Our Highs + Lows of 2017

Our Highs + Lows of 2017

By Ingrid Nilsen & Cat Valdes

Happy New Year! Reflecting on the past year is something that we all tend to do around New Year's Eve. Looking back on the year is not about beating yourself up and seeing what you need to do better, it's about reflection and gratitude. Even if you have plenty to be thankful for, it can be tough to know where to start, and it's easy to dwell on disappointments. We talk about how we've both been feeling stuck and uninspired this year. What can we do to look inward, move forward and focus on what we're passionate about? Ingrid shares her feelings about an unexpected loss of a family member and how it has changed the way she's looking at other relationships in her life. Cat has admittedly had the hardest year ever, and while she knows she'll probably deal with anxiety and depression for a long time, she explains how she's going to channel a feeling of change into a fresh start for 2018. Breaking down the highs and low of the past year can make you feel more capable and prepared to take on anything that come your way in the new year.
Our Highs + Lows of 2017
Our Highs + Lows of 2017
Ladies Who Lunch