Dear Prudence: The "Throuple Trouble" Edition
Prudence is joined this week by essayist Jackie Hedeman, whose nonfiction has appeared in The Best American Travel Writing 2017, Entropy, Autostraddle, and elsewhere.
Together they tackle letters about a what to do when you have a former patient who keeps demanding you take them back, how to handle a housemate who has habit of oversharing when he drinks, how to decide to cut off your toxic parents from seeing their grandchildren, what to do when you want your polyamorous relationship to revert back to a monogamous one, how to protect your daughter when your sister is marrying a registered sex offender, what to consider when your addict lover is requesting that you refrain from substances when you don’t have a problem.
Slate Plus members will hear Prudie and Hedeman discuss a letter writer who can’t stand visiting her brother’s home because his kids urinate everywhere and make a mess. Not yet a member? Sign up at
Production by Phil Surkis
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