The Weekly Perspective with David Morgan 5.14.17
Weekly perspective for 5-12-2017. Japan's government debt reaches record high. 10 trillion is one of the most indebted countries in the world. They've been rolling up the debt for decades. Moody's has downgraded Canada's Big 6 banks. Another sign that the debt problem is global and systemic. David Stockman says that the market is on big bubble waiting to pop. Stock market since March has shown great gains from the go-go stocks but the broader market isn't doing so well. Look for a market fall in the fall. China is on track to totally phase out paper money, ironic the first country to introduce paper money will be the first to phase it out. And bitcoin hits another record, $1800. Interesting to say the least. Metals are lackluster. HUI has had a few strong days. Texas is trying to pass the Texas Depository to hold the people's gold.