Leaned Into the Scruff (Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018 Part 2)

Leaned Into the Scruff (Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018 Part 2)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When Christmas 2018 falls on the same day The Greatest Discovery releases a new episode, it's time to tear open gifts and use your new headphones to listen to Adam & Ben. But when it's revealed that this ep is Season 2 trailer-talk, and the second-half review of the Star Trek Discovery Annual comic book—it's time to gather your friends and family and share the pod around the fireplace. Will Spock's smile stay? Is Stamets jawline still defined? Where are the black toothbrushes?

It's the episode you open in front of your family and have to explain to your grandparents!

Leaned Into the Scruff (Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018 Part 2)
Leaned Into the Scruff (Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018 Part 2)
Greatest Trek: New Star Trek Reviewed