Instagram, Furries, Politics Round Up, Neil deGrasse Tyson
Hey there Cool Kid! Welcome to our first MaxFunDrive episode! We are so excited and we hope you are too! We have a lot to cover on this episode, so buckle up! First, Instagram is planning a new way to display their timeline. Some Syrian refugees ended up mingling with a Furry Convention! Also, let's learn a little about Furries! We've got a bunch of stories in Politics Round Up! Weird KKK endorsements, weird Ben Carson endorsements, weird Boehner endorsements and so much MORE! Neil deGrasse Tyson is a very popular smart guy, but he really put his foot in his mouth! You know, what he said really reminds us of a song... All that, plus the Wi-Five of the Week! Don't forget to go to and support Trends Like These!