181 // Finding More Life Purpose
Hello and welcome to episode 181 of The Mindful Kind podcast!
Thank you for tuning in to this episode - which is actually coming out on the day of my birthday:)
I thought I would explore the topic of life purpose and how I'm moving forward after achieving my big goal of writing a book (and then feeling a bit lost afterwards).
Here are my 4 top tips for finding more life purpose:
Write down all the things that help you feel purposeful (and perhaps, acknowledge why they help you feel purposeful) Visualise your ideal life - notice the parts of your life that are already ideal and think about how you can work towards creating a more ideal life for yourself Let go of things that don't serve you or hold you back from achieving your potential Remind yourself that it's okay when the reality of achieving a goal is different from what you expected.If you haven't got a copy of The Mindful Kind book, head over to: http://www.rachaelkable.com/themindfulkindbook
I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind.