139 // Loneliness and Mindfulness

139 // Loneliness and Mindfulness

By Rachael Kable

Hello and welcome to episode 139 of The Mindful Kind podcast. 

In this episode, I've shared some of my own experiences with loneliness, isolation and mindfulness, plus 5 tips to help you deal with loneliness in a mindful way. 

Tip 1 // Remember that being alone doesn't have to equal loneliness

Tip 2 // Schedule a catch up

Tip 3 // Experience loneliness mindfully

Tip 4 // Engage in self-care

Tip 5 // Create meaningful responsibilities in your life

If you would like to find out more about my live Q and A Facebook group, head over here: http://www.rachaelkable.com/live-q-a/ 

I hope you enjoy the episode and have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind!

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