Hail to the Matriarchy

Hail to the Matriarchy

By MaximumFun.org

This week, Guy and the gang talk about their favorite first ladies and lady presidents in movies and TV. Is there a fictional first lady that ISN'T some kind of commentary on Hillary? What kind of media would we like to see about the Obamas? When will Melania spill the tea? Plus, Margaret's baby makes his first podcast appearance, Wynter discusses Chris Rock's Netflix special, Guy talks Queer Eye, and the panel has a conversation on Parkland and Emma Gonzalez' speech on gun control.

With Guy BranumWynter MitchellKaren Tongson and Margaret Wappler.

That’s My Jam:

Margaret Wappler - Tammy Wynette - Stand By Your Man
Karen Tongson and Wynter Mitchell- Kendrick Lamar feat. SZA - All the Stars
Guy Branum - Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Candidate

Each week we’ll add everyone’s jams to our Spotify playlists.

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Produced by Christian Dueñas for MaximumFun.org.

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