The “Perfectly Fine, Healthy and Natural” Edition
Prudence is joined this week by Julian K. Jarboe, a writer and sound designer from Massachusetts. Their debut collection, "Everyone on the Moon is Essential Personnel", is forthcoming next spring. They can be found on Twitter @JulianKJarboe.
Together they tackle letters about what to do when you’re suddenly responsible for a young niece and nephew that are practically strangers, should you propose to your boyfriend while also living in an intensely traumatic environment, how to handle a husband who believes masturbation is an act akin to infidelity, what actions to take when you discover the mom at your kid’s playdate house is always screaming at her own kids, what to know if you have suicidal feelings that you don’t want to share with your therapist, what to do when you can’t yet legally change your name, and you get upset when people use it.
Slate Plus members will hear Prudie and Jarboe discuss a letter writer who’s wondering what to do when, as an executor of their will, you discover your relative had an enormous pornography collection. Not yet a member? Sign up at
Production by Phil Surkis
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