ID4-2, Pride Month, Fair Foods, Hoverboard, Confederate Flag, Jake Lloyd, Undo Send, Make Up/Fake Up, Bus Rescue

ID4-2, Pride Month, Fair Foods, Hoverboard, Confederate Flag, Jake Lloyd, Undo Send, Make Up/Fake Up, Bus Rescue

By Travis, Brent and Courtney

Friends, we are so glad you've joined us yet again!

This week, we briefly touch on some Independence Day 2 news. Also, happy Pride month! Then, Travis runs through the new food you can expect to find at the Minnesota State Fair! Lexus is (supposedly) developing a hoverboard!!! There's been a lot of debate this week about the Confederate flag. So much so that it is now impacting long canceled TV shows! Another former child star is in the news this week! Google unveils a life saving (depending on how look at it) new email option. In the down-lowed this week, a woman with terrible make up makes up a stupid lie. But a bus driving hero quickly proves how awesome he is in this week's wi-five!

Don't forget to grab a gift bag on your way out! (There's an iPod touch in there!)

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