Love, Marriage, Divorce, Travel & Saving NATO
According to new scientific research, we're not meant to live in the moment. Our most human trait is planning for the future. Worriers, Unite!~ this is good news fro those of us who like to lie awake at night and imagine all the ways out future plans could go awry-- or right. From the New York Times, We Aren't Meant to Live in the Moment
Madam Secretary Watchers know all about Article 5! We are so ahead of headline news last week. But did you know that another Madam Secretary storyline parallels the crush the Khadaffi had on Secretary Rice? Yup. Read the review of her book Democracy here.
First Ladies Desk: Renewing the mission to leave the Ladies alone.
Love is in the Air:
Short Term Marriage Contracts
Runniers Wedding
Questions to ask yourself before a Divorce
Delia Ephron writes about a Modern Love we can get behind
Operations Sea Turtle Set Back
plus, Celebraity Sighting in Santa Monica
Wonder Woman single-sex screenings
Alanis Morrisette's New Musical-- You Oughta Go.
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