Spike Lee's Chi-Raq
The team sits down to share their thoughts on Spike Lee’s new movie Chi-Raq which uses the premise of women withholding sex from their men to stop a gang war. They also touch on their favorite Spike Lee films.
With Guy Branum MaximumFun.org (http://www.guybranum.com), Wynter Mitchell (http://wyntermitchell.com), Margaret Wappler (http://www.margaretwappler.com) and Oliver Wang (http://www.margaretwappler.com)
Favorite Jams
Wynter Mitchell Someone Great by LCD Soundsystem
Oliver Wang TOh Girl by The Chi-Lites
Margaret Wappler Mr. Telephone Man by Erykah Badu
Each week we'll add everyone's jams to this handy Spotify ListSpotify playlist.
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