Dear Prudence: The "Aren't We Friends?" Edition
Prudence is joined this week by writer Soraya McDonald, the culture critic for The Undefeated on ESPN. Previously, she wrote about pop culture for the Washington Post, focusing on issues surrounding race, gender, and sexuality.
Together, they dig into letters about what to do with your unused fertility drugs that are taking up precious fridge space, how to handle an unstable mother-in-law who’s adamant about not inviting a beloved family member to your wedding, should you abide your husband’s request for a dominatrix in the wake of your waning sex life, how to handle an annoying coworker who tries to ingratiate herself into my coffee breaks by begging me to buy her coffee.
Slate Plus members will hear Prudie and Soraya discuss a letter writer who is wondering what actions he can take to not upset his mother with his new boundary of not coming home for the holidays. Not yet a member? Sign up at
Production by Phil Surkis
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