CACP - #93 - Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired

CACP - #93 - Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired

By Cocktails and Cream Puffs

Team Cream Puff is about to face off on Family Feud in Rochester this upcoming weekend and thanks to an iPhone app they are able to attempt to brush up their skills and later have a family feud of their own.  By the way, unless the answer is deaf or hearing impaired related, Matt will not be in the fast money round.  This week we also discuss Wendy’s great move, the Rat Pack, theatre etiquette, and how a post on Facebook can open a world of dialogue and of course a little rant about the Podcast Awards.  To everyone who is continuing to vote for us, THANK YOU.  Voting ends Wednesday.  Let’s finish strong.

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