Season Four Announcements + Trailer
Just a few updates on live shows (we're coming for you, Atlanta!) and our next season. Casper and Vanessa share what they're excited for in Goblet of Fire and we give you a preview of our new video. Check out the beautiful animation, by Hannah O'Neal at:
Somerville Show: October 18th, The Somerville Armory
Atlanta Show: November 8th, Park Avenue Baptist Church
Next week, we'll be reading Chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Riddle House, through the theme of instinct. That episode will be released on Thursday, October 5th. Talk to you then!
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Somerville Show: October 18th, The Somerville Armory
Atlanta Show: November 8th, Park Avenue Baptist Church
Next week, we'll be reading Chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Riddle House, through the theme of instinct. That episode will be released on Thursday, October 5th. Talk to you then!
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