Literary London | 141

Literary London | 141

By Tsh Oxenreider

A few weeks ago I tried a new thing in my work: I led a group of 6 other women to London, exploring a tiny scratch of the literary soil there — the footsteps of Jane Austen, CS Lewis, Dickens, Shakespeare, Chesterton, and more.

It was the most gratifying and fulfilling thing I’ve done in my career in a long while. And I tried this whole beta-test of an experience with a dear friends, Emily P. Freeman, who co-led the group with me.

I led the travel logistics, spearheaded the vision of where we went and explored, and why — and Emily led the group dynamics, the conversations we had, helped us think through our next right thing in our work and life. I led the outer work of our time, and Emily led the inner work.

In this episode, Emily and I talk about what it was like for the two of us to lead Literary London for the first time.

Notes From This Episode:

Emily's blog Emily's podcast, The Next Right Thing Emily on Instagram and Twitter Tsh (me) on Instagram and Twitter Literary London (sign up to know when there's another one scheduled!) #literarylondon and #travelswithtsh on Instagram For any links and codes from our lovely sponsors, head here

Literary London | 141
Literary London | 141