126: Make Better
David’s off this week, so here it is; a little preview of how TCGS will sound in 2019 when David takes a year off to look after this second child.
Oh wait. What’s that? Sean’s also not on the show because he’s suddenly unwell an hour before recording? Ah.
Well that just leaves James and Mat to carry the torch and do something for the listeners. I mean sure, James would have liked nothing more than for Mat to cancel and not release a show this week, but unless we’re all dead from a freak schmelting accident, that’s not happening. We’ve got a commitment to the listeners and nothing will ever break that. EVER.
Games discussed: Golf Story, Pool Panic, Fist of the North Star, Forza Horizon 4, Black Ops 4, Mark of the Ninja.
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Artwork by BigShimmeryWall
Music by Nick Parton