Alien Kidnap Club

Alien Kidnap Club

By Global

Radio X’s Johnny Vaughan sits down with alleged alien abductees and asks the pressing question “ARE ALIENS REAL?” In a series of six exclusive interviews, Johnny is joined by abductees who claim alien contact has changed their lives forever, that they have been to the distant reaches of space and seen beings and places that we simply cannot imagine.Some of them believe they are aliens, that they are infinite and that they cannot die. Some say they have opened portals through space, can travel between alternate realities and have visited the centre of the sun. Could they help to explain what Johnny himself has experienced? All episodes will be available to listen to on Global Player from Wednesday 15th February and all available podcast platforms every Wednesday. Special thanks to James Abadi and Dr.Pluto


6. Hilary Porter "They took a sharp instrument and started digging in my leg"

Hilary Porter says she has been abducted hundreds of times and is frankly completely exhausted and by it. Years ago she stumbled on an alien lab in a hospital, where she claims she saw things that prove aliens are here and all around us.Hilary is the co-founder of the BEAMS society has written a book about her experiences available here: you want to share something you've experienced, you can post on your socials with #alienkidnapclub or find Johnny @johnny_vaughan66 on insta.All eps, videos and bonus episodes of Alien Kidnap Club are available right now on Global Player.Go to or download the Global Player app from your app store and search for Alien Kidnap Club.
22/03/2342m 27s

5. Mike Oram "My real parents are out there, in space."

Mike Oram is a pensioner who says he’s had contact with aliens his whole life – he even gets visits from his space brother to guide him.He explains a portal opened up infront of him, ready to zoom him back to his home planet, but he decided to stay and continue his work on Earth.Mike is a pensioner living in the North of England. He continues his work as a photographer and musician. You can find his music on the Eklectia album here: has written about his experiences in his book "Does It Rain In Other Dimensions", available here: you want to share something you've experienced, you can post on your socials with #alienkidnapclub or find Johnny @johnny_vaughan66 on insta.All eps, videos and bonus episodes of Alien Kidnap Club are available right now on Global Player.Go to or download the Global Player app from your app store and search for Alien Kidnap Club.
15/03/2344m 2s

4. Kate Thorvaldsen "It looked like a horror movie...the needles stuck in my ears"

Kate Thorvaldsen explains she was not only abducted by aliens, but claims she has been given hyper-sensitive smell, sight and hearing.And also she has an skull that is a different shape to everyone elses, she calls it her starchild skull...Kate has written about her experinces in her book, A Hybrid's Story which you can find here: you want to share something you've experienced, you can post on your socials with #alienkidnapclub or find Johnny @johnny_vaughan66 on insta.All eps, videos and bonus episodes of Alien Kidnap Club are available right now on Global Player.Go to or download the Global Player app from your app store and search for Alien Kidnap Club.
08/03/2346m 47s

3. Hailee Young "It felt like my heart was going to explode...instant panic"

Hailee Young says she was abducted by aliens and claims she can travel through parallel realities and even affect her own reality.And she channels my alien spirit guides through her to unblock the parts of my mind that are holding me back in life - watch out for that bonus episode on Global Player!Dr. Hailee Young PhD, IMD designed the Quantum Care Community and started the website Heal Through Love. She deeply believes that we are all connected and miracles are possible through the quantum field. More information on her website If you want to share something you've experienced, you can post on your socials with #alienkidnapclub or find Johnny @johnny_vaughan66 on insta.All eps, videos and bonus episodes of Alien Kidnap Club are available right now on Global Player.Go to or download the Global Player app from your app store and search for Alien Kidnap Club.
01/03/2337m 1s

2. Devara Thunderbeat "The centre of the sun isn't hot...millions of beings live in the centre of the sun"

Devera Thunderbeat claims that aliens are far more connected to life on Earth than we realise and that she’s been to the centre of the sun. And she explains she recieves messages directly from Arch Angel Gabriel telling her what to do.Devara is a shamaness, a World Bridger who melds tonal and tribal elements into healing soundscapes that sooth and awaken the soul.You can find her music on the Eklectia album: here: you want to share something you've experienced, you can post on your socials with #alienkidnapclub or find Johnny @johnny_vaughan66 on insta.All eps, videos and bonus episodes of Alien Kidnap Club are available right now on Global Player.Go to or download the Global Player app from your app store and search for Alien Kidnap Club.
22/02/2336m 35s

1. Dan Bowskill "I was never born and I cannot die"

Dan Bowskill says he has met his future self, chose his own mother and his reality on Earth. He’s seen new colours and tells us that he is infinite, was never born and cannot die.If you want to share something you've experienced, you can post on your socials with #alienkidnapclub or find Johnny @johnny_vaughan66 on insta.Dan is a musician from London, you can find his music on the Eklectia album eps, videos and bonus episodes of Alien Kidnap Club are available right now on Global Player.Go to or download the Global Player app from your app store and search for Alien Kidnap Club.
15/02/2339m 21s

Alien Kidnap Club Trailer

Radio X’s Johnny Vaughan sits down with 6 alleged alien abductees and asks the pressing question “ARE ALIENS REAL?”In a series of six exclusive interviews, Johnny is joined by abductees who claim alien contact has changed their lives forever, that they have been to the distant reaches of space and seen beings and places that we simply cannot imagine.Some of them believe they are aliens, that they are infinite and that they cannot die. Some say they have opened portals through space, can travel between alternate realities and have visited the centre of the sun.Could they help to explain what Johnny himself has experienced?All episodes will be available to listen to on Global Player from Wednesday 15th February and all available podcast platforms every Wednesday.
06/02/233m 41s
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