Bonus: "A Guy Who Just Didn't Want To Play Politics"

Bonus: "A Guy Who Just Didn't Want To Play Politics"

By ABC News

"The Investigation" brings you a bonus episode on the day of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony on Capitol Hill. After a 22 month investigation, a 448 page report, and countless Presidential tweets-Robert Mueller himself was sworn in to testify before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees. Now, our co-hosts Chris Vlasto, John Santucci and Matt Mosk are joined by ABC News Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas and Senior National Correspondent Terry Moran to break down all the critical moments for both sides of the aisle, from Congressman Ted Lieu's question about the Office of Legal Counsel opinion that had Democrats temporarily rejoicing, to Mueller's passionate defense of his investigation: "It is not a witch hunt." Thomas, who has covered Mueller for decades, brings historical context to today's testimony: "he'll be remembered as a guy who didn’t want to play politics, he did not want to engage in a circus."

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