It really helps the pub and will take just a couple of seconds. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/07/2441m 53s

The Pub Noticeboard - A Euro 2024 German Special

Guten Tag and welcome to a Euros Pub Special! For those averse to the beautiful game, fear not because this is a pubs and drinks podcast. Germany is a top tier destination for brewhouses and beer. The Germans are as welded to them as Sweet Caroline is regrettably welded to Brits.So with the Euros currently happening there right now, Europe is descending on the country for a month of revelry, football and great pubbing.Robbie and Dan get the lowdown on all things German hospitality straight from listeners’ and the horse’s [Producer Bertie’s] mouth who’ve been out there, bedded into the Brauhauses and sunny squares surrounded by little Kolsches the past few weeks.Been out to Germany this month or have your own similar experiences from times gone past? Then email it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/07/2427m 31s

Seán Burke - ‘The Discerning Pub Quizzer’

Behold, internet funny man Seán Burke’s dream pub, ‘The Elephant and Piano’. Robbie and Dan pull up a stool next to Seán to dive further into the pub world, discussing snacks (Taytos obviously getting a mention), the omnipresence of the Irish Pub around the world, and the joys of a pub quiz.This is the 2nd part of our chat with Seán. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch.And do leave the show a review on your podcast platform of choice. It really helps the pub and will take just a couple of seconds. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/07/2433m 21s

Seán Burke - The Elephant and Piano

Comedian and internet sketch extraordinaire Seán Burke joins Landlord Robbie and Regular Dan to build his dream pub, which, as you’ll discover, is replete with handles.As well as singing the praises of these criminally underrated handgrips, Seán talks about nights he wasted in nightclubs, makes a drink choice that is 8% based on nostalgia, and together we learn why Guinness used to be given to new mothers.In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub. In the second part we will be settling into their dream pub to discover what could go down there.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch.And do leave the show a review on your podcast platform of choice. It really helps the pub and will take just a couple of seconds. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/07/2454m 45s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Don't Blame the Pint'

Landlord Robbie and Regular Dan read out your tales of woe this week, with one listener nearly messing up a wedding, and another confessing to basically stealing pints…But it isn’t all doom and gloom, as more pub gardens are celebrated, drinking shenanigans at the Euros are explored, and an enticing trip to Bilbao is on the cards.If you’ve got anything to contribute, be it your fave summer spots or some reflections on all the above then send it over to Plus follow us on our socials. We're @moonunderpod on Instagram. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/06/2424m 13s

Ciarán Carlin - 'Cider at the Miserable Skatepark'

Welcome to The Walk Inn, built and stocked by YouTuber Ciarán Carlin. Now the pub has been created, let's step inside.Ciarán answers two of life's big pub questions: what's the best Wetherspoons in central London, and which celebrity owns the best London pub?This is the 2nd part of our chat with Ciarán. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.And do leave the show a review on your podcast platform of choice. It really helps the pub and will takes just a couple of seconds. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/06/2432m 15s

Ciarán Carlin - The Walk Inn

YouTube sensation Ciarán Carlin is next in line to build his dream pub. And having reviewed many a pub for his channel, this one is going to be a belter.Petri dish beer glasses, shops within shops, and pub toilet etiquette; all this and more is covered. We also learn what cocktail Ciarán would have on tap, and how chicken nuggets might be a defining feature of his pub.In the first part of our chats our guests build their dream pub, with four drinks picks now rather than six. In the second part we settle into their pub to hear more about what could happen there. Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/06/2445m 0s

The Pub Notice Board - 'The Daily Ramekin Polish'

The landlord has gone all fancy this week, and regales us with a mishap at the champagne stand of an upmarket establishment. But don’t worry, his regular is here to bring the whole thing back down to earth. The notice board brings musings on bottomless Guinness brunches, the pre-wedding snifter, and different regional responses to the under-poured pint. Send any thoughts and reflections you might have to Plus you can DM us and follow us on @moonunderpod on Instagram.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/06/2432m 43s

Jessie Cave - ‘Come Here For Fun, Nuts or To Get Wasted’

Creative polymath and shill/shell for Big Nut, Jessie Cave, has built and stocked her dream pub. Now for Jessie, Robbie and Dan to tackle the other pub issues.Dan goes underground for the Pub Quiz, Jessie fawns over her Dream Pub Companion and reflects on a very meaningful Drink In Time.This is the 2nd part of our chat with actor and writer Steve Stamp. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/06/2434m 48s

Jessie Cave - The Polka Dot Lagoon

Harry Potter actor Jessie Cave comes to the Moon to build her dream pub! But that career swift summary would be unfair to this polymath. Actor, stand up, writer, illustrator, the list also includes nut aficionado.Jessie takes us on a delightful tour of her establishment, taking in a Baileys deep dive and the age of Biscoff.For reference…Cashews: The worst nutAlmonds: GreatPecans: GreatPeanuts: BadIn the first part of our chats our guests build their dream pub, with four drinks picks now rather than six. In the second part we settle into their pub to hear more about what could happen there.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/06/2451m 31s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘I Visited The Best Bar In The World’

Robbie returns from Catalonia’s sunny shores with news of his time at the actual ‘best bar in the world’. Wow does that landlord get around. The Moon Under Water portals must really be cheap this time of year.The world’s best bar means a big old queue to get in and former guest Alfie Templeman sees his own favourite drink put to the test in Barcelona. Does it get the Knox seal of approval? Robbie and Dan also review loads of your correspondence including footballers in and owning pubs, and also an amazing pub singer tale.If you’ve got anything to contribute, be it your fave summer spots or some reflections on all the above then send it over to Plus follow us on our socials. We're @moonunderpod on Instagram. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/06/2433m 59s

Steve Stamp - ‘Prince at the Gravy Bar’

People Just Do Nothing’s Steve Stamp has built and stocked his dream pub. Now the pub has manifested around us and Steve, Robbie and Dan shoot the breeze on the other issues at hand. There’s a without hesitation answer to a time travelling Pub Chat query, we hear about his Dream Pub Companion and also a Far East edition of the weekly Pub Quiz.This is the 2nd part of our chat with actor and writer Steve Stamp. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch.And do leave the show a review on your podcast platform of choice. It really helps the pub and will takes just a couple of seconds.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/06/2435m 11s

Steve Stamp - The Insistent Pigeon

People Just Do Nothing actor Steve Stamp is building his dream pub today! As well as starring in one of the most iconic shows of the past decade he’s also written a sitcom about a pub, he’s worked in pubs, his parents went on holidays to visit pubs. Simply put, he’s the guy to do this. There’s going to be a hell of a lot of gravy on the pumps, whilst Steve also takes job specialisation to hitherto unseen heights. In the first part of our chats our guests build their dream pub, with four drinks picks now rather than six. In the second part we settle into their pub to hear more about what could happen there. Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/06/2451m 1s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Local Celeb Queue Jumper’

A bumper Notice Board for you this week as Landlord Robbie and Regular Dan traverse it all. Queues, the world’s best bars, underpoured pints, Celtic tours… it’s all in here!We return with our usual guest episodes from next week, kicking off with People Just Do Nothing’s Steve Stamp!If you’ve got anything summery to contribute off the back of our Summer Special, or some reflections on all the above then send it over to Plus you can DM us and follow us on @moonunderpod on Instagram.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/06/2430m 27s

The Summer Special

Welcome to The Moon Under Water Summer Special! The sun is glinting in dappled light through the trees. There’s a warmth on your back and kids running about as you settle in to a couple of fresh drinks to wile away the afternoon. The pubs filling up for a Great British summer of sport with the Euros and Olympics. So what better time for the Landlord and his regular to delve into these finest of months. From your favourite summer spots, to the best drinks in the sun and all the tips for watching the Euros, crack open a crisp refreshment of your choosing, sit back and enjoy.We’ll be back with our usual guest episodes from next week, so make sure you hit subscribe on your podcast platform.If you want to throw anything into the mix, be it your summer tipples of choice to pub football watching tales then is the place to send it to. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/06/2456m 50s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Premier League Sharpeners’

Robbie formally returns to the pub following his stint on tour and there’s much ground to cover. We receive an in depth Bury St Edmunds lowdowns from listeners, meet another local lunatic and also delve into the sure to be much expanded upon space of footballers in pubs. Tune in to a Summer Special next week where Robbie and Dan will be looking ahead to a Great British pub summer filled with Euros and beer gardens. Whether you want to send in what you’d bar or a musing on anything that might have been mentioned within the Moon then is the place to email it to. You can also find video highlights of the show on Instagram and TikTok @moonunderpod Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/05/2427m 40s

The Pub Notice Board - Artist Lydia Wood

The mists part in the other realm to reveal a wonderful switch up on the PNB today. For we chat to pub artist Lydia Wood who has set herself the daunting / admirable challenge of drawing every single pub in London! And they’re beautiful, so we encourage you all to go check out her socials.With podcast bigamist Robbie still on tour we’ve got just a couple of weeks off guests at the moment but there’ll be more than enough episodes dropping into your feeds to keep your thirst quenched.If you’ve got anything you want to tell the boys then is the email to send it to. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/05/2426m 41s

The Pub Notice Board - 'The King Chip'

The Landlord is on tour so he beams in from Birmingham for a lovely catch up with Dan to run the rule over snack etiquette and beer defying the Newtonian exercise principles.With Robbie bouncing around the UK at the moment we're taking a short pause on the main episodes, but fear not you'll be having regular PNBs dropping in to keep you all entertained.If you want to send anything in on anything the boys might have mentioned then is the email address to use. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/05/2427m 17s

Eshaan Akbar - ‘Bad Boy of Mensa’

The hilarious Eshaan has built and stocked his dream pub and now he settles in to chew the fat on some other big issues. e.g. Who would this comic most like to have a pint with? Plus the Pub Chat Machine cranks out a question which is granted a quite extraordinary answer.This is the 2nd part of our chat with comedian Eshaan Akbar. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub. Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/05/2435m 48s

Eshaan Akbar - The Tiger and The Goat

It's a properly laugh out loud couple of sessions in The Moon Under Water this week, as today's guest fulfils his dream of being a Muslim pub proprietor. It’s the brilliant comic Eshaan Akbar.Expect enthusiasm for Protestant whiskeys and so much more from someone who like Robbie is a fellow testicular torsion survivor. As a result far more [medical] balls-based content than could’ve ever been anticipated when the landlord opened the doors today.In the first part of our chats our guests build their dream pub, with four drinks picks now rather than six. In the second part we settle into their pub to discover what could go down there.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/05/2448m 44s

The Pub Notice Board - 'The Slightly Drunk Olympics'

The Landlord is preparing himself to go on tour but he shares a quick half with Dan to mull over all sorts of questions from the notice board.Does three pints make you faster? Or at the very least, with the wind rushing through your hair does it make you *feel* faster? That and other important Qs from the PNB like “What’s the worst drinks line up you’ve ever seen?” are posed and partially answered.Got pub stuff to share? Know a child that is nuts for oysters? Then email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/05/2433m 18s

Alfie Templeman - ‘Flying Close To The Kimchi Sun’

Vibrant young pop star Alfie has constructed his dream pub, so now he sits with Robbie and Dan to imagine what could go down in The Trousered Turtle. Which drink from his past would he most like to relive? How much does he know about Bedfordshire? And can he answer a teasing query from a half baked new addition to the pub? His new album is released in June, so do check that out along with his latest EP This is the 2nd part of our chat with pop musician Alfie Templeman. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense - but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience. In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub. Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/05/2433m 41s

Alfie Templeman - The Trousered Turtle

The Premier League era has a new youngest inductee, as the doors swing open for one of the most exciting young pop artists around. Just a wee lad with a penchant for ales that your grandad would like, Alfie Templeman is in The Moon Under Water. A young man of melody, summery escapism and pickling.Alfie settles in to construct a pub full of personality and distaste for deep reflection.In the first part of our chats our guests build their dream pub, with four drinks picks now rather than six. In the second part we settle into their pub to discover what could go down there.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/05/2445m 53s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Dedicated To The Pour’

Well it’s a positively heaving notice board this week for the landlord and our trusty regular. Everything from another proposal for barring, the locals of famouses, Salzburg and too many wines whilst running too far. Want to stick something to the notice board? Then just email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/05/2425m 9s

Kellie Shirley - ‘From Tequila to Skiathos’

Now that actor Kellie has built her dream pub (see The Lippy), it's time to settle in for a pint and shoot the breeze about what could go down in this wonderful establishment. Pub quizzes are posed and who might she want as her dream pub companion?This is the 2nd part of our chat with actor Kellie Shirley. You can listen to this episode on its own if you like - it'll make sense- but we’d recommend listening to the first episode to get the full experience.In the first part of our chats our guests build their pub. In the second part we be settling into their dream pub to discover what could go down there.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/04/2428m 13s

Kellie Shirley - The Lippy

It’s not often you get to share a room with someone who has drunk in probably *the* most famous pub in the whole land*. For today’s guest is actor, one time Eastender and Queen Vic frequenter Kellie Shirley.An old friend of our landlord, Kellie builds us a delightful pub and dishes some great insider tales of drinks in Walford.In the first part of our chats our guests will now build their pub, with four drinks picks now rather than six. In the second part we will be settling into their dream pub to discover what could go down there.Want to share anything with The Moon Under Water? Well it can feature on our weekly Pub Notice Boards. Just email to get in touch.*Well Corrie fans would probably dispute this. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/04/2454m 54s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Europe is Our Moule’

Welcome into The Moon Under Water on this fine spring day for the landlord and our doting regular. Amidst a quiet period in the pub Robbie sets aside time to envisage grand plans of pubbing around Europe with three kids in tow. Plus there’s a full gamut of fish chat.  Got pub stuff to share? Know a child that is nuts for oysters? Then email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/04/2419m 14s

Primemutton (Part Two)

*This is part two of Primemutton's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Assemble Muttonistas! Settling in at the bar today is someone who really knows how to live life. Namely, travelling the world like a Burnage Bourdain documenting gastronomic adventures and football away days.An absolute font of knowledge with a voice that laps into the ears like the subtley chocolatey stouts he espouses so much about. It's Primemutton of course! And he brings with him much Guinsight and travel advice for us all. Do check out Mutton's Instagram and YouTube channel, they're an absolute joy.Want to get in touch with the pub? Have your own suggestions for guests you'd like to hear? Then send it all to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/04/2431m 19s

Primemutton (Part One)

Assemble Muttonistas! Settling in at the bar today is someone who really knows how to live life. Namely, travelling the world like a Burnage Bourdain documenting gastronomic adventures and football away days.An absolute font of knowledge with a voice that laps into the ears like the subtley chocolatey stouts he espouses so much about. It's Primemutton of course! And he brings with him much Guinsight and travel advice for us all. Do check out Mutton's Instagram and YouTube channel, they're an absolute joy.Want to get in touch with the pub? Have your own suggestions for guests you'd like to hear? Then send it all to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/04/2440m 0s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Less Alluring Groin'

Robbie's back from his travels to Austria. Boy, does that landlord get around. It's like he's crossed with Michael Palin and Alain Baxter. We have a lovely Bedfordshire-based email, plus the boys examine someone's pub qualification criteria.Want to get in touch with all things pubs? Then email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/04/2426m 51s

Elliot Steel (Part Two)

*This is part two of Elliot Steel's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*A delightful selection on the house today for comic Elliot Steel is propping up the bar building his dream pub.For the first time (as far as our memories serve) that the progeny of a former guest has made their way into the Moon Under Water. Mark Steel passes the pub baton on to his son. But Elliot's pub is very much his own.There's rich chat on the subject of 24 hour roasts and Las Vegas, as well as near evangelical praise for a generic lager. And keep an ear out, for the first time ever, for the arrival of the dream Pub Campanion.If there's a pub chat itch you need to scratch then send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/04/2452m 28s

Elliot Steel (Part One)

A delightful selection on the house today for comic Elliot Steel is propping up the bar building his dream pub.For the first time (as far as our memories serve) that the progeny of a former guest has made their way into the Moon Under Water. Mark Steel passes the pub baton on to his son. But Elliot's pub is very much his own.There's rich chat on the subject of 24 hour roasts and Las Vegas, as well as near evangelical praise for a generic lager. And keep an ear out, for the first time ever, for the arrival of the dream Pub Campanion.If there's a pub chat itch you need to scratch then send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/04/2446m 55s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Snack Boards in the Kitchen'

The board is bursting with correspondence this week with notes on transport pub crawls, California and those promotional items you seemingly only see in your local.Want to get in touch with all of your pub stuff? Whether it's guests you want to hear or just your own musings, email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/04/2421m 44s

Jacob Hawley (Part Two)

*This is part two of Jacob Hawley's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*We don't hear anywhere near enough about Stevenage and its satellite towns on this podcast. Today that changes. And it's all thanks to Jacob Hawley. And he is a rare breed - someone who if they sidled up to you at the bar you would actually want to talk to.With advice on bringing your children to the pub (start them young) to the solution to British drinking culture (stubbies), it's a delightful trip to the correct realm.He’s touring the UK now so check out his website to see him soon!If you'd like to get in touch then is the place to get those emails to. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/04/2445m 21s

Jacob Hawley (Part One)

We don't hear anywhere near enough about Stevenage and its satellite towns on this podcast. Today that changes. And it's all thanks to Jacob Hawley. And he is a rare breed - someone who if they sidled up to you at the bar you would actually want to talk to.With advice on bringing your children to the pub (start them young) to the solution to British drinking culture (stubbies), it's a delightful trip to the correct realm.He’s touring the UK now so check out his website to see him soon!If you'd like to get in touch then is the place to get those emails to. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/04/2459m 22s

The Pub Noticeboard - 'Delivering A Ship'

Robbie beams himself in holographically as he's been out exploring the best pubs the East Midlands has to offer. We also hear about some more establishments served by a rail network.Want to get in touch with all of your pub stuff? Email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/04/2430m 10s

Ben Bailey Smith (Part Two)

*This is part two of Ben Bailey Smith's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Striding into The Moon Under Water is a man with many strings to his bow. Writer, rapper, comedian and "a single pint after work" enthusiast Ben Bailey Smith is in building his dream establishment this week.Charting a course from Kilburn to Jamaica, he takes us on a wonderful shamble through his mind.If you'd like to get in touch then is the place Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/04/2454m 55s

Ben Bailey Smith (Part One)

Striding into The Moon Under Water is a man with many strings to his bow. Writer, rapper, comedian and "a single pint after work" enthusiast Ben Bailey Smith is in building his dream establishment this week.Charting a course from Kilburn to Jamaica, he takes us on a wonderful shamble through his mind.If you'd like to get in touch then is the place Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/04/2443m 51s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Pub Crawl Standard Return'

Robbie does a pub crawl by rail and Dan puts some serious work in to regain ground in the 52 Pub Challenge. But is it too little too late for him?Want to get in touch? Email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/03/2423m 43s

SOFY (Part Two)

*This is part two of SOFY's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Breezing into The Moon Under Water it's exciting pop prospect SOFY. And if you'd have reservations about the pubbing knowledge of a young pop star then you'd be completely wrong. By all accounts SOFY is Gen-Z's pub ambassador and prime enthusiast. There is hope for the young after all.And what a wonderful odyssey she takes us on from sharing your table details in a Wetherspoons with the world to her band's pub judging criteria.Her new EP, 'Chaos and Commotion' is out now, so be sure to check that out.If you'd like to get in touch then is the place Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/03/2437m 9s

SOFY (Part One)

Breezing into The Moon Under Water it's exciting pop prospect SOFY. And if you'd have reservations about the pubbing knowledge of a young pop star then you'd be completely wrong. By all accounts SOFY is Gen-Z's pub ambassador and prime enthusiast. There is hope for the young after all.And what a wonderful odyssey she takes us on from sharing your table details in a Wetherspoons with the world to her band's pub judging criteria.Her new EP, 'Chaos and Commotion' is out now, so be sure to check that out.If you'd like to get in touch then is the place Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/03/2447m 10s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Just The Right Side of Heatstroke’

After a week away jet setting Robbie returns to the pub, and he’s back fresh from a marathon! How did he get on?We also hear about another listener’s pubbing quest.Want to get in touch? Email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/03/2420m 55s

Tatty Macleod (Part Two)

There's a Gallic sensibility in The Moon Under Water today. Wafts of cognac and coq au vin drift through the air as the patrons get a glimpse across the Channel into a world rich in brusqueness, culinary delights and many of the world's great elixirs. This is all because Tatty Macleod is in to build her dream pub. Probably best known as 'That French TikTok Lady' her unique multi-national upbringing has leant her an Anglo-French cultural insight few others possess. So she brings fascinating peeks into our societal and drinking idiosyncrasies - which sadly often boil down to us Brits being much less refined.Tatty is currently making her way up and down the country with her tour Fugue, so be sure to check her out!Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/03/2442m 18s

Tatty Macleod (Part One)

There's a Gallic sensibility in The Moon Under Water today. Wafts of cognac and coq au vin drift through the air as the patrons get a glimpse across the Channel into a world rich in brusqueness, culinary delights and many of the world's great elixirs. This is all because Tatty Macleod is in to build her dream pub. Probably best known as 'That French TikTok Lady' her unique multi-national upbringing has leant her an Anglo-French cultural insight few others possess. So she brings fascinating peeks into our societal and drinking idiosyncrasies - which sadly often boil down to us Brits being much less refined.Tatty is currently making her way up and down the country with her tour Fugue, so be sure to check her out!Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/03/2445m 36s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Two Pints Deep in a Ski Bar'

The Landlord is away this week as Robbie has decamped to the Alps! And that calls for an update from one of France's high altitude bars to chat all things apres ski with some pals.Plus, a lonely Dan leaves Robbie a voicemail to check in.Do you want to send a message to the Landlord? You can get in touch with us on Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/03/2413m 55s

John Cooper Clarke (Part Two)

*This is part two of John Cooper Clarke's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Given his status in the poetry world, when thinking up the words to describe this week's guest at The Moon Under Water it would be very easy to put pen-to-paper and attempt to write a verse about him. But we're not going to do that: we wouldn't want to even try and compete with him. Instead, what we ARE going to do is welcome him with open arms into the Correct Realm as he prepares to create his dream pub with us; it's poet John Cooper Clarke!At this point it's fair to say that John Cooper Clarke is a living legend. He's one of the most recognisable figures in the country, and he's been someone that the Correct Realm has been calling out for constantly over the past nine thousand years. He is guaranteed to bring a whole host of stories with him, and we cannot wait to see how his dream pub shapes up.Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/03/2439m 24s

John Cooper Clarke (Part One)

Given his status in the poetry world, when thinking up the words to describe this week's guest at The Moon Under Water it would be very easy to put pen-to-paper and attempt to write a verse about him. But we're not going to do that: we wouldn't want to even try and compete with him. Instead, what we ARE going to do is welcome him with open arms into the Correct Realm as he prepares to create his dream pub with us; it's poet John Cooper Clarke!At this point it's fair to say that John Cooper Clarke is a living legend. He's one of the most recognisable figures in the country, and he's been someone that the Correct Realm has been calling out for constantly over the past nine thousand years. He is guaranteed to bring a whole host of stories with him, and we cannot wait to see how his dream pub shapes up.Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/03/2434m 38s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Dreaming of Mead'

This week, the Landlord has been to an incredible amount of pubs (many of them rather spooky). Given that he's racing so far ahead the question has to be asked: has he already put the '52 Pub Challenge' to bed?Plus, a listener questions Dan's memory, and Robbie discusses getting the train from Slough to Norwich.Do you want to send a message to the Landlord? You can get in touch with us on Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/03/2425m 49s

Jessica Fostekew (Part Two)

*This is part two of Jessica Fostekew's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*An air of excitement has descended over The Moon Under Water. Is it because the days are getting longer, and we're creeping towards the time of year where beer gardens make a return? Partly... but it's mostly because a fantastic guest is about to arrive in the Correct Realm after a rather long journey, and no doubt she's ready to settle in and share her dream pub with us. Joining us this week is comedian Jessica Fostekew!Jessica is an absolute behemoth of the UK comedy scene, and in fact she has JUST started another mammoth tour, where she'll be performing her new show 'Mettle'. If you're in the mood for some world-beating comedy then make sure you go and catch her live. But now isn't the time for comedy: now is the time for PUBBING!Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/03/2451m 55s

Jessica Fostekew (Part One)

An air of excitement has descended over The Moon Under Water. Is it because the days are getting longer, and we're creeping towards the time of year where beer gardens make a return? Partly... but it's mostly because a fantastic guest is about to arrive in the Correct Realm after a rather long journey, and no doubt she's ready to settle in and share her dream pub with us. Joining us this week is comedian Jessica Fostekew!Jessica is an absolute behemoth of the UK comedy scene, and in fact she has JUST started another mammoth tour, where she'll be performing her new show 'Mettle'. If you're in the mood for some world-beating comedy then make sure you go and catch her live. But now isn't the time for comedy: now is the time for PUBBING!Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/03/2448m 29s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Rush Hour Portal Traffic'

In this edition of The Pub Notice Board, Landlord Robbie and his regular Dan received a very special message from a realm that has NEVER been contacted before. Plus, Robbie races ahead in the '52 Pub Challenge', and the guys struggle to name a pub beginning with X.Do you want to contact Robbie and Dan in the Correct Realm? If so, email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/02/2424m 11s

Vittorio Angelone (Part Two)

*This is part two of Vittorio Angelone's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Landlord Robbie and his most dedicated regular Dan are constantly tending to the fixtures and fittings at The Moon Under Water, purely because they know that a guest could walk into the Correct Realm at any given time. They have no forewarning, no heads up... simply a knock on the door when the time is right. Coincidentally, it looks like such an event is about to occur, as sauntering their way towards everyone's favourite Pub of the Mind is the stand-up comedian Vittorio Angelone!Vittorio is one of the hottest prospects in UK comedy, and has already made a name for himself as one of the go-to people you HAVE to see live. And thankfully for YOU he's currently on a massive UK tour, so get yourself out there and grab a ticket. But first, he has the very small matter of creating his own fantasy alehouse.Do you want to contact the landlord? If so, send a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/02/2449m 42s

Vittorio Angelone (Part One)

Landlord Robbie and his most dedicated regular Dan are constantly tending to the fixtures and fittings at The Moon Under Water, purely because they know that a guest could walk into the Correct Realm at any given time. They have no forewarning, no heads up... simply a knock on the door when the time is right. Coincidentally, it looks like such an event is about to occur, as sauntering their way towards everyone's favourite Pub of the Mind is the stand-up comedian Vittorio Angelone!Vittorio is one of the hottest prospects in UK comedy, and has already made a name for himself as one of the go-to people you HAVE to see live. And thankfully for YOU he's currently on a massive UK tour, so get yourself out there and grab a ticket. But first, he has the very small matter of creating his own fantasy alehouse.Do you want to contact the landlord? If so, send a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/02/2455m 5s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Creepy, Weird or Mummified’

Gather round everyone, because it's time to take a look at The Pub Notice Board; featuring a letter about a pub with LOADS of whiskey, and a weird piece of pub memorabilia.Do you have a letter you'd like to send to the guys? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/02/2424m 27s

Shaun Keaveny (Part Two)

*This is part two of Shaun Keaveny's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Some people like pubs. Some people would go as far as saying they love pubs. And some people - like our guest this week - have a connection to pubs that's bordering on being spiritual. He has beams and fixtures flowing through his very being, and you'd be hard pushed to find someone as passionate about alehouses as he is. We are so excited to be welcoming one of the UK's most beloved broadcasters into The Moon Under Water: it's only Shaun Keaveny!Shaun has a very special claim to fame: he's one of the only other people to have run their very own mystical pub, The Open Arms. Put it's time for him to head into the Correct Realm where Robbie and Dan await him with open arms, and we can't wait to listen with glee as his own dream pub comes to live.You can listen to 'Shaun Keaveny's Daily Grind' wherever you get your podcast.Want to contact the Landlord? If so, send a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/02/2448m 9s

Shaun Keaveny (Part One)

Some people like pubs. Some people would go as far as saying they love pubs. And some people - like our guest this week - have a connection to pubs that's bordering on being spiritual. He has beams and fixtures flowing through his very being, and you'd be hard pushed to find someone as passionate about alehouses as he is. We are so excited to be welcoming one of the UK's most beloved broadcasters into The Moon Under Water: it's only Shaun Keaveny!Shaun has a very special claim to fame: he's one of the only other people to have run their very own mystical pub, The Open Arms. Put it's time for him to head into the Correct Realm where Robbie and Dan await him with open arms, and we can't wait to listen with glee as his own dream pub comes to live.You can listen to 'Shaun Keaveny's Daily Grind' wherever you get your podcast.Want to contact the Landlord? If so, send a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/02/241h 3m

The Pub Notice Board - 'Barkeep! More Cheese!'

In this week's edition of The Pub Notice Board Landlord Robbie and his most dedicated regular Dan discuss pubs that have MASSIVE whiskey selections, the times they've met famous people in pubs, and Robbie defends his beloved Coors Light.Want to send a message to the guys? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/02/2426m 33s

Crispian Mills (Part Two)

*This is part two of Crispian Mills's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Over the years many a musician has stepped into The Moon Under Water, armed with stories about pubs from all four corners of the globe. They're places where bands and artists cut their teeth, before moving onto bigger venues and stadia. This week's guest has experienced bars around the world, and has been lucky enough to immerse himself in a wide range of pub cultures. It's Kula Shaker frontman Crispian Mills!Since forming in 1995 Kula Shaker have toured the world and gone on to release seven albums. Their latest record - 'Natural Magick' - is a certified smash, and is available now. But we're not here to JUST talk about music... we want to hear what Crispian thinks of pubs; and more specifically, what his dream pub would look like.Have you got a message that you'd like to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/02/2441m 51s

Crispian Mills (Part One)

Over the years many a musician has stepped into The Moon Under Water, armed with stories about pubs from all four corners of the globe. They're places where bands and artists cut their teeth, before moving onto bigger venues and stadia. This week's guest has experienced bars around the world, and has been lucky enough to immerse himself in a wide range of pub cultures. It's Kula Shaker frontman Crispian Mills!Since forming in 1995 Kula Shaker have toured the world and gone on to release seven albums. Their latest record - 'Natural Magick' - is a certified smash, and is available now. But we're not here to JUST talk about music... we want to hear what Crispian thinks of pubs; and more specifically, what his dream pub would look like.Have you got a message that you'd like to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/02/2443m 45s

The Pub Notice Board - 'European Pub Super League'

After the frankly astonishing claim that Landlord Robbie visited 15+ bars in a matter of days, controversy has filled The Moon Under Water in the past week; and it's time for him to face his critics.Do you have a message you want to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/02/2425m 45s

Jessica Mason (Part Two)

*This is part two of Jessica Mason's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*At The Moon Under Water we've been blessed by the company of writers from all walks of life, who aim to document a wide range of topics. However, it's those that write about alcohol that seem to leave real lasting impressions on those of us who reside within the Pub of the Mind. This week we're joined by an award-winning drinks writer who covers everything to do with alcohol; meaning she's a certified expert on the stuff... it's Jessica Mason!Jessica's writing has appeared in drinks publications around the world, and there's a good chance that you'll have read her stuff if you've ever picked up a magazine dedicated to food and drink. As you can imagine, she's also pretty passionate about all things pub, and she's about to create her very won dream pub for you.Do you have a message you'd like to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/02/2449m 14s

Jessica Mason (Part One)

At The Moon Under Water we've been blessed by the company of writers from all walks of life, who aim to document a wide range of topics. However, it's those that write about alcohol that seem to leave real lasting impressions on those of us who reside within the Pub of the Mind. This week we're joined by an award-winning drinks writer who covers everything to do with alcohol; meaning she's a certified expert on the stuff... it's Jessica Mason!Jessica's writing has appeared in drinks publications around the world, and there's a good chance that you'll have read her stuff if you've ever picked up a magazine dedicated to food and drink. As you can imagine, she's also pretty passionate about all things pub, and she's about to create her very won dream pub for you.Do you have a message you'd like to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/02/2445m 26s

The Pub Notice Board - 'So I Swam Up To The Bar...'

Brace yourselves; the Landlord is back from his skiing trip, and with him he has brought a monumental update on the '52 Pubs in 52 Weeks' challenge. Plus, the guys hear about a very bizarre pub tradition, which certainly piqued their interest...Do you have a message you want to share with Robbie and Dan? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/02/2425m 4s

Max Fosh (Part Two)

*This is part two of Max Fosh's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*In the Other Realm there is a popular website called YouTube. It's a lot like a pub; except instead of serving pints, digestible video content is what's in stock behind the bar. Chances are that if you want to find out about anything there will be a YouTube video covering it, and this week we're joined by a YouTube superstar whose videos get MILLIONS of views (but he's also a world-class Pubsman in his own right). It's Max Fosh!Max is what could be described as a bit of a prankster, and some of his most popular videos include tricking people into thinking they've landed at the wrong airport, becoming the richest person on earth for seven minutes, and hiring a parrot to bet for him in Las Vegas. But away from that, Max is as brilliant a pub-goes as the rest of them, and we can't wait for him to join us at The Moon Under Water.Do you have a message that you want to send to the Landlord? Maybe it's a guest suggestion, or a message about the best lager you've ever had? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/01/2450m 57s

Max Fosh (Part One)

In the Other Realm there is a popular website called YouTube. It's a lot like a pub; except instead of serving pints, digestible video content is what's in stock behind the bar. Chances are that if you want to find out about anything there will be a YouTube video covering it, and this week we're joined by a YouTube superstar whose videos get MILLIONS of views (but he's also a world-class Pubsman in his own right). It's Max Fosh!Max is what could be described as a bit of a prankster, and some of his most popular videos include tricking people into thinking they've landed at the wrong airport, becoming the richest person on earth for seven minutes, and hiring a parrot to bet for him in Las Vegas. But away from that, Max is as brilliant a pub-goes as the rest of them, and we can't wait for him to join us at The Moon Under Water.Do you have a message that you want to send to the Landlord? Maybe it's a guest suggestion, or a message about the best lager you've ever had? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/01/241h 4m

The Pub Notice Board - 'I've Been To Tunbridge Wells'

In this week's episode of The Pub Notice Board, the guys make history by receiving an email from a dog. Plus, we hear more underrated pub towns, and Robbie and Dan share how their "52 Pubs in 52 Weeks" challenge is going.Do you have a message you want to send to the Landlord? If so, get in touch via Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/01/2420m 5s

Alison Spittle (Part Two)

*This is part two of Alison Spittle's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*When push comes to shove, there are two countries that could lay claim to being the ultimate pub destination: the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland. Both play host to some of the greatest alehouses known to man, and both countries should be visited by all pub lovers from across the globe. This week The Moon Under Water is being blessed by the presence of someone who has spent many an hour in pubs on both sides of the Irish Sea... it's comedian and podcaster Alison Spittle!It may come as a surprise to you that thought Alison LOVES pubs, she's not actually all-too-fond of beer. But remember: this is HER dream pub, and she can have whatever she likes behind the bar. We can't wait to welcome her into the Correct Realm, and you're invited along too.Do you have a message you want to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/01/2432m 9s

Alison Spittle (Part One)

When push comes to shove, there are two countries that could lay claim to being the ultimate pub destination: the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland. Both play host to some of the greatest alehouses known to man, and both countries should be visited by all pub lovers from across the globe. This week The Moon Under Water is being blessed by the presence of someone who has spent many an hour in pubs on both sides of the Irish Sea... it's comedian and podcaster Alison Spittle!It may come as a surprise to you that thought Alison LOVES pubs, she's not actually all-too-fond of beer. But remember: this is HER dream pub, and she can have whatever she likes behind the bar. We can't wait to welcome her into the Correct Realm, and you're invited along too.Do you have a message you want to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/01/2456m 51s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Dave The Man or Dave The Dog'

Gather round everyone, for it looks like Robbie and Dan are about to discuss what has been added to the pub notice board this week! You can be sure that there'll be plenty of pub updates, as well as another attempt to define just exactly what a pub crawl is.Have you got a message you'd like to share with the guys? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/01/2421m 31s

Morgan Rees (Part Two)

*This is part two of Morgan Rees's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Wales: the land of song, leeks, rugby and Huw Stephens. A place where some of the finest ales have ever been produced, that have been served in some of the greatest pubs of all time. So it would come as no surprise that the people of that fine country are as passionate about pubs as anyone. Joining us in The Moon Under Water this week is one such Welshman, who's as fine a pint-swain as you'll ever meet. It's stand up comedian Morgan Rees!Morgan grew up in the Welsh Valleys, and far more than just being a fan of pubs, they run in his family! He's worked in them, he's spent time in them, and over the years he's figured out exactly the type of pub he loves. But were he to be given total control over the creation of a pub, what would he stock behind the bar? Well, today we'll find out, as he creates his very own Moon Under Water.Do you have a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, drop us an email: is the place to contact us. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/01/2449m 43s

Morgan Rees (Part One)

Wales: the land of song, leeks, rugby and Huw Stephens. A place where some of the finest ales have ever been produced, that have been served in some of the greatest pubs of all time. So it would come as no surprise that the people of that fine country are as passionate about pubs as anyone. Joining us in The Moon Under Water this week is one such Welshman, who's as fine a pint-swain as you'll ever meet. It's stand up comedian Morgan Rees!Morgan grew up in the Welsh Valleys, and far more than just being a fan of pubs, they run in his family! He's worked in them, he's spent time in them, and over the years he's figured out exactly the type of pub he loves. But were he to be given total control over the creation of a pub, what would he stock behind the bar? Well, today we'll find out, as he creates his very own Moon Under Water.Do you have a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, drop us an email: is the place to contact us. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/01/2447m 1s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Slovenia Here We Come...'

Gather round everyone, as it's time once again to have a look at what has been posted to the pub notice board here at The Moon Under Water. Plus, Landlord Robbie and Dan get slightly bogged-down whilst discussing how many pubs need to be visited in order for a night out to become a pub crawl.Do you think you know EXACTLY what defines a pub crawl? If so, send an email to, and it might get features in a future episode! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/01/2428m 54s

Matthew Crosby (Part Two)

*This is part two of Matthew Crosby's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Landlord Robbie and his most dedicated regular Dan have been all alone at The Moon Under Water during the festive period, apart from a brief departure into the Other Realm to try out some top quality ski slopes. Whilst they love each others company they do get restless for another person to join them, so it's about time a guest made their way through the Mists... and don't we have a treat in store for you to start 2024. Joining us to kick off the new year and create their dream pub is the one and only Matthew Crosby!Matthew is a founding member of Pappy's, and also presents on Radio X every Sunday morning alongside Ed Gamble. He's also a celebrated stand-up, having performed comedy around the globe. But do you know what else he's celebrated for? That's right, he's one of the great Pubsmen of his generation, and as his dream pub starts to take shape there'll only be one question on your lips: "How do I get an invite?"Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/01/241h 6m

Matthew Crosby (Part One)

Landlord Robbie and his most dedicated regular Dan have been all alone at The Moon Under Water during the festive period, apart from a brief departure into the Other Realm to try out some top quality ski slopes. Whilst they love each others company they do get restless for another person to join them, so it's about time a guest made their way through the Mists... and don't we have a treat in store for you to start 2024. Joining us to kick off the new year and create their dream pub is the one and only Matthew Crosby!Matthew is a founding member of Pappy's, and also presents on Radio X every Sunday morning alongside Ed Gamble. He's also a celebrated stand-up, having performed comedy around the globe. But do you know what else he's celebrated for? That's right, he's one of the great Pubsmen of his generation, and as his dream pub starts to take shape there'll only be one question on your lips: "How do I get an invite?"Do you want to contact the Landlord? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/01/241h 12m

The Pub Notice Board - ‘Expanding the Pub Horizon’

After a short festive break Landlord Robbie and Dan are back, and they're ready to look ahead to 2024! Join them, as they discuss their pub resolutions for the coming year.Do you have any pub goals for the year ahead? Have you got some tips for those who are attempting Dry January? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/01/2427m 4s

The Moon Under Water Christmas Party 2023

As Robbie and Dan draw the curtain on their first year as Landlord and regular at The Moon Under Water, it's time for them to let their hair down at the Christmas party! Like many of the Christmas parties taking place in the Other Realm at this time of year it's going to be a seriously rowdy affair, so strap yourselves in for the ride.Do you have a message you want to send to us? If so, drop us an email on Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/12/2332m 58s

The Pub Notice Board - 'A Swift Lift Gift'

The Landlord has taken a trip into the Other Realm, but that doesn't mean he isn't able to take a quick peak at the Pub Notice Board! Join him from within a mystical carriage (lift) as he hears from some listeners, as well sharing our plans for over the festive period!Do you have a message you want to send to the Landlord? Luckily you can contact us on email: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/12/237m 37s

Lloyd Griffith (Part Two)

*This is part two of Lloyd Griffith's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*When the Mists in the Correct Realm start swirling it can mean only one thing: no, there's not a storm brewing, but a guest is on their way to The Moon Under Water. But who could possibly be venturing through the Mists this week? Well, don't we have a treat in store for you. It's stand-up comedian Lloyd Griffith!Lloyd is a man of many talents: he's a brilliant comedian, he's an incredible singer, and he's fantastic pub company. It feels like there isn't a single topic that Lloyd won't get stuck into, making him the dream guest here at The Moon Under Water. But what sort of alehouse will Lloyd conjure up from within his own mind? Join us in the Correct Realm to find out now.Do you have a message you want to send to the Landlord? If so, fire it over to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/12/2355m 4s

Lloyd Griffith (Part One)

When the Mists in the Correct Realm start swirling it can mean only one thing: no, there's not a storm brewing, but a guest is on their way to The Moon Under Water. But who could possibly be venturing through the Mists this week? Well, don't we have a treat in store for you. It's stand-up comedian Lloyd Griffith!Lloyd is a man of many talents: he's a brilliant comedian, he's an incredible singer, and he's fantastic pub company. It feels like there isn't a single topic that Lloyd won't get stuck into, making him the dream guest here at The Moon Under Water. But what sort of alehouse will Lloyd conjure up from within his own mind? Join us in the Correct Realm to find out now.Do you have a message you want to send to the Landlord? If so, fire it over to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/12/2345m 13s

The Pub Notice Board - 'LemCoke'

As Christmas parties take hold of the Other Realm, why not take a moment out of your day to join Robbie and Dan as they take their weekly look at The Pub Notice Board? Beneath the layers of cards, invites and missing pint posters, there's also some lovely correspondence about pubs of the past, and a final word on the smallest pub in the country.Do you have a message for Robbie and Dan? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/12/2326m 23s

Jon S. Baird (Part Two)

*This is part two of Jon S. Baird's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*As we all know, The Moon Under Water only exists audibly (and on social media in the form of short-form video content, but for the purposes of this let's ignore that). It's impossible to capture just exactly what the Correct Realm looks like; which would make things very difficult should we option the film rights to everyone's favourite 'Pub of the Mind'. However, if we were to go ahead and create a feature length film about the history of The Moon Under Water we know who we'd want to direct it, and they just so happen to be our guest this week. It's BAFTA winning director Jon S. Baird!Jon is known for directing some absolutely incredible films, including 'Filth', 'Stan & Ollie' and 'Tetris'. But before he headed to Hollywood, Jon cut his teeth working alongside the very Landlord and regular that look after The Moon Under Water. Will we hear about their pub escapades from back in the day? Maybe. Will we discover what the likes of Errol Flynn and James Cagney enjoyed drinking on set? Probably not. Are you invited for the journey? Absolutely.If you want to contact the Landlord, you can send us an email; Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/12/2358m 41s

Jon S. Baird (Part One)

As we all know, The Moon Under Water only exists audibly (and on social media in the form of short-form video content, but for the purposes of this let's ignore that). It's impossible to capture just exactly what the Correct Realm looks like; which would make things very difficult should we option the film rights to everyone's favourite 'Pub of the Mind'. However, if we were to go ahead and create a feature length film about the history of The Moon Under Water we know who we'd want to direct it, and they just so happen to be our guest this week. It's BAFTA winning director Jon S. Baird!Jon is known for directing some absolutely incredible films, including 'Filth', 'Stan & Ollie' and 'Tetris'. But before he headed to Hollywood, Jon cut his teeth working alongside the very Landlord and regular that look after The Moon Under Water. Will we hear about their pub escapades from back in the day? Maybe. Will we discover what the likes of Errol Flynn and James Cagney enjoyed drinking on set? Probably not. Are you invited for the journey? Absolutely.If you want to contact the Landlord, you can send us an email; Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/12/2343m 46s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Eating Rudolph'

The Landlord has returned from Lapland, so it's time for a good old catch up. Topics covered include Christmas parties, eating reindeer, and expensive whisky.Got something you want to share with Robbie and Dan for The Pub Notice Board? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/12/2325m 29s

BambinoBecky (Part Two)

*This is part two of BambinoBecky's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Wales is famous for many things: singing, beautiful scenery, rugby, leeks... the list is endless. It's also a country that is home to some of the most incredible pubs on earth. Our guest this week hails from the aforementioned Celtic nation, and with her she brings a vast amount of pubbing experience. It's YouTuber BambinoBecky!Becky is the host of "See If Off", a series in which she interviews guests whilst imbibing 10 different drinks. Given this, we imagine she has quite a few thoughts on what makes a great pub... we even heard a rumour that she used to work in one! We can't wait for Becky to join us in The Moon Under Water, and as always you're invited too!Got a message you want to pass on to the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/12/2342m 56s

BambinoBecky (Part One)

Wales is famous for many things: singing, beautiful scenery, rugby, leeks... the list is endless. It's also a country that is home to some of the most incredible pubs on earth. Our guest this week hails from the aforementioned Celtic nation, and with her she brings a vast amount of pubbing experience. It's YouTuber BambinoBecky!Becky is the host of "See If Off", a series in which she interviews guests whilst imbibing 10 different drinks. Given this, we imagine she has quite a few thoughts on what makes a great pub... we even heard a rumour that she used to work in one! We can't wait for Becky to join us in The Moon Under Water, and as always you're invited too!Got a message you want to pass on to the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/12/2330m 58s

Introducing… Carrie Jade Does Not Exist

Here's the first episode of another podcast from the producers of The Moon Under Water. Carrie Jade Does Not Exist is the story of how one woman, who took on over six different identities, infiltrated the lives of vulnerable people, and lied her way into gaining their trust. Sue Perkins and journalist Katherine Denkinson will tell the story of how Carrie built up a picture-perfect persona and scammed her way into the literary world until she finally got tangled up in her very own web of lies. Listen to the full six-part series wherever you get your podcasts! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/12/2325m 32s

The Pub Notice Board - 'A Landlord In Lapland'

Though Landlord Robbie is now fully tied to his job at The Moon Under Water, sometimes he does manage to get away from the Correct Realm for a bit of time away from the pub (don't worry, Dan is still there to make sure that nobody steals any pints).Incredibly, for this week's episode of The Pub Notice Board Robbie has travelled all the way to Lapland with future guest BambinoBecky! Join them as they sample some of the finest pubs Rovaniemi has to offer. We'll be back to regular business next week!Got a message you'd like to share with us? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/11/2314m 51s

Fin Taylor (Part Two)

*This is part two of Fin Taylor's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Although nobody knows just exactly how old The Moon Under Water is, it's widely accepted that it was created thousands of years before the advent of the internet. And although we're at the forefront of pub technology, we actually held off sorting an internet connection in the Correct Realm until very recently. What made us change our mind? Well, we heard about this week's guest, and wanted to make sure that we could access ALL his content whenever we want. It's comedian Fin Taylor!As well as being one of the best comedians this country has to offer, Fin is also the host of the smash YouTube series 'Fin vs the Internet', in which he grills a different guest each week about how to make it online. However, it's now his turn to be grilled, but purely on all things pint. It's safe to say that we cannot wait for him to join us, and we hope you enjoy what he has in store.If you want to keep up to date with what Fin has coming up then hop onto, and to binge watch 'Fin vs the Internet' make sure to head to (and whatever you do, don't forget to subscribe!).Do you want to contact the Landlord? Whatever your query, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/11/2338m 0s

Fin Taylor (Part One)

Although nobody knows just exactly how old The Moon Under Water is, it's widely accepted that it was created thousands of years before the advent of the internet. And although we're at the forefront of pub technology, we actually held off sorting an internet connection in the Correct Realm until very recently. What made us change our mind? Well, we heard about this week's guest, and wanted to make sure that we could access ALL his content whenever we want. It's comedian Fin Taylor!As well as being one of the best comedians this country has to offer, Fin is also the host of the smash YouTube series 'Fin vs the Internet', in which he grills a different guest each week about how to make it online. However, it's now his turn to be grilled, but purely on all things pint. It's safe to say that we cannot wait for him to join us, and we hope you enjoy what he has in store.If you want to keep up to date with what Fin has coming up then hop onto, and to binge watch 'Fin vs the Internet' make sure to head to (and whatever you do, don't forget to subscribe!).Do you want to contact the Landlord? Whatever your query, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/11/2342m 10s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Cheeky Retirement'

It's time for our weekly trip to view what's been posted onto the Pub Notice Board. This week we hear an incredible Cheeky Girls anecdote, more stories about expensive pints, and there's a lovely email about the rise of alcohol-free beers.Do you have something you want posted onto the Pub Notice Board? If so, send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/11/2333m 52s

Jason Williamson (Part Two)

*This is part two of Jason Williamson's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*It might come as a shock to many of you, but over the years The Moon Under Water has served as a place for some of the best musicians to share stories, hone their craft, and generally get creative. For example, did you know that Brian Wilson wrote "God Only Knows" whilst changing some barrels in the cellar? And Beyonce was inspired to write "Crazy In Love" after seeing Landlord Robbie staring at the pump clip of one of the guest ales? This week we're joined by another musician, who's ready to get creative with designing his dream pub. It's Sleaford Mods vocalist Jason Williamson.As a member of Sleaford Mods Jason has travelled the globe sharing his music with millions; and for those of you interested in seeing them live they're about to embark on a UK tour! Though Jason no longer drinks alcohol, here at The Moon Under Water we feel it's important that EVERYONE can enjoy pubs, and we can't wait to hear what his sober pub looks like.Have you got a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/11/2338m 41s

Jason Williamson (Part One)

It might come as a shock to many of you, but over the years The Moon Under Water has served as a place for some of the best musicians to share stories, hone their craft, and generally get creative. For example, did you know that Brian Wilson wrote "God Only Knows" whilst changing some barrels in the cellar? And Beyonce was inspired to write "Crazy In Love" after seeing Landlord Robbie staring at the pump clip of one of the guest ales? This week we're joined by another musician, who's ready to get creative with designing his dream pub. It's Sleaford Mods vocalist Jason Williamson.As a member of Sleaford Mods Jason has travelled the globe sharing his music with millions; and for those of you interested in seeing them live they're about to embark on a UK tour! Though Jason no longer drinks alcohol, here at The Moon Under Water we feel it's important that EVERYONE can enjoy pubs, and we can't wait to hear what his sober pub looks like.Have you got a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/11/2329m 53s

The Pub Notice Board - 'The Sweet Cheat'

It looks like there's been plenty of documents pinned to the Pub Notice Board at The Moon Under Water, so come and join us to see what's going on.Dan shares a heartwarming Hamburg tale, a listeners shares some brilliant Dublin pub recommendations, and Robbie dreams of the podcast becoming as big as The Beatles.If you have any thoughts on this week's episode, or would like to ask the guys a question, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/11/2333m 33s

David Jesudason (Part Two)

*This is part two of David Jesudason's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Many believe that the UK is the ultimate pub destination due to the sheer variety of pubs that you can visit. Old pubs, flat-roofed pubs, pubs that date back centuries. However, the hidden gem of UK pubs is arguably the desi pub: a place that grew out of attempts to break the racist colour bar of the 1960s which often meant non-white customers were refused service. These pubs, predominantly ran by British-Indian landlords, may not be the most well known, but they are some of the best in the country. This week we're joined by an actual alehouse expert who has visited LOTS of desi pubs; it's author and journalist David Jesudason!What David doesn't know about pubs isn't worth knowing. He's also one of the go-to experts on desi pubs, having written his own book on the subject (which is available in all good book shops). But would his dream pub be based on desi pub, or would it go down a different route? Join us in the Correct Realm, as we're about to find out.Got something you want to send to the landlord? If so, get in touch: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/11/2343m 36s

David Jesudason (Part One)

Many believe that the UK is the ultimate pub destination due to the sheer variety of pubs that you can visit. Old pubs, flat-roofed pubs, pubs that date back centuries. However, the hidden gem of UK pubs is arguably the desi pub: a place that grew out of attempts to break the racist colour bar of the 1960s which often meant non-white customers were refused service. These pubs, predominantly ran by British-Indian landlords, may not be the most well known, but they are some of the best in the country. This week we're joined by an actual alehouse expert who has visited LOTS of desi pubs; it's author and journalist David Jesudason!What David doesn't know about pubs isn't worth knowing. He's also one of the go-to experts on desi pubs, having written his own book on the subject (which is available in all good book shops). But would his dream pub be based on desi pub, or would it go down a different route? Join us in the Correct Realm, as we're about to find out.Got something you want to send to the landlord? If so, get in touch: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/11/2347m 35s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Veggiewurst'

What do you want if you're about to go on holiday? That's right: recommendations for places that nobody can remember the name of, or restaurants that you can't eat at due to being a vegetarian. This week for our dedicated regular Dan he was on receiving end of one such recommendation ahead of his trip to Hamburg weekend, so you can be sure that he's going to find some absolute gems when out on the continent. Plus, we hear about Robbie's recent dining experience eating the UK's most expensive sandwich.Do you have something you want to share with the Landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/11/2327m 59s

Tim Lovejoy (Part Two)

*This is part two of Tim Lovejoy's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*It's no surprise that televisions are a divisive topic in pubs. On the one hand they can provide entertainment during sporting events, or fill an awkward lull in conversation on a bad first date. On the other hand, they can be an unwanted distraction; when instead of having a lovely group discussion, everyone ends up watching 'The Chase' on mute. However, it can't be denied that TV has produced some real legends over the years, and today we're happy to be joined by one of them, because creating their dream pub this week is the one and only Tim Lovejoy!TV's Tim Lovejoy will be familiar to many of you as the current host of 'Sunday Brunch' and the former host of some programme called 'Soccer AM', the latter of being where Tim and Landlord Robbie met many moons ago (before Robbie decided to have a go at running a fictional pub). We're sure they're going to be sharing plenty of stories from back in the day, and you're all invited along.Remember; if you want to contact the Landlord then send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/11/2349m 12s

Tim Lovejoy (Part One)

It's no surprise that televisions are a divisive topic in pubs. On the one hand they can provide entertainment during sporting events, or fill an awkward lull in conversation on a bad first date. On the other hand, they can be an unwanted distraction; when instead of having a lovely group discussion, everyone ends up watching 'The Chase' on mute. However, it can't be denied that TV has produced some real legends over the years, and today we're happy to be joined by one of them, because creating their dream pub this week is the one and only Tim Lovejoy!TV's Tim Lovejoy will be familiar to many of you as the current host of 'Sunday Brunch' and the former host of some programme called 'Soccer AM', the latter of being where Tim and Landlord Robbie met many moons ago (before Robbie decided to have a go at running a fictional pub). We're sure they're going to be sharing plenty of stories from back in the day, and you're all invited along.Remember; if you want to contact the Landlord then send an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/11/2357m 42s

The Pub Notice Board - '11,000 Taps'

Gather round everyone, as Robbie and Dan are about to take another look at what has been pinned onto the notice board here at The Moon Under Water. There's more bizarre rider requests, a definitive list of the best train station pubs the UK has to offer, and plenty of spoilers about who's joining us soon.Do you have something you want to send to the guys? Maybe it's a Hamburg pub recommendation for Dan? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/11/2325m 46s

Chloe Petts (Part Two)

*This is part two of Chloe Petts's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*No, your eyes aren't deceiving you; the Mists genuinely shifting to create a football pitch (complete with football, goals and nets). Good luck kicking a ball made out of water vapour, but this does signify something bigger. It seems like The Moon Under Water is preparing itself to welcome a football-mad guest... and it is so! Approaching the Correct Realm is stand-up comedian and self-described "football lout" Chloe Petts!Chloe has been described as "one of the most compelling young comics" in the country. As well as performing countless shows around the UK, sell-out runs at the Edinburgh Fringe and numerous writing credits, she's also the founder of The Lol Word, a queer comedy collective based in London. But the most impressive of all her talents? She's a Crystal Palace fan; and a passionate one at that. Here's hoping she's just as passionate about pubs as she is Roy Hodgson.Do you have a message you want to send to the Landlord? If so, you can reach him via Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/10/2343m 30s

Chloe Petts (Part One)

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you; the Mists genuinely shifting to create a football pitch (complete with football, goals and nets). Good luck kicking a ball made out of water vapour, but this does signify something bigger. It seems like The Moon Under Water is preparing itself to welcome a football-mad guest... and it is so! Approaching the Correct Realm is stand-up comedian and self-described "football lout" Chloe Petts!Chloe has been described as "one of the most compelling young comics" in the country. As well as performing countless shows around the UK, sell-out runs at the Edinburgh Fringe and numerous writing credits, she's also the founder of The Lol Word, a queer comedy collective based in London. But the most impressive of all her talents? She's a Crystal Palace fan; and a passionate one at that. Here's hoping she's just as passionate about pubs as she is Roy Hodgson.Do you have a message you want to send to the Landlord? If so, you can reach him via Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/10/2346m 41s

The Pub Notice Board - ‘A Tower Block of Pub’

Come one, come all, it's time to gather around the Pub Notice Board once again... and doesn't Landlord Robbie have a tale to tell? Yes, fresh from his trip to Sheffield he's here to share which pubs he visited (including one which has been described as "the greatest pub in the world").Plus, Robbie's rider claims are disputed, Dan discusses a recent pub trip, and we begin a quest to find the best train station pub in the UK.Want something posted to the Pub Notice Board? Send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/10/2323m 25s

Sophie Duker (Part Two)

*This is part two of Sophie Duker's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Ah, the Mists. Resplendent as always... though something is afoot. Yes, if you look close enough it seems that they're beginning to part, almost as if they're anticipating the arrival of this week's guest. And here she comes; making her way into the Correct Realm to create her dream pub is stand-up comedian Sophie Duker!Sophie is one of the UK's most beloved comics. As well as appearing in venues up and down the country, you've also likely seen her on TV, popping up on the likes of 'Taskmaster', 'The Last Leg' and 'Celebrity Mastermind'.However, creating a pub is no laughing matter. Sophie is SERIOUS about what her dream pub will look like, and we're sure you're going to love hearing all about it.Do you want to send a message to the landlord? You can get in touch with us via Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/10/2343m 24s

Sophie Duker (Part One)

Ah, the Mists. Resplendent as always... though something is afoot. Yes, if you look close enough it seems that they're beginning to part, almost as if they're anticipating the arrival of this week's guest. And here she comes; making her way into the Correct Realm to create her dream pub is stand-up comedian Sophie Duker!Sophie is one of the UK's most beloved comics. As well as appearing in venues up and down the country, you've also likely seen her on TV, popping up on the likes of 'Taskmaster', 'The Last Leg' and 'Celebrity Mastermind'.However, creating a pub is no laughing matter. Sophie is SERIOUS about what her dream pub will look like, and we're sure you're going to love hearing all about it.Do you want to send a message to the landlord? You can get in touch with us via Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/10/2342m 57s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Another brewski, Kevin?'

It's time to gather around the Pub Notice Board to see what's been posted. This week there's more fictional pub chat, a brilliant pub sign, and some more info about Swedish small beers.Do you have something you want to post on the Pub Notice Board? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/10/2321m 3s

Rory Powers (Part Two)

*This is part two of Rory Power's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Everyone knows that The Moon Under Water has been around since the beginning of time itself, and over the years thousands of guests have passed through its doors. However, what many of you won't know is that there is a collection of ghosts that is ever present in the Correct Realm, spending their days watching over the barrel changes and bar polishings of each day... which is great news for this week's guest, who loves all things spooky. It's host of 'This Paranormal Life' Rory Powers!In 'This Paranormal Life' Rory and his co-host Kit Grier Mulvenna investigate a different paranormal case to try and find the truth inside the mystery. They're also on tour in the UK later this month, so make sure you grab your tickets!We're not sure how many of these cases involve ale, but thankfully Rory is a very keen pubsman himself; so we're sure he'll come armed with plenty of stories. Do you have a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/10/2346m 34s

Rory Powers (Part One)

Everyone knows that The Moon Under Water has been around since the beginning of time itself, and over the years thousands of guests have passed through its doors. However, what many of you won't know is that there is a collection of ghosts that is ever present in the Correct Realm, spending their days watching over the barrel changes and bar polishings of each day... which is great news for this week's guest, who loves all things spooky. It's host of 'This Paranormal Life' Rory Powers!In 'This Paranormal Life' Rory and his co-host Kit Grier Mulvenna investigate a different paranormal case to try and find the truth inside the mystery. They're also on tour in the UK later this month, so make sure you grab your tickets!We're not sure how many of these cases involve ale, but thankfully Rory is a very keen pubsman himself; so we're sure he'll come armed with plenty of stories.Do you have a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/10/2340m 30s

The Pub Notice Board - 'Mummified Chimney Cats'

Fresh from his jaunt to warmer pastures (Portugal), Landlord Robbie is back is back in the Correct Realm and has plenty of pubs stories to tell! Plus, there's a chat about fictional pubs and a Nutshell update.Do you want to contact The Moon Under Water? If so, send us an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/10/2327m 52s

Richard Archer (Part Two)

*This is part two of Richard Archer's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*It's 2005. You've just finished your shift at Woolworths, and you're off for a couple of VK's with your pals. You've donned your best skinny jeans and blazer combo, and the vigour of youth is running through your veins. And as you step into your first venue of choice, what band is blaring out of the speaker, perfectly capturing the mood of a generation? That's right, arguably the most underrated band of all time; Hard-Fi! If only their lead singer was to walk into the pub now, that would make the night even better... and wait, here he comes now. Yes, joining us at The Moon Under Water this week is the one and only Richard Archer of Hard-Fi.Having been in the band since it started Richard has been lucky enough to travel the world, seeing some of the greatest pubs to ever exist. He's also going to be seeing some of the UK's best pubs very soon too, as Hard-Fi are about to embark on a UK tour! It's going to be an absolute smash, and you'd be a fool to miss it.But away from all this rock and roll malarkey, what does Richard think of pubs? Well, thankfully Robbie and Dan are on hand to ask the hard hitting questions on all things pint, and we can't wait for him to join us.Do you have a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/10/2344m 20s

Richard Archer (Part One)

It's 2005. You've just finished your shift at Woolworths, and you're off for a couple of VK's with your pals. You've donned your best skinny jeans and blazer combo, and the vigour of youth is running through your veins. And as you step into your first venue of choice, what band is blaring out of the speaker, perfectly capturing the mood of a generation? That's right, arguably the most underrated band of all time; Hard-Fi! If only their lead singer was to walk into the pub now, that would make the night even better... and wait, here he comes now. Yes, joining us at The Moon Under Water this week is the one and only Richard Archer of Hard-Fi.Having been in the band since it started Richard has been lucky enough to travel the world, seeing some of the greatest pubs to ever exist. He's also going to be seeing some of the UK's best pubs very soon too, as Hard-Fi are about to embark on a UK tour! It's going to be an absolute smash, and you'd be a fool to miss it.But away from all this rock and roll malarkey, what does Richard think of pubs? Well, thankfully Robbie and Dan are on hand to ask the hard hitting questions on all things pint, and we can't wait for him to join us.Do you have a message you want to send to the landlord? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/10/2356m 56s

The Pub Notice Board - '#ProseccoO'Clock'

It's time to see what's been added to The Pub Notice Board this week; including Lisbon drinking recommendations and the topic of pub characters.Do you want to contact the landlord? If so, send us an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/10/2317m 48s

John Niven (Part Two)

*This is part two of John Niven's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Who doesn't love Scotland? The people are friendly, the pubs are glistening, and the pints are always flowing. It's arguably the ultimate location for pub lovers around the globe, with a higher QPPSM (quality pubs per square mile) than anywhere else. This week's guest hails from the northern side of Hadrian's Wall, and is arguably THE best person to spend an evening at the pub with. It's author and screenwriter John Niven!John's debut novel 'Kill Your Friends' became an instant classic, and includes plenty of references to the pubs of London. His latest book, 'O Brother', has been put straight into the library at The Moon Under Water, and we cannot recommend it enough. John is also a HUGE pub lover, and we cannot wait to hear what his dream alehouse will look like.Want to contact the landlord? Send us an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/10/2338m 7s

John Niven (Part One)

Who doesn't love Scotland? The people are friendly, the pubs are glistening, and the pints are always flowing. It's arguably the ultimate location for pub lovers around the globe, with a higher QPPSM (quality pubs per square mile) than anywhere else. This week's guest hails from the northern side of Hadrian's Wall, and is arguably THE best person to spend an evening at the pub with. It's author and screenwriter John Niven!John's debut novel 'Kill Your Friends' became an instant classic, and includes plenty of references to the pubs of London. His latest book, 'O Brother', has been put straight into the library at The Moon Under Water, and we cannot recommend it enough. John is also a HUGE pub lover, and we cannot wait to hear what his dream alehouse will look like.Want to contact the landlord? Send us an email to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/10/2355m 51s

The Pub Notice Board - 'International Beer Pong'

In this week's edition of The Pub Notice Board Robbie shares how much he enjoyed his recent travels, Dan talks about Maidstone, and we provide a comprehensive list of some of the UK's best small pubs.Do you have something you want featured in a future episode of The Pub Notice Board? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/09/2320m 1s

Robin Ince (Part Two)

*This is part two of Robin Ince's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*The pub is a place for all forms of conversation. Whether it be football, the difficulties of putting on a swimming cap, or the difference between a trumpet and a cornet, there's always fun to be had in a meandering chat with a pub guest. Thankfully the person about to join us at The Moon Under Water could probably be considered the ULTIMATE pub chatsman. It's comedian, writer and actor Robin Ince!Robin is a legend within stand-up, and alongside Brian Cox he hosts 'The Infinite Monkey Cage'. But not only that, he's a BIG fan of pubs. What will it look like? What will it smell like? All shall be revealed very soon...Want to contact the Landlord? Sent us a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/09/2337m 19s

Robin Ince (Part One)

The pub is a place for all forms of conversation. Whether it be football, the difficulties of putting on a swimming cap, or the difference between a trumpet and a cornet, there's always fun to be had in a meandering chat with a pub guest. Thankfully the person about to join us at The Moon Under Water could probably be considered the ULTIMATE pub chatsman. It's comedian, writer and actor Robin Ince!Robin is a legend within stand-up, and alongside Brian Cox he hosts 'The Infinite Monkey Cage'. But not only that, he's a BIG fan of pubs. What will it look like? What will it smell like? All shall be revealed very soon...Want to contact the Landlord? Sent us a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/09/2354m 42s

The Pub Notice Board - 'One in the Wood'

In the first 'proper' edition of The Pub Notice Board Landlord Robbie and Dan discuss small pubs, beach cricket and bars that require passwords.If you have a message you want to send to the guys, you can reach them at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/09/2334m 19s

Rosie Holt (Part Two)

*This is part two of Rosie Holt's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part one first or things might be slightly confusing*Landlord Robbie is settling into his his new infinite existence at The Moon Under Water, and he's eager for more guests to arrive; for what is a pub without guests? Thankfully, it looks like someone is about to arrive who will make great company for him and Dan... it's comedian and actress Rosie Holt!If you haven't come across Rosie on social media then you must be living under some kind of anti-technology rock. Playing the part of a fake MP, she's become famous for tricking people into thinking she's a actual member of the government. But we're not here to talk politics, we're here to talk pubs; and thankfully Rosie is a pubgoer to rival the best of them, and we can't wait for her to join us at The Moon Under Water.Want to contact the Landlord? Sent us a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/09/2334m 38s

Rosie Holt (Part One)

Landlord Robbie is settling into his his new infinite existence at The Moon Under Water, and he's eager for more guests to arrive; for what is a pub without guests? Thankfully, it looks like someone is about to arrive who will make great company for him and Dan... it's comedian and actress Rosie Holt!If you haven't come across Rosie on social media then you must be living under some kind of anti-technology rock. Playing the part of a fake MP, she's become famous for tricking people into thinking she's a actual member of the government. But we're not here to talk politics, we're here to talk pubs; and thankfully Rosie is a pubgoer to rival the best of them, and we can't wait for her to join us at The Moon Under Water.Want to contact the Landlord? Sent us a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/09/2339m 0s

Welcome To The Pub Notice Board

Everyone pull up a pew, because it's time to introduce The Pub Notice Board! This is a place where each week Robbie and Dan will be going through your correspondence, as well has just having a good old chat. No topic is off limits, no question too small! If you have a something you'd like to ask them, or simple want to share one of your top pub anecdotes, then email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/09/2311m 53s

Glenn Moore (Part Two)

*This is part two of Glenn Moore's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*It's good to be back isn't it? Yes, The Moon Under Water has been on hiatus, but thankfully it's time to open up once more; and with a new landlord at the helm too! As Robbie Knox prepares to welcome his first guest into the Correct Realm only one question remains: who is capable of handling the pressure of being the first guest in the Premier League era of The Moon Under Water? The answer, of course, is comedian Glenn Moore!As well as being one of the most beloved stand-up comedians in this fair isle, Glenn can also be heard every morning as part of the Dave Berry Breakfast Show. But don't let the early hours make you think otherwise - he's still a Pubsman who is capable of competing with the best of them.Want to contact the Landlord? Send us a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/09/2340m 37s

Glenn Moore (Part One)

It's good to be back isn't it? Yes, The Moon Under Water has been on hiatus, but thankfully it's time to open up once more; and with a new landlord at the helm too! As Robbie Knox prepares to welcome his first guest into the Correct Realm only one question remains: who is capable of handling the pressure of being the first guest in the Premier League era of The Moon Under Water? The answer, of course, is comedian Glenn Moore!As well as being one of the most beloved stand-up comedians in this fair isle, Glenn can also be heard every morning as part of the Dave Berry Breakfast Show. But don't let the early hours make you think otherwise - he's still a Pubsman who is capable of competing with the best of them.Want to contact the Landlord? Send us a message to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/09/2349m 11s

The Moon Under Water Returns

The Moon Under Water is back, with a brand new landlord at the helm! Join us to find out who it is, and what to expect as we reopen the Correct Realm. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/09/2311m 19s

Ready Thy Se'n...

Ready thy sen, because a new landlord is on their way to The Moon Under Water... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Robin Allender - The Door In The Wall (Part 1)

Whenever a Realm Quake strikes at The Moon Under Water change often follows. After it was revealed that Landlord John and his most dedicated regular Robin Allender will be moving on from the Correct Realm, they decided it was only fitting that Robin was given the chance to create his very own 'Pub of the Mind'. So strap in, and join us as we head through the Mists to create a very special Moon Under Water for the most dedicated of regulars out there. To everyone who has accompanied John and Robin at The Moon Under Water, we thank you so much for listening. But fear not - very soon The Moon Under Water will be returning under the stewardship of a brand new landlord and regular, who've both received the Robins and Robin's seal of approval. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/06/2341m 43s

Robin Allender - The Door In The Wall (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Robin Allender's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Whenever a Realm Quake strikes at The Moon Under Water change often follows. After it was revealed that Landlord John and his most dedicated regular Robin Allender will be moving on from the Correct Realm, they decided it was only fitting that Robin was given the chance to create his very own 'Pub of the Mind'. So strap in, and join us as we head through the Mists to create a very special Moon Under Water for the most dedicated of regulars out there. To everyone who has accompanied John and Robin at The Moon Under Water, we thank you so much for listening. But fear not - very soon The Moon Under Water will be returning under the stewardship of a brand new landlord and regular, who've both received the Robins and Robin's seal of approval. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/06/2337m 35s

The Moon Under Water - 'A Realm Quake'

A Realm Quake has struck The Moon Under Water, meaning something is afoot... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/06/2313m 12s

Al Murray - Operation Supercharge (Part 1)

We all had heroes growing up. As a child Robin Allender used to run around the house dressed as James Joyce, pretending to make his way around Dublin whilst putting on an Irish accent. "Another Guinness, good sir" he'd often be heard proclaiming to his family, who thankfully always refused his requests. Landlord John, on the other hand, admired landlords. He would wake up early every morning and clean all the glasses in the house, before "opening up" the front door at midday. And every night, young John would fall asleep underneath a poster of his favourite landlord of all... The Pub Landlord, Al Murray. They say that dreams don't come true, but we disagree; because that very same landlord has made his way into the Correct Realm to create his dream pub.Al is synonymous with pubs, and we can't even begin to imagine how many pubs he visited whilst creating his 'Pub Landlord' character. There's surely going to be plenty of ales flowing around in his dream pub, and it's about to take shape before your very eyes (ears). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/06/2345m 56s

Al Murray - Operation Supercharge (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Al Murray's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*We all had heroes growing up. As a child Robin Allender used to run around the house dressed as James Joyce, pretending to make his way around Dublin whilst putting on an Irish accent. "Another Guinness, good sir" he'd often be heard proclaiming to his family, who thankfully always refused his requests. Landlord John, on the other hand, admired landlords. He would wake up early every morning and clean all the glasses in the house, before "opening up" the front door at midday. And every night, young John would fall asleep underneath a poster of his favourite landlord of all... The Pub Landlord, Al Murray. They say that dreams don't come true, but we disagree; because that very same landlord has made his way into the Correct Realm to create his dream pub.Al is synonymous with pubs, and we can't even begin to imagine how many pubs he visited whilst creating his 'Pub Landlord' character. There's surely going to be plenty of ales flowing around in his dream pub, and it's about to take shape before your very eyes (ears). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/06/2344m 51s

Adam Kay - Doctor's Orders (Part 1)

There's a famous joke that does the rounds at The Moon Under Water: "Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pint of ale"... "Well, get yourself down to The Moon Under Water then!" It's an absolute classic, and it goes down a storm every time it's told - and even though it's now been told over a million times in the Correct Realm, we're still going to try it on our next guest. It's writer, comedian, and former doctor Adam Kay.It's a known fact that if you're reading this then you own a copy of Adam's smash-hit book This Is Going To Hurt. Though he touches on pubs throughout the book, he doesn't really get "bogged down" in the reasons why he loves pubs... which is why we're so excited for him to join us at The Moon Under Water! His latest book Undoctored: The Story of a Medic Who Ran Out of Patients is available in paperback on 8th June. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/06/2340m 56s

Adam Kay - Doctor's Orders (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Adam Kay's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*"There's a famous joke that does the rounds at The Moon Under Water: ""Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pint of ale""... ""Well, get yourself down to The Moon Under Water then!"" It's an absolute classic, and it goes down a storm every time it's told - and even though it's now been told over a million times in the Correct Realm, we're still going to try it on our next guest. It's writer, comedian, and former doctor Adam Kay.It's a known fact that if you're reading this then you own a copy of Adam's smash-hit book This Is Going To Hurt. Though he touches on pubs throughout the book, he doesn't really get ""bogged down"" in the reasons why he loves pubs... which is why we're so excited for him to join us at The Moon Under Water! His latest book Undoctored: The Story of a Medic Who Ran Out of Patients is available in paperback on 8th June." Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/06/2327m 36s

Andrew Hunter Murray - Frome The Bell Tolls (Part 1)

Once a year in the Correct Realm we host the "Impossible Quiz", in which there are no correct answers to any of the questions. So far the highest score, zero, has been achieved by everyone who has ever taken part. And whilst many have entered undeterred at the idea of walking out without a single point, this week's guest might just be able to find a way of getting a few points on the board. It's comedian, podcaster, author and researcher on the smash TV show Qi... Andrew Hunter Murray! Andrew is a certified "Qi Elf", and is tasked with searching out the most incredbile facts, statistics and claims known in the Other Realm. He's also a celebrated author, whose book 'The Last Day' was met with rave reviews. He also has another on the way - 'The Sanctuary' - and we're sure it'll eventually find a place on a shelf in The Moon Under Water. However... the only answers we're interested in today are the ones about his dream pub, and we eagerly wait to hear what he is going to create. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/05/2337m 36s

Andrew Hunter Murray - Frome The Bell Tolls (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Andrew Hunter Murray's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Once a year in the Correct Realm we host the "Impossible Quiz", in which there are no correct answers to any of the questions. So far the highest score, zero, has been achieved by everyone who has ever taken part. And whilst many have entered undeterred at the idea of walking out without a single point, this week's guest might just be able to find a way of getting a few points on the board. It's comedian, podcaster, author and researcher on the smash TV show Qi... Andrew Hunter Murray! Andrew is a certified "Qi Elf", and is tasked with searching out the most incredbile facts, statistics and claims known in the Other Realm. He's also a celebrated author, whose book 'The Last Day' was met with rave reviews. He also has another on the way - 'The Sanctuary' - and we're sure it'll eventually find a place on a shelf in The Moon Under Water. However... the only answers we're interested in today are the ones about his dream pub, and we eagerly wait to hear what he is going to create. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/05/2332m 26s

Helen Zaltzman - The Definite Article (Part 1)

"Podcast". Now that's a word we've never heard in the Correct Realm. We're told it's some sort of audible murmuration in which people are able to share their thoughts and feelings directly into your ears. It sounds mad, and to be honest it doesn’t sound true. However, we’re led to believe that this week’s guest is a pioneer in the world of podcasting, so we’ll suspend our belief as she walks through our doors. It’s broadcaster, writer and podcaster Helen Zaltzman.Helen was one of the very early adopters of podcasting, and will be looked back on as one of the key players in its infancy. She still podcasts, and her wonderful series ‘The Allusionist’ is well worth a listen if you’re a fan of all things language. You may also notice that she’s the second Zaltzman to enter The Moon Under Water, but we’re almost certain that Helen’s pub will be less bizarre than Andy’s. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/05/2336m 11s

Helen Zaltzman - The Definite Article (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Helen Zaltzman's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*"Podcast". Now that's a word we've never heard in the Correct Realm. We're told it's some sort of audible murmuration in which people are able to share their thoughts and feelings directly into your ears. It sounds mad, and to be honest it doesn’t sound true. However, we’re led to believe that this week’s guest is a pioneer in the world of podcasting, so we’ll suspend our belief as she walks through our doors. It’s broadcaster, writer and podcaster Helen Zaltzman.Helen was one of the very early adopters of podcasting, and will be looked back on as one of the key players in its infancy. She still podcasts, and her wonderful series ‘The Allusionist’ is well worth a listen if you’re a fan of all things language. You may also notice that she’s the second Zaltzman to enter The Moon Under Water, but we’re almost certain that Helen’s pub will be less bizarre than Andy’s. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/05/2331m 26s

Josh Pugh - HMS Prelude (Part 1)

We often talk about the great pub cities of the Other Realm, but equally as wonderful are the pub towns and villages out there... places that might not seem big enough to accommodate more than one or two drinking establishments, yet somehow manage to cram multiple pubs within seconds of each other. This week's guest is from Atherstone, a town that once claimed to have the most pubs on a single street in the UK. But that's not his biggest selling point; he's also a brilliant stand-up comedian. It's the incredible Josh Pugh!Josh is an award-winning comedian and social media smash, whose latest show Egg, Sausage, Josh Pugh, Chips and Beans was nominated for the Edinburgh Comedy Award. As a native of a GPT (great pub town) we can only imagine that his dream pub will be reminiscent of those in Atherstone, and we cannot wait to hear what else will be flowing through its pumps. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/05/2328m 28s

Josh Pugh - HMS Prelude (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Josh Pugh's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*We often talk about the great pub cities of the Other Realm, but equally as wonderful are the pub towns and villages out there... places that might not seem big enough to accommodate more than one or two drinking establishments, yet somehow manage to cram multiple pubs within seconds of each other. This week's guest is from Atherstone, a town that once claimed to have the most pubs on a single street in the UK. But that's not his biggest selling point; he's also a brilliant stand-up comedian. It's the incredible Josh Pugh!Josh is an award-winning comedian and social media smash, whose latest show Egg, Sausage, Josh Pugh, Chips and Beans was nominated for the Edinburgh Comedy Award. As a native of a GPT (great pub town) we can only imagine that his dream pub will be reminiscent of those in Atherstone, and we cannot wait to hear what else will be flowing through its pumps.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/05/2331m 27s

Rhys James - The Hope That Kills You (Part 1)

There's a disturbance at The Moon Under Water. Yes, if you look out the foggy windows you'll notice that the Mists are starting to sway... and that can only mean one thing. It looks like a guest is about to enter the vacinity and we are so excited, because making their way into the Correct Realm is the wonderful Rhys James!Rhys is one of the UK's most beloved comedians, and he heralds from the coolest city in the world. That's right: Swindon. Not only is it the home of XTC, Gilbert O'Sullivan and Dean Ashton, it's also the home to some cracking boozers, and we can't wait to hear about some of Rhys's favourites. But don't just expect him to lament about Swindon; we're sure he's going to tick-off plenty of Wiltshere's big hitters; such as Cricklade, Wilton and Amesbury. Rhys is currently on tour! Look him up in your mind and treat yourself to a wonderful night in the Other Realm.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/05/2335m 0s

Rhys James - The Hope That Kills You (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Rhys James's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing* There's a disturbance at The Moon Under Water. Yes, if you look out the foggy windows you'll notice that the Mists are starting to sway... and that can only mean one thing. It looks like a guest is about to enter the vacinity and we are so excited, because making their way into the Correct Realm is the wonderful Rhys James! Rhys is one of the UK's most beloved comedians, and he heralds from the coolest city in the world. That's right: Swindon. Not only is it the home of XTC, Gilbert O'Sullivan and Dean Ashton, it's also the home to some cracking boozers, and we can't wait to hear about some of Rhys's favourites. But don't just expect him to lament about Swindon; we're sure he's going to tick-off plenty of Wiltshere's big hitters; such as Cricklade, Wilton and Amesbury. Rhys is currently on tour! Look him up in your mind and treat yourself to a wonderful night in the Other Realm.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/05/2333m 52s

Max Rushden - Obedire Baggarts (Part 1)

If you're a football fan then you'll be familiar with the pre-match pint. It's a magical pint full of excitement, discussions of tactics and - quite often - chanting. The post-match pint, however, is a differenet story. Will it be a pint of joy, or a pint of sorrow? Either way, football and pinting compliment each other perfectly, and this week's guest knows this only too well. It's presenter and host of Guardian Football Weekly Max Rushden!Max grew up in Cambridge, and studied at Oxford; so he's well versed in the pubs of Oxford that played such an important role in the formative years of Landlord John and Robin. However, he's since decided to set up shop on the other side of the world... in Australia! Are we about to have our first ever Fosters-only pub? Probably not, but either way we can't wait to hear what he has in store.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/05/2341m 57s

Max Rushden - Obedire Baggarts (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Max's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*If you're a football fan then you'll be familiar with the pre-match pint. It's a magical pint full of excitement, discussions of tactics and - quite often - chanting. The post-match pint, however, is a differenet story. Will it be a pint of joy, or a pint of sorrow? Either way, football and pinting compliment each other perfectly, and this week's guest knows this only too well. It's presenter and host of Guardian Football Weekly Max Rushden!Max grew up in Cambridge, and studied at Oxford; so he's well versed in the pubs of Oxford that played such an important role in the formative years of Landlord John and Robin. However, he's since decided to set up shop on the other side of the world... in Australia! Are we about to have our first ever Fosters-only pub? Probably not, but either way we can't wait to hear what he has in store.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/05/2329m 8s

Tony Livesey - The Royal Dyche II (Part 1)

There is a certain subset of people who have the unique ability to condense even the grandest of stories into a digestible three minute chunk. They don't deal with filler - they get to the point end on a laugh. We are, of course, talking about radio presenters. And because of their unique ability to capture the attention of almost anyone (depending on which station you listen to) they make brilliant pub guests. Joining us this week is one such presenter. Like Blackburn, Burden, Wallece, Hope and Adebayo before him we welcome another gold standard presenter: it's the inimitable Tony Livesey.Tony can currently be heard keeping the nation informed on 5 Live Drive alongside Clare McDonnell, but before he ventured into broadcasting he had a very different job: he was the editor-in-chief of the Daily Sport - the home of sensational headlines. We're sure Tony has plenty of juicy stories about the heady days of 90s journalism, but we're equally as excited to hear about his very own dream pub. So join us, as he wends his merry way into The Moon Under Water.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/04/2335m 34s

Tony Livesey - The Royal Dyche II (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Tony Livesey's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing* There is a certain subset of people who have the unique ability to condense even the grandest of stories into a digestible three minute chunk. They don't deal with filler - they get to the point end on a laugh. We are, of course, talking about radio presenters. And because of their unique ability to capture the attention of almost anyone (depending on which station you listen to) they make brilliant pub guests. Joining us this week is one such presenter. Like Blackburn, Burden, Wallece, Hope and Adebayo before him we welcome another gold standard presenter: it's the inimitable Tony Livesey. Tony can currently be heard keeping the nation informed on 5 Live Drive alongside Clare McDonnell, but before he ventured into broadcasting he had a very different job: he was the editor-in-chief of the Daily Sport - the home of sensational headlines. We're sure Tony has plenty of juicy stories about the heady days of 90s journalism, but we're equally as excited to hear about his very own dream pub. So join us, as he wends his merry way into The Moon Under Water.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/04/2331m 37s

Em Sauter - The Mask and Mantle (Part 1)

What are the ingredients of beer? What does IPA stand for? What causes the bubbles in beer? These are all questions that are impossible to answer, and frankly we're not even going to try and guess. However, this week we're lucky to be joined someone who might be able to help out with some of the burning questions surrounding everyone's favourite amber liquid. She's the founder of Pints and Panels... she's Em Sauter!In her own words, "Pints and Panels specialize in Visual Beer Education such as infographics and educational illustrations as well as take commissions for various other endeavors outside the realm of beer. The illustrations are fun, playful, and whimsical." It's award winning, it's educational, it's about beer... what more could you want?! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/04/2342m 54s

Em Sauter - The Mask and Mantle (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Em Sauter's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*What are the ingredients of beer? What does IPA stand for? What causes the bubbles in beer? These are all questions that are impossible to answer, and frankly we're not even going to try and guess. However, this week we're lucky to be joined someone who might be able to help out with some of the burning questions surrounding everyone's favourite amber liquid. She's the founder of Pints and Panels... she's Em Sauter!In her own words, "Pints and Panels specialize in Visual Beer Education such as infographics and educational illustrations as well as take commissions for various other endeavors outside the realm of beer. The illustrations are fun, playful, and whimsical." It's award winning, it's educational, it's about beer... what more could you want?! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/04/2333m 16s

The Month In Pubs - ‘Ambience Of Brawl’

They say time flies in the Other Realm, but here in the Correct Realm time is a much more sedentary beast, casually grazing upon the fields of desire and occasionally stopping for a drink in the crystal clear pool of reflection. So you can imagine our surprise that it’s already time for our second edition of The Month In Pubs!Landlord John and his trusty regular Robin catch up on recent publy events and delve into the ever-inflating sack of Mist Mail.Do you have some Mist that you’d like to send to the guys? If so, send it to And remember: for exclusive benefits including pre-sale access to live events and bonus podcasts become a Patron at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/04/2331m 16s

Freddy Bulmer - The Quafftide Inn (Part 1)

A wise person once said “If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life.” So imagine our surprise when this week's guest approached the Correct Realm claiming that his ACTUAL job title is "wine buyer"! This is going to be one for those of you with a penchant for pinot grigio, or a love for lambrusco, because joining us is all-round wine expert Freddy Bulmer. Freddy is a wine buyer for The Wine Society, specialising in wines from Australia, Austria, New Zealand, and Eastern Europe. In fact, he knows SO MUCH about wine that he's also been a judge at The International Wine and Spirit Competition. But don't just think he's here to chat about grapes all day long; he also knows a thing or two about all things alcohol, and we can't wait for him to share some of his expertise with us. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/04/2342m 11s

Freddy Bulmer - The Quafftide Inn (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Freddy Bulmer's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing* A wise person once said “If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life.” So imagine our surprise when this week's guest approached the Correct Realm claiming that his ACTUAL job title is "wine buyer"! This is going to be one for those of you with a penchant for pinot grigio, or a love for lambrusco, because joining us is all-round wine expert Freddy Bulmer. Freddy is a wine buyer for The Wine Society, specialising in wines from Australia, Austria, New Zealand, and Eastern Europe. In fact, he knows SO MUCH about wine that he's also been a judge at The International Wine and Spirit Competition. But don't just think he's here to chat about grapes all day long; he also knows a thing or two about all things alcohol, and we can't wait for him to share some of his expertise with us. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/04/2334m 8s

Elis James - Elis' Pub (Part 1)

It's a huge day at The Moon Under Water. No, we haven't just had another delivery of brasses - we're celebrating our 100th episode! It's been a real treat inviting 99 different guests into the Correct Realm, but to mark our centurion episode we decided we need to pull out all the stops... and obviously there was only one person who befit such an occasion. Sadly, Sir Ian McKellen didn't respond to our requests, so we went for the next best thing: the one and only Elis James! Elis will be familiar to many of you as one half of radio's most unproducable duo, and in a rare appearance in the Other Realm Landlord John and his trusty regular Robin Allender ventured to Central London to bring Elis's dream pub to life in front of an ACTUAL live audience. He's passionate about Wales, he's passionate about ales, and he's passionate about all things pub. Join us, as we mark our century break at The Moon Under Water. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03/04/2352m 36s

Elis James - Elis' Pub (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Elis James's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing* It's a huge day at The Moon Under Water. No, we haven't just had another delivery of brasses - we're celebrating our 100th episode! It's been a real treat inviting 99 different guests into the Correct Realm, but to mark our centurion episode we decided we need to pull out all the stops... and obviously there was only one person who befit such an occasion. Sadly, Sir Ian McKellen didn't respond to our requests, so we went for the next best thing: the one and only Elis James!Elis will be familiar to many of you as one half of radio's most unproducable duo, and in a rare appearance in the Other Realm Landlord John and his trusty regular Robin Allender ventured to Central London to bring Elis's dream pub to life in front of an ACTUAL live audience. He's passionate about Wales, he's passionate about ales, and he's passionate about all things pub. Join us, as we mark our century break at The Moon Under Water. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03/04/2349m 39s

Jess Phillips - The Dog and Hand Grenade (Part 1)

How are big decisions made at The Moon Under Water? Well, firstly someone tables a motion: usually John, and usually something along the lines of "We need more pint glasses". Next the motion is debated, where you might hear Robin argue that "We have enough pint glasses here, what we really need is more beer mats!". This goes on for weeks, until eventually the motion is put to a vote (and because there's only two permenant residents at The Moon Under Water every single motion has ended in a tie).But how are big decisions made in the Other Realm? Well, this week's guest will be able to shine a light on that - it's politician Jess Phillips!Jess has been a Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley since 2015, and as a Birmingham native she's had plenty of experience with the pubs of our second city. But when it comes to her DREAM pubs, what does she look for? A nook? A log burning stove? A karaoke machine? Fear not - as she's about to enter the Correct Realm and bring her Pub Of The Mind to life.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/03/2331m 36s

Jess Phillips - The Dog and Hand Grenade (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Jess Phillips's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing* How are big decisions made at The Moon Under Water? Well, firstly someone tables a motion: usually John, and usually something along the lines of "We need more pint glasses". Next the motion is debated, where you might hear Robin argue that "We have enough pint glasses here, what we really need is more beer mats!". This goes on for weeks, until eventually the motion is put to a vote (and because there's only two permenant residents at The Moon Under Water every single motion has ended in a tie). But how are big decisions made in the Other Realm? Well, this week's guest will be able to shine a light on that - it's politician Jess Phillips! Jess has been a Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley since 2015, and as a Birmingham native she's had plenty of experience with the pubs of our second city. But when it comes to her DREAM pubs, what does she look for? A nook? A log burning stove? A karaoke machine? Fear not - as she's about to enter the Correct Realm and bring her Pub Of The Mind to life. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/03/2324m 59s

Katie Thistleton - The Dog and Katie (Part 1)

"You're listening to the Official Pint Charts, and soon we're going to be revealing this week's number one pint. Guinness is going strong and is on course to make the top five for the thousandth week in a row, Harvey's Best could be re-entering the top 10... and will Apple Sourz top the charts for the first time? Keep listening to find out!"No, The Moon Under Water hasn't turned into a mystical version of Radio 1; but that's just an example of what you'd hear should we start presenting our own chart show every week. If we were ever going to then now would be the perfect time, because we're about to be joined by pure radio royalty... Radio 1's very own Katie Thistleton! Katie can be heard every week on Radio 1 presenting both solo and alongside Vick Hope... and those of you who grew up with CBBC will know her as a close companion of Hacker T Dog! Not only is she a talented broadcaster, she's also a thoroughly good egg with a passion for pubs that has been passed down through generations. So tune your radio sets to "ale" and settle in.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/03/2345m 55s

Katie Thistleton - The Dog and Katie (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Katie Thistleton's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*"You're listening to the Official Pint Charts, and soon we're going to be revealing this week's number one pint. Guinness is going strong and is on course to make the top five for the thousandth week in a row, Harvey's Best could be re-entering the top 10... and will Apple Sourz top the charts for the first time? Keep listening to find out!"No, The Moon Under Water hasn't turned into a mystical version of Radio 1; but that's just an example of what you'd hear should we start presenting our own chart show every week. If we were ever going to then now would be the perfect time, because we're about to be joined by pure radio royalty... Radio 1's very own Katie Thistleton! Katie can be heard every week on Radio 1 presenting both solo and alongside Vick Hope... and those of you who grew up with CBBC will know her as a close companion of Hacker T Dog! Not only is she a talented broadcaster, she's also a thoroughly good egg with a passion for pubs that has been passed down through generations. So tune your radio sets to "ale" and settle in.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/03/2335m 44s

Andy Zaltzman - The Lawnmower Of Unquenchable Truth (Part 1)

The Moon Under Water has hosted a fair few guests over the years, and as a result there has been a monumental amount of choices made. Draught, bottles, spirits, wildcards... all stretching back since time itself began. But suppose you wanted to take a deep dive into the numbers behind the Pub of the Mind: does such a person exist who could interpret the statistics and come back with fun, digestible stats that provide you with a unique insight into what's happened so far? That person certainly DOES exist, and his name is Andy Zaltzman!As well as being a comedian and author Andy is the resident statistician for Test Match Special. He's able to pull mind blowing stats out of thin air, and his knowledge of all things cricket is really something to behold. Though he doesn't have access to the numbers behind The Moon Under Water, if we were to create our own Wisden Beer Almanac he'd be the man we want to help. He's also a thoroughly lovely guy, and we can't wait for him to arrive.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/03/2339m 50s

Andy Zaltzman - The Lawnmower Of Unquenchable Truth (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Andy Zaltzman's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The Moon Under Water has hosted a fair few guests over the years, and as a result there has been a monumental amount of choices made. Draught, bottles, spirits, wildcards... all stretching back since time itself began. But suppose you wanted to take a deep dive into the numbers behind the Pub of the Mind: does such a person exist who could interpret the statistics and come back with fun, digestible stats that provide you with a unique insight into what's happened so far? That person certainly DOES exist, and his name is Andy Zaltzman!As well as being a comedian and author Andy is the resident statistician for Test Match Special. He's able to pull mind blowing stats out of thin air, and his knowledge of all things cricket is really something to behold. Though he doesn't have access to the numbers behind The Moon Under Water, if we were to create our own Wisden Beer Almanac he'd be the man we want to help. He's also a thoroughly lovely guy, and we can't wait for him to arrive.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/03/2332m 32s

Drunk Women Solving The Moon Under Water

John Robins and Robin Allender invite Hannah George, Catie Wilkins and Taylor Glenn, better known as Drunk Women Solving Crime into the Correct Realm to investigate the life and times of a seriously underqualified fifteenth-century doctor. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/03/2353m 3s

Henry Jeffreys - The Black & White Striped Unicorn (Part 1)

Is there a better feeling than settling in at your favourite watering hole, drink in hand, and a good book to keep you company? Probably not, but one thing is for certain: if you were to be reading a copy of Empire of Booze by Henry Jeffreys you'd probably be sitting there until the book is finished (which probably means you'd finish a good few pints too). It's an absolute page-turner, and a book that anyone intrigued by the history and alcohol should have in their own personal library. Now if only we could talk to the author himself to pick his brain... Oh look! Can you believe it? Heading towards The Moon Under Water is the actual Henry Jeffreys!Henry is a drinks expert and author whose work has appeared in the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, BBC Good Food and Master of Malt amongst others. He started out writing a blog about alcohol before moving onto books and his works have been celebrated by people far and wide. Expect a thorough, well informed pub to appear from his mind! Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/03/2332m 35s

Henry Jeffreys - The Black & White Striped Unicorn (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Henry Jeffreys's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Is there a better feeling than settling in at your favourite watering hole, drink in hand, and a good book to keep you company? Probably not, but one thing is for certain: if you were to be reading a copy of Empire of Booze by Henry Jeffreys you'd probably be sitting there until the book is finished (which probably means you'd finish a good few pints too). It's an absolute page-turner, and a book that anyone intrigued by the history and alcohol should have in their own personal library. Now if only we could talk to the author himself to pick his brain... Oh look! Can you believe it? Heading towards The Moon Under Water is the actual Henry Jeffreys!Henry is a drinks expert and author whose work has appeared in the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, BBC Good Food and Master of Malt amongst others. He started out writing a blog about alcohol before moving onto books and his works have been celebrated by people far and wide. Expect a thorough, well informed pub to appear from his mind! Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/03/2343m 12s

The Month In Pubs - 'Pigor Mortis'

Would you look at the time?! Why, it looks like it's time to begin our new-look deep dive into all things pint with the first edition of The Month in Pubs: think of it as a bit like The Week In Pubs, but with a months worth of content crammed into one special murmuration.The guys discuss their publy activities from across the past few weeks, dissect some of your Mist Mail, and generally have a ruddy lovely time.Do you have some Mist that you'd like to send to the guys? If so, send it to And remember: for exclusive benefits including pre-sale access to live events and bonus podcasts become a Patreon at  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/03/2342m 54s

Rob Auton - The Human Experience (Part 1)

Poets have frequently appeared in the Correct Realm over the years. For example, did you know that Edgar Allen Poe once ordered a round of flaming sambucas for the whole pub? And Emily Dickinson could often be found sipping a pint of ale whilst reading her weekly copy of Pints Weekly? Yes, The Moon Under Water and wordsmiths go hand-in-hand; and grabbing the hand of everyone's favourite Pub of the Mind this week is the inimitable Rob Auton!Rob is able to seamlessly blend the world's of comedy and poetry to create shows that are as unique as they are hilarious. He's a mainstay at the Edinburgh Fringe, and even won 'Dave Funniest Joke of the Edinburgh Fringe' in 2013. But something that isn't a laughing matter is just how much he loves pubs, and you can be sure that a lot of thinking has gone into creating his ideal alehouse (just don't expect all his choices to rhyme).Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/02/2339m 7s

Rob Auton - The Human Experience (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Rob Auton's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Poets have frequently appeared in the Correct Realm over the years. For example, did you know that Edgar Allen Poe once ordered a round of flaming sambucas for the whole pub? And Emily Dickinson could often be found sipping a pint of ale whilst reading her weekly copy of Pints Weekly? Yes, The Moon Under Water and wordsmiths go hand-in-hand; and grabbing the hand of everyone's favourite Pub of the Mind this week is the inimitable Rob Auton!Rob is able to seamlessly blend the world's of comedy and poetry to create shows that are as unique as they are hilarious. He's a mainstay at the Edinburgh Fringe, and even won 'Dave Funniest Joke of the Edinburgh Fringe' in 2013. But something that isn't a laughing matter is just how much he loves pubs, and you can be sure that a lot of thinking has gone into creating his ideal alehouse (just don't expect all his choices to rhyme).Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/02/2345m 48s

100th Episode Special Announcement

Here in The Moon Under Water, time is an ever changing concept; such is the way of things in the Correct Realm. But every so often the Correct and Other Realms align in such a way that enables them to briefly merge together. These are the most special of occasions and deserve all the pomp and ceremony due to them!With that in mind we are thrilled to announce that to celebrate The Moon Under Water’s 100th episode we’ll be hosting a very special live show with none other than legendary Welsh Pintsman of the Realm… Elis James! It’s taking place at The Comedy Store in London on 21st March and we’d love you to join us.Tickets go on sale 10am this Friday, but Patreon subscribers can get theirs tomorrow at 10am. If you want to access tickets early then sign up to be a Patron of The Moon Under Water by heading to  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/02/231m 35s

Rachel Fairburn - The Black Shuck (Part 1)

As we all know The Moon Under Water is home to an infinite number of spirts, meaning that there are more opticals that can be counted in a lifetime. However, if you enter the Correct Realm on a dark, cold night you'll quickly become aware that spirits of the ghostly kind can often seen lining up behind the bar too. Enter this week's guest, a fan of all things spooky: it's comedian and podcaster Rachel Fairburn! Rachel is the host of Ghoul Guide with Rachel Fairburn (listen at where she talks to different guests about some of their spookiest experiences. What's even scarier than that? The idea of missing her smash hit stand-up show, which she's currently touring! Will her dream pub be a welcoming place to ghosts? Will the Ghostbusters be banned from entering? Well, float your way into The Moon Under Water to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/02/2334m 4s

Rachel Fairburn - The Black Shuck (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Rachel Fairburn's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*As we all know The Moon Under Water is home to an infinite number of spirts, meaning that there are more opticals that can be counted in a lifetime. However, if you enter the Correct Realm on a dark, cold night you'll quickly become aware that spirits of the ghostly kind can often seen lining up behind the bar too. Enter this week's guest, a fan of all things spooky: it's comedian and podcaster Rachel Fairburn! Rachel is the host of Ghoul Guide with Rachel Fairburn (listen at where she talks to different guests about some of their spookiest experiences. What's even scarier than that? The idea of missing her smash hit stand-up show, which she's currently touring! Will her dream pub be a welcoming place to ghosts? Will the Ghostbusters be banned from entering? Well, float your way into The Moon Under Water to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/02/2338m 47s

Maisie Adam - The Filth and Fury (Part 1)

Anyone from Yorkshire will know that from the day there are only ever two drinks on offer: tea and ale. Whichever you choose depends on both your age and the time of day, but it means that those who grew up in God's Own Country have pubs running through their veins (not literally). Our guest this week is one such Yorkie - it's Maisie Adam! You may know Maisie from her appearances on Live at The Apollo, A League of Their Own, Mock The Week, and The Last Leg. You may also have been lucky enough to see her performing stand-up live in the flesh (if you haven't, get yourself out to one of her shows!). She's also spent plenty of time frequenting the boozers of this fair isle... and something tells us she's going to create a pub near to the Landlord's own heart. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/02/2337m 50s

Maisie Adam - The Filth and Fury (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Maisie Adam's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Anyone from Yorkshire will know that from the day there are only ever two drinks on offer: tea and ale. Whichever you choose depends on both your age and the time of day, but it means that those who grew up in God's Own Country have pubs running through their veins (not literally). Our guest this week is one such Yorkie - it's Maisie Adam! You may know Maisie from her appearances on Live at The Apollo, A League of Their Own, Mock The Week, and The Last Leg. You may also have been lucky enough to see her performing stand-up live in the flesh (if you haven't, get yourself out to one of her shows!). She's also spent plenty of time frequenting the boozers of this fair isle... and something tells us she's going to create a pub near to the Landlord's own heart. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/02/2340m 16s

Thanyia Moore - Moore Drinks (Part 1)

Comedy lends itself to spending a lot of time in pubs. Whether it's on a wooden box in a back room, on a carpeted stage in the corner or simply leaning on a bar sharing an anecdote to a large group of people, you're never too far away from a laugh in a pub. As such, the relationship between comedians and pubs can often be a special one. This week's guest is one of the finest stand-up comedians in the UK, and has spent plenty of time plying her trade in pubs up and down the land: it's the wonderful Thanyia Moore! As well as appearing on the likes of Mock The Week, The Duchess and Pure Thanyia is one of the hottest prospects in stand-up. She performed her debut Edinburgh show last year and is currently in the middle of a MASSIVE UK tour, so no doubt she's been spending the odd evening sampling the best alehouses this country has to offer. But will they have any affect on her own dream pub? Listen to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/02/2330m 31s

Thanyia Moore - Moore Drinks (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Thanyia Moore's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Comedy lends itself to spending a lot of time in pubs. Whether it's on a wooden box in a back room, on a carpeted stage in the corner or simply leaning on a bar sharing an anecdote to a large group of people, you're never too far away from a laugh in a pub. As such, the relationship between comedians and pubs can often be a special one. This week's guest is one of the finest stand-up comedians in the UK, and has spent plenty of time plying her trade in pubs up and down the land: it's the wonderful Thanyia Moore! As well as appearing on the likes of Mock The Week, The Duchess and Pure Thanyia is one of the hottest prospects in stand-up. She performed her debut Edinburgh show last year and is currently in the middle of a MASSIVE UK tour, so no doubt she's been spending the odd evening sampling the best alehouses this country has to offer. But will they have any affect on her own dream pub? Listen to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/02/2334m 47s

The Week In Pubs - 'The Alan McManus'

This week we were sent in some Mist from the Other Realm concerning a certain Spanish lager… and aren’t you in for a surprise! Plus, there’s an update on some of the changes that are happening in the Correct Realm. Want to send in some Mist? Email  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/02/2320m 33s

Joe Wilkinson - The Sue Pollard (Part 1)

Many of you will know of Kent as "The Garden of England", but what many of you won't know is that many years ago Kent was known by a different nickname: "The Beer Garden of England". This was due to its unusually large number of public benches, upon which each year millions of ramblers would rest their weary legs and treat themselves to a bottle of lager (or a pint of bitter should the necessary facilities be available). Public benches have since been replaced by public houses, and this week's guest knows a thing or two about such south-easterly establishments; it's comedian and actor Joe Wilkinson! You'll know Joe from his appearances on Live At the Apollo, 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown, After Life, as well as when he competed on The Great British Bake Off. As an accomplished stand-up he's spent many an evening frequenting pubs up and down the country, and we can only imagine that'll play some part in shaping his very own 'Pub of the Mind'.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/01/2342m 38s

Joe Wilkinson - The Sue Pollard (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Joe Wilkinson's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Many of you will know of Kent as "The Garden of England", but what many of you won't know is that many years ago Kent was known by a different nickname: "The Beer Garden of England". This was due to its unusually large number of public benches, upon which each year millions of ramblers would rest their weary legs and treat themselves to a bottle of lager (or a pint of bitter should the necessary facilities be available). Public benches have since been replaced by public houses, and this week's guest knows a thing or two about such south-easterly establishments; it's comedian and actor Joe Wilkinson! You'll know Joe from his appearances on Live At the Apollo, 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown, After Life, as well as when he competed on The Great British Bake Off. As an accomplished stand-up he's spent many an evening frequenting pubs up and down the country, and we can only imagine that'll play some part in shaping his very own 'Pub of the Mind'.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/01/2333m 31s

The Week In Pubs - 'Chaos of Lash'

There’s just about one more week to go until Dry January is over for may of you, so Landlord John and Robin are here to help power you through to that first glistening pint. In this week’s episode there’s an epic pub crawl tale, a discussion around London’s oldest pub and a story about a very generous barkeep. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/01/2323m 50s

Elly Oldroyd - The Hart and Soul (Part 1)

"As we head into tea time here at The Moon Under Water it's safe to say that John and Robin have formed a formidable partnership - John is currently on 78 not out (that's peanuts, not runs) and Robin the nightwatchman has steadied the ship by producing a lovely innings of 56, featuring a total of four boundaries and six yards of ale". No doubt any cricket fans amongst you would have read the above in the voice of someone very special. We're joined by true broadcasting royalty in The Moon Under Water this week, as making their way into the Correct Realm is the one and only Elly Oldroyd!Elly will be familiar to many of you as one of the voices of Test Match Special. She also soundtracks many of our weekends as one of the presenters of Weekend Breakfast on 5 Live. Although Landlord John could lay claim to having the best job around, Elly's can't be far off: she travels the world, watches cricket... and gets to enjoy some of the best pubs on offer. Her dream pub is about to come to life, so dive in.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/01/2340m 32s

Elly Oldroyd - The Hart and Soul (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Elly Oldroyd's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*"As we head into tea time here at The Moon Under Water it's safe to say that John and Robin have formed a formidable partnership - John is currently on 78 not out (that's peanuts, not runs) and Robin the nightwatchman has steadied the ship by producing a lovely innings of 56, featuring a total of four boundaries and six yards of ale".No doubt any cricket fans amongst you would have read the above in the voice of someone very special. We're joined by true broadcasting royalty in The Moon Under Water this week, as making their way into the Correct Realm is the one and only Elly Oldroyd!Elly will be familiar to many of you as one of the voices of Test Match Special. She also soundtracks many of our weekends as one of the presenters of Weekend Breakfast on 5 Live. Although Landlord John could lay claim to having the best job around, Elly's can't be far off: she travels the world, watches cricket... and gets to enjoy some of the best pubs on offer. Her dream pub is about to come to life, so dive in.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/01/2339m 30s

The Week In Pubs - 'Boar Mezzanine'

Dry January is in full flow (or at least it's meant to be), and Landlord John and Robin are here with their weekly update on all things pint. Plus, they'll once again dive into the sack of Mist that has been growing ever larger at the door of The Moon Under Water.Do you have a Mist mail that you'd like to send in? If so, fire it over to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/01/2325m 55s

Barry Glendenning - The Welcome Inn (Part 1)

Legendary. Heroic. Majestical. A Thesaurus can certainly help us describe our next guest at The Moon Under Water, but it'll never quite be able to capture exactly who he is. He's the sort of man that is often seen as the perfect pub guest, and someone that is almost perfectly suited to join us in the Correct Realm. We can't quite believe he's finally here... it's the one and only Barry Glendenning!Barry may be one of the most beloved football journalists out there... he may also be one of the most beloved podcasters out there... but ultimately, he's known for being the perfect pub guest and a thoroughly lovely guy. He's sampled pints up and down the land, and can slot into any topic of discussion with ease; and we cannot wait to hear what his dream pub looks like.You can hear Barry on Guardian Football Weekly, and on talkSPORT every Sunday morning. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/01/2341m 29s

Barry Glendenning - The Welcome Inn (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Barry Glendenning's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Legendary. Heroic. Majestical. A Thesaurus can certainly help us describe our next guest at The Moon Under Water, but it'll never quite be able to capture exactly who he is. He's the sort of man that is often seen as the perfect pub guest, and someone that is almost perfectly suited to join us in the Correct Realm. We can't quite believe he's finally here... it's the one and only Barry Glendenning!Barry may be one of the most beloved football journalists out there... he may also be one of the most beloved podcasters out there... but ultimately, he's known for being the perfect pub guest and a thoroughly lovely guy. He's sampled pints up and down the land, and can slot into any topic of discussion with ease; and we cannot wait to hear what his dream pub looks like.You can hear Barry on Guardian Football Weekly, and on talkSPORT every Sunday morning. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/01/231h 17m

The Week In Pubs - 'The Mason's Crack'

Dry January is in full swing at The Moon Under Water, and Landlord John and Robin are here to check in with how things are going. Though pints may not be supped, pubs are certainly still being visited. Plus, we delve into more of you Mist Mail... including an incredible pub achievement! Want to send your Mist to the Landlord? Send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/01/2320m 55s

Pat Sharp - The Fun Free House (Part 1)

Pubs are fun aren't they? Whether it's a good old knees up, a debate about what the best can design of all time, or a challenge to see who can fit the most pork scratchings in their mouth there's always something going on that will provide sufficient entertainment for the evening. If you're looking for an alehouse that, above everything else, will be fun then you best follow this week's guest. It's the founder of the concept of fun - it's Pat Sharp!Pat is one of the UK's most beloved broadcasters, having appeared on our screens and in our ears since the early 80's; and above all he's known for being one of the nicest people around. Like Tony Blackburn before him, he has an uncanny ability to condense every story into a digestible 90 second snippet - and for that he's potentially the perfect pub guest.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/01/2331m 1s

Pat Sharp - The Fun Free House (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Pat Sharp's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Pubs are fun aren't they? Whether it's a good old knees up, a debate about what the best can design of all time, or a challenge to see who can fit the most pork scratchings in their mouth there's always something going on that will provide sufficient entertainment for the evening. If you're looking for an alehouse that, above everything else, will be fun then you best follow this week's guest. It's the founder of the concept of fun - it's Pat Sharp!Pat is one of the UK's most beloved broadcasters, having appeared on our screens and in our ears since the early 80's; and above all he's known for being one of the nicest people around. Like Tony Blackburn before him, he has an uncanny ability to condense every story into a digestible 90 second snippet - and for that he's potentially the perfect pub guest.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/01/2333m 6s

William Boyd - The Flaming Terrapin (Part 1)

Oh to be sitting in front of a roaring fire at your favourite pub. Book in one hand, pint in the other... is there any better feeling? It's almost impossible to capture the sheer perfection of such a moment in print. However, a handful of writers have been able to bring moments like that to life, and this week's guest is one of the finest novelists the Other Realm has ever produced. It's the incredible William Boyd.William is an acclaimed author whose works of fiction have been celebrated the world over. His novels include A Good Man in Africa, The New Confessions and Any Human Heart, and his latest book The Romantic has received widespread critical acclaim. His experiences in pubs all over the world have helped him create pubs in his own pieces of fiction, meaning that he arrives at The Moon Under Water armed with a deep knowledge of what makes the perfect drinking establishment.. and we cannot wait for him to join us. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/01/2346m 56s

William Boyd - The Flaming Terrapin (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of William Boyd's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Oh to be sitting in front of a roaring fire at your favourite pub. Book in one hand, pint in the other... is there any better feeling? It's almost impossible to capture the sheer perfection of such a moment in print. However, a handful of writers have been able to bring moments like that to life, and this week's guest is one of the finest novelists the Other Realm has ever produced. It's the incredible William Boyd.William is an acclaimed author whose works of fiction have been celebrated the world over. His novels include A Good Man in Africa, The New Confessions and Any Human Heart, and his latest book The Romantic has received widespread critical acclaim. His experiences in pubs all over the world have helped him create pubs in his own pieces of fiction, meaning that he arrives at The Moon Under Water armed with a deep knowledge of what makes the perfect drinking establishment.. and we cannot wait for him to join us. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/01/2351m 1s

The Moon Under Water Christmas Party (Part 1)

It's Christmas here in the Correct Realm, which means it's time for The Moon Under Water Christmas Party. Yes, Landlord John is ready to down his tools and invite his staff (himself) to their yearly celebration - and because Robin has been helping out a bit on the bar recently he's allowed to come too. As the old saying goes: "Two's company, three's a Christmas party within your mind", so we thought it only right to bring a very special guest along for the festivities. Let's just say she knows a thing or two about pints! As well as discussing the year gone by, the gang get their taste buds around some beers and non-alcoholic brews! If you want to drink along, the beers tasted are: Anspach & Hobday's Pfeffernüsse Stout, Cloudwater Brew Co. Super Happy Christmas Pale Ale, Big Drop Brewing Co. Galactic Milk Stout, Low Tide Beer Co. Our Future Is Golden, and Gunner. Merry Christmas one and all, and we'll see you in the New Year. Look after yourselves. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/12/2241m 11s

The Moon Under Water Christmas Party (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of The Moon Under Water Christmas Party. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*It's Christmas here in the Correct Realm, which means it's time for The Moon Under Water Christmas Party. Yes, Landlord John is ready to down his tools and invite his staff (himself) to their yearly celebration - and because Robin has been helping out a bit on the bar recently he's allowed to come too. As the old saying goes: "Two's company, three's a Christmas party within your mind", so we thought it only right to bring a very special guest along for the festivities. Let's just say she knows a thing or two about pints! As well as discussing the year gone by, the gang get their taste buds around some beers and non-alcoholic brews! If you want to drink along, the beers tasted are: Anspach & Hobday's Pfeffernüsse Stout, Cloudwater Brew Co. Super Happy Christmas Pale Ale, Big Drop Brewing Co. Galactic Milk Stout, Low Tide Beer Co. Our Future Is Golden, and Gunner. Merry Christmas one and all, and we'll see you in the New Year. Look after yourselves. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/12/2237m 48s

The Week In Pubs - 'The Glaswegian'

After last week’s brief intermission we’re back, and Robin is felling as fit as a fiddle! And what better way to celebrate his return than by discussing secret member’s clubs and hot toddy recipes! Plus, the guys go through your Mist Mail.Want to contact the Landlord about anything you’ve heard in this episode? Send your Mist to  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/12/2226m 4s

Alexandra Haddow - The Snog Inn (Part 1)

For many of us the pub is a place where friendships are created and strengthened, with the humble pint serving as the perfect canvas for a conversation about all manner of topics. But what if those conversations lead to something a bit more, and a kiss ends up being on the cards? Well, in the past one thing might have led to another and you might end up with a snog... but when was the last time anyone snogged?! It's a travesty, and this week's guest on a campaign to 'Bring Back Snogging'. It's stand-up comedian and writer Alexandra Haddow!Alexandra (@alexandrahaddow) is one of the hottest prospects in UK comedy, has toured up and down the country, and hosts Dulwich Hamlet Comedy every month as well as Alex vs. Men at Vauxhall Comedy Club every Monday. She's also been running her own indie music night since 2008 (check out @indie.amnesty). But like a select few guests we've had at The Moon Under Water she's also spent many a moon working behind bars, and knows what it's like dealing with the inner workings of the pub. We cannot wait to hear what her dream pub will look like!Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/12/2239m 7s

Alexandra Haddow - The Snog Inn (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Alexandra Haddow's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*For many of us the pub is a place where friendships are created and strengthened, with the humble pint serving as the perfect canvas for a conversation about all manner of topics. But what if those conversations lead to something a bit more, and a kiss ends up being on the cards? Well, in the past one thing might have led to another and you might end up with a snog... but when was the last time anyone snogged?! It's a travesty, and this week's guest on a campaign to 'Bring Back Snogging'. It's stand-up comedian and writer Alexandra Haddow!Alexandra (@alexandrahaddow) is one of the hottest prospects in UK comedy, has toured up and down the country, and hosts Dulwich Hamlet Comedy every month as well as Alex vs. Men at Vauxhall Comedy Club every Monday. She's also been running her own indie music night since 2008 (check out @indie.amnesty). But like a select few guests we've had at The Moon Under Water she's also spent many a moon working behind bars, and knows what it's like dealing with the inner workings of the pub. We cannot wait to hear what her dream pub will look like!Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/12/2236m 30s

Deb Grant - The Cat and Minerals (Part 1)

Music plays an important role in pubs. Not only can it help set the right tone, it can also become the focal point of a night; especially if there's someone with musical expertise standing behind a set of decks. If you were to turn up to a pub and this week's guest was digging through her record crates then you'd know you're DEFINITELY in for a good time. Making their way into The Moon Under Water is DJ and broadcaster Deb Grant!Deb regularly presents on Jazz FM and 6 Music, and can often be found DJing in some of London's coolest joints. And as a Dublin native she was lucky enough to grow up in one of the greatest pub cities in existence. But that doesn't mean her dream pub will include blaring music and pint after pint of Guinness; it might end up being something completely different... as we're sure you're about to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/12/2232m 49s

Deb Grant - The Cat and Minerals (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Deb Grant's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Music plays an important role in pubs. Not only can it help set the right tone, it can also become the focal point of a night; especially if there's someone with musical expertise standing behind a set of decks. If you were to turn up to a pub and this week's guest was digging through her record crates then you'd know you're DEFINITELY in for a good time. Making their way into The Moon Under Water is DJ and broadcaster Deb Grant!Deb regularly presents on Jazz FM and 6 Music, and can often be found DJing in some of London's coolest joints. And as a Dublin native she was lucky enough to grow up in one of the greatest pub cities in existence. But that doesn't mean her dream pub will include blaring music and pint after pint of Guinness; it might end up being something completely different... as we're sure you're about to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/12/2238m 54s

The Week In Pubs - ‘All The Lounges In The World’

As once regaled by the wonderful Wil Hodgson, pub BS is dying out - however, in this edition of The Week In Pubs there's a story that might just see it's rebirth. Plus, the guys hear about one of the lesser-known great pub towns.Do you have some pub BS that you want to share with us? If so, send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/12/2236m 9s

Sandwiches of History - The Settle Down (Part 1)

We've all seen the familiar sight of a tray of sandwiches resting on the bar, wrapped up snugly in cling film, waiting to be devoured by anyone who seeks nourishment. But have you ever thought to yourself "Hmm, I wonder what sort of sandwich would be on the bar of a pub in 1856?" Well, you might be about to find out, because this weeks guest is an expert in all things butty. It's social media phenomenon and all round good egg Barry Enderwick... otherwise known as Sandwiches of History! Barry his built up a huge social media following by creating sandwiches from the past and seeing if he can "plus" them up. His creations of often quite odd, but every now and then he'll find a gem. But aside from Sandwiches of History he also runs a whole host of accounts: @inthechipswithbarry, @barrysicecreamoclock, @barryiscookingagain and @craftbeerbarry. They're all wonderful, and hopefully his dream pub will be just as much of a delight!Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/12/2237m 25s

Sandwiches of History - The Settle Down (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Sandwiches of History's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*We've all seen the familiar sight of a tray of sandwiches resting on the bar, wrapped up snugly in cling film, waiting to be devoured by anyone who seeks nourishment. But have you ever thought to yourself "Hmm, I wonder what sort of sandwich would be on the bar of a pub in 1856?" Well, you might be about to find out, because this weeks guest is an expert in all things butty. It's social media phenomenon and all round good egg Barry Enderwick... otherwise known as Sandwiches of History! Barry his built up a huge social media following by creating sandwiches from the past and seeing if he can "plus" them up. His creations of often quite odd, but every now and then he'll find a gem. But aside from Sandwiches of History he also runs a whole host of accounts: @inthechipswithbarry, @barrysicecreamoclock, @barryiscookingagain and @craftbeerbarry. They're all wonderful, and hopefully his dream pub will be just as much of a delight!Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/12/2227m 10s

The Week In Pubs - 'The Mental Digestion of the Mind'

It's time to delve into The Week In Pubs once more! Hunker down with a pint, a cup of tea, a coffee, a flask of Hot Toddy... whatever you choose! If you want to contact us about anything you've heard in this episode then send us your Mist! The address is Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/12/2224m 49s

Reece Hugill - The Twerking Men's Club (Part 1)

There's something mystical about the regional variations of beer. You walk into a pub far from home, and you're presented with something that's as unique as it is tasty. It might be a special mix, it might be in a special glass... maybe you have to kiss a fish before being allowed to drink (CC. Angela Barnes). This week's guest LOVES a regional beer, and he also knows a thing or two about brewing: it's Reece Hugill, founder of Donzoko Brewing!Like may brewers Reece comes from a chemistry background, which means he's studied beer on an atomic level. He loves everything about beer, and takes pride in making sure that every aspect of his creations is perfect. And as for regional beers? Well, you're about to learn about some of the most interesting drinks available in the Other Realm...Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/11/2238m 55s

Reece Hugill - The Twerking Men's Club (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Reece Hugill's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*There's something mystical about the regional variations of beer. You walk into a pub far from home, and you're presented with something that's as unique as it is tasty. It might be a special mix, it might be in a special glass... maybe you have to kiss a fish before being allowed to drink (CC. Angela Barnes). This week's guest LOVES a regional beer, and he also knows a thing or two about brewing: it's Reece Hugill, founder of Donzoko Brewing!Like may brewers Reece comes from a chemistry background, which means he's studied beer on an atomic level. He loves everything about beer, and takes pride in making sure that every aspec of his creations is perfect. And as for regional beers? Well, you're about to learn about some of the most interesting drinks available in the Other Realm...Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/11/2236m 27s

The Week In Pubs - ‘Phantoms Of My O'er Heated Imagination’

Those of you who tuned in last week would have heard the tale of a pub appearing to Robin... but he couldn't remember if it was imagined or not. Well, today the tale comes to an end; but is it a happy one?Want to contact the Landlord? Send us your Mist to  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/11/2227m 9s

Joe Marler - The Seven Bells (Part 1)

Landlord John and Robin line up on the 22m line at The Moon Under Water. A voice cries "Crouch... bind... set... PINTS" before the two of them battle it out to gain control of the last pint of Guinness at The Moon Under Water. This isn't the usual way they decide who gets the final drink of the night; but it may come in very handy when this week's guest arrives. It's professional rugby union player and podcaster Joe Marler!Joe is one of the most talented rugby players of his generation, representing England, the British & Irish Lions, Harlequins and Harlequins for close to 15 years. However, if there's one thing to match his rugby skills it's his pinting skills, and he heads to The Moon Under Water as someone who has immersed himself in the sport with possibly the biggest drinking culture out there. Thankfully, he's not about initiations and dirty pints; he'd much rather settle down in a quiet corner and watch the night pass by... much to the delight of John and Robin.If you want to hear more from Joe then make sure to check out his own podcast 'The Joe Marler Show': to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/11/2245m 19s

Joe Marler - The Seven Bells (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Joe Marler's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Landlord John and Robin line up on the 22m line at The Moon Under Water. A voice cries "Crouch... bind... set... PINTS" before the two of them battle it out to gain control of the last pint of Guinness at The Moon Under Water. This isn't the usual way they decide who gets the final drink of the night; but it may come in very handy when this week's guest arrives. It's professional rugby union player and podcaster Joe Marler!Joe is one of the most talented rugby players of his generation, representing England, the British & Irish Lions, Harlequins and Harlequins for close to 15 years. However, if there's one thing to match his rugby skills it's his pinting skills, and he heads to The Moon Under Water as someone who has immersed himself in the sport with possibly the biggest drinking culture out there. Thankfully, he's not about initiations and dirty pints; he'd much rather settle down in a quiet corner and watch the night pass by... much to the delight of John and Robin.If you want to hear more from Joe then make sure to check out his own podcast 'The Joe Marler Show': to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/11/2242m 59s

The Week In Pubs - 'The Closed Doored Pub Within'

Has there ever been a time where you think you saw a beautiful pub reveal itself but can't remember when or where it happened? Robin has, and he needs YOUR help to try and figure out what's happened. All is revealed (except the pub, obviously) in this edition of The Week In Pubs.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/11/2222m 21s

Jaega Wise - The Tavern On The Hill (Part 1)

What is the GREATEST job in the Other Realm? Beer mat designer? Pub architect? Hop farmer? Whilst these are all good suggestions there's surely only one thing that every beer lover wants to do... and that's be a brewer. You pick the flavours, you pick the strength, you pick the name; what's not to love?! And this week's guest is not only a brewer... she's been crowned Brewer of the Year on two different occasions; it's Jaega Wise! Jaega is the head brewer and co-founder of Wild Card Brewing, and what she doesn't know about beer isn't worth knowing! She's also a judge on Beer Masters and can often be heard on BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme discussing all things alcohol. She also recently opened up her own pub in Walthamstow, so it seems very fitting that she's about to make her way into the Correct Realm to create her dream tavern.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/11/2243m 52s

Jaega Wise - The Tavern On The Hill (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Jaega Wise's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*What is the GREATEST job in the Other Realm? Beer mat designer? Pub architect? Hop farmer? Whilst these are all good suggestions there's surely only one thing that every beer lover wants to do... and that's be a brewer. You pick the flavours, you pick the strength, you pick the name; what's not to love?! And this week's guest is not only a brewer... she's been crowned Brewer of the Year on two different occasions; it's Jaega Wise! Jaega is the head brewer and co-founder of Wild Card Brewing, and what she doesn't know about beer isn't worth knowing! She's also a judge on Beer Masters and can often be heard on BBC Radio 4's The Food Programme discussing all things alcohol. She also recently opened up her own pub in Walthamstow, so it seems very fitting that she's about to make her way into the Correct Realm to create her dream tavern.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/11/2227m 52s

The Week In Pubs - 'The Secret Pub... Revealed'

On The Moon Under Water there's been quite a lot of talk about 'The Secret Pub', an establishment in London that many would claim to be the finest pub around. However... something happened in Landlord John's Week In Pubs that means it's title is under threat! Delve in to find out more... Oh, and fancy sharing your Mist Mail with us? Simple send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/11/2227m 15s

Ian Rankin - The Caledonian Antisyzygy (Part 1)

"Something is afoot at The Moon Under Water. Landlord John has returned to an absolute crime scene: Robin is nowhere to be seen, all the pint glasses have been chipped, the beer mats have been thrown across the floor, and worst of all... every single packet of pickled onion crisps has been stolen!"Fear not listener, for that was all a piece of fiction; The Moon Under Water is totally fine. You're probably thinking "That's the worst piece of fiction I've ever read" and yes, you may be right. But thankfully someone is about to arrive in the Correct Realm who could teach us a thing or two about fiction. He's one of the most celebrated authors to ever grace these lands, and it's someone that we've wanted to visit The Moon Under Water for some time now. He's possibly the greatest Pubsman of all time, it's none other than Sir Ian Rankin! Ian is the man behind Detective Inspector Rebus, and his books have gone on to be worldwide bestsellers for the last 30 years. And one thing that any fan of Rebus will know is that he gets to visit some incredible pubs, with almost all of them being inspired by pubs that Ian has frequented himself. As a resident of Edinburgh Ian is surrounded by some of the greatest pubs on Earth, and like Landlord John and Robin he sees them as sacred places. We are so excited for him to join us, and we can't wait to hear what his dream pub will be like. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/11/2236m 5s

Ian Rankin - The Caledonian Antisyzygy (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Ian Rankin's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*"Something is afoot at The Moon Under Water. Landlord John has returned to an absolute crime scene: Robin is nowhere to be seen, all the pint glasses have been chipped, the beer mats have been thrown across the floor, and worst of all... every single packet of pickled onion crisps has been stolen!"Fear not listener, for that was all a piece of fiction; The Moon Under Water is totally fine. You're probably thinking "That's the worst piece of fiction I've ever read" and yes, you may be right. But thankfully someone is about to arrive in the Correct Realm who could teach us a thing or two about fiction. He's one of the most celebrated authors to ever grace these lands, and it's someone that we've wanted to visit The Moon Under Water for some time now. He's possibly the greatest Pubsman of all time, it's none other than Sir Ian Rankin! Ian is the man behind Detective Inspector Rebus, and his books have gone on to be worldwide bestsellers for the last 30 years. And one thing that any fan of Rebus will know is that he gets to visit some incredible pubs, with almost all of them being inspired by pubs that Ian has frequented himself. As a resident of Edinburgh Ian is surrounded by some of the greatest pubs on Earth, and like Landlord John and Robin he sees them as sacred places. We are so excited for him to join us, and we can't wait to hear what his dream pub will be like. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/11/2234m 41s

The Week In Pubs - 'My Old Knee Of The North'

The clocks have finally gone back, thus bringing an end to 'pub garden' season and ushering in the equally enjoyable 'pub snug' season; and to celebrate, Landlord John has taken residence next to an open fire (sort of like Jackanory but for pints). In this episode of The Week In Pubs discussion turns to Halloween costumes, drinking after some time off, and the ultimate pub crisp.Got any Mist Mail? Send it to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03/11/2224m 30s

Corey Taylor - A Bit Of Fun (Part 1)

It's a typical evening at The Moon Under Water; Landlord John is polishing the brasses with delight, Robin is sipping on a pint of Magic and the pictures on the walls are flickering between photographs of pubs and paintings of crisps. Things are nice and peaceful now, but there's a sense in the air that things are about to get loud. Yes, there seems to be someone approaching the doors of everyone's favourite Pub of the Mind... and with a thunderous scream the doors are thrown open, and in steps singer-songwriter and Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor!Corey is a self-confessed Anglophile, and whilst he no longer partakes in drinking alcohol pubs still occupy a very special place in his heart. After all, isn't the most important part of an alehouse the company you keep within it? He's spent many a night in the pubs of Britain and beyond, making his journey into the Correct Realm that little bit more exciting. So, push your fingers into your ice, pour another drink and join us.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
31/10/2235m 13s

Corey Taylor - A Bit Of Fun (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Corey Taylor's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*It's a typical evening at The Moon Under Water; Landlord John is polishing the brasses with delight, Robin is sipping on a pint of Magic and the pictures on the walls are flickering between photographs of pubs and paintings of crisps. Things are nice and peaceful now, but there's a sense in the air that things are about to get loud. Yes, there seems to be someone approaching the doors of everyone's favourite Pub of the Mind... and with a thunderous scream the doors are thrown open, and in steps singer-songwriter and Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor!Corey is a self-confessed Anglophile, and whilst he no longer partakes in drinking alcohol pubs still occupy a very special place in his heart. After all, isn't the most important part of an alehouse the company you keep within it? He's spent many a night in the pubs of Britain and beyond, making his journey into the Correct Realm that little bit more exciting. So, push your fingers into your ice, pour another drink and join us.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
31/10/2232m 22s

The Week In Pubs - 'B To It's B'

In the latest edition of The Week In Pubs the topic of handwashing is brought up. You'd think everyone is on board with it, but Landlord John views it slightly different. Plus, Robin tells us which Simpsons character he most resembles (according to his nephew) and there's another Bull & Gate tale. Want to contact the Landlord? Send us your Mist to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/10/2223m 4s

Rachel Burden - The Black Cowrie (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Rachel Burden's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Landlord John and his most trusted regular Robin spent their university years sampling the publy delights of Oxford; which has led them to believe that it is the greatest pub city in the Other Realm. However, there's one city in particular that could be considered the ultimate place to study AND drink... and that's Dublin. This week's guest has lived such an experience, and she's about to enter The Moon Under Water. It's radio presenter and host of 5 Live Breakfast Rachel Burden! Yes, Rachel studied (in a publy AND academic sense) in Dublin - so she's been lucky enough to spend time in some of the best pubs in existence. But now, as a breakfast radio presenter, she lives by a schedule that doesn't necessarily lend itself to pubbing. But you know how the motto goes - "Once a pubber, always a pubber" - so we can't wait to hear her dream alehouse come to life. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/10/2242m 38s

Rachel Burden - The Black Cowrie (Part 1)

Landlord John and his most trusted regular Robin spent their university years sampling the publy delights of Oxford; which has led them to believe that it is the greatest pub city in the Other Realm. However, there's one city in particular that could be considered the ultimate place to study AND drink... and that's Dublin. This week's guest has lived such an experience, and she's about to enter The Moon Under Water. It's radio presenter and host of 5 Live Breakfast Rachel Burden! Yes, Rachel studied (in a publy AND academic sense) in Dublin - so she's been lucky enough to spend time in some of the best pubs in existence. But now, as a breakfast radio presenter, she lives by a schedule that doesn't necessarily lend itself to pubbing. But you know how the motto goes - "Once a pubber, always a pubber" - so we can't wait to hear her dream alehouse come to life. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/10/2242m 58s

The Week In Pubs - ‘Bring Back Brannigans’

How do you think you’d do in a blind lager tasting test? Well, that was something that actually happened to Robin this week, and in this edition of The Week In Pubs you’ll hear exactly how he got on. Plus, John shares what it was like tasting the WORST drink he’s ever had.Want to contact the Landlord? Send us your Mist Mail to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/10/2221m 24s

Chess Slattery - The Good Vibes and Tiles (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Chess Slattery's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*At The Moon Under Water there's always plenty of discussion about accessible ale topics: What's the best beer mat design you've ever seen? Hazy or non-hazy? What's the most enjoyable pint glass to sip from? But what's wonderful about the Correct Realm is that we're often joined by people who know SO much about beer that we can come away from a conversation with our brains bursting with information! This wee's guest knows what they're talking about when it comes to pints; it's beer sommelier Chess Slattery!Chess is the Sales and Beer Experience Manager for Neptune Brewing - that's right, she's PAID to work at a brewery. Alongside this, she's also one of the brains behind @craftybeergirls, a community of woman who love beer and organise monthly meet up's (do check them out). As you can imagine, Landlord John and Robin are excited to pick her brains on all things brewing, and we can't wait for her to join us.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/10/2244m 21s

Chess Slattery - The Good Vibes and Tiles (Part 1)

At The Moon Under Water there's always plenty of discussion about accessible ale topics: What's the best beer mat design you've ever seen? Hazy or non-hazy? What's the most enjoyable pint glass to sip from? But what's wonderful about the Correct Realm is that we're often joined by people who know SO much about beer that we can come away from a conversation with our brains bursting with information! This wee's guest knows what they're talking about when it comes to pints; it's beer sommelier Chess Slattery!Chess is the Sales and Beer Experience Manager for Neptune Brewing - that's right, she's PAID to work at a brewery. Alongside this, she's also one of the brains behind @craftybeergirls, a community of woman who love beer and organise monthly meet up's (do check them out). As you can imagine, Landlord John and Robin are excited to pick her brains on all things brewing, and we can't wait for her to join us.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/10/2235m 47s

The Week In Pubs - 'InterStella'

Landlord John and Robin are back to discuss their week in pubs, their pub in weeks... And this week's conversation leads to a SHOCKING sci-fi revelation from John and a story of pubbing on school trips. And please, do get in touch with regards to big bands in small pubs / small bands in big pubs. You can send your Mist mail to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/10/2224m 47s

Dave Gorman - The Calming Goat (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Dave Gorman's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*It's starting to get a bit chilly in the Other Realm, but thankfully the fires at The Moon Under Water can be stoked with thoughts alone. Want the temperature to be raised by 10 degrees? Just think it and it will happen! And it looks like a guest is making their way into the Correct Realm for a bit of warmth and comfort. Yes, it seems that none other than Dave Gorman is about to join us to create his dream pub!Dave grew up in the midlands before embarking on a life in comedy, and as such he's been able to sample pubs not just up and down the country; but also around the world. And don't be surprised if you spot him in a pub near you very soon, because he's currently touring his brand new show 'Powerpoint To The People'. However, we can't confirm if he'll be describing his dream pub in that, which is EXACTLY why he's been invited to The Moon Under Water.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/10/2242m 4s

Dave Gorman - The Calming Goat (Part 1)

"It's starting to get a bit chilly in the Other Realm, but thankfully the fires at The Moon Under Water can be stoked with thoughts alone. Want the temperature to be raised by 10 degrees? Just think it and it will happen! And it looks like a guest is making their way into the Correct Realm for a bit of warmth and comfort. Yes, it seems that none other than Dave Gorman is about to join us to create his dream pub! Dave grew up in the midlands before embarking on a life in comedy, and as such he's been able to sample pubs not just up and down the country; but also around the world. And don't be surprised if you spot him in a pub near you very soon, because he's currently touring his brand new show 'Powerpoint To The People'. However, we can't confirm if he'll be describing his dream pub in that, which is EXACTLY why he's been invited to The Moon Under Water.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/10/2242m 50s

The Week In Pubs - 'And I'll Tell You For Why...'

There's not much worse than a busy pub, and on this edition of The Week In Pubs Landlord John and his most trusted regular Robin discuss just that. Plus, there's a tale of an early 00s pub quiz, more lingering pub shame, and Robin discuss some Aberdeen's best pubs. Want to contact the Landlord with your pub recommendations, lingering pub shame or something else? Send your Mist to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/10/2220m 2s

Russell Howard - The Great Swig (Part 2)

Prior to entering the Correct Realm Landlord John and his most trusted regular Robin Allender spent much of the pubbing life in the South West of England. Wickwar, Little Sodbury, Iron Acton, Pucklechurch... each place offering a different set of pubs to discover. Along the way they met some of the greatest Pubsman to ever live, and this week's guest is one such legend. It's comedian Russell Howard!Russell has sampled many of the publy delights on offer across the globe, but it's in the South West that he feels most at home. That is, until he enters The Moon Under Water; the only pub in existence that can make all his dreams come true (provided they're pub based dreams). It looks like he's about to make his way through the mists, so Landlord John and Robin best get wiping that bar down.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03/10/2249m 30s

Russell Howard - The Great Swig (Part 1)

Prior to entering the Correct Realm Landlord John and his most trusted regular Robin Allender spent much of the pubbing life in the South West of England. Wickwar, Little Sodbury, Iron Acton, Pucklechurch... each place offering a different set of pubs to discover. Along the way they met some of the greatest Pubsman to ever live, and this week's guest is one such legend. It's comedian Russell Howard!Russell has sampled many of the publy delights on offer across the globe, but it's in the South West that he feels most at home. That is, until he enters The Moon Under Water; the only pub in existence that can make all his dreams come true (provided they're pub based dreams). It looks like he's about to make his way through the mists, so Landlord John and Robin best get wiping that bar down.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03/10/2239m 45s

The Week In Pubs - 'GloboLord'

Landlord John and Robin are back to discuss their week in pubs, and it seems like every topic under the sun is covered this week: meat raffles, pub shame, the lash... Okay, maybe not EVERY topic, but certainly the important ones. Want to contact the Landlord? Maybe you have a lingering pub shame you'd like to share with us? If so, send a Mist Mail to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/09/2223m 0s

Jordan Gray - The Johnny Fly By Nightly (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Jordan Gray's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*It's always a special occasion at The Moon Under Water when we're joined by a guest who has knowledge of the inner workings of a pub, and this week is no exception. Our guest has not only been lucky enough to see behind the magicians cloth and witness the pipes and barrels with their own eyes... they've actually LIVED in a pub. Joining us in the Correct Realm this week is comedian Jordan Gray!Jordan actually grew up in a pub, so it's safe to say she knows her stuff. It's also safe to say that she is one of the most talented comedians around, and her recent Edinburgh show 'Is It A Bird' was a super smash hit. But will her dream pub be a super smash hit? Only if she's able to win over the Landlord and his regular...Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/09/2226m 9s

Jordan Gray - The Johnny Fly By Nightly (Part 1)

It's always a special occasion at The Moon Under Water when we're joined by a guest who has knowledge of the inner workings of a pub, and this week is no exception. Our guest has not only been lucky enough to see behind the magicians cloth and witness the pipes and barrels with their own eyes... they've actually LIVED in a pub. Joining us in the Correct Realm this week is comedian Jordan Gray!Jordan actually grew up in a pub, so it's safe to say she knows her stuff. It's also safe to say that she is one of the most talented comedians around, and her recent Edinburgh show 'Is It A Bird' was a super smash hit. But will her dream pub be a super smash hit? Only if she's able to win over the Landlord and his regular...Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/09/2232m 13s

The Week In Pubs - 'Lingering Pub Shame'

It’s been quite the week for the only two permanent residents of the Correct Realm. There’s been plenty of pubbing… but also a fair bit of shame! Thank the Lord they have time to share it all with you! Plus, the guys are educated on the rules surrounding BYOS (bring your own sparkler) policies.Do YOU have any lingering pub shame you’d like to tell us about? If so, send an email to  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/09/2222m 31s

Kiri Pritchard-McLean - Y Draenog Poced (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Kiri Pritchard-McLean’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Wales is steeped in history; especially when it comes to pubs. For example, did you know that Owain Glyndŵr would require all of his soldiers to drink a pint of Brains in unison before every battle? And that Shirley Bassey once argued that her most famous ballad should have been called “Ales Are Forever”? Yes, Wales and pubs go hand in hand… and this week’s guest knows all about that. It’s comedian, writer and one of the ultimate pubbers Cymru has ever produced: Kiri Pritchard-McLean!Kiri resides on the island of Anglesey, where (because of its road network) journeys to the pub are more of a day out than a quick jaunt. But that hasn’t stopped her from sampling publy delights up and down the country. She’s also spent plenty of time working behind bars over the years, giving her a rare look behind the magicians cloth to see the inner workings of pub. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/09/2236m 11s

Kiri Pritchard-McLean - Y Draenog Poced (Part 1)

Wales is steeped in history; especially when it comes to pubs. For example, did you know that Owain Glyndŵr would require all of his soldiers to drink a pint of Brains in unison before every battle? And that Shirley Bassey once argued that her most famous ballad should have been called “Ales Are Forever”? Yes, Wales and pubs go hand in hand… and this week’s guest knows all about that. It’s comedian, writer and one of the ultimate pubbers Cymru has ever produced: Kiri Pritchard-McLean!Kiri resides on the island of Anglesey, where (because of its road network) journeys to the pub are more of a day out than a quick jaunt. But that hasn’t stopped her from sampling publy delights up and down the country. She’s also spent plenty of time working behind bars over the years, giving her a rare look behind the magicians cloth to see the inner workings of pub. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/09/2238m 28s

George Egg - The Kitchen At The End Of The Universe (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of George Egg's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The Moon Under Water is ready to once again present itself live from within The Dagda Bar within the Edinburgh Fringe festival, and don't we have a cracking guest lined up for you. He's not only one of the funniest comedians around, he's also one of the greatest cooks in both the Other AND the Correct Realm. It's none other than the Snack Hacker himself and all-round good egg... George Egg!George has been friends with Landlord John for years (in fact, he recorded the first EVER unreleased episode of The Moon Under Water), so it feels like a full-circle moment welcoming him into the most fabled pub of all. He has exquisite taste when it comes to cooking, so we can only imagine what his dream pub will look like. One things for certain; we can't wait to see what bar snacks are on offer.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/09/2250m 46s

George Egg - The Kitchen At The End Of The Universe (Part 1)

The Moon Under Water is ready to once again present itself live from within The Dagda Bar within the Edinburgh Fringe festival, and don't we have a cracking guest lined up for you. He's not only one of the funniest comedians around, he's also one of the greatest cooks in both the Other AND the Correct Realm. It's none other than the Snack Hacker himself and all-round good egg... George Egg!George has been friends with Landlord John for years (in fact, he recorded the first EVER unreleased episode of The Moon Under Water), so it feels like a full-circle moment welcoming him into the most fabled pub of all. He has exquisite taste when it comes to cooking, so we can only imagine what his dream pub will look like. One things for certain; we can't wait to see what bar snacks are on offer.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/09/2251m 31s

The Week In Pubs - ‘Sparkle Wherever Thou Mayest’

The Landlord and his most trusted regular return to discuss what they’ve been up to pub-wise, and this week the topic of meat in pubs is brought up. Also, the guys are invited on the trip of a lifetime (though John doesn’t seem to keen). Want to contact the Landlord? Send us your mist mail to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/09/2224m 57s

The Week In Pubs - 'Rushed Salmon'

Landlord John and Robin return to discuss their week in pubs: featuring a discussion on perpendicular queueing and the dangers of cooking salmon.Disclaimer: this episode may cause serious cider cravings. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/09/2224m 39s

Josie Long - Madame Guillotine (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Josie Long's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Landlord John has been spending some time in the Other Realm recently, which means that we’ve not welcomed any guests into The Moon Under Water for what feels like a lifetime. However, it’s ready to appear once more; but not just in any form… we’re live from the greatest pub in the Other Realm and Landlord John’s very own Moon Under Water: The Dagda Bar in Edinburgh.Yes, the establishment that has oft been mentioned by John and Robin has finally welcomed us in to record two special live episodes. 30 Patrons were lucky enough to experience the mist in person, and with it being such a special occasion we’ve invited two wonderful guests along with us. First up it’s the incredible Josie Long!Josie is a comedian, actress and writer whose list of credits is as long as the bar itself at The Moon Under Water (infinite). But not only is she one of the most beloved comedian in the UK, she’s also a fully fledged pubber, and was lucky enough to attend university alongside Robin and John. Expect stories (and pints) aplenty. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/09/2245m 51s

Josie Long - Madame Guillotine (Part 1)

Landlord John has been spending some time in the Other Realm recently, which means that we’ve not welcomed any guests into The Moon Under Water for what feels like a lifetime. However, it’s ready to appear once more; but not just in any form… we’re live from the greatest pub in the Other Realm and Landlord John’s very own Moon Under Water: The Dagda Bar in Edinburgh.Yes, the establishment that has oft been mentioned by John and Robin has finally welcomed us in to record two special live episodes. 30 Patrons were lucky enough to experience the mist in person, and with it being such a special occasion we’ve invited two wonderful guests along with us. First up it’s the incredible Josie Long!Josie is a comedian, actress and writer whose list of credits is as long as the bar itself at The Moon Under Water (infinite). But not only is she one of the most beloved comedian in the UK, she’s also a fully fledged pubber, and was lucky enough to attend university alongside Robin and John. Expect stories (and pints) aplenty. Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/09/2235m 13s

The Week In Pubs - 'The Spectral Sigh'

Landlord John is back from his Edinburgh jaunt, and there's much to be discussed with his most dedicated regular Robin: sparklers, cider, mind maps... there's even a special beer / cider hybrid tasting session. Want to hear an extended version of our main episodes (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/09/2221m 27s

The Week In Pubs - 'Magik'

In the latest episode of The Week In Pubs Landlord John and his trusty regular Robin discuss the dire situation facing The Compton Arms, they hear about a pub on a train and John’s dream drink is brought to life. Plus, we share another Patrons’ Poem, featuring the names of some of our beloved Patron subscribers.Want to gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’, gain early access to live tickets and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/08/2224m 2s

The Week In Pubs - 'The Stone Thingy'

Rejoice! Landlord John and Robin are now both in the Other Realm sampling the delights of Edinburgh together, which means for this edition of The Week In Pubs they're able to record from the same room! And as is almost tradition now, one of them is feeling slightly worse for wear. This week they share some of their Edinburgh highlights, read through a couple of mists and discuss some of the special LIVE recordings that have been taking place (soon to be heard). Want to gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’, gain early access to live tickets and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/08/2215m 24s

The Week In Pubs - 'Auberance'

Welcome one, welcome all to another edition of The Week In Pubs, where Landlord John and his trusty regular Robin discuss some of their publy delight from over the past seven days, as well as going through some of your Mist.This week, John shares a terrible hangover experience, Robin reminisces about an impromptu pup singalong and the topic of taprooms is brought up.Want to gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’, gain early access to live tickets and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/08/2218m 53s

The Week In Pubs - 'I Declare A Wicked Wango Card'

Landlord John has ventured into the Other Realm for the next few weeks, and as a result we're not releasing regular episodes on a Monday, but we ARE still giving you your weekly does of pub chat in The Week In Pubs. Though John doesn't get to experience the delights of The Moon Under Water for now he does get to experience the delights on offer in Edinburgh, so in this week's episode he shares what he's been up to with Robin, and we hear about a pub crawl from one of our Patreon subscribers! Want to gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/08/2225m 20s

The Week In Pubs - ‘Digital Orchards’

In the fourth episode of The Weeks In Pubs Landlord John and his most esteemed regular Robin discuss some rather fine cider, the pros and cons of bottled conditioned ale, and a superb poem received in this week's Mist mail.Want to gain access to our bonus podcast 'Behind The Cellar Door' and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon. And remember; if you want to contact the Landlord you can send your Mist to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/07/2221m 41s

Mark Steel - This Pub's in Town (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Mark Steel’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*As many of you may know The Moon Under Water takes its name from an essay written by George Orwell, in which he outlines his idea of the perfect pub; what it looks like, what it contains, what fixtures and fittings are present. Earlier this month Landlord John and Robin ventured into the Other Realm to record a special LIVE episode as part of the Orwell Festival. Live from The Marquis Cornwallis in Central London (just round the corner from a blue plaque celebrating Orwell) they were joined by a guest who not only loves pubs, he knows a fair bit about Orwell too. It’s comedian, author and broadcaster Mark Steel!Mark is one of the most beloved broadcasters in the UK. He regularly appears on radio and television, and his series Mark Steel’s In Town is famous for documenting towns around the UK that don’t often get much coverage (and his research often involves visiting pubs in said towns). We all know what happens when John, Robin and a guest are put into a REAL pub, so prepare to immerse yourself in The Moon Under Water once more.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/07/2251m 48s

Mark Steel - This Pub's in Town (Part 1)

As many of you may know The Moon Under Water takes its name from an essay written by George Orwell, in which he outlines his idea of the perfect pub; what it looks like, what it contains, what fixtures and fittings are present. Earlier this month Landlord John and Robin ventured into the Other Realm to record a special LIVE episode as part of the Orwell Festival. Live from The Marquis Cornwallis in Central London (just round the corner from a blue plaque celebrating Orwell) they were joined by a guest who not only loves pubs, he knows a fair bit about Orwell too. It’s comedian, author and broadcaster Mark Steel!Mark is one of the most beloved broadcasters in the UK. He regularly appears on radio and television, and his series Mark Steel’s In Town is famous for documenting towns around the UK that don’t often get much coverage (and his research often involves visiting pubs in said towns). We all know what happens when John, Robin and a guest are put into a REAL pub, so prepare to immerse yourself in The Moon Under Water once more.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/07/2250m 57s

The Week In Pubs - ‘The Age of Chardonnay Chaos’

In the third episode of The Weeks In Pubs Landlord John and his most capable regular Robin discuss pubs from Bedford to De Beauvoir, a fun game to play with pub menus, and what you would love to see attached to your dream pub.Want to gain access to our bonus podcast 'Behind The Cellar Door' and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon. And remember; if you want to contact the Landlord you can send your Mist to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/07/2225m 0s

Johnny White Really-Really - Cachot's Folly (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Johnny White Really-Really's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Over the years Landlord John and Robin have spent many an evening in the Other Realm sampling all the delights that are on offer. Though they don't get total control of what drinks are available to them it does give them the opportunity to meet up with friends who might not always be available to live in the Correct Realm. One such person that has experienced many a lash with John and Robin is this week's guest; it's comedian and musician Johnny White Really-Really!Johnny is as much of a legend on the UK pub scene as he is on the UK comedy scene. He loves establishments of all shapes and sizes, but he might be slightly more particular when it comes to what drinks stock his dream bar. Will he take into account John and Robins preferences? Will it be a pub for everyone? Or will he go all out and choose drinks that only Johnny White Really-Really would like?Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/07/2241m 29s

Johnny White Really-Really - Cachot's Folly (Part 1)

Over the years Landlord John and Robin have spent many an evening in the Other Realm sampling all the delights that are on offer. Though they don't get total control of what drinks are available to them it does give them the opportunity to meet up with friends who might not always be available to live in the Correct Realm. One such person that has experienced many a lash with John and Robin is this week's guest; it's comedian and musician Johnny White Really-Really!Johnny is as much of a legend on the UK pub scene as he is on the UK comedy scene. He loves establishments of all shapes and sizes, but he might be slightly more particular when it comes to what drinks stock his dream bar. Will he take into account John and Robins preferences? Will it be a pub for everyone? Or will he go all out and choose drinks that only Johnny White Really-Really would like?Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/07/2235m 20s

The Week In Pubs - 'Quaffing With Abandon'

In the second edition of The Weeks In Pubs Landlord John and his most trusty regular Robin discuss a pub they visited in West London, the worst wine they've ever tried and duel-function pubs. Want to gain access to our bonus podcast 'Behind The Cellar Door' and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon. And remember; if you want to contact the Landlord you can send your Mist to Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/07/2225m 39s

Paul Sinha - It's Two on the Black (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Paul Sinha's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Robin has proven himself as quite the quizman since the inception of The Moon Under Water, and it's incredible that he's still able to concoct such original quizzes (with varying difficulty). However, this week he's really going to be put to the test, as the person making their way into the Correct Realm is stand up comedian and world-renowned quizzer Paul Sinha!You may know Paul from his incredible stand up comedy or as The Sinnerman on The Chase (yes, 1/3 of the Chasers have now entered The Moon Under Water). But what many of you might not know is that Paul is one of the great Pubsman. His love for a humble pint knows no bounds, and as his own dream pub reveals itself we just have to hope that Robin's quiz is sufficiently difficult.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/07/2245m 16s

Paul Sinha - It's Two on the Black (Part 1)

Robin has proven himself as quite the quizman since the inception of The Moon Under Water, and it's incredible that he's still able to concoct such original quizzes (with varying difficulty). However, this week he's really going to be put to the test, as the person making their way into the Correct Realm is stand up comedian and world-renowned quizzer Paul Sinha!You may know Paul from his incredible stand up comedy or as The Sinnerman on The Chase (yes, 1/3 of the Chasers have now entered The Moon Under Water). But what many of you might not know is that Paul is one of the great Pubsman. His love for a humble pint knows no bounds, and as his own dream pub reveals itself we just have to hope that Robin's quiz is sufficiently difficult.Want to hear an extended version of this episode (featuring a Patreon-only choice), gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/07/2237m 32s

The Week In Pubs - 'Moth Bros'

In the first official episode of 'The Week In Pubs' Landlord John and his most dedicated regular Robin Allender discuss a recent visit to a wine warehouse (train cans included) as well as reading correspondence from The Moon Under Water Social Club on the topic of pint glasses.Want to gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/07/2229m 42s

Ed Gamble - The Big Bucket of Blood (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Ed Gamble's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The Moon Under Water is an establishment where all your publy dreams come true. You can create something that is truly unique to you and speaks directly to your own wants and desires. Landlord John has got the pub-related content market locked down, however this week's guest is far more accustomed to hearing about fantasy restaurants. It's the man, the myth, the foodie; Ed Gamble!Ed is stand up comedian, a podcaster, a radio presenter, a judge on Great British Menu, a Taskmaster winner... his achievements know no bounds. But that will all go out the window as soon as he enters The Moon Under Water, because there's only one topic of discussion the Lanlord is interested in... PUBS.Want to hear an extended version of this episode with a special Patreon-only choice, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/07/2255m 38s

Ed Gamble - The Big Bucket of Blood (Part 1)

The Moon Under Water is an establishment where all your publy dreams come true. You can create something that is truly unique to you and speaks directly to your own wants and desires. Landlord John has got the pub-related content market locked down, however this week's guest is far more accustomed to hearing about fantasy restaurants. It's the man, the myth, the foodie; Ed Gamble!Ed is stand up comedian, a podcaster, a radio presenter, a judge on Great British Menu, a Taskmaster winner... his achievements know no bounds. But that will all go out the window as soon as he enters The Moon Under Water, because there's only one topic of discussion the Lanlord is interested in... PUBS.Want to hear an extended version of this episode with a special Patreon-only choice, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/07/2257m 46s

The Week In Pubs - Teaser

Change is afoot at The Moon Under Water, which means we're going to be bringing you extra content every week. Landlord John and Robin are here to explain all... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/06/226m 19s

Dr Radha Modgil - The Doctor's Tipple (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Dr Radha Modgil’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*If you were to tell Landlord John that you weren't feeling too well he'd probably prescribe you 60mg of cask to be taken alongside four doses of Riesling daily. However, if you were looking for a slightly less boozy prescription then thankfully you're in luck, because this week's guest at The Moon Under Water is not only a massive fan of pubs, she's also a fully qualified doctor! Joining us this week is the wonderful Dr Radha Modgil!Alongside her career as a medical professional Radha has made loads of appearances on TV and radio sharing her expertise to the general public. But what would her dream pub look like?! Will it be equipped with a waiting room? Do you have to book appointments? Venture into The Moon Under Water now to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/06/2230m 48s

Dr Radha Modgil - The Doctor's Tipple (Part 1)

If you were to tell Landlord John that you weren't feeling too well he'd probably prescribe you 60mg of cask to be taken alongside four doses of Riesling daily. However, if you were looking for a slightly less boozy prescription then thankfully you're in luck, because this week's guest at The Moon Under Water is not only a massive fan of pubs, she's also a fully qualified doctor! Joining us this week is the wonderful Dr Radha Modgil!Alongside her career as a medical professional Radha has made loads of appearances on TV and radio sharing her expertise to the general public. But what would her dream pub look like?! Will it be equipped with a waiting room? Do you have to book appointments? Venture into The Moon Under Water now to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/06/2255m 5s

Natalya Watson - The Nats Head (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Natalya Watson’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Some people like beer. Some people love beer. Some people make it their life. Some people make a LIVING out of their love for it, and this week's guest is one of those lucky people. It's award-winning beer sommelier Natalya Watson!Natalya is a certified expert on everything to do with beer. History, tasting notes, brewing methods; she's got the whole lot covered. As a beer expert you'd expect her dream pub to be nothing but an infinite row of taps and pumps, but sadly her dream drink choices MUST fit within the criteria set out by Landlord John. How will that work? Let's find out...Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/06/2235m 59s

Natalya Watson - The Nats Head (Part 1)

Some people like beer. Some people love beer. Some people make it their life. Some people make a LIVING out of their love for it, and this week's guest is one of those lucky people. It's award-winning beer sommelier Natalya Watson!Natalya is a certified expert on everything to do with beer. History, tasting notes, brewing methods; she's got the whole lot covered. As a beer expert you'd expect her dream pub to be nothing but an infinite row of taps and pumps, but sadly her dream drink choices MUST fit within the criteria set out by Landlord John. How will that work? Let's find out...Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/06/2250m 42s

Ania Magliano - The Two Wolves of Alcohol Consumption (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Ania Magliano’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The four day bank holiday seems so distant now, and many of us are longing to be back in a sunny beer garden quaffing down on a pint of golden nectar. Thankfully at The Moon Under Water it's always a bank holiday, meaning you can sup along with your favourite pint no matter what day it is (even if it means supping in your mind). This week's guest is certainly excited to be joining us in the Correct Realm, and we can't wait to hear what shape her dream pub will take; it's stand up comedian Ania Magliano!Ania is an award winning comic that has written for a whole host of programmes on TV and radio. She's also an acclaimed stand-up, and she'll be performing her debut hour-long show at the Edinburgh Fringe this year. But pubs are no laughing matter, and soon it will be time for her to get down to the serious business of choosing the drinks that populate her own 'Pub of the Mind'.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/06/2229m 19s

Ania Magliano - The Two Wolves of Alcohol Consumption (Part 1)

The four day bank holiday seems so distant now, and many of us are longing to be back in a sunny beer garden quaffing down on a pint of golden nectar. Thankfully at The Moon Under Water it's always a bank holiday, meaning you can sup along with your favourite pint no matter what day it is (even if it means supping in your mind). This week's guest is certainly excited to be joining us in the Correct Realm, and we can't wait to hear what shape her dream pub will take; it's stand up comedian Ania Magliano! Ania is an award winning comic that has written for a whole host of programmes on TV and radio. She's also an acclaimed stand-up, and she'll be performing her debut hour-long show at the Edinburgh Fringe this year. But pubs are no laughing matter, and soon it will be time for her to get down to the serious business of choosing the drinks that populate her own 'Pub of the Mind'.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/06/2254m 19s

Jimmy McIntosh - The King Louis (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Jimmy McIntosh’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Is there anything worse than seeing a dead pub? Somewhere that once played host to thousands of sessions, reduced to nothing more than the local version of a chain supermarket. It's important we don't forget that these establishments existed, and this week's guest is someone that is fighting to keep their legacies alive; it's Jimmy McIntosh, creator of London Dead Pubs.London Dead Pubs is an Instagram account where Jimmy documents the pubs of London that are no longer with us. Some have been redeveloped, some have been knocked down; but thanks to Jimmy we're able to gain an insight into some of the lost pubs that graced London. But will his dream pub be reminiscent of somewhere old or new?Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/06/2236m 37s

Jimmy McIntosh - The King Louis (Part 1)

Is there anything worse than seeing a dead pub? Somewhere that once played host to thousands of sessions, reduced to nothing more than the local version of a chain supermarket. It's important we don't forget that these establishments existed, and this week's guest is someone that is fighting to keep their legacies alive; it's Jimmy McIntosh, creator of London Dead Pubs.London Dead Pubs is an Instagram account where Jimmy documents the pubs of London that are no longer with us. Some have been redeveloped, some have been knocked down; but thanks to Jimmy we're able to gain an insight into some of the lost pubs that graced London. But will his dream pub be reminiscent of somewhere old or new?Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/06/2249m 5s

Simon Price - The Thin White Duke (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Simon Price’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*'Libraries gave us power' is one of the most iconic lines sang by the Manic Street Preachers, but did you know that the line originally went 'The Moon Under Water gave us pints'? Well, we know it to be true because that's what this week's guest told us (and he's bound to know); it's music journalist and author Simon Price!Simon is an expert on pretty much everything to do with music, and his biography on the Manics entitled Everything was at one point the fastest selling rock book of all time. However, the best thing about Simon is his love for pubs. He's a seasoned veteran of the UK pub scene, and there's no doubt that his very own 'Pub of the Mind' will be one for the ages.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/05/2251m 39s

Simon Price - The Thin White Duke (Part 1)

'Libraries gave us power' is one of the most iconic lines sang by the Manic Street Preachers, but did you know that the line originally went 'The Moon Under Water gave us pints'? Well, we know it to be true because that's what this week's guest told us (and he's bound to know); it's music journalist and author Simon Price!Simon is an expert on pretty much everything to do with music, and his biography on the Manics entitled Everything was at one point the fastest selling rock book of all time. However, the best thing about Simon is his love for pubs. He's a seasoned veteran of the UK pub scene, and there's no doubt that his very own 'Pub of the Mind' will be one for the ages.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/05/2253m 18s

Suzi Gage - The Big Egg (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Suzi Gage’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*"Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pint of ale.'. 'Well get yourself over to The Moon Under Water then!'. Just a little joke there for you, and although it might seem totally random it actually ties in perfectly to this week's guest... it's Dr Suzi Gage!Suzi is a psychologist, broadcaster, author and host of the podcast Say Why To Drugs. She's also appeared on Scroobius Pip's Distraction Pieces, so may very well be familiar to a lot of you. But most exciting of all... she is a HUGE pub fan. She's known Robin and Landlord John for a good few years now, so hopefully she has a tale or two to tell."Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/05/2236m 25s

Suzi Gage - The Big Egg (Part 1)

"Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pint of ale.'. 'Well get yourself over to The Moon Under Water then!'. Just a little joke there for you, and although it might seem totally random it actually ties in perfectly to this week's guest... it's Dr Suzi Gage!Suzi is a psychologist, broadcaster, author and host of the podcast Say Why To Drugs. She's also appeared on Scroobius Pip's Distraction Pieces, so may very well be familiar to a lot of you. But most exciting of all... she is a HUGE pub fan. She's known Robin and Landlord John for a good few years now, so hopefully she has a tale or two to tell."Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/05/2254m 8s

Sukh Ojla - Ye Olde Grumpy Bastard (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Sukh Ojla’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The Moon Under Water is looking resplendent after having a full renovation, and many of us have been left asking ourselves "Has brass ever looked this good?". Hopefully our next guest is equally impressed, as they're about to arrive in the Correct Realm. It's comedian and author Sukh Ojla.Sukh has appeared in Black Mirror, EastEnders, Mock The Week and The Big Asian Stand-Up, and last year she released her debut novel Sunny. She's about to make her way through the mists, and we can't wait to hear what will populate her dream pub.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/05/2225m 39s

Sukh Ojla - Ye Olde Grumpy Bastard (Part 1)

The Moon Under Water is looking resplendent after having a full renovation, and many of us have been left asking ourselves "Has brass ever looked this good?". Hopefully our next guest is equally impressed, as they're about to arrive in the Correct Realm. It's comedian and author Sukh Ojla.Sukh has appeared in Black Mirror, EastEnders, Mock The Week and The Big Asian Stand-Up, and last year she released her debut novel Sunny. She's about to make her way through the mists, and we can't wait to hear what will populate her dream pub.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/05/2243m 27s

Kemah Bob - The Spot (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Kemah Bob’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The UK is arguably to pub capital of the Other Realm, with possibly the finest selection of establishments on Earth. So whenever someone from abroad joins us at The Moon Under Water we're always excited to hear what they think about the UK's most sacred of places, and this week is no exception. Joining us in the Correct Realm is comedian Kemah Bob!Kemah grew up in the U S of A (specifically Texas), but has since made the UK her home. Since she traded cowboys for Carling she's become accustomed to the CLASSIC PUB. But will her dream tavern reflect her new home, or will it hark back to her time in America? We're soon to find out...Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/05/2230m 25s

Kemah Bob - The Spot (Part 1)

The UK is arguably to pub capital of the Other Realm, with possibly the finest selection of establishments on Earth. So whenever someone from abroad joins us at The Moon Under Water we're always excited to hear what they think about the UK's most sacred of places, and this week is no exception. Joining us in the Correct Realm is comedian Kemah Bob!Kemah grew up in the U S of A (specifically Texas), but has since made the UK her home. Since she traded cowboys for Carling she's become accustomed to the CLASSIC PUB. But will her dream tavern reflect her new home, or will it hark back to her time in America? We're soon to find out...Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/05/2236m 23s

The Moon Under Refurbishment #2

Landlord John and Robin are currently away from The Moon Under Water pursuing other interests (barrel making, glass carving, beer mat forging etc). However, we don't want to leave you empty handed, so we've put together some choice cuts from the podcast so far, and this week we're focusing on the special run of live dates we did back in 2021. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/05/2251m 45s

The Moon Under Refurbishment #1

Landlord John and Robin are currently away from The Moon Under Water pursuing other interests (barrel making, glass carving, beer mat forging etc). However, we don't want to leave you empty handed, so we've put together some choice cuts from the podcast so far.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/04/2235m 30s

Zoe Lyons - The Boot (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Zoe Lyons’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*So far many of our guests have one pub city that is close to their heart; the place where they cut their teeth in the world of pinting. But this week’s guest has had by far the most eclectic pub upbringing: it’s comedian and host of Lightning Zoe Lyons!Zoe is one of the UK’s most beloved comedians, and has appeared on the like of Mock The Week, Room 101 and QI. She’s also lived in pretty much every part of the United Kingdom, and as a result knows her way around the pubs of this fair land. But the big question is this: will her dream pub reflect the pubs of Glasgow, Brighton, York… or even somewhere further afield?Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/04/2234m 47s

Zoe Lyons - The Boot (Part 1)

So far many of our guests have one pub city that is close to their heart; the place where they cut their teeth in the world of pinting. But this week’s guest has had by far the most eclectic pub upbringing: it’s comedian and host of Lightning Zoe Lyons! Zoe is one of the UK’s most beloved comedians, and has appeared on the like of Mock The Week, Room 101 and QI. She’s also lived in pretty much every part of the United Kingdom, and as a result knows her way around the pubs of this fair land. But the big question is this: will her dream pub reflect the pubs of Glasgow, Brighton, York… or even somewhere further afield?Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/04/2239m 1s

Alex Vlahos - The Five Senses (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Alex Vlahos’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Experts on Shakespeare will know that in his first draft of Hamlet the famous quote read “To beer, or not to beer: that is the question”. Had William not changed that line then Hamlet might have gone on to be the ultimate pub play; and we’re certain that this week’s guest would have ended up performing the lead role. It’s actor Alex Vlahos!Alex has starred in everything from Versailles to Pobol y Cwm, as well as performing on stage alongside the likes of Kenneth Branagh. I wonder if Robin will be able to convince him to tread the boards of The Moon Under Water and share a little performance with us. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/04/2235m 16s

Alex Vlahos - The Five Senses (Part 1)

Experts on Shakespeare will know that in his first draft of Hamlet the famous quote read “To beer, or not to beer: that is the question”. Had William not changed that line then Hamlet might have gone on to be the ultimate pub play; and we’re certain that this week’s guest would have ended up performing the lead role. It’s actor Alex Vlahos!Alex has starred in everything from Versailles to Pobol y Cwm, as well as performing on stage alongside the likes of Kenneth Branagh. I wonder if Robin will be able to convince him to tread the boards of The Moon Under Water and share a little performance with us. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/04/2243m 25s

Ezra Furman - The Anti-Assimilationist (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Ezra Furman’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*So far at The Moon Under Water we’ve played hosts to a wide range of creatives. Artists, poets, authors, brewers, thespians… and this week we’re delighted to be in the presence of one of the finest songwriters in the Other Realm. Making their way through the mists to create their dream pub… it’s Ezra Furman!Ezra has released 8 albums so far either as a solo artist or alongside her former band The Harpoons, and well as writing the incredible soundtrack for Sex Education. She also wrote a book about Lou Reed; something that Landlord John and Robin will certainly want to discuss. But what will her dream pub look like? Will it even be a pub? There’s only one way to find out… Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/04/2230m 54s

Ezra Furman - The Anti-Assimilationist (Part 1)

So far at The Moon Under Water we’ve played hosts to a wide range of creatives. Artists, poets, authors, brewers, thespians… and this week we’re delighted to be in the presence of one of the finest songwriters in the Other Realm. Making their way through the mists to create their dream pub… it’s Ezra Furman!Ezra has released 8 albums so far either as a solo artist or alongside her former band The Harpoons, and well as writing the incredible soundtrack for Sex Education. She also wrote a book about Lou Reed; something that Landlord John and Robin will certainly want to discuss. But what will her dream pub look like? Will it even be a pub? There’s only one way to find out… Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/04/2258m 10s

Greg James - The Tailender (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Greg James’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Everyone knows that Tony Blackburn invented the time check during his time presenting the breakfast show on Radio 1, but not many believed the practice would continue through to the present day. This week’s guest is currently manning the biggest breakfast show both in the Further AND Correct Realms, it’s Radio 1’s Greg James!Despite having to wake up at 4.30am every day Greg is still an avid pub-goer, and loves nothing more than nursing a post-show pint as the rest of the country starts their day But what will his dream pub look like? Will it have it’s own microphones? Will there be regular time checks? Will Robin be giving us regular travel updates? Let’s find out. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/03/2231m 26s

Greg James - The Tailender (Part 1)

Everyone knows that Tony Blackburn invented the time check during his time presenting the breakfast show on Radio 1, but not many believed the practice would continue through to the present day. This week’s guest is currently manning the biggest breakfast show both in the Further AND Correct Realms, it’s Radio 1’s Greg James!Despite having to wake up at 4.30am every day Greg is still an avid pub-goer, and loves nothing more than nursing a post-show pint as the rest of the country starts their day But what will his dream pub look like? Will it have it’s own microphones? Will there be regular time checks? Will Robin be giving us regular travel updates? Let’s find out. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/03/2259m 52s

Josh Widdicombe - The Four Seasons Total Lash Fest (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Josh Widdicombe’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Every once in a while you’ll hear the name of a legendary Pinstman pass through the mists of The Moon Under Water. “Chiles… Kumar… Inch… Thompson…”. And if you listen closely you might just be able to make out the name of our next guest as their name echoes around the Correct Realm. Yes, your ears don’t deceive you; our next guest is the one and only Josh Widdicombe!Josh is known as one of the most accomplished pub-goers on earth. His unique approach to pub crawls is something that boggles the mind, and hopefully he’ll be happy to give us an insight into what makes him such a hero within the drinking world.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/03/2238m 38s

Josh Widdicombe - The Four Seasons Total Lash Fest (Part 1)

Every once in a while you’ll hear the name of a legendary Pinstman pass through the mists of The Moon Under Water. “Chiles… Kumar… Inch… Thompson…”. And if you listen closely you might just be able to make out the name of our next guest as their name echoes around the Correct Realm. Yes, your ears don’t deceive you; our next guest is the one and only Josh Widdicombe!Josh is known as one of the most accomplished pub-goers on earth. His unique approach to pub crawls is something that boggles the mind, and hopefully he’ll be happy to give us an insight into what makes him such a hero within the drinking world.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/03/221h 3m

Tommy Tiernan - The Afterlife (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Tommy Tiernan’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The great thing about The Moon Under Water is that it’s a place where you can create whatever type of drinking establishment you desire. What it looks, feels and sounds like is entirely up to the guest; as are the drinks that populate it. We get the feeling that this week’s guest might take a somewhat unconventional route to creating their dream pub, but it’s important to remember that their choices are final. It’s comedian and actor Tommy Tiernan!Alongside performing stand up comedy for over 20 years, Tommy has also appeared in shows such as Father Ted and Derry Girls. He’s also BIG into his pubs… but that’s not to say that his dream pub will reflect anything even he has experienced in the past.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/03/2233m 39s

Tommy Tiernan - The Afterlife (Part 1)

The great thing about The Moon Under Water is that it’s a place where you can create whatever type of drinking establishment you desire. What it looks, feels and sounds like is entirely up to the guest; as are the drinks that populate it. We get the feeling that this week’s guest might take a somewhat unconventional route to creating their dream pub, but it’s important to remember that their choices are final. It’s comedian and actor Tommy Tiernan!Alongside performing stand up comedy for over 20 years, Tommy has also appeared in shows such as Father Ted and Derry Girls. He’s also BIG into his pubs… but that’s not to say that his dream pub will reflect anything even he has experienced in the past.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/03/2241m 4s

Pubble Club

What's more warming; the embrace of a close friend or the clutch of a friendly tavern? In this one off podcast mashup for Red Nose Day, Cuddle Club host Lou Sanders joins John Robins and Robin Allender from The Moon Under Water to discuss all things hugs and pubs.You have the power to do something incredible this Red Nose Day. Whether it’s a little or a lot, the money you donate will help tackle poverty, take action against violence and bring an end to discrimination. Give now at, alternatively Text PODCAST to 70210 to give £10 today.To donate £10 text the word PODCAST to 70210. Texts cost your donation amount plus your standard network message charge and 100% of your donation will go to Comic Relief, a registered charity. You must be 16 or over and please ask the bill-payer’s permission. For full terms and conditions visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/03/2244m 7s

Jordan North - The Robbie Blake (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Jordan North’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The UK is widely considered the home of pubs, and though there are many places within the UK that lay claim to being the epicentre of pubs, it’s probably fair to say that the north is the place where you’ll find the highest concentration of top quality boozers. This week’s guest is the prodigal son of the north; so much so that he was named after it. It’s radio presenter Jordan North!Jordan presents the drive time show on Radio 1 alongside a former guest at The Moon Under Water Vick Hope. He’s a serial Pinstman, and like Landlord John and Robin loves nothing more than hunkering down with a nice ale, surrounded by good company. He also LOVES Burnley.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/03/2244m 56s

Jordan North - The Robbie Blake (Part 1)

The UK is widely considered the home of pubs, and though there are many places within the UK that lay claim to being the epicentre of pubs, it’s probably fair to say that the north is the place where you’ll find the highest concentration of top quality boozers. This week’s guest is the prodigal son of the north; so much so that he was named after it. It’s radio presenter Jordan North!Jordan presents the drive time show on Radio 1 alongside a former guest at The Moon Under Water Vick Hope. He’s a serial Pinstman, and like Landlord John and Robin loves nothing more than hunkering down with a nice ale, surrounded by good company. He also LOVES Burnley.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/03/2255m 14s

Rick Shiels - The Royal Stumble Inn (Part 2)

“Landlord John lines up the putt. If he can make this then he is sure to be crowned the winner of the Mists of Desire Open. The ball sways from left to right, it’s heading to the centre of the cup… and it’s in! John wins the most prestigious golfing tournament in the further realm, and he’s off to the bar to celebrate!”. No, The Moon Under Water doesn’t host it’s own golf tournament; but if it did it’d certainly feature this week’s guest. It’s Rick Shiels!Rick is the biggest golf influencer on YouTube with almost 3 million subscribers! But one thing that not many people know is that he’s equally happy sinking pints as he is putts. He’s about to create his own ‘Pub of the Mind’, and we can’t wait to hear what it’s like. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/02/2246m 27s

Rick Shiels - The Royal Stumble Inn (Part 1)

“Landlord John lines up the putt. If he can make this then he is sure to be crowned the winner of the Mists of Desire Open. The ball sways from left to right, it’s heading to the centre of the cup… and it’s in! John win’s the most prestigious golfing tournament in the further realm, and he’s off to the bar to celebrate!”. No, The Moon Under Water doesn’t host it’s own golf tournament; but if it did it’d certainly feature this week’s guest. It’s Rick Shiels!Rick is the biggest golf influencer on YouTube with almost 3 million subscribers! But one thing that not many people know is that he’s equally happy sinking pints as he is putts. He’s about to create his own ‘Pub of the Mind’, and we can’t wait to hear what it’s like. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/02/221h 2m

Phil Wang - The Port In A Storm (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Phil Wang’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The Moon Under Water has been lucky enough to play host to some of the greatest Pubsmen of all time. Those people that have experienced every type of establishment, no matter where or what it stocks. Phil is a comedian, writer, and host of the smash-hit podcast ‘BudPod’ (no, it’s not a rival beer-themed podcast). But most of all Phil is an expert on old-time pubs. He wants his pubs to be poorly lit but well stocked, and you can be sure that his ‘Pub of the Mind’ will reflect his preferences. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/02/2247m 12s

Phil Wang - The Port In A Storm (Part 1)

The Moon Under Water has been lucky enough to play host to some of the greatest Pubsmen of all time. Those people that have experienced every type of establishment, no matter where it is or what it stocks. And we are delighted to welcome one such person into the 'Correct Realm' this week. It's Phil Wang!Phil is a comedian, writer, and host of the smash-hit podcast ‘BudPod’ (no, it’s not a rival beer-themed podcast). But most of all Phil is an expert on old-time pubs. He wants his pubs to be poorly lit but well stocked, and you can be sure that his ‘Pub of the Mind’ will reflect his preferences.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/02/221h 7m

Scroobius Pip - The May Not Be For You (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Scroobius Pip’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*As wordsmiths of the Further Realm Landlord John and Robin are both familiar with alehouse lexicon. Whether it be “Handeth me thyne flagon of ale good Sir” or “Pint of numbers please big man”, they understand that pubs and words go hand in hand. This week’s guest spent the early years of his career mastering the art of writing and performance (though probably sounding less like a 15th century Lord), and we can’t wait to welcome him in: it’s Scroobius Pip!Scroobs is a podcaster, actor and former spoken word poet and former member of Dan le Sec Vs Scroobius Pip. He’s the host of the amazing Distraction Pieces, and anyone who listens will be familiar with the fact that he’s no stranger to the amber nectar, as demonstrated in his Drunkcasts. But what will his dream pub look like? What will it sound, feel, smell and taste like? He’s ready to head into The Moon Under Water, so we’re about to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/02/2224m 53s

Scroobius Pip - The May Not Be For You (Part 1)

As wordsmiths of the Further Realm Landlord John and Robin are both familiar with alehouse lexicon. Whether it be “Handeth me thyne flagon of ale good Sir” or “Pint of numbers please big man”, they understand that pubs and words go hand in hand. This week’s guest spent the early years of his career mastering the art of writing and performance (though probably sounding less like a 15th century Lord), and we can’t wait to welcome him in: it’s Scroobius Pip!Scroobs is a podcaster, actor and former spoken word poet and former member of Dan le Sec Vs Scroobius Pip. He’s the host of the amazing Distraction Pieces, and anyone who listens will be familiar with the fact that he’s no stranger to the amber nectar, as demonstrated in his Drunkcasts. But what will his dream pub look like? What will it sound, feel, smell and taste like? He’s ready to head into The Moon Under Water, so we’re about to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
14/02/2257m 15s

Sofie Hagen - Keeping Up with the Kardashians Library (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Sofie Hagen’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Though Denmark is known for being rather steep when it comes to alcohol pricing that hasn’t stopped it from producing some of the finest Pubgoers of all time. This week we are delighted to be in the presence of one such legend; it’s comedian, author, activist and podcaster Sofie Hagen!Sofie grew up in Denmark before making the UK her home a few years ago, and was quick to acclimatise herself in the best pubs this country has to offer. However, there’s one burning question that she has been asking herself for years: “Hvad er forskellen mellem en pub og en bar?”. Thankfully Landlord John and Robin are on hand to help answer that, as well as help her build her dream tavern.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/02/2244m 17s

Sofie Hagen - Keeping Up with the Kardashians Library (Part 1)

Though Denmark is known for being rather steep when it comes to alcohol pricing that hasn’t stopped it from producing some of the finest Pubgoers of all time. This week we are delighted to be in the presence of one such legend; it’s comedian, author, activist and podcaster Sofie Hagen!Sofie grew up in Denmark before making the UK her home a few years ago, and was quick to acclimatise herself in the best pubs this country has to offer. However, there’s one burning question that she has been asking herself for years: “Hvad er forskellen mellem en pub og en bar?”. Thankfully Landlord John and Robin are on hand to help answer that, as well as help her build her dream tavern.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Laura Thompson - The Midnight Bell (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Laura Thompson’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Authors play a huge role in maintaining pub lore. Their words help us understand what our favourite drinking establishments were like in years gone by, and give us a chance to relive what many would describe as the "golden years" of ale. This week's guest is one such author, it's the wonderful Laura Thompson!Laura's book "The Last Landlady" already sits upon a shelf in the Pub Library, so we're over the moon with her joining us in the correct realm. Like John and Robin she is a true pub romanticist, and she's certainly going to create something special.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
31/01/2247m 37s

Laura Thompson - The Midnight Bell (Part 1)

Authors play a huge role in maintaining pub lore. Their words help us understand what our favourite drinking establishments were like in years gone by, and give us a chance to relive what many would describe as the "golden years" of ale. This week's guest is one such author, it's the wonderful Laura Thompson!Laura's book "The Last Landlady" already sits upon a shelf in the Pub Library, so we're over the moon with her joining us in the correct realm. Like John and Robin she is a true pub romanticist, and she's certainly going to create something special.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
31/01/221h 11m

Behind The Patrons' Poem

Since we launched The Moon Under Water we've been offering a very special benefit to those who subscribe to our top tier on Patreon (Legends Under Water). Anyone who donates £8 a month to help support the pub is forever immortalised in one of our monthly Patrons' Poems, which is included in our bonus monthly episode Behind The Cellar Door (that's available to anyone who subscribes to the top two tiers!). Landlord John takes care of the lyrics, whilst Robin looks after the music; a bit like an other-worldly version of Lennon and McCartney.Well, good news! To make sure the Patrons' Poems get the recognition they deserve, from next week we'll be featuring them in the final episode of the main podcast each month. That way your name will be forever inscribed in verse for the whole world to hear.But if you've already been included in a Patrons' Poem then fear not! This episode features all the poems that have been created so far, as well as a running commentary from John and Robin on how they went about creating each one. If YOU want to have your name included in a Patrons' Poem then head to and become a Legend Under Water. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Oliver Peyton - The Moon Under Water (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Oliver Peyton’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*In the other realm the UK is known the world over for its pubs. In fact, one could argue that it has the highest amount of good pubs per capita in the world (though we’re led to believe that Tefota in Tuvalu is a belter which might mean they take that crown). But our food has always been somewhat lacking on the world stage. That’s changing, and this week’s guest is someone that’s had the privilege of trying some of the best food Britain has to offer. It’s restaurateur Oliver Peyton!Oliver was a long-time judge on Great British Menu, a TV show that has made Landlord John weep openly on more than one occasion. But he’s not just an expert on food; he also knows a thing or two about alcohol, and you can be sure that his dream pub is going to be something very special.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/01/2233m 19s

Oliver Peyton - The Moon Under Water (Part 1)

In the other realm the UK is known the world over for its pubs. In fact, one could argue that it has the highest amount of good pubs per capita in the world (though we’re led to believe that Tefota in Tuvalu is a belter which might mean they take that crown). But our food has always been somewhat lacking on the world stage. That’s changing, and this week’s guest is someone that’s had the privilege of trying some of the best food Britain has to offer. It’s restaurateur Oliver Peyton!Oliver was a long-time judge on Great British Menu, a TV show that has made Landlord John weep openly on more than one occasion. But he’s not just an expert on food; he also knows a thing or two about alcohol, and you can be sure that his dream pub is going to be something very special.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
24/01/2253m 26s

Pete Brown - The Welcome Inn (Part 1)

So far the library has been stocked by over 40 books, each one detailing some aspect of the beauty of pubs (although to be fair some of those links have been quite tenuous). Our guest this week is someone whose writing sits atop one of the shelves at The Moon Under Water, it's author and genuine pub legend Pete Brown!After Emma Inch and Lily Waite before him, Pete is the third 'Beer Writer of the Year' to join us in the correct realm, and he is arguably Britain's most beloved writer of all things alehouse. Is there anything about beer than Pete doesn't know? Probably not; but I'm sure Landlord John and Robin will double check by asking him every possible question there is about everyone's favourite golden nectar.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/01/221h 3m

Pete Brown - The Welcome Inn (Part 2)

So far the library has been stocked by over 40 books, each one detailing some aspect of the beauty of pubs (although to be fair some of those links have been quite tenuous). Our guest this week is someone whose writing sits atop one of the shelves at The Moon Under Water, it's author and genuine pub legend Pete Brown!After Emma Inch and Lily Waite before him, Pete is the third 'Beer Writer of the Year' to join us in the correct realm, and he is arguably Britain's most beloved writer of all things alehouse. Is there anything about beer than Pete doesn't know? Probably not; but I'm sure Landlord John and Robin will double check by asking him every possible question there is about everyone's favourite golden nectar.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
17/01/2238m 9s

Sindhu Vee - The Mended Heart (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Sindhu Vee’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The humble pub is a place that is celebrated the world over. Whether it be an alehouse in Adelaide or a tavern in Tallinn each country seems to have it’s own publy traditions and styles that date back hundreds of years. Our guest this week is someone that has lived in a whole host of countries around the globe and, as a result, has experienced many different types of drinking establishment. It’s comedian, writer and actor Sindhu Vee.Despite only taking up stand-up 10 years ago Sindhu has become one of the big players in the comedy game. She’s appeared on Mock The Week, Would I Lie To You?, Have I Got News For You, Starstruck and Sex Education - all whilst touring around the world. She’s also a serial pub-goer who has indulged in her fair share of sessions. But what shape will her dream pub take? Join us at The Moon Under Water to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/01/2229m 12s

Sindhu Vee - The Mended Heart (Part 1)

The humble pub is a place that is celebrated the world over. Whether it be an alehouse in Adelaide or a tavern in Tallinn each country seems to have it’s own publy traditions and styles that date back hundreds of years. Our guest this week is someone that has lived in a whole host of countries around the globe and, as a result, has experienced many different types of drinking establishment. It’s comedian, writer and actor Sindhu Vee.Despite only taking up stand-up 10 years ago Sindhu has become one of the big players in the comedy game. She’s appeared on Mock The Week, Would I Lie To You?, Have I Got News For You, Starstruck and Sex Education - all whilst touring around the world. She’s also a serial pub-goer who has indulged in her fair share of sessions. But what shape will her dream pub take? Join us at The Moon Under Water to find out.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/01/2244m 45s

Dotun Adebayo - The Nightwatchman (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Dotun Adebayo’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*We’re lucky here at The Moon Under Water in that we don’t have a closing time: we’re open no matter what time of day it is, which means a pint is always available. However, the same can’t be said for all pubs. Most pubs call last orders at around midnight, and for the majority of the population that’s the perfect time to head back home for their night of slumber. But what if you work through the night and finish your shift at 6am? Where do you head for your post-work pint? Well this week’s guest knows that problem all too well. It’s radio presenter, broadcaster and writer Dotun Adebayo.Dotun presents on BBC 5 Live weekday mornings between 1-5am, but that hasn’t stopped him becoming accustomed to pubs all around the world. He’s an expert on the late-night alehouse scene and all the characters that occupy it, and we’re sure that he’s going to create an incredible Pub of the Mind (I’m sure it’ll be open at reasonable times too). Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
03/01/2236m 0s

Dotun Adebayo - The Nightwatchman (Part 1)

We’re lucky here at The Moon Under Water in that we don’t have a closing time: we’re open no matter what time of day it is, which means a pint is always available. However, the same can’t be said for all pubs. Most pubs call last orders at around midnight, and for the majority of the population that’s the perfect time to head back home for their night of slumber. But what if you work through the night and finish your shift at 6am? Where do you head for your post-work pint? Well this week’s guest knows that problem all too well. It’s radio presenter, broadcaster and writer Dotun Adebayo.Dotun presents on BBC 5 Live weekday mornings between 1-5am, but that hasn’t stopped him becoming accustomed to pubs all around the world. He’s an expert on the late-night alehouse scene and all the characters that occupy it, and we’re sure that he’s going to create an incredible Pub of the Mind (I’m sure it’ll be open at reasonable times too). Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Merry Pintsmas - A Year Under Water (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of our Merry Pinstmas episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Monday 12th April 2021 is a day that will live long in the memory for pub lovers across all realms. The pub that we thought only exists in our minds, dreams and desires emerged from the mists and opened its door for the first time to welcome a whole host of guests to create their own dream pub for real.Yes, The Moon Under Water has had quite the year and it’s played host to some of the most accomplished Pinstmen the world has to offer. So in celebration of making it to the end of 2021 without having to implement at-table service, Landlord John and the regular Robin Allender have decided to take a look back at the pubs we’ve created so far to create something of a “Critics Choice” pub. There’ll be some old favourites, some heartfelt stories, and plenty of beer chat too.Thank you to every single person who has joined us this year. Your support has kept the doors of The Moon Under Water wide open, and we’re looking forward to keeping those doors open throughout 2022 as well.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/12/2153m 33s

Merry Pintsmas - A Year Under Water (Part 1)

Monday 12th April 2021 is a day that will live long in the memory for pub lovers across all realms. The pub that we thought only exists in our minds, dreams and desires emerged from the mists and opened its door for the first time to welcome a whole host of guests to create their own dream pub for real.Yes, The Moon Under Water has had quite the year and it’s played host to some of the most accomplished Pinstmen the world has to offer. So in celebration of making it to the end of 2021 without having to implement at-table service, Landlord John and the regular Robin Allender have decided to take a look back at the pubs we’ve created so far to create something of a “Critics Choice” pub. There’ll be some old favourites, some heartfelt stories, and plenty of beer chat too.Thank you to every single person who has joined us this year. Your support has kept the doors of The Moon Under Water wide open, and we’re looking forward to keeping those doors open throughout 2022 as well.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/12/2138m 29s

Liam Williams - The Green Woman (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Liam Williams’ episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*To many people the noughties was the golden age of pubs; pints for £2, The Pigeon Detectives and Babyshambles blasting out the jukebox, everyone dressed in the skinny jean / blazer combo… what’s not to love?! And even though The Moon Under Water has existed for centuries it’s able to morph itself into a pub from any given period in time. This week’s guest is someone that lived and breathed noughties pubs, and don’t be surprised if he creates a pub reminiscent of the ‘Topman’ era. It’s comedian and writer Liam Williams!Liam is the creator of the award winning sitcom ‘Ladhood’, which follows his life growing up in the Yorkshire town of Garforth. It details his first encounters with pubs, alcohol and everything that comes with early drinking experiences. He’s also lover of pubs no matter their shape or size, and we are so excited to hear what sort of establishment he is going to create (with or without skinny ties included).Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/12/2128m 54s

Liam Williams - The Green Woman (Part 1)

To many people the noughties was the golden age of pubs; pints for £2, The Pigeon Detectives and Babyshambles blasting out the jukebox, everyone dressed in the skinny jean / blazer combo… what’s not to love?! And even though The Moon Under Water has existed for centuries it’s able to morph itself into a pub from any given period in time. This week’s guest is someone that lived and breathed noughties pubs, and don’t be surprised if he creates a pub reminiscent of the ‘Topman’ era. It’s comedian and writer Liam Williams!Liam is the creator of the award winning sitcom ‘Ladhood’, which follows his life growing up in the Yorkshire town of Garforth. It details his first encounters with pubs, alcohol and everything that comes with early drinking experiences. He’s also lover of pubs no matter their shape or size, and we are so excited to hear what sort of establishment he is going to create (with or without skinny ties included).Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/12/2151m 13s

Jan Ravens - The Open Arms (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Jan Ravens’ episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*There’s something very peculiar going on at The Moon Under Water, because as our next guest approaches we’re still not quite sure who it is. We can’t see their face through the mists, but it sounds like it might be Hyacinth Bucket? Wait no, now it sounds like Hillary Clinton? And now it sounds like Theresa May - what the hell is going on?!Ah, now it makes sense. As they step out of the mist and through the doors of everyone’s favourite mystical alehouse our guest this week reveals themselves… it’s impressionist and actress Jan Ravens!Throughout her career Jan has appeared in a wide range of shows, including Dead Ringers, Have I Got News For You, Spitting Image and even Strictly Come Dancing. She’s also been lucky enough to appear in a wide range of pubs, having grown up on The Wirral, studied in Cambridge and worked up and down the country. Let’s hope she really goes into detail about her dream pub, and doesn’t just give us an impression of it.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/12/2133m 49s

Jan Ravens - The Open Arms (Part 1)

There’s something very peculiar going on at The Moon Under Water, because as our next guest approaches we’re still not quite sure who it is. We can’t see their face through the mists, but it sounds like it might be Hyacinth Bucket? Wait no, now it sounds like Hillary Clinton? And now it sounds like Theresa May - what the hell is going on?!Ah, now it makes sense. As they step out of the mist and through the doors of everyone’s favourite mystical alehouse our guest this week reveals themselves… it’s impressionist and actress Jan Ravens!Throughout her career Jan has appeared in a wide range of shows, including Dead Ringers, Have I Got News For You, Spitting Image and even Strictly Come Dancing. She’s also been lucky enough to appear in a wide range of pubs, having grown up on The Wirral, studied in Cambridge and worked up and down the country. Let’s hope she really goes into detail about her dream pub, and doesn’t just give us an impression of it.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/12/2148m 53s

Mike Bubbins - The Canadian (Part 2)

The Moon Under Water is the only ‘Pub of the Mind’ present in the further realm. However, one thing not to be forgotten is that there is an innumerable number of realms out there, and with them an innumerable number of mystical pubs, alehouses, taverns and bars. Joining us this week is the proprietor of one such establishment… it’s the one and only Mike Bubbins! Mike is a comedian, writer, actor, former PE teacher and host of the amazing Socially Distant Sports bar alongside Steff Garrero and another up and coming Welsh presenter called Elis James. Whilst their bar is less about pints and wine and more about pole-vaulting and Wales it’s still an amazing place to hang out and we cannot recommend it enough. But even though Mike resides in a fantasy pub it’s not the pub of his dreams; and we can’t wait to hear what sort of place he’s going to create. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/12/2129m 34s

Mike Bubbins - The Canadian (Part 1)

The Moon Under Water is the only ‘Pub of the Mind’ present in the further realm. However, one thing not to be forgotten is that there is an innumerable number of realms out there, and with them an innumerable number of mystical pubs, alehouses, taverns and bars. Joining us this week is the proprietor of one such establishment… it’s the one and only Mike Bubbins! Mike is a comedian, writer, actor, former PE teacher and host of the amazing Socially Distant Sports bar alongside Steff Garrero and another up and coming Welsh presenter called Elis James. Whilst their bar is less about pints and wine and more about pole-vaulting and Wales it’s still an amazing place to hang out and we cannot recommend it enough. But even though Mike resides in a fantasy pub it’s not the pub of his dreams; and we can’t wait to hear what sort of place he’s going to create. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/12/2150m 8s

Dan Snow - The Victory (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Dan Snow’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Pubs and alcohol have played a huge part in history throughout the years. Julius Caesar regularly held meetings at his local pub ‘Draco Rubrum’, Marie Curie ran a microbrewery that specialised in DIPA’s before switching the her research in radioactivity and Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington ordered in 12 crates Stella ahead of the Battle of Waterloo. Now, we can’t confirm if any of those scenarios are true; but this week’s guest certainly can. It’s historian and broadcaster Dan Snow!Dan is one of this countries most beloved experts on all things ‘past’, and is himself a serious Pintsman. He’s a lover of old-style pubs that feel like they could crumble down at any minute. Is that because he loves the past, or is it because of the beers they serve? We’re soon to find out as he heads towards The Moon Under Water to create his dream pub.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/11/2132m 53s

Dan Snow - The Victory (Part 1)

Pubs and alcohol have played a huge part in history throughout the years. Julius Caesar regularly held meetings at his local pub ‘Draco Rubrum’, Marie Curie ran a microbrewery that specialised in DIPA’s before switching the her research in radioactivity and Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington ordered in 12 crates Stella ahead of the Battle of Waterloo. Now, we can’t confirm if any of those scenarios are true; but this week’s guest certainly can. It’s historian and broadcaster Dan Snow!Dan is one of this countries most beloved experts on all things ‘past’, and is himself a serious Pintsman. He’s a lover of old-style pubs that feel like they could crumble down at any minute. Is that because he loves the past, or is it because of the beers they serve? We’re soon to find out as he heads towards The Moon Under Water to create his dream pub.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
29/11/2148m 5s

Abigail Newton - The Gongoozler (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Abigail Newton’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*We’ve all been there: a beautiful pub reveals itself in the distance, resplendent in the gloaming hour. No alehouse has ever looked so inviting, so you decide to head in for the perfect pint of ale. But wait; what’s that they’re serving on draught?! 3 lagers and a fruity cider?! Where’s the real ale? Where’s the bitter?! For the love of God where’s the mild?! It’s a common problem, but thankfully this week’s guest is on a mission to keep our pubs serving a wider range of pints. It’s Abigail Newton - vice-chairman of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale).Abigail is possibly the most passionate pint defenders in the world. Like us, she is always fixated on the small details that make pubs such special places and is committed to promoting the importance of taverns as community hubs. She’s also on a mission to make alehouses as inclusive as possible, and is often found singing the praises of one of the finest exports this country has to offer: the humble pint. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/11/2129m 43s

Abigail Newton - The Gongoozler (Part 1)

We’ve all been there: a beautiful pub reveals itself in the distance, resplendent in the gloaming hour. No alehouse has ever looked so inviting, so you decide to head in for the perfect pint of ale. But wait; what’s that they’re serving on draught?! 3 lagers and a fruity cider?! Where’s the real ale? Where’s the bitter?! For the love of God where’s the mild?! It’s a common problem, but thankfully this week’s guest is on a mission to keep our pubs serving a wider range of pints. It’s Abigail Newton - vice-chairman of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale).Abigail is possibly the most passionate pint defenders in the world. Like us, she is always fixated on the small details that make pubs such special places and is committed to promoting the importance of taverns as community hubs. She’s also on a mission to make alehouses as inclusive as possible, and is often found singing the praises of one of the finest exports this country has to offer: the humble pint. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
22/11/2155m 50s

Robbie Knox - The Bin Day and Mountain (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Robbie Knox’s episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*The Moon Under Water is a place of magic and mystique where guests can create a pub beyond their wildest dreams. However, we never forget to see the beauty in the normal things that oft go unnoticed at the pub: the pump clips, the drip trays, the scented urinal cakes, the licensing notice above the bar. And this week’s guest is someone that knows all about finding the beauty in the mundane; it’s YouTuber Robbie Knox!Robbie is famous for creating videos that celebrate the normality in life, as well as hosting some amazing interviews. He’s also become synonymous with the phrase “bin day” - something he may very well explain to us. But the thing we’re most excited about at the Moon Under Water is that he brews his own beer! Yes, Robbie is the man behind Bid Day Brewing, which currently produces two wonderful beers. Will Robbie be brave enough to include them in his ideal alehouse, or will they simply be on special offer behind the bar? Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/11/2132m 24s

Robbie Knox - The Bin Day and Mountain (Part 1)

The Moon Under Water is a place of magic and mystique where guests can create a pub beyond their wildest dreams. However, we never forget to see the beauty in the normal things that oft go unnoticed at the pub: the pump clips, the drip trays, the scented urinal cakes, the licensing notice above the bar. And this week’s guest is someone that knows all about finding the beauty in the mundane; it’s YouTuber Robbie Knox!Robbie is famous for creating videos that celebrate the normality in life, as well as hosting some amazing interviews. He’s also become synonymous with the phrase “bin day” - something he may very well explain to us. But the thing we’re most excited about at the Moon Under Water is that he brews his own beer! Yes, Robbie is the man behind Bid Day Brewing, which currently produces two wonderful beers. Will Robbie be brave enough to include them in his ideal alehouse, or will they simply be on special offer behind the bar? Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
15/11/2150m 31s

Self Esteem - Big Becky's Big Bar (Part 2)

*This is part 2 of Self Esteem's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*Having live music at The Moon Under Water has always been a point of contention with our guests (CC: Tim key). Some people love it, some people aren’t so sure. However, everyone would be in agreement that a live singalong would be a MUST if this week’s guest was to walk into any alehouse; whether it’s in the further realm or not. In our final live episode we are so excited to welcome singer-songwriter and genuine music royalty Rebecca Lucy Taylor… aka Self Esteem! It’s safe to say that Self Esteem is going to be HUGE. Her latest album Prioritise Please is an absolute smash hit and has been met with 5 star reviews across the board. But the question is: will her ‘Pub of the Mind’ be met with equally good reviews? She’s a massive fan of pubs, so we’ve got some very high expectations. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/11/2140m 13s

Self Esteem - Big Becky's Big Bar (Part 1)

Having live music at The Moon Under Water has always been a point of contention with our guests (CC: Tim key). Some people love it, some people aren’t so sure. However, everyone would be in agreement that a live singalong would be a MUST if this week’s guest was to walk into any alehouse; whether it’s in the further realm or not. In our final live episode we are so excited to welcome singer-songwriter and genuine music royalty Rebecca Lucy Taylor… aka Self Esteem! It’s safe to say that Self Esteem is going to be HUGE. Her latest album Prioritise Please is an absolute smash hit and has been met with 5 star reviews across the board. But the question is: will her ‘Pub of the Mind’ be met with equally good reviews? She’s a massive fan of pubs, so we’ve got some very high expectations. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
08/11/2142m 10s

Tim Key - The Springfield Tavern (Part 2)

*This is the second part of Tim Key's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*There are many types of ‘key’ on this Earth. There are those that can be played to create beautiful melodies. There are those that grant us entry through locked doors or into someone’s heart. There are those that can be pressed to type out podcast descriptions. There are even keys that can be used to unlock evenings of joy and wonder - and joining us this week in one such key. Making their way through the the doors of The Moon Under Water’s LIVE doors is comedian, actor and poet; the one and only Tim Key!Tim is one of the great comic voices of his generation, having starred in the likes of Peep Show and Taskmaster as well as playing “Sidekick Simon” in This Time with Alan Partridge and Mid Morning Matters. But aside from his comedy exploits he’s also an expert pintsman, and has been the mastermind of many a legendary pub crawl. He may not end up creating the most balanced pub, but you can be sure that it’ll be one of the most entertaining!Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/11/2159m 3s

Tim Key - The Springfield Tavern (Part 1)

There are many types of ‘key’ on this Earth. There are those that can be played to create beautiful melodies. There are those that grant us entry through locked doors or into someone’s heart. There are those that can be pressed to type out podcast descriptions. There are even keys that can be used to unlock evenings of joy and wonder - and joining us this week in one such key. Making their way through the the doors of The Moon Under Water’s LIVE doors is comedian, actor and poet; the one and only Tim Key!Tim is one of the great comic voices of his generation, having starred in the likes of Peep Show and Taskmaster as well as playing “Sidekick Simon” in This Time with Alan Partridge and Mid Morning Matters. But aside from his comedy exploits he’s also an expert pintsman, and has been the mastermind of many a legendary pub crawl. He may not end up creating the most balanced pub, but you can be sure that it’ll be one of the most entertaining!Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
01/11/2155m 2s

Olly Smith - The Goonies (Part 2)

*This is the second part of Olly Smith's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*It’s Saturday morning. You wake up, bleary eyed and unsure as to whether you’re still in a dream or not. You slightly overdid it in the mystical realm last night, thinking you had a bit more magic left in you than you actually did. You seek solace in the living room, hangover cure of choice in hand. What you need right now is a comforting voice, someone who is going to tell you that everything is going to be okay. And as you turn to the television for salvation you realise that your prayers are answered, because looking back at you is this week’s guest at The Moon Under Water telling you two things: that everything is going to be okay, and that Sangiovese goes great with steak. It’s award winning wine expert, television presenter and musician Olly Smith!Olly is known to many as the wine expert from Saturday Kitchen, but he’s also known as one of the friendliest people on Earth. His positivity is contagious, and he somehow manages to lift everyone around him onto his level of happiness. He’s also a musician, and in 2020 released his debut single ‘Snow On The Borderline’… Has anyone brought a guitar?Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/10/2157m 4s

Olly Smith - The Goonies (Part 1)

It’s Saturday morning. You wake up, bleary eyed and unsure as to whether you’re still in a dream or not. You slightly overdid it in the mystical realm last night, thinking you had a bit more magic left in you than you actually did. You seek solace in the living room, hangover cure of choice in hand. What you need right now is a comforting voice, someone who is going to tell you that everything is going to be okay. And as you turn to the television for salvation you realise that your prayers are answered, because looking back at you is this week’s guest at The Moon Under Water telling you two things: that everything is going to be okay, and that Sangiovese goes great with steak. It’s award winning wine expert, television presenter and musician Olly Smith!Olly is known to many as the wine expert from Saturday Kitchen, but he’s also known as one of the friendliest people on Earth. His positivity is contagious, and he somehow manages to lift everyone around him onto his level of happiness. He’s also a musician, and in 2020 released his debut single ‘Snow On The Borderline’… Has anyone brought a guitar?Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
25/10/2152m 52s

Wil Hodgson - The Cogs and Hammer (Part 2)

*This is the second part of Wil Hodgson's episode. Though you are free to listen in whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*There are certain people on this planet who seem to have pubs built into their DNA. Every fibre of their being aligns with the mystic vibrations that make taverns the magical places they are. And this week we are honoured to welcome such an individual. He’s more than a man; in fact we’d go as far as to say he’s a drinking deity. It’s comedian, writer, and man of the people Will Hodgson! If you’ve not been lucky enough to come across Wil yet then prepare for the time of your life. As well as being on of the funniest people in the country he’s also one of the friendliest, and has a story for every occasion (which makes him the perfect pub guest). He’s also a proud son of Chippenham, the ‘Jewel of Wiltshire’, and we cannot wait to hear some of his stories of local pub legend. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/10/2156m 22s

Wil Hodgson - The Cogs and Hammer (Part 1)

There are certain people on this planet who seem to have pubs built into their DNA. Every fibre of their being aligns with the mystic vibrations that make taverns the magical places they are. And this week we are honoured to welcome such an individual. He’s more than a man; in fact we’d go as far as to say he’s a drinking deity. It’s comedian, writer, and man of the people Will Hodgson! If you’ve not been lucky enough to come across Wil yet then prepare for the time of your life. As well as being on of the funniest people in the country he’s also one of the friendliest, and has a story for every occasion (which makes him the perfect pub guest). He’s also a proud son of Chippenham, the ‘Jewel of Wiltshire’, and we cannot wait to hear some of his stories of local pub legend. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18/10/2156m 20s

Isy Suttie - The Suttie and Sup (Part 2)

*This is the second part of Isy Suttie's episode. Though you are free to listen whichever order you so desire we really do recommend listening to part 1 first or things might be slightly confusing*As we all know The Moon Under Water is the most famous pub in the further realm. It is the pub that exists in everyone’s mind, populated only by one’s pleasures and desires and inaccessible to anyone from within your mind’s eye. However, over the past few months The Moon Under Water has opened it’s doors in the Earthly realm, welcoming people from up and down the country to witness guests create their pubs LIVE in front of their eyes… and today is the day that the first of such meetings can be shared with you. Creating their dream pub from within a real pub in this week’s episode is none other than actor, comedian and writer Isy Suttie!Isy is one of the most beloved personalities from these shores, appearing in TV show’s such as Peep Show, Skins, Shameless and Man Down. She’s also an author, and recently released her latest book ‘Jane Is Trying’. It’s not about someone trying various different beers, but it is an incredible read. She also recently contributed to ‘Public House: A Cultural and Social History of the London Pub’, writing about the pub’s role in promoting and hosting stand-up comedy. Basically, she loves pubs and we can’t wait to hear about her ‘Pub of the Mind’.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/10/2156m 25s

Isy Suttie - The Suttie and Sup (Part 1)

As we all know The Moon Under Water is the most famous pub in the further realm. It is the pub that exists in everyone’s mind, populated only by one’s pleasures and desires and inaccessible to anyone from within your mind’s eye. However, over the past few months The Moon Under Water has opened it’s doors in the Earthly realm, welcoming people from up and down the country to witness guests create their pubs LIVE in front of their eyes… and today is the day that the first of such meetings can be shared with you. Creating their dream pub from within a real pub in this week’s episode is none other than actor, comedian and writer Isy Suttie!Isy is one of the most beloved personalities from these shores, appearing in TV show’s such as Peep Show, Skins, Shameless and Man Down. She’s also an author, and recently released her latest book ‘Jane Is Trying’. It’s not about someone trying various different beers, but it is an incredible read. She also recently contributed to ‘Public House: A Cultural and Social History of the London Pub’, writing about the pub’s role in promoting and hosting stand-up comedy. Basically, she loves pubs and we can’t wait to hear about her ‘Pub of the Mind’.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/10/2146m 45s

A Glimpse Behind The Cellar Door

As well as welcoming guests into the further realm each week to create their dream pub, once a month Landlord John and the ever-present Robin head behind the ‘Mirror of Sorrow’ and down into the cellar of The Moon Under Water for an Patreon exclusive episode of Behind The Cellar Door. Each month they discuss dream pub crawls, taste beers, reminisce about pubs gone by and everything in-between. Here’s a short highlight reel of some of the best bits from Behind The Cellar Door so far, including a live pub crawl, a Guinness tasting session and a discussion about the most famous pub crawl of all time: Oxford Day.If you’d like access to all the episodes so far (as well as many other benefits) then head to to sign up to our Patreon. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
07/10/2124m 46s

Andrew Cotter - The Dog and The Mountain

“The ever regular Robin Allender takes aim. If he is to sink this pint in one swift sip then surely he is to be crowned ‘Pintsman of the Century’ here at The Moon Under Water. The playing conditions could not be more perfect, with a mist of desire blanketing proceedings. He grasps the glass, lifts it up to his mouth… And yes, he finishes it in one go! The Crowds of Ascension go wild, and Robin is hoisted high into the air by time the arms of time itself”. Now, when you read that in your head, whose voice narrated it? Because we can be quite sure that many of you heard the voice of this week’s guest. It’s sport broadcaster, commentator and author Andrew Cotter.Andrew has been commentating on sport for over 20 years, and has one of the most recognisable voices around. He’s lent his dulcet tones to coverage of the Olympics, Six Nations, Wimbledon and The Ryder Cup amongst other sporting events. He’s also the man who brought Olive and Mabel - two lovable labradors - to the public’s attention during lockdown, and has gone on to write two books about their adventures. Very soon his ‘Pub of the Mind’ will take shape in front of your very ears, so settle down and follow us into the further realm.Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
04/10/211h 14m

David "Bumble" Lloyd - The Stanley (The Pub That Wouldn't Die)

It’s hard to play cricket in the further realm. Not only is it impossible to see the ball through the mist, it’s also extremely difficult to organise a cricket match between the Landlord, Robin and a guest (especially when John always insists on batting). However, watching cricket at The Moon Under Water is definitely possible, and this week’s guest is EXACTLY the kind of person you’d want to join you to watch a test match. It’s cricket commentator David Lloyd; or as he’s otherwise known… Bumble!Bumble is a serial Pintsman, and has been lucky enough to experience pubs in places as far and wide as Barbados and Burscough. And despite his nickname he certainly isn’t one to bumble his way through an anecdote, something that anyone who has listened to his cricket commentary will understand. We can’t wait to hear what his dream pub will sound like. Want to hear an extended version of this episode, gain access to our bonus podcast ‘Behind The Cellar Door’ and support the upkeep of the pub? If so, head to and sign up to our Patreon!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
27/09/211h 4m

Clint Boon - Ye Olde Cow's Head

When you think of Manchester what springs to mind? Hilda Ogden? The Arndale Centre? Be-parka'd men singing whilst holding tambourines? Yes, all of those are quite likely; but if you ask us, there’s only one thing that comes to mind when we think of that hallowed city. It’s a man, a myth, a human vibe… and he just so happens to be walking towards The Moon Under Water. It’s DJ, musician and radio presenter Clint Boon!Clint was a founding member of Inspiral Carpets, and has gone on to become one of Manchester’s most beloved adopted sons (he was actually born in Oldham). His DJ sets have become legendary, and he is followed by the self-proclaimed Boon Army wherever he goes. But one thing that you may not know is that he is a pub expert, and has probably experienced every kind of alehouse the world has to offer. We can already tell that when walking into his dream pub nobody will know how it feels to be lonely.There are still tickets on sale for The Moon Under Water Live. There is ONE more date, on 26th September, when we'll be inviting a special guest to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
20/09/211h 7m

Huw Stephens - The Fountain of All Knowledge

‘Hiraeth’ is a word that’s quite difficult to translate from Welsh into English. Essentially it’s a deep longing for something, especially one's home; but it’s so much more than that. For Landlord John, who resides in The Moon Under Water, it’s something he feels any time he leaves his ‘Pub of the Mind’ to return to the Earthly realm. Thankfully his feelings of hiraeth are about to be expunged as the doors of The Moon Under Water are being flung open once more to welcome this week’s guest. It’s radio presenter Huw Stephens!Huw grew up in Cardiff which, as well as being one of the all time great pub cities, is somewhere that Landlord John and the regular Robin frequented for a session in their earlier years. He’s also one of the big players on the UK music scene - if there’s a venue that Huw hasn’t been to then it’s not worth knowing about. But what would his dream pub look like? Will it have live music? Will it have a carpet? We just don’t know… yet!There are still tickets on sale for The Moon Under Water Live. There are two more dates in September, when we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13/09/211h 8m

James Dowdeswell - All Bar One Metre

The Moon Under Water has been lucky enough to welcome in many guests that romanticise pubs just as much as Landlord John and the ever-present Robin, and this week is no exception. As he walks towards the ‘Pub of the Mind’, engulfed by the mists of desire, it becomes obvious that the next person joining us is comedian, author and actor James Dowdeswell. James knows his stuff when it comes to the humble alehouse. He’s the author of 'The Pub Manifesto: A Comedian Stands Up For Pubs’, and has performed numerous live shows based around taverns. And the best thing of all: James is the first guest we’ve had that GREW UP in a pub, and has experienced everything that comes along with living above an alehouse. There are still tickets on sale for The Moon Under Water Live! There are two more dates in September, when we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
06/09/211h 12m

Shit London Guinness - The Thirsty Feen

Logos in the foam. Bubbles in the head. Being served in a Carling glass. There’s plenty of things that can turn a beautiful pint of Guinness into an abomination, and nobody is more familiar with these ‘crimes against stout’ than The Moon Under Water’s next guest. It’s Ian Ryan, or as he’s better known Shit London Guinness! Ian has been documenting the worst pints of Guinness in London over the past few years and has been instrumental in helping Guinness enthusiasts avoid terrible pinting experiences. ‘The Black Stuff’ is far and away the most popular choice so far at The Moon Under Water, and we can’t wait to hear what a genuine expert on the stuff has to say about the mystical drink so many of us love and desire. No doubt Landlord John will see this as a great opportunity to push his anti-Guinness Extra Cold agenda too.Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Throughout August and September we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
30/08/211h 9m

Jane Garvey - The Harpie's Rest

Whilst drinks and decor are vital to creating a great pub, one thing that every pub needs is good conversation. Yes, we’ve all longed to have a silent drink on our own from time to time; but the best pub experiences are those where conversation flows from person to person. And this week’s guest is one of the great conversationalists of our time, and someone that will definitely have an alehouse story or two up her sleeve. It’s broadcasting legend Jane Garvey!Jane has the distinction of being the first ever voice to be heard on BBC Radio 5 Live (a station somewhat familiar to Landlord John), and brings with her to The Moon Under Water a voice that has been heard by millions over the years. But what sort of pub will Jane create? Will there be a carpeted or wooden floor? Will dogs be allowed inside? And how will she fare with this week’s pub quiz? 

Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Throughout August and September we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
23/08/211h 3m

Stuart Braithwaite - The Long Way From Home

It’s 1997. A young John Robins is studying for a GCSE in ‘Landlording’. His life is dominated by Queen, and provides the soundtrack to his school years. However, his life is about to be turned upside down with the release of Mogwai’s debut album Young Team. Post-rock is about to become John’s music of choice, and Mogwai will forever have a special place in his heart.Flash forward to 2021. Landlord John, wearing the Mogwai T-shirt he’s had for over 20 years, is cleaning the bar at The Moon Under Water when he notices someone walking towards the pub. Through the mist comes a familiar face. It appears the stars have aligned, as the man walking towards him is none other than Mogwai guitarist, vocalist and founding member Stuart Braithwaite!Stuart has toured the world during his time in Mogwai, and grew up in one of the UK’s greatest pub cities: Glasgow. He will certainly have some amazing pub stories to tell and we welcome him into The Moon Under Water with open arms, but let's just hope John is able to still pour pints despite his excitement. Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Throughout August and September we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits!  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16/08/211h 21m

Tony Blackburn - The Quiet But Fun

“It’s 6.15am, you are listening to The Moon Under Water FM, the mist is starting to fade here in the mystical realm, and right now here’s ELO”. No, you haven’t accidentally tuned into a radio station broadcasting from within your deepest pub desires; this is just to demonstrate that such a phrase would not exist if it wasn’t for this week’s guest. Look through the mist and you might be able to make out someone very special. It can’t be. Surely not?! Is that broadcasting legend Tony Blackburn?! Yes it is!Many of you will be aware that Tony has played a huge part in the life of Landlord John, and none of us could quite believe it when we saw Tony walking up to our establishment. And if you have ever read his book ‘Poptastic’, you’ll know as well as we do that he has some amazing stories to tell. Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Throughout August and September we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
09/08/211h 20m

Lisa Holdsworth - The Three Brontës

The Queen Vic. The Rovers Return. The Woolpack. Y Deri. Some of the finest TV pubs around have come to existence thanks to soap operas, and this week we’re delighted to welcome a guest who knows all about what makes a great fictional pub. It’s BAFTA nominated TV and theatre writer Lisa Holdsworth.Lisa has written for countless TV shows - Emmerdale, Midsomer Murders and Call The Midwife to name a few - and has experienced first-hand the inner workings of a fictional pub. Hopefully she’ll be able to answer the age old question that we’ve often asked ourselves: is the beer in television real?Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Throughout August and September we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
02/08/211h 16m

Sooz Kempner - The Queen of Mercury

Landlord John has always been open about the two passions that occupy his mind and body: pub and Queen. So imagine the delight on his face when he saw this week’s guest walking towards The Moon Under Water. It’s comedian, singer, actress and fellow Queen obsessive Sooz Kempner. Sooz is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music, so is it safe to assume that her dream pub will be best suited to those that love a sing song? Will there be a no-entry policy for people that don’t like Queen? Will she recite her answers to Robin's pub quiz in song? All will be revealed as she enters the further pub realm.Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Throughout August and September we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
26/07/211h 20m

Lily Waite - The Battle Axe and Glamour

At The Moon Under Water we always give thanks to those who have dedicated their lives to brewing beer: Arthur Guinness, Francesco Peroni and Bud Weiser to name a few. And this week we’re delighted to welcome our first ever brewer into the mystical realm… Lily Waite! Lily is the founder of Queer Brewing, a brewery that raises money for LGBTQ+ charities, and is also the current UK Beer Writer of the Year. That means she’s able to bring pints to life not just metaphorically; she can literally bring beer to life in real cans that you can hold and imbibe and enjoy. Though it usually goes against the rules of our establishment she’s actually brought some beer with her for John and Robin to enjoy - what a delight!Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Throughout August and September we'll be inviting special guests to create their dream pub LIVE from a real pub (The George IV in Chiswick). Head over to for more info and to grab your tickets. The mystical realm awaits! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
19/07/211h 23m

Taylor Glenn - The Taylor Made

Picture the scene: you head into The Moon Under Water and it has been ransacked by burglars. Your favourite ale is nowhere to be seen, your trusty pint glass lays smashed on the floor, all the CDs from the jukebox have been stolen (except for one copy of Paris Hilton’s self-titled debut album). Who do you call to track down the culprit? That’s right: host of Drunk Women Solving Crime and this week’s guest Taylor Glenn.Taylor grew up stateside but has lived in the UK for over 15 years, so she has experienced pubbing on both sides of the Atlantic. Hopefully she can give us an insight into how our drinking habits compare to our cousins across the water, as well as telling us about her pub memories, dreams and desires.Tickets for The Moon Under Water Live are on sale now! Head to to grab yours now. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/07/211h 10m

Angela Barnes - The Wooden Barne

If you look closely through the mist that hangs outside The Moon Under Water you’ll just about be able to make out our next guest. And as they approach the ‘Pub of the Mind’ it becomes clear that we’re in for a real treat; because it’s award winning comedian Angela Barnes!Angela shares a passion for pubs with Landlord John and the ever regular Robin, and is most certainly an ale apologist. She’s also a descendent of Newfoundlanders, and is privy to a very special drinking ceremony that takes place on the 16th-largest island on Earth. Fingers crossed she’ll tell us about it! Want to contact the Landlord? Email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
05/07/211h 14m

Adrian Chiles - The Stupid Albion

The word ‘legend’ is oft used these days, but the next guest to head through the doors of The Moon Under Water can certainly lay claim to being a broadcast / pubbing legend: it’s radio and television presenter Adrian Chiles.As an expert in #chat it’s safe to say that pub conversation is very close to Adrian’s heart, and we can guarantee that the conversation at his dream pub will meander through topics a plenty. For the full experience, we recommend listening to this episode next to a warm open fire (although at time of release it’s very warm outside, so the fire is definitely optional). Want to contact the Landlord? Email Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
28/06/211h 15m

Jenny Ryan - The Badger's Arse

Here at The Moon Under Water we are always on the chase. We’re chasing that perfect pint, that pub in our dreams that only seems to exist in the further realm, that one extra drink that everyone knows they shouldn’t have on a school night. And this week’s guest is all too familiar with chases (but not so much chases focusing on pub desire), as it’s Chaser Jenny Ryan. Though she Is probably most well known for her quizzing abilities The Vixen is also extremely well versed when it comes to pub knowledge. She loves a local, and if you saw her performances on The X Factor: Celebrity you’ll know she loves a singalong too. Let’s just hope Robin has set some sufficiently difficult questions in this week’s pub quiz!Want to contact the Landlord? Email  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
21/06/211h 17m
IrisThe Goo Goo Dolls