CACP - #314 - Joe Squared

CACP - #314 - Joe Squared

By Cocktails and Cream Puffs

Worlds have collided....This week Joey has on special guest and friend to the show, Joe Betance from the Catching Up Podcast!

The Joe's discussed:

-Gay P.D.A. on television.   Acceptable or over the top?

-The Oscar nominations.  Is it a problem that it is a mostly white year or is the Huffington Post stirring shit up?

-Fleas.  I'm scratching just thinking about it.

-A theatrical reading of Donna Suggarz's Facebook manifesto

...and so much more.

To check out the Catching Up Podcast please visit

Podcast Award nominations close February 2nd...Please go to and NOMINATE Cocktails and Cream Puffs ofr People's Choice and GLBT and bring a friend!


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