Can A Super Bowl Spot Save Dark Phoenix? - Mailbag

Can A Super Bowl Spot Save Dark Phoenix? - Mailbag

By Collider

On today’s Collider Mailbag (January 20, 2019), Perri Nemiroff and Mark Reilly answer the following questions from the Collider fans:

1. What’s a film you’ve only seen once and can’t wait to revisit? Likewise, what’s a film you’ve seen once and are perfectly fine never seeing again?

2. Three questions about Final Destination after news that another film is being developed. What is your favorite death scene in the franchise, what kind of death scene would you love to see in the reboot, and which horror director do you think would be perfect to helm the new installment?

3. Browsing Fandango’s Most Anticipated Lists and found that X-Men: Dark Phoenix finished 9th in 2018 (when it was originally going to be released) but didn’t make the cut for 2019. How does Fox get the interest back up and should they start with a Super Bowl spot?

4. What are your thoughts on the Academy allegedly requesting actors not to attend other award shows, specifically the SAG awards?

5. Perri describes horror films as “genre” films, but every movie is a “genre” film. Horror is one TYPE of genre, as is comedy, action, musical, French new wave, etc. Why does she refer to horror as “genre”?

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