#BestFriendDay, Passwords, Hot Dog Pizza, The Tonys, The Saldanas, #4BestWordsEver, Blood Donor Hero

#BestFriendDay, Passwords, Hot Dog Pizza, The Tonys, The Saldanas, #4BestWordsEver, Blood Donor Hero

By Travis, Brent and Courtney

Gather round and hear the legend of... OUR LATEST EPISODE! This week, we talk briefly of best friendship! Is your password secure?! ...is it "password1"? Pizza Hut's new hotdog pizza: monstrosity or good time party treat? Listen as Travis and Brent wow you with their Broadway knowledge! Zoe Saldana's husband took her last name and everything is still ok. What do you think are the best four words ever? In the wi-five this week, a hero man with super blood! Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to grab a toy out of the prize bucket on your way out!

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