Choose Your Own Adventure Books

Choose Your Own Adventure Books

By Tom Eames and Morgan Jeffery

Take two! We first recorded this episode ages ago, but Tom managed to not record it properly, whoops. So here we finally are!

With some tequila and more beer than usual, this may be the drunkest we’ve ever been, which will make for some adventurous storytelling…

Tom takes Morgan through a history of gamebooks, COYA, Find Your Fate and more, and we also test out three books based on past episodes: ReBootThundercats and James Bond.

Expect plenty of page-turning, regretful alcohol consumption and awful Snarf impressions…

Patreon thank-yous go out to: Sam McCathie, Rob Horrocks and Oli Jeffery.

Choose Your Own Adventure Books
Choose Your Own Adventure Books
Two Geeks, Two Beers