Dear Prudence: The "Socializing While Sober" Edition
Prudence is joined this week by Sophie Bee, a writer, speaker, nightlife promoter, and activist. She has written about film, music, queerness, and sex work. She is an organizer with Support Ho(s)e, a Chicago and New York City based collective advocating for sex worker rights.
Together, they tackle letters about what to do when your ex-wife tells your daughter that you are to blame for their divorce, how to handle being sober around your drinking buddies, what to do when your sister says she’ll harm herself if you continue to contact your mother, how to handle your teenage students lack of fact checking, what to do when your mother continues contact with your abusive ex-husband.
Slate Plus members will hear Prudie and Sophie discuss a letter writer who is wondering what actions to take with a boss who’s implemented a “no pooping” policy, and another letter about what to do when your knowledge of who’s cheating could destroy close friendships. Not yet a member? Sign up at
Production by Phil Surkis
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