CACP - #89 - Where's Wendy?
This week we recap our fabulous trip for Pride 48 to Las Vegas. What was the most popular question asked of us? You guessed it, “where’s Wendy?”! Our Vegas adventures include meeting all the fabulous podcasters of Pride 48, Joey’s war with Sprint, and the well planned Las Vegas Pride Parade. PS this week’s episode is NOT sponsored by Sprint. Start saving your pennies now for next year’s Pride 48 weekend, it is not to be missed.
Unfortunately, we also had to discuss another tragic teen suicide due to bullying, this one hitting even closer to home. Be part of the solution and spread the message of NO HATE. It does get better.
Finally the Podcast Award nominations end on September 30th. If you have not nominated Cocktails and Cream Puffs yet in the categories of PEOPLE’S CHOICE and BEST GLBT, we need you to go to and do it NOW! We are nothing without you; please show your Creamie Pride and support.
Please consider supporting a new Lesbian themed film “Lesbians of Long Island” by going to