146: Easy Mode
At the time of recording James had a flight in less than ten hours and still hadn't started packing, so we squeezed in what we could into two hours.
And after three podcasts and a couple of streams the previous week, What You Been Playing is a bit thin on the ground, which, as you'll hear in feedback, is probably a good thing for Mat.
Watch TCGS Live at Rezzed this coming Saturday 6th April at 4pm in the Fringe Theatre. Tickets and more information at egx.net/rezzed
Games Discussed: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Yoshi’s Crafted World, Wargroove, The Red Strings Club, Gems of War, Earth Defence Force: Iron Rain, Bloodborne
Fancy giving us a donation to help support the show? Go to paypal.me/thecomputergameshow to show your appreciation.
Artwork by BigShimmeryWall
Music by Nick Parton