Jeremy Vine, Steve Davis, Ana Matronic and Simon Day play Blood on the Tracks

Jeremy Vine, Steve Davis, Ana Matronic and Simon Day play Blood on the Tracks

By BBC Sounds

Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine, snooker star turned DJ Steve Davis, Ana Matronic from the Scissor Sisters and comic actor Simon Day join Colin Murray for this episode of Blood on the Tracks.

Up for debate are greatest collaborations, Eurovision favourites and best album closer while the four ponder what song he would cover if Elvis were still alive.

Featuring a wide variety of music with obscure favourites playing alongside music from Abba, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, and Aretha Franklin.

The panel also subject themselves to The Shuffle with disastrous consequences for one guest, and some weird and wonderful selections as they hit the random button on their music players.

The podcast of the show has additional content to the one hour on-air version.

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