Transportista: Who Murdered Captain Coral?

Transportista: Who Murdered Captain Coral?

By My Cultura and iHeartPodcasts

Beto Coral is the son of the war on drugs in Colombia. Beto shares the story of the much-anticipated peace that would follow Pablo Escobar’s death all those years ago...the story of how peace never truly arrived for his family, given that his father, el Capitán Humberto Coral (member of the Search Block that killed Escobar), was murdered a few months after the final operation against the drug trafficker in Medellin. Transportista: Who Killed Captain Coral? is hosted by Exile producer Alvaro Cespedes and is available in both English and Spanish.



Ep. 10 - The State Turned It's Back on Me

How is Beto Coral today? He recently published his first book and is living in the United States. Beto Coral published his first book while living in the US, where he has been hoping to be granted asylum since 2014. He works as the host of a YouTube channel, where he has hundreds of thousands of followers… and detractors –including a former president of Colombia.See for privacy information.
31/05/2328m 8s

Ep. 10 - El Estado Me Dio La Espalda

¿Cómo está Beto Coral hoy en día? Recientemente publicó su primer libro y vive en Estados Unidos. Beto Coral publicó su primer libro desde Estados Unidos, donde vive esperando ser aceptado como asilado desde el 2014. Trabaja como conductor de un canal de Youtube, donde tiene cientos de miles de seguidores… y detractores, entre ellos un ex presidente de Colombia. See for privacy information.
31/05/2327m 32s

Ep. 9 - A Link Between Suffering and Hope

In the summer of 2022, Colombia's Truth Commission published its final report. What has happened in Colombia since 1994, when Captain Coral was killed, until today? How has it changed? In the summer of 2022, the Truth Commission published its final report... How does an effort like this contribute to peace in Colombia?See for privacy information.
24/05/2333m 10s

Ep. 9 - Un Eslabón Entre El Sufrimiento y La Esperanza

En el verano de 2022, la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia publicó su informe final… ¿Cómo contribuyen estos esfuerzos a la paz en este país?   ¿Que ha pasado en Colombia desde 1994, año en el que matan al Capitán Coral, y hoy? ¿Cómo ha cambiado? En el verano de 2022, la Comisión de la Verdad publicó su informe final… ¿Cómo contribuyen este y otros esfuerzos a la paz en Colombia?  See for privacy information.
24/05/2329m 16s

Ep. 8 - I Detest War

Beto reflects on justice in Colombia, the memory of his father, what it means for Colombia's historical memory, and the war on drugs. From exile in the United States, Beto reflects on the role of "martyrs" like his father who have contributed to peace in his country. What do these efforts mean to him within the context of the war on drugs and the armed conflict in Colombia?See for privacy information.
17/05/2330m 20s

Ep. 8 - Detesto La Guerra

Beto reflexiona sobre la justicia en Colombia, la memoria de su padre, lo que significa para la memoria histórica de Colombia y la guerra contra las drogas. Desde el exilio en Estados Unidos, Beto reflexiona sobre el rol de “mártires” como su padre que han contribuido a la paz en su país. ¿Qué significan para él estos esfuerzos dentro del contexto de la guerra contra las drogas y el conflicto armado en Colombia? See for privacy information.
17/05/2329m 53s

Ep. 7 - Thorn In the Side

A man who Beto believes was involved in his father’s murder is a high ranking politician in Colombia, imprisoned on other charges.  Hugo Aguilar was imprisoned for many years on corruption charges committed while he held high political positions in Colombia. Who is this man? What is he accused of? And why is this important for Beto?See for privacy information.
10/05/2333m 28s

Ep. 7 - La Piedra En El Zapato

Un hombre que Beto cree que estuvo involucrado en el asesinato de su padre es un político de alto rango en Colombia, encarcelado por otros cargos. Hugo Aguilar estuvo preso durante muchos años por cuestiones de corrupción luego de ostentar altos puestos políticos en Colombia. ¿Quién es este personaje? ¿De qué se le acusa? y sobre todo ¿Por qué le interesa tanto a Beto? See for privacy information.
10/05/2332m 28s

Ep. 6 - The Black Box

Who could have been behind the murder of Captain Coral?  Luz Mary Arboleda Mazo is alive and in the same country as Beto. How did he find her? But, above all, who else could have been behind the murder of Captain Coral?See for privacy information.
03/05/2332m 33s

Ep. 6 - La Caja Negra

¿Quien pudo haber estado detrás del asesinato del Capitán Coral?  Luz Mary Arboleda Mazo está viva y en el mismo país que Beto, ¿Cómo hizo para encontrarla? Pero, sobre todo, ¿Quien más pudo haber estado detrás del asesinato del Capitán Coral?  See for privacy information.
03/05/2331m 35s

Ep. 5 - The Fourth Shot

The investigation on the murder of Captain Coral takes an unexpected turn after Beto learns new details in a judicial file. Beto spent more than 25 years trying to get the judicial file of the case of Captain Coral, which the Prosecutor's Office refused to deliver. After obtaining it, he finds a revelation that changed the course of his investigation, and of his life.See for privacy information.
26/04/2325m 20s

Ep. 5 - El Cuarto Tiro

La investigación sobre el asesinato del Capitán Coral toma un giro inesperado después de que Beto conoce nuevos detalles en un expediente judicial. Beto pasó más de 25 años intentando conseguir el expediente judicial del caso del Capitán Coral, el cual la Fiscalía se negaba a entregar. Al obtenerlo, encuentra una revelación que cambió el rumbo de su investigación, y de su vida. See for privacy information.
26/04/2325m 19s

Ep. 4 - I Will Never Get Tired

Beto and his sister grew up amidst poverty and grief. His childhood was not an easy one, but he promised his mother he would never give up. After the killing of Captain Coral, Beto and his family were left in poverty. He grew up and overcame countless strains, keeping a promise that he made to his mother as a kid: he will never give up. See for privacy information.
19/04/2333m 32s

Ep. 4 - Nunca Me Voy a Cansar

Beto y su hermana crecieron en medio de la pobreza y el duelo, pero él le prometió a su madre que nunca se rendiría. Después del asesinato del Capitán Coral, Beto y su familia quedaron en la pobreza. Beto creció y superó innumerables tensiones, manteniendo la promesa que le hizo a su madre cuando era niño: nunca se rendirá.See for privacy information.
19/04/2333m 5s

Ep. 3 - The Police Rambo

 We unravel more about the life of Humberto Coral Caballero, the man behind the hero.  Humberto Coral Caballero was a beloved man by his family and his community. He rapidly elevated the ranks of the National Police of Colombia. However, he was not flawless. See for privacy information.
12/04/2323m 40s

Ep. 3 - El Rambo de la Policía

Beto aprende sobre una misteriosa policía que salió con su padre la noche que lo asesinaron. A medida que Beto crece, aprende detalles sobre una mujer policía que salió con su padre la noche en que fue asesinado. ¿Quién era ella? Y lo que es más importante... ¿dónde está ella ahora?  See for privacy information.
12/04/2321m 34s

Ep. 2 - The Mysterious Woman

Beto learns details about a mysterious policewoman that was with his dad the night he was killed.    As Beto grows up, he learns details about a policewoman that went out with his father during the night he was murdered. Who was she? And more importantly… where is she now? See for privacy information.
05/04/2324m 37s

Ep. 2 - La Mujer Misteriosa

Beto aprende sobre una misteriosa policía que salió con su padre la noche que lo asesinaron.    A medida que Beto crece, aprende detalles sobre una mujer policía que salió con su padre la noche en que fue asesinado. ¿Quién era ella? Y lo que es más importante... ¿dónde está ella ahora?See for privacy information.
05/04/2324m 0s

Ep. 1 - The Two Deaths

Four months after helping kill drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, Captain Humberto Coral is dead, and his son, Beto Coral, finds himself questioning the results of the official investigation into his father’s death. Captain Humberto Coral was a key member in the Search Bloc that hunted down and killed notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar. Only a few months after the killing of Escobar, Captain Coral was mysteriously killed in the streets of Medellín. His son, Beto, grows up asking himself who was responsible for his father’s death? See for privacy information.
29/03/2328m 7s

Ep. 1 - Las Dos Muertes

Beto Coral se pregunta quién, cómo y por qué mataron a su padre, solo 4 meses después de que ayudó a matar al narcotraficante Pablo Escobar. El Capitán Humberto Coral fue un miembro clave en el Bloque de Búsqueda que persiguió y mató al temido narcotraficante Pablo Escobar. Solo unos meses después de la muerte de Escobar, el Capitán Coral es asesinado misteriosamente en las calles de Medellín. Su hijo, Beto, crece preguntándose quién fue el responsable de su muerte.See for privacy information.
29/03/2326m 12s

Introducing: Transportista: Who Murdered Captain Coral? (Spanish)

Beto Coral, hijo del conflicto armado en Colombia, cuenta cómo el esperado período de paz tras la muerte de Pablo Escobar, nunca se produjo en su familia, ni en su país. El padre y héroe de Beto, el Capitán Humberto Coral, fue asesinado solo unos meses después del último operativo contra el capo en un extraño caso en Medellín, desde donde el capitán había solicitado un traslado. Después de crecer entre tragedias, duelos y ausencias, Beto se sumerge en una obsesiva investigación para descubrir quién mató al Capitán Coral y las razones detrás de su asesinato. Transportista: Who Killed Captain Coral? esta disponible en Español y Ingles.       See for privacy information.
22/03/232m 0s

Introducing: Transportista: Who Murdered Captain Coral? (English)

Beto Coral, a son of the armed conflict in Colombia, tells how the peace period in his home and country following Pablo Escobar’s death never occurred. Beto’s father and hero, Captain Humberto Coral, was assassinated a few months after the final operation against the capo in a strange assault in Medellin, from where the captain had requested transfer. After growing up between tragedies, scoldings, duels and absences, Beto dives into an obsessive investigation to discover who killed Captain Coral and the reasons behind his murder. In the search, he discovers the hidden truths about his father’s heroics and the criminal, police, and political networks mixed in the Search Bloc in charge of killing Escobar. Hosted by Exile producer Alvaro Cespedes. Transportista: Who Killed Captain Coral? is available in English and Spanish See for privacy information.
22/03/232m 9s

Introducing: Shoot the Messenger

If you’re looking for another newsworthy deep-dive, check out EXILE Content Studio’s latest show, Shoot the Messenger: Espionage, Murder, & Pegasus Spyware (subscribe here). In this series we’ll do a deep dive on the news stories that warrant a reexamination, and in season 1, we’ll focus on the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the sophisticated spyware known as Pegasus, found on the phones of many of his inner circle. We all use our phones daily, as almost an extension of ourselves - but what happens when our phones are no longer safe?   In 2018, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Turkey and was never seen again. Weeks later, the Turkish intelligence released secret tapes of Khashoggi’s last moments before being brutally murdered, causing an international uproar. It has been four years since Khashoggi’s murder, and what we now know is that the first weapon used against Khashoggi was digital and it’s called Pegasus - a kind of software that can be used to hijack your phone; a military-grade, spyware software. A new biweekly serialized podcast, every season Exile Content Studio investigates one international new story. You may have heard the headlines — this is the deep dive. The first season examines the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and his inner circle that has had the world’s most sophisticated military-grade spyware confirmed on their phones. It’s called Pegasus. How did this spyware come to be, how does it work, and how vulnerable are you?   Shoot the Messenger is hosted by Rose Reid and Nando Vila and is a production of Exile Content Studio.See for privacy information.
22/02/2345m 28s

In a Sense

In the international drug trafficking industry, everyone combines truth and lies. John searches for the reason why Transportista contacted reporters to tell his story and concludes that this pilot actually wants to sell “his truth”.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
15/09/2118m 56s

Cocaine One, Revisited

Transportista tells his truth about the failed "vuelta" of the DC-9, but the official Venezuelan and U.S. reports John found differ from the pilot's version. Who is lying? John looks again for the reporter who has further investigated the origins of this plane.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
08/09/2116m 27s

New Identity

To complete new missions in South America, Transportista creates a new identity under which he smuggles Chinese immigrants and cocaine from Venezuela to Mexico until a powerful capo convinces him to make a "vuelta" and use the new DC-9 he acquired to move the merchandise.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
01/09/2115m 49s

El Pozo

Tras negociar su colaboración en un importante juicio, Transportista se entera que el hijo del “Mayo” firma su acuerdo con el gobierno de Estados Unidos, colocándolo como testigo secundario. Desde su celda, reflexiona sobre las consecuencias por haberse dedicado por décadas al negocio prohibido. A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
01/09/2124m 25s

The Deal

Transportista escapes from the kidnapping of a violent kingpin. He stays away from clandestine activities for a while, until the change of government in Mexico forces him to accept a dangerous job offer.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
25/08/2114m 14s

Operación Siete Trompetas

Una mañana de 2011, un grupo de policías locales y agentes de la DEA, sorprende a Transportista en su departamento. A pesar de su negociación, es enviado a Miami, Florida, donde buscará un arreglo.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
25/08/2121m 37s

Caught and Captured

Police finds the DC-6 already without the merchandise. Transportista and his associates are caught and captured. The police tortures them until a phone call and a clarification seem to be the key for them to avoid prison.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
18/08/2116m 21s

La Última Cena

Tras la vuelta fallida del DC-9, Transportista es secuestrado. Al recuperar su libertad, comienza una serie de huidas hasta establecerse en República Dominicana, donde vive con relativa calma por la protección obtenida mediante sobornos. Pronto vivirá una costosa traición.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
18/08/2117m 16s

Los Años Maravillosos

Para cumplir los encargos de sus amigos sinaloenses en Venezuela, Transportista crea una identidad falsa. En ese país, un socio lo convence para mover toneladas de cocaína en un DC-9, recién adquirido. Pero la “vuelta” no sale conforme a lo planeado. A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
11/08/2117m 50s

Everything Was Going Well

Transportista manages to return from Colombia and deliver the “Señor de los Cielos” merchandise. The pilot gains his trust and the kingpin introduces him to his associates. One of them asks him for a favor: to arrange a "vuelta" but the mission did not turn out as expected.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
11/08/2115m 52s

Los Amigos Sinaloenses

Tras escapar de un secuestro, Transportista se muda a Inglaterra con su nueva esposa. En México, un gobierno de alternancia establece un nuevo pacto con el narco, provocando que un poderoso capo sinaloense incorpore a este piloto en sus nuevos planes.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
04/08/2117m 4s


John Gibler talks to Meño Larios about how Transportista contacted Detective. During conversations with Meño, the pilot recounts how he began his career in aviation... until he accepted an offer from a regional kingpin.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
04/08/2117m 15s

La Turbulencia

La policía federal detiene a Transportista. En prisión utiliza sus contactos y dinero para vivir como “rockstar," afuera los capos buscan su libertad para que retome los vuelos clandestinos.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
28/07/2119m 22s

Next to the Presidential Hangar

To learn more about Transportista, John Gibler calls a Venezuelan colleague, who revealed the plot of complicity between the Chávez government and the Narco cartels, and the way the Mexican pilot moved around the country’s biggest airport.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
28/07/2119m 53s

Ligas Mayores

Luego de resolver las turbulencias de la “vuelta” a Colombia, el Señor de los Cielos le pide a Transportista mover un cargamento en una complicada misión que pone en riesgo su libertad.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
21/07/2115m 50s

Unfortunately, Raúl

Once one of those responsible for the cocaine seized in Campeche is known, John Gibler contacts a Colombian journalist, who even met TRANSPORTISTA in person and considered him an encyclopedia of the narco world.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
21/07/2124m 10s

El Despegue

Transportista narra cómo fue reclutado para pilotear clandestinamente aviones con cocaína para después ser contratado por Amado Carrillo, el Señor de los Cielos, quien le encarga una “vuelta” de Colombia a México.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
14/07/2118m 5s

Cocaine One

In 2006, the Mexican Army seizes 5 tons of cocaine on a plane that landed at the airport in Campeche, Mexico. In response to the news, journalists begin to search for the name of its owner.A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
14/07/2123m 12s

Introducing: Transportista (Spanish)

Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
01/07/213m 0s

Introducing: Transportista (English)

A production of EXILE Content Studio. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
01/07/212m 47s
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