CACP - #236 - Yes Gary, There is a Santa Claus!

CACP - #236 - Yes Gary, There is a Santa Claus!

By Cocktails and Cream Puffs

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  The snow is falling, homes are decorated with twinkling lights, the smell of pine and merriment permeate the air and little children everywhere are anticipating the arrival of the big man in the red suit, hoping beyond hope that they will end up on his “nice list”.  However, amidst the hustle and bustle after a tantrum or outburst we have all heard the stressed parent’s go to, “I’m going to call Santa”.  Well, this year they won’t have to because he has help with the dreaded NSA trained, Elf on a Shelf!

If you want the Cocktails and Cream Puffs, “Milf on a Shilf” aka Betsy to visit you, send an email with your address to be added to her tour itinerary at .

It’s not too late, be sure to do all your Christmas shopping thru our Amazon link at   

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