Storynory - Audio Stories For Kids
Beautifully read and written audio stories for kids. The original stories podcast, founded in 2005.
Birdy on the Ski Slopes
Jake is going is going on a skiiing holiday. Mum is like a "swan on skiis" and Dad is like a Giraffe on stilts. What could possbily go wrong? And will Jake's best friend Birdy, the black crow, find is way out to the skii resort to help? Check out the Kaboom! Podcast too.
06/03/25•14m 17s
Two Animal Fables from India
Two fun fables from India's Panchatantra - The Lion the Cave and the Jackal . The Bedbug and the Flea. And we introduce you to a great adventure podcast, Kaboom!
10/02/25•10m 19s
Tam o’ Shanter or How Maggie Lost her Tail
Burns Night is a celebration held on the 25th of January in honour of Scotland's famous poet, Robert Burns. We celebrate this Scottish evening with the story of Tam O'Shanter (originally told in a poem by Burns) who stays out late and meets a gang of witches on his way home.
23/01/25•9m 23s
Jimmy Mouse and the Chinese New Year
Jimmy and Judith are sent on a mission to visit the Chinese Restaurant and bring back a feast to celebrate Chinese New Year.
07/01/25•18m 13s
The Firebird
The classic Russian fairy story of a Prince who goes in search of the mystical and wonderful firebird or yar-bird.
18/12/24•19m 17s
The Tiny Birds and the Mighty Sea
A wise story from India about two tiny birds who take on the full force of the mighty sea.
03/12/24•15m 6s
Jake's Spell of Bad Luck
Jake's best friend Birdy is away on an important mission. Meanwhile Jake's little sister has some friends over and they are playing with some pretend spells. They try to put a bad luck spell on Jake. He's not sure if the magic is real or not, but all too soon he starts to suffer from a spell of bad luck.
12/11/24•20m 33s
Halloween at the Cafe
The mice who live in the café by the sea overhear that ghost pirates are coming to the café. Should they run away? Our Reluctant hero Jimmy mouse is sent to investigate.
29/10/24•14m 34s
Jimmy Mouse and the Magic Card
Jimmy Mouse finds a payment card and the mice decide to pay for cheese in future - just like the humans do - and they are surprised when the humans are angry with them.
20/10/24•11m 54s
Birdy's Two and Half Wishes
Jake wants three wishes - just like in a fairy tale. But although Birdy is no-ordinary bird, he is reluctant to grant Jake his wishes. You seek, real life isn't always so easy...
23/09/24•13m 53s
Birdy and the Chocolate Tree
Can we really live without chocolate? This is the question that Jake has when his mother bans sweets and chocolate. If only you could grow it in the garden... well with a little birdy magic, perahaps anything is possible.
02/09/24•14m 19s
Lizard Wisdom in 3 Fables
Three Mythical Stories about Lizards filled with ancient wisdom. Lizards. Mysterious, quick, and capable of extraordinary feats, like regenerating their tails. But what if I told you that these humble creatures also carry ancient wisdom? folklore, lizards are celebrated as symbols of transformation, wisdom, and resilience. The Gecko’s Complaint: A Lesson of light from Malaysia The Lizard and the Sun: A Mexican Fable of Perseverance The Chameleon’s Victory: A Madagascan Tale of Patience Check our our Lizard Wisdom video on YouTube - Storynory Channel.
19/08/24•10m 34s
Envy Part 2
The second part of our story, Envy, set on the island of Crete. In the first part best friends Emily and Heidi set out on a school trip to Crete. Heidi is studying ancient Greek at School and her friend Emily - well she’s just along for the trip. But somehow it is Emily, not Heidi, who gets all the praise from their teacher for knowing all about Greek mythology and even some modern Greek words. And Heidi, well, she’s feeling just a little bit envious. When we left them, they were about to take part in an archeological dig on the site where some rich people want to build a villa. Dedicated to Zoe and Cyrus ... listen to the end to hear about the stories they sent us. And to support us, see the sidebar on the front page of Also leave nice comments in all good podcast apps! And you can now subscribe to our audio via YouTube.
11/08/24•20m 46s
Emily and Heidi are best friends. We first met them in a story called Fear (about a phobia of dogs). In this story, they are both on a school trip to sunny Greek island of Crete. Heidi studies ancient Greek. Emily is just along for the trip - and yet Emily seems to receive all the teacher's praise for her knowledge of mythology. Heidi starts to feel an unfamiliar emotion. She's not sure what it is, but it threatens their friendship. Read by Jana. Written by Jana and Bertie. Dedicated to Julia in Romania who supports Storynory.
02/08/24•17m 37s
Pandora's Jar
We tell the Greek Creation myth, including the Battle of the Titans, Prometheus steals fire from Zeus, and Pandora releases evils from her Jar. EPIC! Visit us at for more stories! And get our audio on YouTube.
06/07/24•14m 11s
Katie and the Magic Theatre
The old Theatre in Katie's town is reopening - and the first performance is a musical about a young witch. Katie's friend Isis is very keen to audition for the part - the only problem is that she can't sing or dance! Katie comes to her friend's aid with a little magic - and unexpected results.
16/06/24•17m 37s
Quad Monkey
The jungle is filled with the sound of chain saws. It turns out that the humans are building tracks through the jungle. What is this all about? The monkey the bear rush to find out. Sponsored by CrunchLabs.
04/06/24•20m 58s
Rockford Arrives on the Island of Infinity
We drop by to tell you about a podcast by our friends at kids Stories, Science and Secrets. We’ve known the creators for years and years, and we’ve long carried their adventures about a dog called Rockford on our website. Their audio has a lot in common with ours, and we are fans, and so are many of our listeners.. Now they have a new podcast called Kids Stories, Science and Secrets and our friend, Matthew Sweetapple is here to explain more - and there's a special excerpt.
30/05/24•4m 10s
Birdy and the Other Bird
Birdy is a rather special crow who can talk. He’s befriended a boy called Jake, who thinks that Birdy is unique - a true one off - until, well listen to the story and find out. And at the end of the story we have a bonus, an excerpt from our friends at the Stories, Science and Secrets podcast.
08/05/24•21m 43s
Narcissus (Greek Myth)
Ever heard someone called 'narcissistic'? It means they love themselves a LOT. The word comes from an ancient Greek boy named Narcissus who was so into his own reflection, he forgot about everything else! Imagine missing out on life because you're too busy looking in a mirror. A water nymph named Echo tried to say “hi” to him but he was too in love with his own reflection to notice her. You could say Narcissus invented the Selfie! Remember, it's great to feel good about yourself, but don't forget the world around you! Read by Natasha Adapted by Bertie (from Ovid)
20/04/24•6m 27s
Introducing Stories, Science & Secrets
Introducing Stories, Science & Secrets, a podcast by our friends Elaine and Matthew Sweetapple along with the comedian Steve Punt. Our fellow Brits! Follow a dog called Rockford and a boy called Moog on a fantastic adventure and learn all sorts of stuff that is too interesting for school!
18/04/24•2m 27s
The Vanity Cat
A cat is in love with a human princess. But he takes no notice of her ... until the cat transforms into a human princess. Based on fable by Aesop. Do you think there will be a fairy tale ending? Read by Jana. Written by Bertie for Storynory.
23/03/24•11m 21s
The Monkey and the Flea
Our cheeky monkey is bothered by an itchy flea. The flea claims he's "just like the monkey". What do you think? Read by Jana and written by Bertie for Storynory.
04/03/24•11m 7s
Katie and the Cat Teacher
Katie is learning Latin - the language of the ancient Romans - at school. What's the point of this deadbeat language? Her mother says there is every point to learning Latin, especially if you are a witch who needs to understand magic. And as Katie is not making much progress, her mother finds her a Latin Tutor - a highly unusual one as it turns out. Read by Natasha. Written by Bertie.
19/02/24•14m 19s
The Chinese Year of the Dragon 2024
Happy Chinese Year of Dragon 2024! All over the world, including London’s Chinatown, you can see Chinese processions with banging drums, clashing symbols and a dragon dance performance. This story celebrates the rain-making qualities of Chinese Dragons
07/02/24•5m 59s
Stories, Science and Secrets Interview
We talk to our friends Matthew and Elaine Sweetapple, the Creators of Lost on Infinity by Rockford's Rock Opera, and we play the first episode of their story which now features in their Stories, Science and Secrets Podcast. The musical story of a dog called Rockford who travels to an island of extinct animals has been on our website for many years and is very popular. The new podcast reveals the science secrets behind the story.
21/01/24•16m 53s
The Dutch Hotel - The Mischievous Ghost
A ghost is playing pranks on the hotel - some of them are funny but the trouble is, they are getting the hotel a bad name. Who is the mischievous ghost? Parents might like our story of Cleopatra (for 16+)
14/01/24•20m 30s
Christmas in the Jungle
Happy Christmas! We celebrate with a story from the Jungle where Christmas is coming to the animals. Our tricky Monkey friend goes up the Big Mountain and meets a Christmas Elf. All the best to you from Storynory! What we want for Christmas? Leave us a nice comment somewhere please!
22/12/23•19m 6s
Birdy's Christmas Puzzles
Jake is hoping to go to Lapland for Christmas to see Santa, but it all depends on some precarious family finances. The answer lies in a series of puzzles. Can Jake's best friend Birdy, a smart crow, help him and his family to go on this special treat?
12/12/23•19m 41s
Birdy and the Dinosaurs
This is a story about an old friend of ours. His name is Birdy. He’s a crow who has lived for hundreds of years and known all sorts of important people, including kings and queens. In this story Birdy tells Jake that dinosaurs are not necessarily extinct. Birds, for example, are closely related to dinosaurs, and it's just possible that he and his sister might meet one or two.... Also, check out Kids Stories, Science and Secrets by Rockford's Rock Opera.
01/12/23•18m 56s
The Blue Jackal
A story from India's Panchatantra about a hungry Jackal who is dipped in blue dye. The animals in the jungle think that he is a god... and he takes full advantage of the situation. Also look out for our friends' podcast, Kids' Stories, Science and Secrets!w
19/11/23•13m 6s
The Enchanted Deer
A deer transforms into a beautiful girl and visits the village in search of a husband. A Hausa story from Nigeria. Visit for our full archive. Also catch us on YouTube.
07/11/23•5m 33s
Halloween Writing Competition
Here are your stories! The fantastic spooky results of our Halloween Writing Competition. And send us your Magical Holiday stories before Christmas for our next competition
31/10/23•36m 19s
Halloween Chants
Some Halloween Shakespeare! The witches chants Macbeth. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble! Our entire archive going back to 2005 is on And our more grown-up stories are at This is slightly different version from the chants we uploaded to YouTube with some animations. We will be shortly reading out the winning entries from our Halloween writing competition.
22/10/23•5m 32s
The Dutch Hotel: The Ghost Writer
Get in the mood for Halloween with a story from our spooky series, the Dutch Hotel. Every autumn, the renowned historical novelist Angus MacPeabody works on his latest creation in Room 13, drawing inspiration from an old typewriter.... and perhaps from the ghosts of the hotel's past.
11/10/23•26m 25s
The Miracles of St Francis
Of all the saints, St. Francis of Assisi stands out for his deep love for animals and nature. His day is celebrated on the 4th of October, and it's a time when people around the world remember his teachings of peace and kindness towards all creatures. St Francis was born in the Italian city of Assisi in 1181. His father was a wealthy Silk merchant. He went against his parents’ wishes, gave up all his wealth, and became a travelling monk known as a friar. In this episode, I will tell you about a few of the miracles of St Francis, including ones involving birds, a fish, and a wolf. Read by Jana Written for Storynory by Bertie
02/10/23•7m 29s
Halloween Writing Competition
Halloween is on the way, so hurry up and get writing! Send us your spooky story by midnight London Time on October 20,2023. See for details.
26/09/23•2m 23s
Katie and the Invisible Umbrella
Katie is an ordinary girl, but there is one thing that is rather unusual about her. She’s a witch and can do magic spells. Her grandmother is a witch too, and she has a beautiful and very unusual umbrella. When Katie takes it to school, it is confiscated by Miss Vile. Then some unfortunate things start to happen. Story by Bertie. Read by Natasha More classic Katie stories at
15/09/23•17m 26s
The Clever Parrot and the Laid-Back Cat
A vigilant parrot and a carefree cat are friends with very different personalities. When their lives change all of a sudden, how will they both fare in their new environment? See and our sister podcast,
07/09/23•10m 54s
Damsel The Elephant
Damsel is the King's favourite elephant until one day she starts keeping bad company. A Jatarka fable from ancient India. See for text, and check out our sister podcast, https://, for relaxing stories of a spiritual nature.
30/08/23•10m 51s
The Enchanted Tea Kettle
The Classic story of a tea kettle that comes alive and performs circus tricks!
23/08/23•16m 25s
Master Snotty Nose
An old Woodcutter donates his logs to the River Dragon. In return, he receives a boy to look after - the boy has a constantly running nose, and is called Master Snotty Nose. Will he be a blessing or a nuisance to the old man? Full text at
14/08/23•9m 7s
The Kind Old Woman
Another Hausa story from Northern Nigeria. A kind old woman helps a sick bull and shows everyone that being nice is the best magic of all. But watch out! Gizo the tricky spider is always up to something.
27/07/23•20m 8s
Birdy and the Magical Stardust
When the moon mysteriously disappears, it's up to Birdy to venture to the edge of the Earth and nurse her back to health with moon tea. Join Jake, a young dreamer, as he receives a special gift of stardust from Birdy, igniting a magical adventure.
06/07/23•12m 25s
Two Stories from Africa
Two charming stories from Nigeria. The first is a funny fable about a Spider, a Hippo and an Elephant. The second is about a wise man who rides on a Hyena on the way back from Mecca. Umar Isa Dandago links up with us from Nigeria to introduce the story and play the part of the tricky spider. He also tells us about the Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, which is taking place now and features in the second story.
28/06/23•17m 56s
Limericks old and new, whole stories in five silly lines of poetry! Join us on this journey down Limerick Lane. Sponsoored by Kiwico key word Story
20/06/23•8m 9s
The boy who flew in the Sun's Chariot
A Great Greek myth for you! It's a tale of a Greek boy named Phaethon and his extraordinary adventure that changed the face of the world. .Get ready for a tale of gods, superpowers, and a lesson that will stay with you! Listen on, and you will learn how the Sahara in Africa became a desert - or at least you will hear the story, according to ancient Greeks. Sponsored by - crates of innovative and educational projects.
28/05/23•21m 59s
Two fairy tales from England along the theme of "She Shall Go To the Ball!' There's a touch of Cinderella and hint of King Lear. These two stories are romantic and fun. Sponsored by Kiwico, promo code "story".
28/04/23•22m 13s
Tears of the Tigress
A little girl is sick and the doctors says the only medicine that can cure her comes from the tears of the tigress. The Monkey promises to trick the Tigress into giving up some tears. Will his tricks succeed? Dedicated to Hallie in New York.
15/04/23•24m 23s
Rowland and the Fairy Queen
Childe Rowland agrees to pay a ransom to the fairy queen to rescue the innkeeper's daughter. But is it a trap? Will the Queen steal the sword Excalibur? Sponsored by
04/04/23•20m 46s
Rowland 3. Herbal Cure
Rowland's sister is healing the wounds of the Innkeeper - but the older brothers, Benedict and Edmond are convinced that he is a highwayman who tried to rob them. What is the innkeeper's secret? Sponsored by
26/03/23•13m 39s
2 Childe Rowland - at the Inn
16/03/23•17m 43s
Childe Rowland
Childe Rowland to the Dark Tower Came .... an ancient story from England about the son of King Arthur... and maybe the first of more stories.
06/03/23•19m 21s
Honest Jack
Happy Valentine! A folk tale from England about an honest boy who wants to marry his sweetheart - and receives some magical help. Dedicated to Edwyn in California who supports us on Patreon.
11/02/23•21m 45s
The Bear's Birthday Party
The Bear is throwing a birthday party. Should he ask the tricky Monkey to play the music for him?
30/01/23•11m 59s
The Year of the Rabbit
Wishing you prosperity for the Year of the Rabbit with this traditional Chinese story about the Moon Rabbit.
20/01/23•5m 11s
The Ramayana 3 - the Palace Plot
King Daśaratha is about to announce that his Son Rama will be the next King. But Queen Kaikeyi wants her son to be king. A plot unfolds and the king faces a terrible dilemma.
05/01/23•19m 37s
Katie and the Christmas Chimney
We re-release a Storynory Christmas favourite about Katie the Witch. Katie's school is looking into Victorian times - including Chimney Sweeps. How could this relate to Katie's Chrismtas? Find out!
23/12/22•17m 23s
The Cat Who Wanted to be a Monkey
Two funny stories about our tricky Monkey. The are both about wanting the impossible! In the first, Baby Bushcat wants to be a monkey - so he can play and have fun all day. In the second story, the Monkey wants to fly - but ends up falling - for a trick - and literally falling too! Thank you to Wondery for supporting the show. Check out Flip and Mozi's Guide to How to be an Earthling for fun and education.
05/12/22•16m 38s