116 - January 2018 – LIVE #ActOnThisTV Open Mic Q&A!

116 - January 2018 – LIVE #ActOnThisTV Open Mic Q&A!

By Ross Grant


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It's that time of the month again folks!

Welcome to January 2018's #ActOnThisTV open mic Q&A!

These events happen LIVE, on the first Monday of each month at 9PM. It's YOUR chance to ask me ANYTHING on acting, voiceover, social media marketing, mindset... whatever you like.

Listen to this broadcast to discover the easiest way to support people of influence in the acting industry, the best platform to host your website on as an actor, why the traditional casting route isn't the only way to land high-profile acting gigs + LOTS MORE!

If you are an actor who has a higher vision for yourself and your career, come join the Act On This and Bulletproof Actor communities!

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