160 // Make a List of Things to do for Fun

160 // Make a List of Things to do for Fun

By Rachael Kable

Hello and welcome to episode 160 of The Mindful Kind podcast!

In this episode, you'll discover how to create a list of things to do for fun and why it can be a really important and powerful method of bringing more joy into your life. 

I've also shared my favourite things to do for fun, including:

Watering my indoor plants Curling up on the couch with the dogs and a good book Doing yin yoga Watching funny shows like Lano and Woodley Spending time in nature

Here are 3 reasons why it's important to create a list of things to do for fun:

You can identify what ISN'T on your list and cut down on that activity It helps you make fun a priority Writing fun activities down increases the chance you'll actually do them!

Come over to my Instagram @rachaelkable to show me your own fun lists!

Thank you for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind. 

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