Ep. 180 Behind the scenes of a real life pivot

Ep. 180 Behind the scenes of a real life pivot

By Cloud10

If there's one thing that Awesomes really know about life, it's that sometimes life asks us to take a great big pivot. Tune in this week to hear Meg sit down with co-host Kelly to discuss the big pivot she has taken that involves public radio, walking stairwells for exercise, and 6 AM wake-up times for this confirmed night owl. All of that plus wintry recipe heaven and spectacular photos with your phone in Awesome of the Week! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Madison Reed: Find your perfect shade and get 10% off your first color kit at Madison-Reed.com PROMO CODE: SORTAAWESOME LinkedIn: Go to linkedin.com/AWESOME and get a $50 credit toward your first job post. Terms and conditions apply. Beach Body: Get a free trial membership when you text AWESOME to 303030. Shine Text: A personalized pep talk in your pocket. Get 50% off Shine Premium by visiting shinetext.com/AWESOME Thank you to all of our Sorta Awesome sponsors! You can find Meg on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Find Kelly on her blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Ep. 180 Behind the scenes of a real life pivot
Ep. 180 Behind the scenes of a real life pivot
Sorta Awesome