RV002: Two weeks down, Dan has a confession to make and what triggered us to go Vegetarian

RV002: Two weeks down, Dan has a confession to make and what triggered us to go Vegetarian

By The Reluctant Vegan | One Ordinary Man’s Attempt At A Vegan Lifestyle

An in depth, no-holds-barred and confronting look at what it takes to go Vegan. Follow one regular guy’s quest (assisted by his very able Vegan educated partner) on how and why we should consider a Vegan lifestyle.

Go to www.reluctantvegan.com.au for more information

In this episode we tackle:

How this week has been Dan has a confession to make What triggered us to go Vegetarian Jess’ weekly tip + much more

This week's tip:

Go to the Animals Australia website to view their 'Cruelty Free Living' section at animalsaustralia.org

This week's Quote:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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Snapchat - Jess - http://www.snapchat.com/add/jivebong

Thanks so much for listening!

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