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Ep 138: Why Running Will Change Your Life

Ep 138: Why Running Will Change Your Life

By Kelly Roberts

I truly believe I was just desperate enough to become a runner. I was drowning in grief, lonely, dejected, and didn’t know what to do with my life. But to my total and complete astonishment, running showed me that I wasn’t just afraid of failing, I wouldn’t apply myself if I knew I couldn’t do something perfectly.

Today, I want to talk about what I wish I would have known when I first started running. That there’s no such thing as the right time to get started. Or that it doesn’t matter if something feels impossible, the only way you’ll fail is if you fail to try. As long as you want it and you’re willing to work patiently day after day after day, anything is possible.

Ep 138: Why Running Will Change Your Life
Ep 138: Why Running Will Change Your Life
Run, Selfie, Repeat