Dear Prudence: The "Always Testing Me" Edition
Prudence is joined this week by Chris Randle, a New York based writer who came here from Canada. He's written for places like Hazlitt, The New York Times Magazine, Pitchfork, and Real Life.
Together, they dig into letters about how to handle a brother who is weirded out because he’s dating your ex, how to decide if you should you help someone in your friends circle who’s not actually your friend, what to do about a boyfriend who is always testing you and questioning your commitment, how to handle your husband’s teenage cousin who has a crush on you, what actions to take with a husband who monetarily supports his mother and sister instead of contributing to your household, how to handle your grad school social anxiety and still get some work done.
Slate Plus members will hear Prudie and Chris discuss a letter writer who is wondering how to stop paying a friend’s way whenever they socialize. Not yet a member? Sign up at
Production by Phil Surkis
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