DE92: Amelia Presley | Let's Go on a Southern Vacation!
A great swimmer and a superb singer! Yes, she is!
Amelia Presley, distant cousin of the King of Rock, is on the show today! Guess what! We talk about a lot of awesome stuff that will surely get you up and rockin’! From songwriting process to recording to performing, we go through all things music-related with Amelia!
On this episode, we also discuss social media and the role it plays on her music career! You definitely need to check it out!
My favorite parts:
I loved listening to Amelia’s music - really powerful voice and production is stellar! Check out her songs on this episode! Did you know that Amelia is also part of the Coast Guard? Wow! She talks about working with Jill Pavel on the Heart Songs for Veterans label. What a great way of showing you care for the heroes of the US. Amelia is performing at the CMAs! Isn’t that the most awesome thing? Not only is she a rockin’ musician, she’s also a mom and wife! She’s having a little girl in July - another rock star in the making, perhaps? Listen in as Amelia talks about what’s she’s excited about and what’s up and coming in her world!
Amelia Presley songs featured:
Here Comes Trouble Southern Vacation Drop the Hammer Hard-headed Mama
Reach out to Amelia Presley
Twitter: @amelia_presley
Instagram: @ameliapresleymusic
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