Marriage: True Love or a Trap? (Rebroadcast)

Marriage: True Love or a Trap? (Rebroadcast)

By Ingrid Nilsen & Cat Valdes

We're off for the holidays, but we'll be back with new episodes next week! In the meantime, we're sharing one of our favorites, when our best friends Eileen and Carrie joined us to discuss the hype around marriage. Why has marriage become the ultimate goal? Will we ever tie the knot? Can a couple still love each other but not be in love? We also share our biggest fears about marriage, the media's impact on our views, and the fate of our last names after the honeymoon. Marriage has been redefined from a transaction, an evolutionary necessity, a testament of love - but honestly, it's whatever you want it to be. What does marriage mean to you?
Marriage: True Love or a Trap? (Rebroadcast)
Marriage: True Love or a Trap? (Rebroadcast)
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