Color in the Queer Community (with Melantha Hodge)

Color in the Queer Community (with Melantha Hodge)

By Ingrid Nilsen & Cat Valdes

As Pride Month comes to an end, we chat with our friend Melantha Hodge about working in the music industry as a gay woman of color. How has it affected the way she's been treated by men in the business? Why do certain cultures react differently to members of the gay community? We also debate whether or not the LGBTQ flag should also represent race, and help a listener who doesn't feel the need to come out about her sexuality. Society's constant need for labels can pressure you to publicize parts of yourself, even if that's out of your comfort zone. Whether you announce this personal information, or keep it private, how will you ultimately stick to your own decisions? P.S. Thank you Vanity Planet! Go to and get 50% off your first order with the code LWLvibe
Color in the Queer Community (with Melantha Hodge)
Color in the Queer Community (with Melantha Hodge)
Ladies Who Lunch