Breakups, Part Two: The Rejectors

Breakups, Part Two: The Rejectors

By Ingrid Nilsen & Cat Valdes

Our second episode of this breakup series delves into the dilemma of being the rejector, the one to call it quits. How do you know if there's a right time to break up? How can you break up with someone by being direct, and without being an asshole? We also compare the pros and cons of taking a break, and discuss how pressure from society may convince us to stay in an unwanted relationship. Debating a breakup is often riddled with guilt for hurting your partner and fear of never finding "the one." But honestly ask yourself - Do you really want that person? Or do you just want the relationship?
Breakups, Part Two: The Rejectors
Breakups, Part Two: The Rejectors
Ladies Who Lunch