102 // How to be Assertive

102 // How to be Assertive

By Rachael Kable

Hello and welcome to episode 102 of The Mindful Kind podcast!

This is the second episode of the mini-series about communication, so if you haven't already, you might like to listen to the episode 101 for an introduction to communication. 

In this episode, you'll discover more about assertiveness, including:

Examples of what assertiveness is Some basic assertive rights - to see the full list, here is the link: https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1085484-when-i-say-no-i-feel-guilty-how-to-cope---using-the-skills-of-systema Simple tips for being more assertive

Tip 1 // See the situation from another person's perspective and notice if it would actually be helpful for you to share your real opinion.

Tip 2 // Know that it's ok to change your mind. 

Tip 3 // Try not to take it personally if someone doesn't respond well to your assertiveness. 

Tip 4 // Be assertive as soon as possible to avoid over-thinking it.

I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind. 

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