Ep. 002: DadBod, Aging Couple, Bat-Jaden, #DescribeYourselfIn3Words, Simon Pegg
They said it couldn't be done, but we're BACK with episode two! This week, Travis and Brent talk about their DadBods and discuss the fact that they are both big fans of MomBods! Travis is slightly confused and (for some reason) slightly angered by the video of an engaged couple getting old age make up applied... for some reason. Apprently, Jaden Smith wore a pretty badass Batman suit to prom and the fellas can't decide if this is awesome or not. Can you DescribeYourselfIn3Words? Everyone on Twitter did! Travis and Brent weigh in on controversial statements made by Simon Pegg this week. All that, plus a Wi-Five of the week that facilitates farting on planes! Enjoy!