By Danusia Malina-Derben

Everything I needed to know about the menopause……… told me. This week’s compilation is where we hear the lowdown straight from women – their voices, experiences and truths – on what is still a taboo subject. Menopause is a big part of women’s lives, hair loss, insomnia, skin thinning, night sweats, hopelessness, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, hot flushes, libido drop, rage, brain fog, irritability, anxiety, joint pain, weight gain and many more. So many women feel isolated, suffering in silence, shamed in a youth centric culture, feeling as if their power as women is diminishing. This is accompanied by very physical challenges and mental health dips. It’s a time of immense growth, IF women can steady themselves. This is why these conversations are vital.  In two weeks I will be talking to Meg Mathews an expert on menopause (and Noel Gallagher’s ex-wife), asking all the questions we have about menopause. Oh, there are so many questions! A big thank you to all of our contributors (in order of appearance): ...

Anonymous, 53, mother of two

Amanda - 44 yr old Mom of 2 boys -8 & 11. “I had breast cancer at age 40. Kicked it! Learning to live gracefully and easily with my “new” body and my fears, and desiring to learn my life lessons without any more drama!”

Meryl Lynn Ranzer Human, Artist, Activator, Big mouth, Teacher, Media Manager-New Sanctuary Coalition NYC, Mom

Sarah, a 55 year old mother, step mother, business owner and meno-matriarch from Birmingham

Joan, a writer and photographer, lives in New York City with her husband

Peggy Starnes Entrepreneur, making and selling renaissance clothing. Mom of 4. 54 years old and in the process of menopause right now.

Claire, a resilient mother of 2 girls, UK.

Kimberly - also known as @nakedyogagoddess on Instagram and The Pleasured Mom @safelovefree on Facebook

Read the full show notes over on our website

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