Curiosity, creativity, and conquering artistic fear

Curiosity, creativity, and conquering artistic fear

By Cloud10

You know you've curious about doing something a little more creative with your free time. But how do you find the courage to go from curious to creative? Awesome Katie Broussard joins Meg today in this Extra Awesome to share how coloring and painting with her children led her down a very unexpected path to becoming a children's book illustrator! Tune in to hear how Katie found the courage to be a beginner in the world of art, and how dabbling with watercolors eventually led to the book Audacious Ignatius! Find Audacious Ignatius at Corde Press! You can find Meg on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram Visit for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Curiosity, creativity, and conquering artistic fear
Curiosity, creativity, and conquering artistic fear
Sorta Awesome